Sunday, January 30, 2005
We Listen To Music We Love Until Our Ears Bleed
I finally spend my whole Sunday uploaded all the delayed pictures, which took me heaps effort to do so. Don't say I am lazy, coz I am so not! Look, I haven't sleep much for the whole week; I lost my USB wire couple days ago; moreover, I'm just a 56K Dial Up user. Anyhow, it's all dropped in my photo album, so go and check it out baby!

-Sydeny Festival BecksBar Nite-

-Kendra's Farewell-

-My Sydney Diaries III-
(includes Allnighter & Sisse Farewell, etc)
Friday just been working in FBi with my sleepy eyes, it was so hectic since we have so many giveaways and wednesday was a day off (Australian Day). entering data and organising guestlist... so and so, with my fatigue body, I almost screw up the Le Tigre Guestlist... *sigh* Bad girl like me deserve to be spanked til my arse's gone... (LOL!! What a punishment!)
But I did something very proud and drove my spirit up to the top! I was asked to read the script for the DJ Krush promotion, of course it is my honor to do it! If you hear the DJ Krush gig read on FBi, that was me!!! *kandou* and yes! I'm going to see DJ Krush with whatever cost me~!!! He is super orsum and sugoi kakkoii ne! Last year in his show has already heat up my soul like lava, how could I miss this one? So who's going???
Sophie was being very kind and give me a lift home again, but again, I forgot my camera at the office! That's really shit me, coz I thought I could have a nap before I go to see electrocute, but then I just travel all the way back to FBi, grab my camera and just walk back up to the Hyde Park Barracks directly... pffff! My energy level has reached below the high crisis of collapsing.... @_@;;;;
Anyway, I got there and collect my FREE ticket (hehe~ thank you Lezel), then not more than a minute I met James. Boy from Brazil was the first one who kick off the show, this man is crazy... He just sticked duct tape all over his body and kept telling people that he is funny. The video that he played was sooooo funny, they are like a series of short clips loop to fit in the beat that he played, and most of them are edited from porn... Me and James was just laughing so hard and giggling embarassingly later on. The whole thing just totally reminds me the Machine Gun Fellatio, same crazy shit. Kath and Lezel join in awhile later.
Electrocute came up in the second round, this is a very cool german duo, and more importanly, it is girls on run! (cute brats, I have to say~) To describe this band, they deliver a freakishly good set of sonic candy, a twisted assortment of swaggering garage-punk guitars, fussy raunchy vocals combined with high energy dance beats. Orsum band, go and see the pictures and you can see how cute when they dance~ love it love it love it....
And KID606, god that was f**king hardcore! I couldn't stand in the marquee, we almost go deaf. But he plays pretty good beats... and I just sitting outside and enjoy the animation video on the screen. (as you can see in the pictures.) MAD!
+++++ +++++ +++++
Saturday, I headed to Sisse's Gothic farewell party, I was too tired to dress up myself, so I just put on some make up just to cover up my tireness and hit the road. Make up obvious can cover up my tire appearance, but not my physical fatigue. I miss the stop and have to walk all the way back to her place, how stupid!? Walked into the house, no one I know whatsoever, but people are very nice to talk fortunately.
First thing to do is write some message on the red wallpaper and Sisse's farewell guestbook. I used my rusty drawing skill and created some nice manga, I can tell my drawing skill was very crap comparing with my past artwork. However, seems it still good enough to impress people, what a relieve.... *phew* Have some punch and started to mingle with the people.
Some people there were quite amazed when they saw me, which I have no idea why. Then I realised that they have came to see my performance show, which I act in Sisse's play. Hence, it was pretty much I was being interview by them, talking about how I handle the rape scene, emotional control and so on. There, I also met Nicola who was also studied in Macquarie Uni and then more mingle with her boyfriend Chris and her friend Simon. Drum and Bass was probably the major topic that we had last nite, I'm not a big big fan of DnB, but knowing LTJ Bukem and Roni Size was kool enough to impress them~! haha...
Then I went to another corner and got to know a kool gothic chick Ananda, and we have so many funny conversation, she is an orsum person! We also have a big discussion about vegetarian, weird people and the best party activity "Meatshake"... It's a very gross game, so I'm not gonna talk about it here, if you wanna know, just ask me in messenger, in email, or in person. :)
Started to walk home from Lane Cove 2:30 in the morning, which I have expected it would take me an hour and a half to walk. Trust me, I REALLY WANNA TAKE A CAB, BUT THERE'S NONE! So my plan was keep walking, keep looking for cabs. When I was walking on the Mowbray Road, there was a Bus stopped in front of me, the bus driver want to give me a lift, he went "a girl walking alone in the morning is very dangerous, get up and I take you to chatswood" Aww... So I got up and back home at 3am. People I told you, Bus drivers were not all that bad.
P.S. It's back to quarter of my palm is purple red today, but still can't move my thumb too extreme.
P.P.S. I have a funny dream last nite, I dreamt I was talking on the phone with my friend in Germany, then she passed the phone to another friend in Switerland and then he passed it to another one in Spain... yea, and they don't know each other... and we were talking about meeting up in the Glebe market and go shopping. haha. I love dreams that doesn't make sense at all...
[[audio: L'arc-en-ciel - Killing Me]]
I finally spend my whole Sunday uploaded all the delayed pictures, which took me heaps effort to do so. Don't say I am lazy, coz I am so not! Look, I haven't sleep much for the whole week; I lost my USB wire couple days ago; moreover, I'm just a 56K Dial Up user. Anyhow, it's all dropped in my photo album, so go and check it out baby!

-Sydeny Festival BecksBar Nite-

-Kendra's Farewell-

-My Sydney Diaries III-
(includes Allnighter & Sisse Farewell, etc)
Friday just been working in FBi with my sleepy eyes, it was so hectic since we have so many giveaways and wednesday was a day off (Australian Day). entering data and organising guestlist... so and so, with my fatigue body, I almost screw up the Le Tigre Guestlist... *sigh* Bad girl like me deserve to be spanked til my arse's gone... (LOL!! What a punishment!)
But I did something very proud and drove my spirit up to the top! I was asked to read the script for the DJ Krush promotion, of course it is my honor to do it! If you hear the DJ Krush gig read on FBi, that was me!!! *kandou* and yes! I'm going to see DJ Krush with whatever cost me~!!! He is super orsum and sugoi kakkoii ne! Last year in his show has already heat up my soul like lava, how could I miss this one? So who's going???
Sophie was being very kind and give me a lift home again, but again, I forgot my camera at the office! That's really shit me, coz I thought I could have a nap before I go to see electrocute, but then I just travel all the way back to FBi, grab my camera and just walk back up to the Hyde Park Barracks directly... pffff! My energy level has reached below the high crisis of collapsing.... @_@;;;;
Anyway, I got there and collect my FREE ticket (hehe~ thank you Lezel), then not more than a minute I met James. Boy from Brazil was the first one who kick off the show, this man is crazy... He just sticked duct tape all over his body and kept telling people that he is funny. The video that he played was sooooo funny, they are like a series of short clips loop to fit in the beat that he played, and most of them are edited from porn... Me and James was just laughing so hard and giggling embarassingly later on. The whole thing just totally reminds me the Machine Gun Fellatio, same crazy shit. Kath and Lezel join in awhile later.
Electrocute came up in the second round, this is a very cool german duo, and more importanly, it is girls on run! (cute brats, I have to say~) To describe this band, they deliver a freakishly good set of sonic candy, a twisted assortment of swaggering garage-punk guitars, fussy raunchy vocals combined with high energy dance beats. Orsum band, go and see the pictures and you can see how cute when they dance~ love it love it love it....
And KID606, god that was f**king hardcore! I couldn't stand in the marquee, we almost go deaf. But he plays pretty good beats... and I just sitting outside and enjoy the animation video on the screen. (as you can see in the pictures.) MAD!
+++++ +++++ +++++
Saturday, I headed to Sisse's Gothic farewell party, I was too tired to dress up myself, so I just put on some make up just to cover up my tireness and hit the road. Make up obvious can cover up my tire appearance, but not my physical fatigue. I miss the stop and have to walk all the way back to her place, how stupid!? Walked into the house, no one I know whatsoever, but people are very nice to talk fortunately.
First thing to do is write some message on the red wallpaper and Sisse's farewell guestbook. I used my rusty drawing skill and created some nice manga, I can tell my drawing skill was very crap comparing with my past artwork. However, seems it still good enough to impress people, what a relieve.... *phew* Have some punch and started to mingle with the people.
Some people there were quite amazed when they saw me, which I have no idea why. Then I realised that they have came to see my performance show, which I act in Sisse's play. Hence, it was pretty much I was being interview by them, talking about how I handle the rape scene, emotional control and so on. There, I also met Nicola who was also studied in Macquarie Uni and then more mingle with her boyfriend Chris and her friend Simon. Drum and Bass was probably the major topic that we had last nite, I'm not a big big fan of DnB, but knowing LTJ Bukem and Roni Size was kool enough to impress them~! haha...
Then I went to another corner and got to know a kool gothic chick Ananda, and we have so many funny conversation, she is an orsum person! We also have a big discussion about vegetarian, weird people and the best party activity "Meatshake"... It's a very gross game, so I'm not gonna talk about it here, if you wanna know, just ask me in messenger, in email, or in person. :)
Started to walk home from Lane Cove 2:30 in the morning, which I have expected it would take me an hour and a half to walk. Trust me, I REALLY WANNA TAKE A CAB, BUT THERE'S NONE! So my plan was keep walking, keep looking for cabs. When I was walking on the Mowbray Road, there was a Bus stopped in front of me, the bus driver want to give me a lift, he went "a girl walking alone in the morning is very dangerous, get up and I take you to chatswood" Aww... So I got up and back home at 3am. People I told you, Bus drivers were not all that bad.
P.S. It's back to quarter of my palm is purple red today, but still can't move my thumb too extreme.
P.P.S. I have a funny dream last nite, I dreamt I was talking on the phone with my friend in Germany, then she passed the phone to another friend in Switerland and then he passed it to another one in Spain... yea, and they don't know each other... and we were talking about meeting up in the Glebe market and go shopping. haha. I love dreams that doesn't make sense at all...
[[audio: L'arc-en-ciel - Killing Me]]
To Wance,
Happy Birthday my lovely jellybean.
Take care yourself.
love, fay

Happy Birthday my lovely jellybean.
Take care yourself.
love, fay
Friday, January 28, 2005
A Night That's Guaranteed To Be Positively... For My Deletation
So you think I will be a good girl, staying at home and recover myself? WRONG! I told you I wouldn't be a nice girl anymore, so I went out and back home at four in the morning!! I didn't go to the Hives, didn't go to The Chemical Brother neither. I got a call from Jesse this afternoon, asking me to come for Kendra's last day surprise gathering. I was preparing to see the concert, then I just rush out to Kendras without having any dinner whatsoever.
I was such a rock chick (smoke eyes, spiky belts, red sport shoes) tonite, coz I was so ready to go to see the Hives. But then I ended up being in Kendra's farewell, Scotty and Jesse also gave up going to see Chemical Brothers and stay with Kendra instead. I know the Hives is good, but seeing a good friend before I still can, I would rather to give up seeing The Hives, coz it's something I can see it next time or on DVD. Sorry Karol that I ditched you, but you have your friend with you, I'm sure you would have fun. :) make it up to you tomorrow!
It wasn't too emotional, maybe everyone still haven't sense that it's tomorrow afternoon that she is leaving, or perhaps no one wanna upset others. But when I looked at Lena, I started having a drop and two came out from my eyes, and I tried pretty hard to stop it, really proud of everyone was being so strong. More importantly, I think Jesse is the man tonite, who organised the party and all the decoration, especially the wonderful balloons! You are such a sweet man, dude!
Something weird have to highlight a little bit here. Peter has this stupid habit, he likes to put me on his shoulder and carry me around. He started doing that since last time in Hanna and Lena's party and carried me all the way the bathroom upstair and tried to pour me shower water. (and we ended up broke the toilet door!) This time, he took me to the backyard, and we started to have Sumo + Judo. It really reminds me when I was in Japan....
Then Peter the whack started to have this bizzare idea about brotherhood drinking thingy, it was like we have to drink the wine by crossing our arms and then kiss each other. (two guys: kiss cheek; guy and gal: kiss lips) *_*;;; What da hell is this custom all about???? Why I always get myself into this kinda bizzare game??? If it's not Lena said that it is a real thing, I would never do that! so yes.... I did it. Peter and me are brothers now.
Anyway, This is a real farewell to my beloved Kendra, take care yourself love dove...
++++ ++++ ++++
OK, I was laughing at this trace quite awhile, it was my blog patrol telling me who been to my site before and what did they search to get into this site, which was absolutely odd and funny.
26/01/2005 05:22:25 Why did you cut your arm (Google)
24/01/2005 17:28:58 sonic sexy (Yahoo)
24/01/2005 02:46:19 bullhole (Yahoo)
23/01/2005 07:00:48 fancy dress 80s for men (Google)
23/01/2005 06:09:35 brazillian%big%sexy%feet (Yahoo)
People should beware when they step into my site, because I know who you are people, and when you get nasty, I will stick your ISP and your searching keywords here. muhahaha... yea, I'm mean, I'm not nice... blah blah blah....
P.S. My palm has turned from a quarter of purple to half of blue this afternoon, but now it changed to purple red, I hope it is a good sign... >_<;;;; itai ne!
[[audio: SOFFet - Sanpomichi]]
So you think I will be a good girl, staying at home and recover myself? WRONG! I told you I wouldn't be a nice girl anymore, so I went out and back home at four in the morning!! I didn't go to the Hives, didn't go to The Chemical Brother neither. I got a call from Jesse this afternoon, asking me to come for Kendra's last day surprise gathering. I was preparing to see the concert, then I just rush out to Kendras without having any dinner whatsoever.
I was such a rock chick (smoke eyes, spiky belts, red sport shoes) tonite, coz I was so ready to go to see the Hives. But then I ended up being in Kendra's farewell, Scotty and Jesse also gave up going to see Chemical Brothers and stay with Kendra instead. I know the Hives is good, but seeing a good friend before I still can, I would rather to give up seeing The Hives, coz it's something I can see it next time or on DVD. Sorry Karol that I ditched you, but you have your friend with you, I'm sure you would have fun. :) make it up to you tomorrow!
It wasn't too emotional, maybe everyone still haven't sense that it's tomorrow afternoon that she is leaving, or perhaps no one wanna upset others. But when I looked at Lena, I started having a drop and two came out from my eyes, and I tried pretty hard to stop it, really proud of everyone was being so strong. More importantly, I think Jesse is the man tonite, who organised the party and all the decoration, especially the wonderful balloons! You are such a sweet man, dude!
Something weird have to highlight a little bit here. Peter has this stupid habit, he likes to put me on his shoulder and carry me around. He started doing that since last time in Hanna and Lena's party and carried me all the way the bathroom upstair and tried to pour me shower water. (and we ended up broke the toilet door!) This time, he took me to the backyard, and we started to have Sumo + Judo. It really reminds me when I was in Japan....
Then Peter the whack started to have this bizzare idea about brotherhood drinking thingy, it was like we have to drink the wine by crossing our arms and then kiss each other. (two guys: kiss cheek; guy and gal: kiss lips) *_*;;; What da hell is this custom all about???? Why I always get myself into this kinda bizzare game??? If it's not Lena said that it is a real thing, I would never do that! so yes.... I did it. Peter and me are brothers now.
Anyway, This is a real farewell to my beloved Kendra, take care yourself love dove...
++++ ++++ ++++
OK, I was laughing at this trace quite awhile, it was my blog patrol telling me who been to my site before and what did they search to get into this site, which was absolutely odd and funny.
26/01/2005 05:22:25 Why did you cut your arm (Google)
24/01/2005 17:28:58 sonic sexy (Yahoo)
24/01/2005 02:46:19 bullhole (Yahoo)
23/01/2005 07:00:48 fancy dress 80s for men (Google)
23/01/2005 06:09:35 brazillian%big%sexy%feet (Yahoo)
People should beware when they step into my site, because I know who you are people, and when you get nasty, I will stick your ISP and your searching keywords here. muhahaha... yea, I'm mean, I'm not nice... blah blah blah....
P.S. My palm has turned from a quarter of purple to half of blue this afternoon, but now it changed to purple red, I hope it is a good sign... >_<;;;; itai ne!
[[audio: SOFFet - Sanpomichi]]
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Retrospection Of The Japanese Wind
Today I switched myself back to Japanese music again, which I have been staying away quite a long while. The reason it makes me feel so sick a long time, is probably the trend of RnB. I didn't know I hate RnB so much after it influenced the Japanese pop music so deep, big name like Chemistry, Crystal Kay and even Misia. It has become something that can make me vomiting constantly....
Actually they are great artist, there's no way I could hate them, and deep in my heart, I know it has nothing to do with their vocal technique. What could that be? What is the thing that make RnB so hideous and tedious? Now I know, it's the boring beat and those stale percussions that they use. Hence this afternoon, I deleted most of the songs that contains massive RnB element in there, pretty much I cut off all the artist's song that I mentioned above, finally I can breath again...
Reading the Oricon, I am very surprised that TMRevolution is still surviving in this industry!! And Glay is in the cover of Oricon Magazine... *sigh* I haven't touch them a very long time, my parent still taking care all the Glay collection that I have in Hong Kong. Here I can only think of them sometimes while looking at their picture on the wall. Heh heh... I have this funny picture where Teru eating 2 slices of pizza in one go and Hisashi playing with a bottle of red wine. *mecha mecha kawaii ne!!!*
Am I stuck in 90's Jap song now? I guess I am.
But I'm very open for the new stuff still, so whoever out there, feel free to tell me what's good in Japan now!
Japanese (pop/rock only) Artist that I listen to: Aiko, Ayumi Hamasaki, Chara, Day After Tomorrow, Dir En Grey (old stuff), Do As Infinity, Dorlis, Every Little Thing, GLAY, Going Under Ground, Hyde, Judy & Mary, Kubota Toshi, L'arc-en-ciel, Love Psychedelico, Mika Nakashima, Mr. Children, My Little Lover, Rize, Sasagwa Miwa, Shinna Ringo, Sing Like Taking, Spitz, Syrup 16, Utada Hikaru, Yaida Hitomi, Yamaarashi, Yuzu, Wyolica.
P.S. I just unwrapped my hand awhile ago, and quarter of my palm is purple now, it's really beyond my expectation.
P.S.S. What da...!? L'arc-en-ciel had a live in USA!? Why the f**k they don't play it in Australia??? *sob*
[[audio: Sing Like Talking - Hello]]
Today I switched myself back to Japanese music again, which I have been staying away quite a long while. The reason it makes me feel so sick a long time, is probably the trend of RnB. I didn't know I hate RnB so much after it influenced the Japanese pop music so deep, big name like Chemistry, Crystal Kay and even Misia. It has become something that can make me vomiting constantly....
Actually they are great artist, there's no way I could hate them, and deep in my heart, I know it has nothing to do with their vocal technique. What could that be? What is the thing that make RnB so hideous and tedious? Now I know, it's the boring beat and those stale percussions that they use. Hence this afternoon, I deleted most of the songs that contains massive RnB element in there, pretty much I cut off all the artist's song that I mentioned above, finally I can breath again...
Reading the Oricon, I am very surprised that TMRevolution is still surviving in this industry!! And Glay is in the cover of Oricon Magazine... *sigh* I haven't touch them a very long time, my parent still taking care all the Glay collection that I have in Hong Kong. Here I can only think of them sometimes while looking at their picture on the wall. Heh heh... I have this funny picture where Teru eating 2 slices of pizza in one go and Hisashi playing with a bottle of red wine. *mecha mecha kawaii ne!!!*
Am I stuck in 90's Jap song now? I guess I am.
But I'm very open for the new stuff still, so whoever out there, feel free to tell me what's good in Japan now!
Japanese (pop/rock only) Artist that I listen to: Aiko, Ayumi Hamasaki, Chara, Day After Tomorrow, Dir En Grey (old stuff), Do As Infinity, Dorlis, Every Little Thing, GLAY, Going Under Ground, Hyde, Judy & Mary, Kubota Toshi, L'arc-en-ciel, Love Psychedelico, Mika Nakashima, Mr. Children, My Little Lover, Rize, Sasagwa Miwa, Shinna Ringo, Sing Like Taking, Spitz, Syrup 16, Utada Hikaru, Yaida Hitomi, Yamaarashi, Yuzu, Wyolica.
P.S. I just unwrapped my hand awhile ago, and quarter of my palm is purple now, it's really beyond my expectation.
P.S.S. What da...!? L'arc-en-ciel had a live in USA!? Why the f**k they don't play it in Australia??? *sob*
[[audio: Sing Like Talking - Hello]]
Spin The Bottle, Time To Break Dance
Heeeeelow, I just got up and wanna say.... hi. Indeed, I woke up at 1pm and crawled all the way from my bed to the computer, which took me massive effort to do so. Why? Hmm.... If you've been reading this blog earnestly, you can pretty much see that I didn't sleep much in the whole weekend. More importantly, I went to FBi becksbar fest last nite and got myself involved to a crazy dancing game.
Before I said anything, wanna shout out for Illic who took me in for free, what a gorgeous boy! *muah* and one more thing, I suppose to mention it in the Allnighter post, but too tired to remember. A little announcement is about my guest breaks DJ Joules Fine, he will be playing in Suzie Q this saturday nite, entry $15. Do not miss out! :)
OK, back to the fest. Me and Illic just started to mingle around and not more than a minute, all the FBi people has grouped together. I took some whacky photos of Illic, Stu, Sam and more, and all in the sudden, I had become a photographer for the fest.
The night was damn shibby, we have all the great local hiphop reprazent sticked together and did some wicked funky jamming. First round was Hermitude + the bird, then Joe from TZU joined in. Second round it was TZU + The Herd + Good Buddha, then Hermitude + the bird hacked in the back. The crowd absolutely lovin' it, and I was dancing in the first row, of coz never forget to take more pictures.
The show was then over, but not the party... The crowd started to make a circle and have a dancing battle, I was there too just for some more great pictures. Then they turned it to a dancing game - we spin the bottle, the person who got the bottle pointing at, have to come out and dance. I got pointed for like 10 times, so you can imagine how sore my legs are right now. It was great fun, dancing with someone you don't know, which was purely nice dancing-dancing, not those flirty-dancing in the usual doggy club. pffff~
I did some break dancing, some robot moving, some car-driving and some boogie... haha... god that was gold! There was a problem in the group tho, people was over-excited... ya know, when the bottle is pointing at someone, they will push the person out incase s/he doesn't want to dance. One time when the bottle pointing at me, actually I wasn't mind to dance at all, but a retard in my back use his mighty power to push me out, and I lost my balance and fell forward. I used my right hand to push myself back, though i didn't fell on the floor, but I hurt my thumb, thanks to that stupid moron...!
Oh well, after that crazy circle, I back to the FBi group, but almost everyone has already gone... Me, Levins, Chris coco and Shantan were the leftover FBi people. I could barely walk, so me and Levins just stayed abit more then headed home. In short, good fun cost by a sore body.
I should warp my hand now, my palm is very swollen, basically i can't even hold a fist... @_@;;;
P.S. I know!! I will upload the pictures very soon, at least let me recharge the batteries first asshole!
P.S.S. New satire link logged in - fantastic blog.
P.S.S.S. People always ask me how to write their name in Chinese, since you all are desperated for a Chinese name, I got something for you. Go to this Site and you can search for your own Chinese name, if you can't find it, tell me and I write one for you.
[[audio: Cowboy Bepop - Cat Blues (Mr.Scruff Remix)]]
Heeeeelow, I just got up and wanna say.... hi. Indeed, I woke up at 1pm and crawled all the way from my bed to the computer, which took me massive effort to do so. Why? Hmm.... If you've been reading this blog earnestly, you can pretty much see that I didn't sleep much in the whole weekend. More importantly, I went to FBi becksbar fest last nite and got myself involved to a crazy dancing game.
Before I said anything, wanna shout out for Illic who took me in for free, what a gorgeous boy! *muah* and one more thing, I suppose to mention it in the Allnighter post, but too tired to remember. A little announcement is about my guest breaks DJ Joules Fine, he will be playing in Suzie Q this saturday nite, entry $15. Do not miss out! :)
OK, back to the fest. Me and Illic just started to mingle around and not more than a minute, all the FBi people has grouped together. I took some whacky photos of Illic, Stu, Sam and more, and all in the sudden, I had become a photographer for the fest.
The night was damn shibby, we have all the great local hiphop reprazent sticked together and did some wicked funky jamming. First round was Hermitude + the bird, then Joe from TZU joined in. Second round it was TZU + The Herd + Good Buddha, then Hermitude + the bird hacked in the back. The crowd absolutely lovin' it, and I was dancing in the first row, of coz never forget to take more pictures.
The show was then over, but not the party... The crowd started to make a circle and have a dancing battle, I was there too just for some more great pictures. Then they turned it to a dancing game - we spin the bottle, the person who got the bottle pointing at, have to come out and dance. I got pointed for like 10 times, so you can imagine how sore my legs are right now. It was great fun, dancing with someone you don't know, which was purely nice dancing-dancing, not those flirty-dancing in the usual doggy club. pffff~
I did some break dancing, some robot moving, some car-driving and some boogie... haha... god that was gold! There was a problem in the group tho, people was over-excited... ya know, when the bottle is pointing at someone, they will push the person out incase s/he doesn't want to dance. One time when the bottle pointing at me, actually I wasn't mind to dance at all, but a retard in my back use his mighty power to push me out, and I lost my balance and fell forward. I used my right hand to push myself back, though i didn't fell on the floor, but I hurt my thumb, thanks to that stupid moron...!
Oh well, after that crazy circle, I back to the FBi group, but almost everyone has already gone... Me, Levins, Chris coco and Shantan were the leftover FBi people. I could barely walk, so me and Levins just stayed abit more then headed home. In short, good fun cost by a sore body.
I should warp my hand now, my palm is very swollen, basically i can't even hold a fist... @_@;;;
P.S. I know!! I will upload the pictures very soon, at least let me recharge the batteries first asshole!
P.S.S. New satire link logged in - fantastic blog.
P.S.S.S. People always ask me how to write their name in Chinese, since you all are desperated for a Chinese name, I got something for you. Go to this Site and you can search for your own Chinese name, if you can't find it, tell me and I write one for you.
[[audio: Cowboy Bepop - Cat Blues (Mr.Scruff Remix)]]
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Shibby 25th Janurary Allnighter Playlist:
Plantlife - Appreciate
Katalyst - Passing the Peace
Resin dogs - Daily Trouble live remix
Prodigy - Girls (Idiotech remix)
The Bird - Sunrise the Juhu
2 Up - Making Movie
TZU - Dambuster
Brian Ferry Sexual Experience - Jack of All Shades
Johnson - Do the Johnson
The Chemical Brothers - Get Yourself High
Bliss n Eso - Pigs in the Porn Trough
MF Doom - Hox Cakes
Ozomatli - Believe
Live DJ Performance by Joules Fine
The Chemcial Brothers - Galvanize
Madvillain - Figaro
Live Rapping by Raoul Morgan
The Cat Empire - The Chariot
Electric 6 - Danger! High Voltage
The Herd - 77%
Velure - Resonate
Joules Fine - Goodness (demo)
Minus Tyler - Space Man Hustler
Ugly Duckling - A Little Samba
Stylophonic - Way of Life
Live DJ Performance by Joules Fine
Krafty Kuts - Tricka Technology
Good Buddha - High Til It Hurt
Phish - Gin & Juice
Downsyde - Les Fortunate
Live Rapping by Raoul Morgan
Urthboy - No rider
I-wolf & Burdy - Inter/Outernational
Scissor Sisters - Take Me Out
Le Tigre - TKO
Dappled Cities Fly - Be Engine
Death Cab For Cutie - Title & Registration
Architecture In Helsinki - Do The Whirlwind
Beatconductor - Housin'
Music vs Physic - Post Op Alley Drop
Art Of Fighting - Sing Song
The Delays - Nearer Than Heaven
The Shins - New Slang
Sasha - Wavy Gravy
Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama
Little Birdy - This is the Love Song
Q and not U - Wonderful People
Kings of Leon - 4 Kicks
Special Thanks: Julian DJing, Jackson Freestyling, Kath's CD collection, Glenn & James Calling.
This is such a super ORSUM NITE. First time ever I have a local Breaks DJ playing and having an interview in my show. We have recorded part of it and also took some photos (will upload later), it's all so crazy. Now I gotta sleep and see you all in Hyde Park Barracks tonite!!! Zzzzzzzzz.....
Thanks for everyone support. *muah*
P.S. That APRA thing is Crazyyyyyyyy~!
Plantlife - Appreciate
Katalyst - Passing the Peace
Resin dogs - Daily Trouble live remix
Prodigy - Girls (Idiotech remix)
The Bird - Sunrise the Juhu
2 Up - Making Movie
TZU - Dambuster
Brian Ferry Sexual Experience - Jack of All Shades
Johnson - Do the Johnson
The Chemical Brothers - Get Yourself High
Bliss n Eso - Pigs in the Porn Trough
MF Doom - Hox Cakes
Ozomatli - Believe
Live DJ Performance by Joules Fine
The Chemcial Brothers - Galvanize
Madvillain - Figaro
Live Rapping by Raoul Morgan
The Cat Empire - The Chariot
Electric 6 - Danger! High Voltage
The Herd - 77%
Velure - Resonate
Joules Fine - Goodness (demo)
Minus Tyler - Space Man Hustler
Ugly Duckling - A Little Samba
Stylophonic - Way of Life
Live DJ Performance by Joules Fine
Krafty Kuts - Tricka Technology
Good Buddha - High Til It Hurt
Phish - Gin & Juice
Downsyde - Les Fortunate
Live Rapping by Raoul Morgan
Urthboy - No rider
I-wolf & Burdy - Inter/Outernational
Scissor Sisters - Take Me Out
Le Tigre - TKO
Dappled Cities Fly - Be Engine
Death Cab For Cutie - Title & Registration
Architecture In Helsinki - Do The Whirlwind
Beatconductor - Housin'
Music vs Physic - Post Op Alley Drop
Art Of Fighting - Sing Song
The Delays - Nearer Than Heaven
The Shins - New Slang
Sasha - Wavy Gravy
Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama
Little Birdy - This is the Love Song
Q and not U - Wonderful People
Kings of Leon - 4 Kicks
Special Thanks: Julian DJing, Jackson Freestyling, Kath's CD collection, Glenn & James Calling.
This is such a super ORSUM NITE. First time ever I have a local Breaks DJ playing and having an interview in my show. We have recorded part of it and also took some photos (will upload later), it's all so crazy. Now I gotta sleep and see you all in Hyde Park Barracks tonite!!! Zzzzzzzzz.....
Thanks for everyone support. *muah*
P.S. That APRA thing is Crazyyyyyyyy~!
Monday, January 24, 2005
Rush Update
9:30am right now, and I just back home from Hanna & Lena's place. Before going to sleep, I'm gonna jot down how the evil Germans been sucking my energy from my soul!!!!! (God help me! I love evils....)
10:00am Macquarie Uni - applying postgraduate application form
2:30pm FBi - work...
6:00pm Surry Hill - Kendra's Farewell
5:30am Home - passed out.
3:00pm Home - wake up & late lunch
4:00pm Coles - Grocery shopping
6:00pm Great Northern Hotel - drink with Kath
11:00pm Home - Dinner
12:30am Bed - sleep
12:00pm Home - wake up & Brunch
1:30pm Home - reply email & playing SNE (Chrono Trigger; Magic School)
6:00pm Opera House - George & Thirty Merc concert with Scotty & Pauly.
11:30pm Glebe - Hanna & Lena's house party
4:30am Lena's bed - passed out while Lena, Peter, Jesse & Jes still talking outside.
6:30am Sittting room - woke up & join the conversation again
9:00am Home - typing this blog
soon... Shower; Breakfast; Sleep; Get up and Ready for Allnighter~!
Too many things to mention, Im too tired to type the details right now, so maybe I talk about it later...
P.S. Scotty and DJ Danielsan are friends since kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S.S. Lena's all time fave. movie is Great Expectation...; Peter's is Forest Gump!!!!; mine is Akira. :)
P.S.S.S. Geroge was an orsum show~! shibby to the top!
To Kendra: I'm gonna miss you, please enjoy these few more days. good bye gorgeous, will see you later... And please please made me that German gal's CD if you can be very kind? "ninn mich mit~ ninn mich mit~"
To Scotty: I promise I will come to Kelly's for Karaoke next time, and will sing for you. (Maybe Geroge~) hee hee....and I'm looking forward to your call about chemical brothers... *grins*
To Pauly: The indian dinner next weekend is on! Really can't wait to see those indians dance again~~~! >w<
To Levins: SHIBBY~ I'm glad you like Dragon Ash. If you wanna burn me a CD, how about your own stuff? *winks* otherwise, gimme some nice indie/ funky hip hop then. :) Thank you Sunshine.
[[audio: Death Cab for Cutie - 405]]
I took the 405 and drilled a stake down into your center
and stated that it's never ever been better than this.
I hung my favorite shirt on the floorboard wrinkled up
from pulling pushing and tasting tasting...
You keep twisting the truth that keeps me thrown askew.
Misguided by the 405 'cause it lead me to an alcoholic summer.
I missed the exit to your parents' house hours ago.
Red wine and the cigarettes: hide your bad habits underneath the patio patio patio...
9:30am right now, and I just back home from Hanna & Lena's place. Before going to sleep, I'm gonna jot down how the evil Germans been sucking my energy from my soul!!!!! (God help me! I love evils....)
10:00am Macquarie Uni - applying postgraduate application form
2:30pm FBi - work...
6:00pm Surry Hill - Kendra's Farewell
5:30am Home - passed out.
3:00pm Home - wake up & late lunch
4:00pm Coles - Grocery shopping
6:00pm Great Northern Hotel - drink with Kath
11:00pm Home - Dinner
12:30am Bed - sleep
12:00pm Home - wake up & Brunch
1:30pm Home - reply email & playing SNE (Chrono Trigger; Magic School)
6:00pm Opera House - George & Thirty Merc concert with Scotty & Pauly.
11:30pm Glebe - Hanna & Lena's house party
4:30am Lena's bed - passed out while Lena, Peter, Jesse & Jes still talking outside.
6:30am Sittting room - woke up & join the conversation again
9:00am Home - typing this blog
soon... Shower; Breakfast; Sleep; Get up and Ready for Allnighter~!
Too many things to mention, Im too tired to type the details right now, so maybe I talk about it later...
P.S. Scotty and DJ Danielsan are friends since kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S.S. Lena's all time fave. movie is Great Expectation...; Peter's is Forest Gump!!!!; mine is Akira. :)
P.S.S.S. Geroge was an orsum show~! shibby to the top!
To Kendra: I'm gonna miss you, please enjoy these few more days. good bye gorgeous, will see you later... And please please made me that German gal's CD if you can be very kind? "ninn mich mit~ ninn mich mit~"
To Scotty: I promise I will come to Kelly's for Karaoke next time, and will sing for you. (Maybe Geroge~) hee hee....and I'm looking forward to your call about chemical brothers... *grins*
To Pauly: The indian dinner next weekend is on! Really can't wait to see those indians dance again~~~! >w<
To Levins: SHIBBY~ I'm glad you like Dragon Ash. If you wanna burn me a CD, how about your own stuff? *winks* otherwise, gimme some nice indie/ funky hip hop then. :) Thank you Sunshine.
[[audio: Death Cab for Cutie - 405]]
I took the 405 and drilled a stake down into your center
and stated that it's never ever been better than this.
I hung my favorite shirt on the floorboard wrinkled up
from pulling pushing and tasting tasting...
You keep twisting the truth that keeps me thrown askew.
Misguided by the 405 'cause it lead me to an alcoholic summer.
I missed the exit to your parents' house hours ago.
Red wine and the cigarettes: hide your bad habits underneath the patio patio patio...
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Die Young And Save Yourself
Phew~! I just get back home, and the first thing to do... is taking a shower. I was all soaked with sweat after the mighty KOOLISM gig in Hyde Park Barracks. Man I haven't see Danielsan a very long while, and he is still so damned good in live. What a pair of crazy scatching hands he has!!! Jackson, you are missing a big thing~!
I was there quite late, so there's no chance to see Sista She. But fortunately I didn't miss the Urthboy and Koolism. :) Funny thing was once I get there, saw Lezel, Kath and Brisha, I was already excited... Went to hug Lezel, I stepping on her foot. Went to hug Kath, I stepped on her bag. Brisha was just watching herself out while hugging the clumsy fayske... LOL, how embarrassing... -_____-;;; grrrr!
Got a Orange Breezer and start to dance. Me and Kath were standing in the front row incase we missed urthboy and danielsan. In fact, Kath is not just simply a DJ, she is very good dancer too! Finally I have someone to challenge, very interesting... muhaha... It was a release in these 5 hours, nothing was in my head, but just good music for dancing. >w< Bouncing, hipping and hoppin...Few more Breezers, me and Kath started to do boogie dance~ That's what I'm talking about sexy girl! When Koolism came up, we were just stunned by his dazzling scratching skills. Kath is more than welcome to join my "Danielsan worshopping community"...
Too bad, I didn't have my camera with me, the batteries went dry. But I'll bring it next time in FBi nite, all the fellows should get ready to gimme your sexiest pose ever~ heh heh... What's great was I had a wonderful conversation with Kath, and she may come to my Allnighter and spin some music and do a short interview. What's more? Jackson is gonna come as well, I'm begging him to do some freestyling for me. hee hee... but whatever will happen on tuesday morning, it's gonna be wicked! so have a listen to it if you are counting your fingers at home. 25th Jan, Tuesday, 1am-6am. :)
My friend's advice was like a big slap hit on my face, kinda hurt and sad, but it wakes me up... hopefully I don't fall to sleep again.
[[audio: TV On The Radio - Satellite]]
Phew~! I just get back home, and the first thing to do... is taking a shower. I was all soaked with sweat after the mighty KOOLISM gig in Hyde Park Barracks. Man I haven't see Danielsan a very long while, and he is still so damned good in live. What a pair of crazy scatching hands he has!!! Jackson, you are missing a big thing~!
I was there quite late, so there's no chance to see Sista She. But fortunately I didn't miss the Urthboy and Koolism. :) Funny thing was once I get there, saw Lezel, Kath and Brisha, I was already excited... Went to hug Lezel, I stepping on her foot. Went to hug Kath, I stepped on her bag. Brisha was just watching herself out while hugging the clumsy fayske... LOL, how embarrassing... -_____-;;; grrrr!
Got a Orange Breezer and start to dance. Me and Kath were standing in the front row incase we missed urthboy and danielsan. In fact, Kath is not just simply a DJ, she is very good dancer too! Finally I have someone to challenge, very interesting... muhaha... It was a release in these 5 hours, nothing was in my head, but just good music for dancing. >w< Bouncing, hipping and hoppin...Few more Breezers, me and Kath started to do boogie dance~ That's what I'm talking about sexy girl! When Koolism came up, we were just stunned by his dazzling scratching skills. Kath is more than welcome to join my "Danielsan worshopping community"...
Too bad, I didn't have my camera with me, the batteries went dry. But I'll bring it next time in FBi nite, all the fellows should get ready to gimme your sexiest pose ever~ heh heh... What's great was I had a wonderful conversation with Kath, and she may come to my Allnighter and spin some music and do a short interview. What's more? Jackson is gonna come as well, I'm begging him to do some freestyling for me. hee hee... but whatever will happen on tuesday morning, it's gonna be wicked! so have a listen to it if you are counting your fingers at home. 25th Jan, Tuesday, 1am-6am. :)
My friend's advice was like a big slap hit on my face, kinda hurt and sad, but it wakes me up... hopefully I don't fall to sleep again.
"20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. Go for what makes you happy, precious people that care about you, rather than linger with people who leave you or use you. This world is cruel, but also bring out a message that people have to be strong to face all the shit by giving out shit in order to survive. They don't need you feel bad for them, they will use your sympathy to harm you. Let they cope their own problem, and you just need to care about yourself and enjoy all the happiness you have in hands."
[[audio: TV On The Radio - Satellite]]
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
It Was Just A Night OF Stormy Rain In The Sea
Oh dear, that was so sudden. I told you I will get very emotional in the year of Rooster, it's really nothing anymore, at least for now the time bomb is sleeping again in a volcano. If it ever happens again, just let me bitch awhile, all you have to do is to find a safe place to hide and it will be fine. :) I am amazed that I still have friends now, as being such a lunatic.... heh heh... That's what's it like when Leo meets Gemini, my spontaneous instinct and my unpredictable craziness inside the core of my faith. nice...
A good thing about that is, I could get very artistic at that moment, maybe not, but all I know is, this is a moment when my brain leaks out some liquid that drive people to do art stuff. I scribbled some scripts yesterday, also some sketchings, more scribbles and prose writing...
Trace back to the cradle of this storm, it started from the moment I bought a journal yesterday, since I want to write more stuff, something deeper of a human soul. The moment I decided to buy a journal, I know my emotions is not gonna be as calm as a piece of dead wood. Especially writing a person's most secret things and feelings on paper, this is very crazy indeed. I guess no one would do this unless you want to die.
It is a challenge to me, writing is a process that you think and digest all the good and bad stuff once again, transfer it as letters, and write it out. This is a very very different form from drawing, acting and other kind of art expression. Drawing is an image of one's abstract perception, and acting is an action of one's abtract perception, both are the reaction of an inner mind. Whereas writing is very different, it is something you present yourself truely, not an reaction but using words to witness the whole process with every single details. And writing this is like presenting yourself naked in front of somebody, or just yourself.
I have this blog and I wrote a lot of stuff to reveal myself, something that I don't even know very well. Language is a thing that should be damned and cursed, because it is too magical, it's a sequence of words that could reveal or conceal something. Probably what we conceal is more than what we reveal, and it is not just hiding it from people, but also one self. Indeed, there're so many thing I want to write it out, but it's somehow not appropriate to write it on the blog.
haha... not nasty thing, but I always think the most secret thing that hide in a person, usually is the greatest fear that could kill a person. I want to reveal my fear to myself, as I said, people do that could die, and it is worse than fear factor. I have to take out a lot of gut to prepare what would happen to myself, includes going crazy (which I guess I already am), depression (this too), super emotional (this too obviously), the worst would be suicide (I'm sure I won't do this, but still... have to think about this in order to prevent it). Don't know how long I have to give up being a normal person, but the goal is to clean the dirt out of me, free as a better person instead of living in a compromised situation and a pointless abnegation. ~wake up and shake up.~
Something in my life is still a vague, I help a lot of people in my life but ignore my own problem. I heard this from a good friend when I was in teenage, he went "did you see the flight safety instruction? you have to save yourself before you save others, it would be useful for your life." The only thing I can think of is selfish, self-centred, egoistic. I still don't know if those are good/bad word, but I know everyone would have at least 1% of it to qualify being called as "human-being".
By having that 1% or more selfishness, I've determined to buy myself a journal and face my own fear in order to save myself. I don't expect others to help, instead of waiting the right person to help, I decide to help myself, yea I know if I don't do it right, it could go to the worst, but this is also a way out. Grandpa used to say the chinese word "crisis", it is a two-letters words that combine the meaning of dangerous and opportunity. I guess, this is my dark age period that waiting for a revolution... :) Viva la Revolution! p(*0*)q
I have no idea what I am gonna do with this book in the future, in the prelude, I wrote myself a letter saying if I ever read this again, this book is not important anymore when its content doesn't bother me anymore. So yea... I started writing my journal and have a bit of exploration inside myself last night up til 4 in the morning and I just woke up with a better mood to write this on the blog. Indeed, I know abit more about myself, and I can really see thing more clearly afterward. Let me extract part of my writing here, I may put more in the future, if it is appropriate... :)
[[audio: Bright Eyes - Drunk Kid Catholic]]
The drunk kids, the catholics. They’re all about the same.
They’re waiting for something. Hoping to be saved.
Well I have been happy the past couple days.
Just thinking of the women who’ve taken your place.
And every night I think I certaintly won't ever sleep sober oralone.
And then suddenly it occurs to me. I've slept alone before you.
And so I pour myself the stiffest drink that my stomach canstand.
And convince myself to lay back down again.
I’m gonna lay back down, I’m gonna lay back down again.
The drunk kids, the catholics. They're all about the same.
They’re waiting for something. Hoping to be saved.
They crawl from the oceans. To paint in the caves.
But I’m working all weekend. I need to get paid.
Oh dear, that was so sudden. I told you I will get very emotional in the year of Rooster, it's really nothing anymore, at least for now the time bomb is sleeping again in a volcano. If it ever happens again, just let me bitch awhile, all you have to do is to find a safe place to hide and it will be fine. :) I am amazed that I still have friends now, as being such a lunatic.... heh heh... That's what's it like when Leo meets Gemini, my spontaneous instinct and my unpredictable craziness inside the core of my faith. nice...
A good thing about that is, I could get very artistic at that moment, maybe not, but all I know is, this is a moment when my brain leaks out some liquid that drive people to do art stuff. I scribbled some scripts yesterday, also some sketchings, more scribbles and prose writing...
Trace back to the cradle of this storm, it started from the moment I bought a journal yesterday, since I want to write more stuff, something deeper of a human soul. The moment I decided to buy a journal, I know my emotions is not gonna be as calm as a piece of dead wood. Especially writing a person's most secret things and feelings on paper, this is very crazy indeed. I guess no one would do this unless you want to die.
It is a challenge to me, writing is a process that you think and digest all the good and bad stuff once again, transfer it as letters, and write it out. This is a very very different form from drawing, acting and other kind of art expression. Drawing is an image of one's abstract perception, and acting is an action of one's abtract perception, both are the reaction of an inner mind. Whereas writing is very different, it is something you present yourself truely, not an reaction but using words to witness the whole process with every single details. And writing this is like presenting yourself naked in front of somebody, or just yourself.
I have this blog and I wrote a lot of stuff to reveal myself, something that I don't even know very well. Language is a thing that should be damned and cursed, because it is too magical, it's a sequence of words that could reveal or conceal something. Probably what we conceal is more than what we reveal, and it is not just hiding it from people, but also one self. Indeed, there're so many thing I want to write it out, but it's somehow not appropriate to write it on the blog.
haha... not nasty thing, but I always think the most secret thing that hide in a person, usually is the greatest fear that could kill a person. I want to reveal my fear to myself, as I said, people do that could die, and it is worse than fear factor. I have to take out a lot of gut to prepare what would happen to myself, includes going crazy (which I guess I already am), depression (this too), super emotional (this too obviously), the worst would be suicide (I'm sure I won't do this, but still... have to think about this in order to prevent it). Don't know how long I have to give up being a normal person, but the goal is to clean the dirt out of me, free as a better person instead of living in a compromised situation and a pointless abnegation. ~wake up and shake up.~
Something in my life is still a vague, I help a lot of people in my life but ignore my own problem. I heard this from a good friend when I was in teenage, he went "did you see the flight safety instruction? you have to save yourself before you save others, it would be useful for your life." The only thing I can think of is selfish, self-centred, egoistic. I still don't know if those are good/bad word, but I know everyone would have at least 1% of it to qualify being called as "human-being".
By having that 1% or more selfishness, I've determined to buy myself a journal and face my own fear in order to save myself. I don't expect others to help, instead of waiting the right person to help, I decide to help myself, yea I know if I don't do it right, it could go to the worst, but this is also a way out. Grandpa used to say the chinese word "crisis", it is a two-letters words that combine the meaning of dangerous and opportunity. I guess, this is my dark age period that waiting for a revolution... :) Viva la Revolution! p(*0*)q
I have no idea what I am gonna do with this book in the future, in the prelude, I wrote myself a letter saying if I ever read this again, this book is not important anymore when its content doesn't bother me anymore. So yea... I started writing my journal and have a bit of exploration inside myself last night up til 4 in the morning and I just woke up with a better mood to write this on the blog. Indeed, I know abit more about myself, and I can really see thing more clearly afterward. Let me extract part of my writing here, I may put more in the future, if it is appropriate... :)
P.S. Fucking fingers are out of control."We can never forget when we want to, the more we try, the more it struck. Once
it's no longer bother you, no matter how many times you remember it, you are
just over it. There's no need to forget whatsoever..."(How Long Does It Take? - fay 2005)
[[audio: Bright Eyes - Drunk Kid Catholic]]
The drunk kids, the catholics. They’re all about the same.
They’re waiting for something. Hoping to be saved.
Well I have been happy the past couple days.
Just thinking of the women who’ve taken your place.
And every night I think I certaintly won't ever sleep sober oralone.
And then suddenly it occurs to me. I've slept alone before you.
And so I pour myself the stiffest drink that my stomach canstand.
And convince myself to lay back down again.
I’m gonna lay back down, I’m gonna lay back down again.
The drunk kids, the catholics. They're all about the same.
They’re waiting for something. Hoping to be saved.
They crawl from the oceans. To paint in the caves.
But I’m working all weekend. I need to get paid.
Bullshit Me
A very nice book that I used to have when I was a kid, too nice to touch by hands, incase my fingerprints ruin it. I made a silk bag to put that in, few days later it was ruined by some careless scratches, few more days, it was stolen. I cried for a week.
One of my relative's birthday when I was a teenager, thinking so hard to impress him, at last I have decided to make a cake. My first time ever to make a birthday cake to someone. Once I baked the cake, I put the cream on and sprinkled the rainbow chocolate topping. But it was too hot, cream and the topping were all melted. He had a thin slice and said "thank you but I don't eat much sweet stuff." then left it on the table and walk away.
A good buddy who was having drug problem, which caught my big concern more than anything. I do my best to convince him to quit, I destroyed the friendship of putting too much effort of helping. I been upset for 6 years for losing a friend.
What's next? I can't be nice anymore, not to anything or anyone that doesn't need me. >:-(
And now, I just realised that I'm just not good enough for everything here. I'm so tired, hate living in other's world, hate being selfish, hate being too nice, hate being too rude, hate taking people's crap. All this fucking contradictions and controversy. Is that my problem or the world is too hard to please? What is this all for? Sorry to all the people that I talk today, guess I've revealed another side of my true-self out. I'll try to be funny tomorrow again, hope it could make it up for my crappy attitude today. (sometimes realistist and idealistist can't go too extreme)
P.S. Hijiri wa seinto janai, hito desu. ano hito... itsumo wasurenai, sabishii... *namida*
P.S.S. Imcompletion is back again, but it's just out of my ability to control, I'm so fucked.
[[audio: Taking Back Sunday - You Know How I Do]]
So sick, so sick of being tired.
And oh so tired of being sick.
We're both such magnifacent liars.
So crush me baby, I'm all ears.
So obviously desperate, so desperately obvious.
I'll give in one more time and feed you stupid lines all about "cleaning up my act..."
We won't stand for hazy eyes anymore.
So sick, so sick of being tired.
And oh so tired of being sick.
Willing and ready to prove the worst of everything you said about.
So obviously desperate, so desperately obvious.
So good at setting bad examples.
Listen, chic, I've had all I can handle.
We won't stand for hazy eyes anymore.
Think of all the fun you had.
The finest line divides a night well spent from a waste of time.
Think of all the days you spent alone with just your T.V. set and......"I can barely smile"
Let's go...
He's smoked out in the back of the van, says he's held up with holding on and on and on.
A very nice book that I used to have when I was a kid, too nice to touch by hands, incase my fingerprints ruin it. I made a silk bag to put that in, few days later it was ruined by some careless scratches, few more days, it was stolen. I cried for a week.
One of my relative's birthday when I was a teenager, thinking so hard to impress him, at last I have decided to make a cake. My first time ever to make a birthday cake to someone. Once I baked the cake, I put the cream on and sprinkled the rainbow chocolate topping. But it was too hot, cream and the topping were all melted. He had a thin slice and said "thank you but I don't eat much sweet stuff." then left it on the table and walk away.
A good buddy who was having drug problem, which caught my big concern more than anything. I do my best to convince him to quit, I destroyed the friendship of putting too much effort of helping. I been upset for 6 years for losing a friend.
What's next? I can't be nice anymore, not to anything or anyone that doesn't need me. >:-(
And now, I just realised that I'm just not good enough for everything here. I'm so tired, hate living in other's world, hate being selfish, hate being too nice, hate being too rude, hate taking people's crap. All this fucking contradictions and controversy. Is that my problem or the world is too hard to please? What is this all for? Sorry to all the people that I talk today, guess I've revealed another side of my true-self out. I'll try to be funny tomorrow again, hope it could make it up for my crappy attitude today. (sometimes realistist and idealistist can't go too extreme)
P.S. Hijiri wa seinto janai, hito desu. ano hito... itsumo wasurenai, sabishii... *namida*
P.S.S. Imcompletion is back again, but it's just out of my ability to control, I'm so fucked.
[[audio: Taking Back Sunday - You Know How I Do]]
So sick, so sick of being tired.
And oh so tired of being sick.
We're both such magnifacent liars.
So crush me baby, I'm all ears.
So obviously desperate, so desperately obvious.
I'll give in one more time and feed you stupid lines all about "cleaning up my act..."
We won't stand for hazy eyes anymore.
So sick, so sick of being tired.
And oh so tired of being sick.
Willing and ready to prove the worst of everything you said about.
So obviously desperate, so desperately obvious.
So good at setting bad examples.
Listen, chic, I've had all I can handle.
We won't stand for hazy eyes anymore.
Think of all the fun you had.
The finest line divides a night well spent from a waste of time.
Think of all the days you spent alone with just your T.V. set and......"I can barely smile"
Let's go...
He's smoked out in the back of the van, says he's held up with holding on and on and on.
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Attn to,
xxx xxxxxx xxxx Record Store.
Railway St. Chatswood. 2067.
Dear Mr. Record storekeeper who keep my Jimmy for me:
I am writing to thank you keeping your second copy of Jimmy Eat World CD for me, so I could listen to it before New Year. Not even mention lower the price for me because we both love Jimmy, which is very kind of you! Moreover, this is very lucky of me to find Brand New's Deja Entendu in your store, which is quite surprising to me. How could you cut down the price so low? It's a good CD, don't let it go too low! (or did you cut that down for me? *grins*)
Heh heh... Since this is a very record store, I've to blaze your name on my blog. From now on, I'll link you in my blog and let other people to worship you as well. POWER TO YOU!
P.S. I'm still waiting for Taking Back Sunday, pleaseeeeee keep it for me! *muah*
Best Regards,
Your dear customer who is rocking at home
[[audio: Brand New - Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades]]
xxx xxxxxx xxxx Record Store.
Railway St. Chatswood. 2067.
Dear Mr. Record storekeeper who keep my Jimmy for me:
I am writing to thank you keeping your second copy of Jimmy Eat World CD for me, so I could listen to it before New Year. Not even mention lower the price for me because we both love Jimmy, which is very kind of you! Moreover, this is very lucky of me to find Brand New's Deja Entendu in your store, which is quite surprising to me. How could you cut down the price so low? It's a good CD, don't let it go too low! (or did you cut that down for me? *grins*)
Heh heh... Since this is a very record store, I've to blaze your name on my blog. From now on, I'll link you in my blog and let other people to worship you as well. POWER TO YOU!
P.S. I'm still waiting for Taking Back Sunday, pleaseeeeee keep it for me! *muah*
Best Regards,
Your dear customer who is rocking at home
[[audio: Brand New - Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades]]
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Scribble On The Inside
Before the death claims back the moral souls,
we often relive in our own profound memories.
There is a wonder, a point to ponder...
How is it like to live in your memories,
if I ever existed, somewhere...
Even in the corner of a dark aisle,
watching everything happens in your world.
Would I ever remember in my memories?
Would you ever notice me there?
I never understand why it matters,
Perhaps it is more important than absolute existence.
Now, whose dimensions am I living in?
P.S. Does dog dream? I wonder what's Jimmy dreaming.
P.S.S. Depression has nothing to do with unhappy, it's a restoration of happiness.
[[audio: Brand New - Guernica]]
Before the death claims back the moral souls,
we often relive in our own profound memories.
There is a wonder, a point to ponder...
How is it like to live in your memories,
if I ever existed, somewhere...
Even in the corner of a dark aisle,
watching everything happens in your world.
Would I ever remember in my memories?
Would you ever notice me there?
I never understand why it matters,
Perhaps it is more important than absolute existence.
Now, whose dimensions am I living in?
P.S. Does dog dream? I wonder what's Jimmy dreaming.
P.S.S. Depression has nothing to do with unhappy, it's a restoration of happiness.
[[audio: Brand New - Guernica]]
Top Three Bad Science Products Of The Year
This is extracted from The Guardian. People should really evaluate the consequences of certain technologies, especially technologies that manipulated by the bloody profiteers. I don't even blame the scientists, but the investors (ie. The corporation which I suggest the terrorists to bomb their arses hardcorely.) should be the one who use all these shit and eat atomic tomatos in the rest of their life.
[[audio: Busdriver - Drive Safe]]
This is extracted from The Guardian. People should really evaluate the consequences of certain technologies, especially technologies that manipulated by the bloody profiteers. I don't even blame the scientists, but the investors (ie. The corporation which I suggest the terrorists to bomb their arses hardcorely.) should be the one who use all these shit and eat atomic tomatos in the rest of their life.
...PO2 Contour Cream from Laboratoires Herzog is a "patented stabilisation of oxygen within a cream" that "puts oxygen back into the skin, reoxygenates skin cells, encourages natural rejuvenation". It sounds like bollocks; but it smells like peroxide. Especially since Laboratoires Herzog point out, in the small print, that you will want to keep the stuff away from your eyebrows.
Durex Performa were in a slightly different category of bad, meaning "evil": a new condom with a special cream in the teat "to help control climax and prolong sexual excitement for longer lasting lovemaking". The magic ingredient was benzocaine, a local anaesthetic, which made the judges' tongues go numb. We didn't even think about trying it on our genitals. Persil Aloe Vera also received a special mention for totemic and pointless use of a herbal ingredient by a biotech firm.
However the winner was Space Tomato Number One, part of the Chinese government's "space breeding" project, where radiation in space is used to create comic book mutations and giant space plants, including tomatoes weighing almost a kilogram. It was never made entirely clear why the mutations would be beneficial, or why you needed to be in space to get irradiated. The Chinese news agency Xinhua stated that, "in China the radiation effect is always positive, leading to bigger and better vegetables that will revolutionise agriculture."...
[[audio: Busdriver - Drive Safe]]
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Head South For A Better Chance
Tonite is a crazy big nite out to me, straight to Kendras BBQ dinner after work, then headed to Gaelic for Daniel's band - Blue Dawn's gig, and met up Pauly at Arq to see Melissa. Everything was excellent, but the following would be a special highlight for the Arq.
OK, after the amazing Blue Dawn's gothic rock show and seeing Daniel confess his love to Kendra in German *sweet*, Peter and me walked up to Oxford Street. I was challenged to run with him, as he was saying that he is an excellent athelete at home.... He does run freaky fast, me respect him. But this dude really need to stop smoking, I never see him without a cigarette on his hand. tsk tsk tsk~
One thing that surprise me was he want to go to Arq with me. In case you don't know, Arq is a super gay gay club, in other words, it is pretty dangerous for a good looking straight boy like Peter. hee hee... anyway, I guess he wasn't that toxicated yet, as he fleed away before anything happen on him. Too bad that he missed Melissa and the superb lazer show, $10 for that was absolutely worth it.
It was funny to see Melissa again, she is the cheap version of Kylie Minogue and only got two hit songs for her whole career. Seeing Pauly and his mates all got excited with their teenage idol love was lovely~ The lazer show happened about 2 in the morning, but it was totally awesome~! The "spiderweb" style was the most impressive one, here are some of the lazer show pictures.
The most craziest thing has happened again, my second time got picked up in a gay club, right in front of Pauly, it was a very cute bisexual boy came and talked to me. I didn't pay much attention to him, since me and Pauly were having some exciting conversation going on about Aron Ralston, so he left... aww~!
Anyway, I have to say bisexual is holy shibby! Guess I have told most of you about my belief of bisexual before. What I think is: everyone is bisexual since they are born, but it's the socialisation and the patriarchism that determine our gender under our determined sexuality. Well, you never know! No one can prove the psychoanalysis neither, because it's hidden in our unconscious so well. But one thing I believe to support queer is that: if love has no limit to nationality, then it shouldn't have limit to gender neither. bisexual totally shatters all the gender limitation, which is awesome. People should go for it!
Nevertheless, I just wanna say the Jazz concert of Dianne Reeves on last Thursday was stunning! This lady held her microphone down to her hips, but her voice sounds like holding the mic next to her lips. You can imagine how powerful her voice was, not even mention how she can reach extremely high and low pitch. A 3-times Grammy Award Jazz Diva is really something...! Thanks Lezel for the invite! *muah*
P.S. New pictures are just uploaded up to the net, you are gonna love it baby~
[[audio: Downsyde - Raggadope]]
Tonite is a crazy big nite out to me, straight to Kendras BBQ dinner after work, then headed to Gaelic for Daniel's band - Blue Dawn's gig, and met up Pauly at Arq to see Melissa. Everything was excellent, but the following would be a special highlight for the Arq.
OK, after the amazing Blue Dawn's gothic rock show and seeing Daniel confess his love to Kendra in German *sweet*, Peter and me walked up to Oxford Street. I was challenged to run with him, as he was saying that he is an excellent athelete at home.... He does run freaky fast, me respect him. But this dude really need to stop smoking, I never see him without a cigarette on his hand. tsk tsk tsk~
One thing that surprise me was he want to go to Arq with me. In case you don't know, Arq is a super gay gay club, in other words, it is pretty dangerous for a good looking straight boy like Peter. hee hee... anyway, I guess he wasn't that toxicated yet, as he fleed away before anything happen on him. Too bad that he missed Melissa and the superb lazer show, $10 for that was absolutely worth it.
It was funny to see Melissa again, she is the cheap version of Kylie Minogue and only got two hit songs for her whole career. Seeing Pauly and his mates all got excited with their teenage idol love was lovely~ The lazer show happened about 2 in the morning, but it was totally awesome~! The "spiderweb" style was the most impressive one, here are some of the lazer show pictures.

The most craziest thing has happened again, my second time got picked up in a gay club, right in front of Pauly, it was a very cute bisexual boy came and talked to me. I didn't pay much attention to him, since me and Pauly were having some exciting conversation going on about Aron Ralston, so he left... aww~!
Anyway, I have to say bisexual is holy shibby! Guess I have told most of you about my belief of bisexual before. What I think is: everyone is bisexual since they are born, but it's the socialisation and the patriarchism that determine our gender under our determined sexuality. Well, you never know! No one can prove the psychoanalysis neither, because it's hidden in our unconscious so well. But one thing I believe to support queer is that: if love has no limit to nationality, then it shouldn't have limit to gender neither. bisexual totally shatters all the gender limitation, which is awesome. People should go for it!
Nevertheless, I just wanna say the Jazz concert of Dianne Reeves on last Thursday was stunning! This lady held her microphone down to her hips, but her voice sounds like holding the mic next to her lips. You can imagine how powerful her voice was, not even mention how she can reach extremely high and low pitch. A 3-times Grammy Award Jazz Diva is really something...! Thanks Lezel for the invite! *muah*
P.S. New pictures are just uploaded up to the net, you are gonna love it baby~
[[audio: Downsyde - Raggadope]]
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Inside Your Fragmentation, I Torn Myself Apart
I'm still fixing my insomnia, but it's getting better, as my head has started to obey me. I still sleep around 2ish in the morning, but at least when I really want to sleep, my body and mind sort of let me to do so. (In case you don't understand, it's not insomnia if I stay up at midnight by my own will. So stop saying that I have insomnia ages ago.)
Anyway, I was invited to see a world music concert by Lezel last night at State Theatre, it's a 8 piece band from Bamako (Africa), the band is called "Super Rail Band De Bamako". It was a fun performance, the band really know how to heat up the crowd, you can really tell by seeing a 70 years old man dancing on his seat with his 68 year old wife. The only thing I can't tell was whether they were really dancing or shaking... :p
I've planned to see this show:
Becks bar festival: FBi Hip Hop night
Becks bar festival: Koolism
DJ Krush @ Gaelic Club
The Shins @ The Metro
Rufus Wainwright @ The Basement
The Hives @ The Metro
Geez... my money is burning so fast now.
Sam Lim said "sam rules hardcore"
P.S. I love Strawberries + Watermelon Daiquiri!! It's Damien's special cocktail, so good!
[[audio: Dappled Cities fly - Cream]]
I'm still fixing my insomnia, but it's getting better, as my head has started to obey me. I still sleep around 2ish in the morning, but at least when I really want to sleep, my body and mind sort of let me to do so. (In case you don't understand, it's not insomnia if I stay up at midnight by my own will. So stop saying that I have insomnia ages ago.)
Anyway, I was invited to see a world music concert by Lezel last night at State Theatre, it's a 8 piece band from Bamako (Africa), the band is called "Super Rail Band De Bamako". It was a fun performance, the band really know how to heat up the crowd, you can really tell by seeing a 70 years old man dancing on his seat with his 68 year old wife. The only thing I can't tell was whether they were really dancing or shaking... :p
I've planned to see this show:
Becks bar festival: FBi Hip Hop night
Becks bar festival: Koolism
DJ Krush @ Gaelic Club
The Shins @ The Metro
Rufus Wainwright @ The Basement
The Hives @ The Metro
Geez... my money is burning so fast now.
Sam Lim said "sam rules hardcore"
P.S. I love Strawberries + Watermelon Daiquiri!! It's Damien's special cocktail, so good!
[[audio: Dappled Cities fly - Cream]]
Monday, January 10, 2005
Lingering On The Invisible
I realise that doing an overnight show, it is OK to stay up all night playing music and talk on air...etc. But the most terrible part is how you have to put all the CDs back to the shelf according to those tiny number code on the side, it is definitely a pain in the arse.
Anyway, I want to thank you Peter from Utility Fog, who went through all the panel operation skill to me again. I wouldn't remember it if he didn't do that, it's been a very long while. This dude got like 2000 CDs & Vinyls at home, god I really wanna go to his private music library and check out his secret collections!
My big thank you to Sonic who have dinner with me and walked me to the radio station, Redfern is really a dangerous place, I wouldn't dare to walk alone at night. I really appreciated that even you were so tired, a very good friend you are. :)
Also, thanks Oliver stayed with me on the ICQ for whole night, it was very nice of you stay at home on Sunday. You know, it could be a good day to hang out with your friends or pick up hot girls. *winks* :p But it was great fun to have you with me, though you couldn't listen to my show, Die perfeckt welle is delicated to you.
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++
One day, Lucy were taken away by her computer to this strange place, it's pictures everywhere in this dimension. Looking at all the images on the wall, Lucy has this deja vu in her head. All in the sudden, her eyes were flooded, tears came out without control, just like the tsunami. But when it's almost over, she gave out a smile, a smile from her heart.
Lucy looked up the sky, want to say something, but she swallowed all the words back. A voice from the sky asked why is she holding back. Lucy looked down and said it is a wish. Continued telling the sky, none of her wishes have ever came true, there's no point to speak it out. Lucy glared at the sky with her accusing eyes, expressing her anger to the hypocrite who's seemingly helping her but in fact bashed all her dreams behind the back.
The sky promised Lucy that her dream will come true this time, and begged her to speak out her dream. In her eyes, a sense of innocence is explicitly cast out like sunbeam. Her lips shaked a little bit, then she whisper her wish out, saying she want to keep one of those pictures with her. In a blink of eyes, all the pictures were burnt, once again, Lucy's dream were shattered. She fell on her knees, her eyes were opened but focusing nothing.
The sky said, "This is just my job."
The End. Everything starts with accidents, finishes with leverages.
P.S. Heaps pictures were uploaded for my Saturday events, go and check it out. (located at My Sydney Diaries)
[[audio: The Cure - Tainted Love]]
I realise that doing an overnight show, it is OK to stay up all night playing music and talk on air...etc. But the most terrible part is how you have to put all the CDs back to the shelf according to those tiny number code on the side, it is definitely a pain in the arse.
Anyway, I want to thank you Peter from Utility Fog, who went through all the panel operation skill to me again. I wouldn't remember it if he didn't do that, it's been a very long while. This dude got like 2000 CDs & Vinyls at home, god I really wanna go to his private music library and check out his secret collections!
My big thank you to Sonic who have dinner with me and walked me to the radio station, Redfern is really a dangerous place, I wouldn't dare to walk alone at night. I really appreciated that even you were so tired, a very good friend you are. :)
Also, thanks Oliver stayed with me on the ICQ for whole night, it was very nice of you stay at home on Sunday. You know, it could be a good day to hang out with your friends or pick up hot girls. *winks* :p But it was great fun to have you with me, though you couldn't listen to my show, Die perfeckt welle is delicated to you.
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++
One day, Lucy were taken away by her computer to this strange place, it's pictures everywhere in this dimension. Looking at all the images on the wall, Lucy has this deja vu in her head. All in the sudden, her eyes were flooded, tears came out without control, just like the tsunami. But when it's almost over, she gave out a smile, a smile from her heart.
Lucy looked up the sky, want to say something, but she swallowed all the words back. A voice from the sky asked why is she holding back. Lucy looked down and said it is a wish. Continued telling the sky, none of her wishes have ever came true, there's no point to speak it out. Lucy glared at the sky with her accusing eyes, expressing her anger to the hypocrite who's seemingly helping her but in fact bashed all her dreams behind the back.
The sky promised Lucy that her dream will come true this time, and begged her to speak out her dream. In her eyes, a sense of innocence is explicitly cast out like sunbeam. Her lips shaked a little bit, then she whisper her wish out, saying she want to keep one of those pictures with her. In a blink of eyes, all the pictures were burnt, once again, Lucy's dream were shattered. She fell on her knees, her eyes were opened but focusing nothing.
The sky said, "This is just my job."
The End. Everything starts with accidents, finishes with leverages.
P.S. Heaps pictures were uploaded for my Saturday events, go and check it out. (located at My Sydney Diaries)
[[audio: The Cure - Tainted Love]]
Allnighter 10 Janurary 2005.
So... Here is the playlist:
Ugly Duckling - Opening Act
L'arc-en-ciel - Heaven's Drive
Katalyst - Uprocking
TZU - Who?
Mansun - Six
Lazy Susan - Top of her Goodbye
The Anniversary - All things Ordinary
4 Hero - Les Fleur
Good Buddha - Naturalogical
Bliss n Eso - The Tunnel Of Love
DJ Double D - Kelis "Milkshake" vs Missy Elliot "Pass that Dutch"
Machine Gun Fellatio - Troublemaker
Har Mar Superstar - Power Lunch
Dappled Cities fly - Die In Your Eyes
The Devoted Few - Desolation Angels
The Asphalt - Waste Of Time
The Postal Service - Sleeping In
Taking Back Sunday - Cut from the Team
The Boat People - Tell Someone Who Cares
Erykah Badu feat. Razhel - Southern Girl
Juli - Die Perfekte welle
Decoder Ring - Somersault
Lamb - This Could Be Heaven
Urthboy - Come Around
Stylophonic - Way Of Life
Downsyde - Less Fortunate
Kings Of Leon - Milk
Prodigy - Poison
The chemical Brothers - Hey Boy Hey Girl
Scissor Sisters - Tits On the Radio
national Pornographic - hot Wax
Fourtet - As Serious As Your Life
Ends & means - On the Low
The Herd - 77%
Rocket Science - Sex Call
Wolf Mother - Appletree
Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde
Ugly Duckling - The Drive - Thru
Two Up - Club Shakers
Botanics - Signature Dish
Architecture in Helsinki - Do the Whirlwind
Death Cab For Cutie - All is Full Of Love
Bjork - Hyperballad
Intercooler - If I Try
The Architects - We Vanish
Jimmy Eat World - Night Drive
Little Birdy - andy Warhol
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Date With The Night
The Unicorns - I Was Born a Unicorn
Bluebottle Kiss - Last Playboy in Town
Elbow - Teardrop
Darren Hanlon - A-Z
Feeder - Summer Gone
Art Of Fighting - Along The Run
Travis - Love Will Come Through
Bit by Bats - Sir! Beat Sir
The Postal Service - Hands Away
Music vs Physics- Dot To Dot
The most serene Republic - when Cedar Nouns & Adverbs Walk
Jimmy Eat World - Believe In What You Want
Meem - What's The Big Hoo-Hah?
Neon - A man
Delays - Hey Girl
The Anniversary - Sweet Marie
P.S. Thanks Luke & Mary for calling up.
So... Here is the playlist:
Ugly Duckling - Opening Act
L'arc-en-ciel - Heaven's Drive
Katalyst - Uprocking
TZU - Who?
Mansun - Six
Lazy Susan - Top of her Goodbye
The Anniversary - All things Ordinary
4 Hero - Les Fleur
Good Buddha - Naturalogical
Bliss n Eso - The Tunnel Of Love
DJ Double D - Kelis "Milkshake" vs Missy Elliot "Pass that Dutch"
Machine Gun Fellatio - Troublemaker
Har Mar Superstar - Power Lunch
Dappled Cities fly - Die In Your Eyes
The Devoted Few - Desolation Angels
The Asphalt - Waste Of Time
The Postal Service - Sleeping In
Taking Back Sunday - Cut from the Team
The Boat People - Tell Someone Who Cares
Erykah Badu feat. Razhel - Southern Girl
Juli - Die Perfekte welle
Decoder Ring - Somersault
Lamb - This Could Be Heaven
Urthboy - Come Around
Stylophonic - Way Of Life
Downsyde - Less Fortunate
Kings Of Leon - Milk
Prodigy - Poison
The chemical Brothers - Hey Boy Hey Girl
Scissor Sisters - Tits On the Radio
national Pornographic - hot Wax
Fourtet - As Serious As Your Life
Ends & means - On the Low
The Herd - 77%
Rocket Science - Sex Call
Wolf Mother - Appletree
Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde
Ugly Duckling - The Drive - Thru
Two Up - Club Shakers
Botanics - Signature Dish
Architecture in Helsinki - Do the Whirlwind
Death Cab For Cutie - All is Full Of Love
Bjork - Hyperballad
Intercooler - If I Try
The Architects - We Vanish
Jimmy Eat World - Night Drive
Little Birdy - andy Warhol
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Date With The Night
The Unicorns - I Was Born a Unicorn
Bluebottle Kiss - Last Playboy in Town
Elbow - Teardrop
Darren Hanlon - A-Z
Feeder - Summer Gone
Art Of Fighting - Along The Run
Travis - Love Will Come Through
Bit by Bats - Sir! Beat Sir
The Postal Service - Hands Away
Music vs Physics- Dot To Dot
The most serene Republic - when Cedar Nouns & Adverbs Walk
Jimmy Eat World - Believe In What You Want
Meem - What's The Big Hoo-Hah?
Neon - A man
Delays - Hey Girl
The Anniversary - Sweet Marie
P.S. Thanks Luke & Mary for calling up.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Almost Reach The End Of The Space
I have to say my Saturday was so wonderful, but it doesn't mean that my bad luck has all gone, thanks to my insomnia , I embarassed myself again today, not mention few more bruises on my arms and knees. pffff... But I really have fun, I see lots of people that we haven't met a long while and they all cheer me up heaps, it was incredibly great.
In the afternoon, Lena and I planned to shop in Glebe Market, but she told me there're two of her friends would come along too. When she and her secret friends arrived, I was so excited as it was Peter B. and Grit!!!!!! I met this couple back to my performance show, and last time saw them was in Hanna & Lena's House Party. They are awesome people, warm & nice, easy-going, down to earth, passionate, artistic. :) I enjoy hanging out with them so much, and we all got nice bargain stuff in the market. After shopping in the Glebe, we headed back to Lena's house and have port wine as well as strawberries cheesecake. Then I rushed back down to Central station and meet up Paul, as usual, I was late... *sorry Pauly....*
It was my first time to see Pauly after he came back from Brisbane, and he looks damn sexy and gorgeous! I was stunned while looking at his new hair, new tanned skin, and more importantly, his bright smile. It's like a new energy has inject to his vein, I am very happy to see him in such a good condition.
So we were having dinner in an Indian Restaurant in Oxford Street, both of us were having mango chicken; he also has cheese naan, whereas I have Lamb Madras and mango Lassi. They are all so delicious, we enjoy the food and the conversation in between very much.
However, there's a surprising entertainment in this restaurant that totally distracted us! They have this big screen TV playing Indian music video, and it makes us laugh (in a good way...) so hard that can hurt our tummy and burst out tears. All the modern Indian music videos are pretty much blended with traditional indian dancing and some funny "Michael Jackson + Backstreet Boys" poppy moves. It was so hilarious but kool, most of the themes are about wedding, love at the first sight and all kind of traditional love perspectives. We were so impressed by those dancers, they have serious facial expression with hyper-energetic dancing move. God, that was sooooo funny, me and Pauly have decided to come again, just get a drink and sit there all day to watch the videos!!!
Next, we headed to Opera House and met up Lena and Peter H., this is the Irish-liked Peter. Anyway, we went to see Koyaanisqatsi, it is a film project by Philip Glass that made in 1982, I've actually saw part of it in my postmodernism course. My lecture John Pott showed the bit where they destroy all the abandon buildings, which reflects the death of modernism. It was so amazing to see the whole film while having Philip Glass playing his masterpiece in live, really love the crowd-flow, the metaphors (sausages making -> escalator crowd), the midnight traffic, the dead buildings, the modern factory, the failed rocket and all bunch of those crazy lives.
After that, we walked to the habor where behind the Opera House, talked about Philip Glass and took some pictures. All in the sudden, a bunch of beautiful fireworks came up in front of our faces, it was so surprising because we didn't expect that at all. Those were not amateur firework, don't even know why they were having firework tonite!? The best thing was that it was so sudden, and there're no people, no nothing that blocking us! A perfect view for a perfect night - we made up the reason for the firework is to celebrate Pauly, Peter and Lena's first time ever walk in the Opera house to see a show... heh heh... how convenient.
Good time wasn't over yet though!!! We went back to Oxford Street and clubbed abit in Columbian, where embarrassing event has then happened on me. ok... are you ready? ok... It was soooo pack in this club ok? and I have to grab Peter's hand in case we lost him behind ok? so I wasn't looking ok? and I grab his hand and just go ok? and his hand try to get off me ok? and I just keep holding his hand and lead him to the group ok? then I just realised I was a stranger's hand.... ok...? Peter and Pauly were laughing at me, and my face was sooooo blush... Stupid Insomnia.... grrrrrr!!! First time I went here, I was picked up by a gay boy, this time I came here and I am the one who picked a gay boy's hand by accident... LOL. Of course it's the stupid Insomnia!!!! (just to clear up, Peter is not gay. I am... pretty sure... about... that.)
They went to Arthouse after this, it's good to see Kendra and Christine. But once I stepped in the club, my ankle wasn't feeling right. I could feel that "crack" sound and vibration got through my body, maybe I'm just not meant to be out, so I headed home and write something nice. whew... I'm sure they will have fun without me. :)
Well well, to whose wanna listen to my Allnighter, here is the time for Jan:
Jan 10th, Monday, 1am-6am.
Jan 25th, Tuesday, 1am-6am.
Stay tuned!!! xoxo.
P.S. Hey I'm happy that all my new friends mixed together so well tonite!
P.S.S We took so many photos today, but I'll upload them later. :)
[[audio: 4 Hero - Les Fleurs]]
I have to say my Saturday was so wonderful, but it doesn't mean that my bad luck has all gone, thanks to my insomnia , I embarassed myself again today, not mention few more bruises on my arms and knees. pffff... But I really have fun, I see lots of people that we haven't met a long while and they all cheer me up heaps, it was incredibly great.
In the afternoon, Lena and I planned to shop in Glebe Market, but she told me there're two of her friends would come along too. When she and her secret friends arrived, I was so excited as it was Peter B. and Grit!!!!!! I met this couple back to my performance show, and last time saw them was in Hanna & Lena's House Party. They are awesome people, warm & nice, easy-going, down to earth, passionate, artistic. :) I enjoy hanging out with them so much, and we all got nice bargain stuff in the market. After shopping in the Glebe, we headed back to Lena's house and have port wine as well as strawberries cheesecake. Then I rushed back down to Central station and meet up Paul, as usual, I was late... *sorry Pauly....*
It was my first time to see Pauly after he came back from Brisbane, and he looks damn sexy and gorgeous! I was stunned while looking at his new hair, new tanned skin, and more importantly, his bright smile. It's like a new energy has inject to his vein, I am very happy to see him in such a good condition.
So we were having dinner in an Indian Restaurant in Oxford Street, both of us were having mango chicken; he also has cheese naan, whereas I have Lamb Madras and mango Lassi. They are all so delicious, we enjoy the food and the conversation in between very much.
However, there's a surprising entertainment in this restaurant that totally distracted us! They have this big screen TV playing Indian music video, and it makes us laugh (in a good way...) so hard that can hurt our tummy and burst out tears. All the modern Indian music videos are pretty much blended with traditional indian dancing and some funny "Michael Jackson + Backstreet Boys" poppy moves. It was so hilarious but kool, most of the themes are about wedding, love at the first sight and all kind of traditional love perspectives. We were so impressed by those dancers, they have serious facial expression with hyper-energetic dancing move. God, that was sooooo funny, me and Pauly have decided to come again, just get a drink and sit there all day to watch the videos!!!
Next, we headed to Opera House and met up Lena and Peter H., this is the Irish-liked Peter. Anyway, we went to see Koyaanisqatsi, it is a film project by Philip Glass that made in 1982, I've actually saw part of it in my postmodernism course. My lecture John Pott showed the bit where they destroy all the abandon buildings, which reflects the death of modernism. It was so amazing to see the whole film while having Philip Glass playing his masterpiece in live, really love the crowd-flow, the metaphors (sausages making -> escalator crowd), the midnight traffic, the dead buildings, the modern factory, the failed rocket and all bunch of those crazy lives.
After that, we walked to the habor where behind the Opera House, talked about Philip Glass and took some pictures. All in the sudden, a bunch of beautiful fireworks came up in front of our faces, it was so surprising because we didn't expect that at all. Those were not amateur firework, don't even know why they were having firework tonite!? The best thing was that it was so sudden, and there're no people, no nothing that blocking us! A perfect view for a perfect night - we made up the reason for the firework is to celebrate Pauly, Peter and Lena's first time ever walk in the Opera house to see a show... heh heh... how convenient.
Good time wasn't over yet though!!! We went back to Oxford Street and clubbed abit in Columbian, where embarrassing event has then happened on me. ok... are you ready? ok... It was soooo pack in this club ok? and I have to grab Peter's hand in case we lost him behind ok? so I wasn't looking ok? and I grab his hand and just go ok? and his hand try to get off me ok? and I just keep holding his hand and lead him to the group ok? then I just realised I was a stranger's hand.... ok...? Peter and Pauly were laughing at me, and my face was sooooo blush... Stupid Insomnia.... grrrrrr!!! First time I went here, I was picked up by a gay boy, this time I came here and I am the one who picked a gay boy's hand by accident... LOL. Of course it's the stupid Insomnia!!!! (just to clear up, Peter is not gay. I am... pretty sure... about... that.)
They went to Arthouse after this, it's good to see Kendra and Christine. But once I stepped in the club, my ankle wasn't feeling right. I could feel that "crack" sound and vibration got through my body, maybe I'm just not meant to be out, so I headed home and write something nice. whew... I'm sure they will have fun without me. :)
Well well, to whose wanna listen to my Allnighter, here is the time for Jan:
Jan 10th, Monday, 1am-6am.
Jan 25th, Tuesday, 1am-6am.
Stay tuned!!! xoxo.
P.S. Hey I'm happy that all my new friends mixed together so well tonite!
P.S.S We took so many photos today, but I'll upload them later. :)
[[audio: 4 Hero - Les Fleurs]]
Friday, January 07, 2005
Shut Up Before All Things Gone Mad
So I was watching TV because I was bored at home, and that Outback Jack was on. I was thinking to change the channel, but I just couldn't arsed myself to get the remote control. Eventually I found that this reality is pretty funny to watch. For whose dunno what Outback Jack is: the deal is a bunch of pampered city gals staying with an Aussie man Jack in the outback. Jack has to eliminate the gals in order to pick the right one as his real lover.
This kind of cheesy reality show really make me laugh. Camera always shot at Jack's mourning face while he's about to eliminate the girls. Sometimes it films him from an angle where he seems not to realise the camera, looking at him walking away with his hand covering his sorrow eyes as if he's so not part of this. Next, his voice will come up speaking out his inner feelings about how he hate to let the gal go because every single one of them are so precious and special...shit like that. This isn't only happen in Outback Jack, but also other shows like Something about Miriam, Millionaire Joe...etc.
What the hell is that? Wanna be dramatic? sentimental? touching? Please, I have enough in that p***y show Neighbours, so for god sake, just be a man and say something like "Out! you are just not good enough for me." Stop being so lame and acting so guilty, innocent and sympathetic, you Hypocritical Jackass.
One thing I have to mention it here. In this episode that I saw, there's a challenge for the girls to do in order to have a romantic dinner with that *cough* retarded *cough* Jack: They have to catch the fish in the river by their bare hands, and the losers have to cook the fishes as the dinner for the winner and Jack. Apparently it seems fine, until I realised there is a sentence came up in the end of the show while they rolling up the credit. A line at the bottom in white small fonts: "NO ANIMALS ARE HARMED IN THE PRODUCTION OF THIS SHOW"... Excuse me? What did you eat for dinner again moron?
Enough for my criticism. Anyway, if you wanna fight back, listen to my Allnighter and tell me how suck I am then. I'm doing it on Mon 1am-6am, swear to god, I won't screw up the time again. Otherwise, I won't walk home from Redfern this time, I will do handstand and walk home.
Oh by the way, I think this is very odd, as today in FBi, there're 4 people (include me) having legs injuries. We're all limping around, you can pretty imagine the scene if you think about those zombies in Resident Evil, if you haven't seen that movie, think about the zombies in Michael Jackson's Thriller then. *grins*
Alright, my insomnia is getting very serious now, can anyone suggest a good and workable methods to help sleeping? except counting sheeps please?
[[audio: The Shins - Caring Is Creepy]]
So I was watching TV because I was bored at home, and that Outback Jack was on. I was thinking to change the channel, but I just couldn't arsed myself to get the remote control. Eventually I found that this reality is pretty funny to watch. For whose dunno what Outback Jack is: the deal is a bunch of pampered city gals staying with an Aussie man Jack in the outback. Jack has to eliminate the gals in order to pick the right one as his real lover.

This kind of cheesy reality show really make me laugh. Camera always shot at Jack's mourning face while he's about to eliminate the girls. Sometimes it films him from an angle where he seems not to realise the camera, looking at him walking away with his hand covering his sorrow eyes as if he's so not part of this. Next, his voice will come up speaking out his inner feelings about how he hate to let the gal go because every single one of them are so precious and special...shit like that. This isn't only happen in Outback Jack, but also other shows like Something about Miriam, Millionaire Joe...etc.
What the hell is that? Wanna be dramatic? sentimental? touching? Please, I have enough in that p***y show Neighbours, so for god sake, just be a man and say something like "Out! you are just not good enough for me." Stop being so lame and acting so guilty, innocent and sympathetic, you Hypocritical Jackass.
One thing I have to mention it here. In this episode that I saw, there's a challenge for the girls to do in order to have a romantic dinner with that *cough* retarded *cough* Jack: They have to catch the fish in the river by their bare hands, and the losers have to cook the fishes as the dinner for the winner and Jack. Apparently it seems fine, until I realised there is a sentence came up in the end of the show while they rolling up the credit. A line at the bottom in white small fonts: "NO ANIMALS ARE HARMED IN THE PRODUCTION OF THIS SHOW"... Excuse me? What did you eat for dinner again moron?
Enough for my criticism. Anyway, if you wanna fight back, listen to my Allnighter and tell me how suck I am then. I'm doing it on Mon 1am-6am, swear to god, I won't screw up the time again. Otherwise, I won't walk home from Redfern this time, I will do handstand and walk home.
Oh by the way, I think this is very odd, as today in FBi, there're 4 people (include me) having legs injuries. We're all limping around, you can pretty imagine the scene if you think about those zombies in Resident Evil, if you haven't seen that movie, think about the zombies in Michael Jackson's Thriller then. *grins*
Alright, my insomnia is getting very serious now, can anyone suggest a good and workable methods to help sleeping? except counting sheeps please?
[[audio: The Shins - Caring Is Creepy]]
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Everything is Not Lost, Epilogue is Completed
Sprained my ankles is not totally a bad thing indeed, I'm finally forced to stay at home and think about things. Think what I haven't thought, do what I haven't done. And then I did all the stuff that I suppose to be done earlier, the feelings of completion is back to me again. Physical constraint leads to mental liberation, once and for all, I'm back to myself again.
My left ankle is fine now, thanks to Sonic's massage cream. The right one is still a little bit swollen and hurt while walking, may take a day or two to recover. The first thing he said when I opened the door was "Holy jesus, you and your room look like crap!", which was very nice and thoughtful... We also have this funny conversation while he's putting the cream on my feet:
S: So goof, how did you sprain your ankles?
F: Don't ask me, I don't wanna highlight my stupidity again.
S: LOL, nothing is smart in your world, but it's safe as long as you are not running the country, darling. *grins*
F: Jeez! Don't be mean to me! I CAN RUN A COUNTRY WELL! *long face*
S: OK... So back to your ankles...
F: I actually hurt myself while doing can can dance.
S: are you serious? you think you are Nicole Kidman?
F: Want me to show you? *high kick up to Sonic's face*
S: Wow! Watch out my face missy, I still have a meeting tomorrow morning.
Not really, I didn't do any can can dance or shit like that. If you really wanna know, the truth is I sprained my ankles while walking the stair back home. Anyway, I wanna thank Sonic for cleaning up my room and being with me all afternoon. Look, my room was very neat, but he just put some "homo-touch" to make it "look" neater!
In fact, he is right, I do look like crap. I realised that yesterday, the reason of that is because I didn't go out. This is serious, being forced to stay at home will make a person grow old very fast. All my hair have turned silver already, so I just dyed my hair this afternoon, once again... thanks Sonic for helping. hee hee... Dude, if you are not gay, I'm so going to marry you! (Rooster girl in this year need to get marry or will have love relationship crisis, take me bro! *winks* Big sales here, LOL!)
P.S. Sonic, I'm singing your favorite song now: "20th century boy, I wanna be~ your toy!" muhaha!
P.S.S. Did I mention I have uploaded more pictures? :)
[[audio: Travis - Love Will Come Through]]
Sprained my ankles is not totally a bad thing indeed, I'm finally forced to stay at home and think about things. Think what I haven't thought, do what I haven't done. And then I did all the stuff that I suppose to be done earlier, the feelings of completion is back to me again. Physical constraint leads to mental liberation, once and for all, I'm back to myself again.
My left ankle is fine now, thanks to Sonic's massage cream. The right one is still a little bit swollen and hurt while walking, may take a day or two to recover. The first thing he said when I opened the door was "Holy jesus, you and your room look like crap!", which was very nice and thoughtful... We also have this funny conversation while he's putting the cream on my feet:
S: So goof, how did you sprain your ankles?
F: Don't ask me, I don't wanna highlight my stupidity again.
S: LOL, nothing is smart in your world, but it's safe as long as you are not running the country, darling. *grins*
F: Jeez! Don't be mean to me! I CAN RUN A COUNTRY WELL! *long face*
S: OK... So back to your ankles...
F: I actually hurt myself while doing can can dance.
S: are you serious? you think you are Nicole Kidman?
F: Want me to show you? *high kick up to Sonic's face*
S: Wow! Watch out my face missy, I still have a meeting tomorrow morning.
Not really, I didn't do any can can dance or shit like that. If you really wanna know, the truth is I sprained my ankles while walking the stair back home. Anyway, I wanna thank Sonic for cleaning up my room and being with me all afternoon. Look, my room was very neat, but he just put some "homo-touch" to make it "look" neater!
In fact, he is right, I do look like crap. I realised that yesterday, the reason of that is because I didn't go out. This is serious, being forced to stay at home will make a person grow old very fast. All my hair have turned silver already, so I just dyed my hair this afternoon, once again... thanks Sonic for helping. hee hee... Dude, if you are not gay, I'm so going to marry you! (Rooster girl in this year need to get marry or will have love relationship crisis, take me bro! *winks* Big sales here, LOL!)
P.S. Sonic, I'm singing your favorite song now: "20th century boy, I wanna be~ your toy!" muhaha!
P.S.S. Did I mention I have uploaded more pictures? :)
[[audio: Travis - Love Will Come Through]]
Sunday, January 02, 2005
I Screwed Up My Ankles...
You are very welcome to call me cripple. It's not very serious, I can barely walk/limp, better stay at home for awhile. This is pretty SHIT, who's gonna entertain me in my shoebox room?
Why a rooster girl isn't in good luck in the year of rooster? I even lost my lucky charm bracelace in NYE. I'm not happy... I need to buy myself a teddy bear to hug. (Why? This sucks so bad, how come no one ever buy my teddy bear?) *sob*
*Hiding in the corner and started drawing circle...*
[[audio: Jimmy Eat World - Pain]]

You are very welcome to call me cripple. It's not very serious, I can barely walk/limp, better stay at home for awhile. This is pretty SHIT, who's gonna entertain me in my shoebox room?
Why a rooster girl isn't in good luck in the year of rooster? I even lost my lucky charm bracelace in NYE. I'm not happy... I need to buy myself a teddy bear to hug. (Why? This sucks so bad, how come no one ever buy my teddy bear?) *sob*
*Hiding in the corner and started drawing circle...*
[[audio: Jimmy Eat World - Pain]]
Saturday, January 01, 2005
I Eat Black Olives On The Kitchen Table
*Yawn* So here is the highlight for the NYE.
FBi was fun to work in NYD.
Bungalow 8 was alright, better in the other days.
Fireworks were nice at 9pm.
Fireworks were nicer at 12am.
No one silence for Tsumani victims.
Drunk guys on the street were all cheesy bastards.
German are either emotional or crazy.
Secret NYE Party was too secret to find.
Secret Party ended up in redfern's Gladstone hotel, too far.
Corynne looks so sexy and Mark looks so devil.
Peter's apartment is kool, and his flatmate slept while keeping his eyes open.
Thought Peter's flatmate was dead, but we were reassured by his snoring noise.
Peter sounds like Irish and he's proud of it.
Singing Hallelujah at 5am was pretty gay but I love it.
Never ever seen so many people on the street at 6:30am.
Everyone looks so trashed, except me. (I rule)
I'm out of here.
The pictures are uploaded, stop whining!
P.S. My uncle's doggie was shocked by the camera flash and peed everywhere.
[[audio: The Postal Service - Sleeping In]]
*Yawn* So here is the highlight for the NYE.
FBi was fun to work in NYD.
Bungalow 8 was alright, better in the other days.
Fireworks were nice at 9pm.
Fireworks were nicer at 12am.
No one silence for Tsumani victims.
Drunk guys on the street were all cheesy bastards.
German are either emotional or crazy.
Secret NYE Party was too secret to find.
Secret Party ended up in redfern's Gladstone hotel, too far.
Corynne looks so sexy and Mark looks so devil.
Peter's apartment is kool, and his flatmate slept while keeping his eyes open.
Thought Peter's flatmate was dead, but we were reassured by his snoring noise.
Peter sounds like Irish and he's proud of it.
Singing Hallelujah at 5am was pretty gay but I love it.
Never ever seen so many people on the street at 6:30am.
Everyone looks so trashed, except me. (I rule)
I'm out of here.
The pictures are uploaded, stop whining!
P.S. My uncle's doggie was shocked by the camera flash and peed everywhere.
[[audio: The Postal Service - Sleeping In]]