
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Spin The Bottle, Time To Break Dance

Heeeeelow, I just got up and wanna say.... hi. Indeed, I woke up at 1pm and crawled all the way from my bed to the computer, which took me massive effort to do so. Why? Hmm.... If you've been reading this blog earnestly, you can pretty much see that I didn't sleep much in the whole weekend. More importantly, I went to FBi becksbar fest last nite and got myself involved to a crazy dancing game.

Before I said anything, wanna shout out for Illic who took me in for free, what a gorgeous boy! *muah* and one more thing, I suppose to mention it in the Allnighter post, but too tired to remember. A little announcement is about my guest breaks DJ Joules Fine, he will be playing in Suzie Q this saturday nite, entry $15. Do not miss out! :)

OK, back to the fest. Me and Illic just started to mingle around and not more than a minute, all the FBi people has grouped together. I took some whacky photos of Illic, Stu, Sam and more, and all in the sudden, I had become a photographer for the fest.

The night was damn shibby, we have all the great local hiphop reprazent sticked together and did some wicked funky jamming. First round was Hermitude + the bird, then Joe from TZU joined in. Second round it was TZU + The Herd + Good Buddha, then Hermitude + the bird hacked in the back. The crowd absolutely lovin' it, and I was dancing in the first row, of coz never forget to take more pictures.

The show was then over, but not the party... The crowd started to make a circle and have a dancing battle, I was there too just for some more great pictures. Then they turned it to a dancing game - we spin the bottle, the person who got the bottle pointing at, have to come out and dance. I got pointed for like 10 times, so you can imagine how sore my legs are right now. It was great fun, dancing with someone you don't know, which was purely nice dancing-dancing, not those flirty-dancing in the usual doggy club. pffff~

I did some break dancing, some robot moving, some car-driving and some boogie... haha... god that was gold! There was a problem in the group tho, people was over-excited... ya know, when the bottle is pointing at someone, they will push the person out incase s/he doesn't want to dance. One time when the bottle pointing at me, actually I wasn't mind to dance at all, but a retard in my back use his mighty power to push me out, and I lost my balance and fell forward. I used my right hand to push myself back, though i didn't fell on the floor, but I hurt my thumb, thanks to that stupid moron...!

Oh well, after that crazy circle, I back to the FBi group, but almost everyone has already gone... Me, Levins, Chris coco and Shantan were the leftover FBi people. I could barely walk, so me and Levins just stayed abit more then headed home. In short, good fun cost by a sore body.

I should warp my hand now, my palm is very swollen, basically i can't even hold a fist... @_@;;;

P.S. I know!! I will upload the pictures very soon, at least let me recharge the batteries first asshole!

P.S.S. New satire link logged in - Samizdata.net~ fantastic blog.

P.S.S.S. People always ask me how to write their name in Chinese, since you all are desperated for a Chinese name, I got something for you. Go to this Site and you can search for your own Chinese name, if you can't find it, tell me and I write one for you.

[[audio: Cowboy Bepop - Cat Blues (Mr.Scruff Remix)]]

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