
Monday, March 27, 2006

3 Weeks Time

Hey guys, how's it going? I am doing very well in Finland and really enjoying the training here. I finally have time to upload some of the pictures that we took in the first few days, will show you more soon... when I have time.

Training in Finnair is great, and I really learn so much. Imagine me operating the aircraft door, jumping out the slide, fire fighting, smoke diving, doing CPR and so on... and craziest one would be seeing me in that uniform! ha!

I also get to see the nightlife of Finns, went out to a pub last weekend. It's very cool and finally get to talk with some finns outside work! I have to say clubbing in sydney is still my top one, but hey, different countries different style, or maybe I just went to a crappy one.

Went cross-country skiing last weekend too, it's great fun and only cost me 10 euros! Bargain~~~! This place is called Lansi Pakila, 90% looks like a Narnia scene, very gorgeous!

And After the tough exam of First aid, I will go to Stockholm next weekend, BY CRUISE!!!! Woohoo! I will only be staying there for one day, so unfortunately won't be seeing my sweetheart Corynne. But hey! that biatch is going to see The Knife in Berlin on Thursday, Im sooooooooooooo Jealous! I need to get myself on hook with some Finnish bands too!

Ok, Off I go now! Peace with one love my people!

[[audio: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Gold Lion]]

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Living In Espoo

Hi everyone, I am so excited being in Finland here for the training. I cant believe how I move from the lovely Sydney to the snowy Finland, this is all so wonderful. Except that I forgot to bring my warmest jacket, my watch and my camera, but its all good, some of mz crews lend me a jacket and took pictures for me, so what can i saz? I am lucky!! I do miss all the people in Australia tho, I hope you all doing well.

I have to keep this post short, with three big reasons.

1. I am using a stupid european keyboard, so many letters go with different keys, and so many symbols go missing! It took me an hour to finish this post, so feel my effort!

2. I do have a lot to study for my training, they just gave me this thicker-than-the-bible-handbook to read! so... yea!

3. Theres five people standing behind me to use the internet! thats whats bad about free internet when theres only one computer here in the hotel!

anywho... if anyone wanna send me something or give me a buzz, here is my contract information-

Address - Room 402, Espoon Privatel Oy, Porarinkatu 3, FIN-02650 ESPOO, Finland.
Home Phone - +358 9 511 05402
MOB - 044 927 6196

OK, I gotta run! will send some pictures on soon!

[[audio: Uncle Ho]]

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Answer

Finally I've got it, a call that decides my next adventure! After so many mental and physical tests, interviews and medical checkings, "Hi Fay, you are hired." and that's how I got the job! Despite I have another dilemma right here to solve, I just have to ditch everything for now and scream "HI 5, HELSINKI!".

No more jinx, so what happened? Well, I'm employed by Finnair as a flight attendant, and I am flying to Helsinki on this coming Saturday night, and will be trained for 6 weeks over there before I start working. Now isn't this exciting? I have to admit this is all about Finland and good money, but I'm sure I can follow up my desired career later. Woo, it's gonna be cold there, but let's think positive here: "SKI SKI SKI!!!"

Yes, I did mention a dilemma here, which is a very awkward situation that kind of tore me apart. I am actually also invited for an interview as a production assistant by a local music video production company, and this is a position that can push me up to one of my desired jobs - music video producer. I went to the interview today, and the manager was very satisfied about my interview and my qualification. However, (1.) I am heading off to Helsinki three days later; (2.) I have a contract with Finnair that if I quited within 6 months, there is a hugh amount of compensation fee responsible to pay! Terrible, isn't it?

P.S. Don't really care about having an operation, piercing and tattooing, but I am in fear of dentist!

[[audio: Soho Dolls - Stripper]]

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