
Monday, January 24, 2005

Rush Update

9:30am right now, and I just back home from Hanna & Lena's place. Before going to sleep, I'm gonna jot down how the evil Germans been sucking my energy from my soul!!!!! (God help me! I love evils....)

10:00am Macquarie Uni - applying postgraduate application form
2:30pm FBi - work...
6:00pm Surry Hill - Kendra's Farewell

5:30am Home - passed out.
3:00pm Home - wake up & late lunch
4:00pm Coles - Grocery shopping
6:00pm Great Northern Hotel - drink with Kath
11:00pm Home - Dinner

12:30am Bed - sleep
12:00pm Home - wake up & Brunch
1:30pm Home - reply email & playing SNE (Chrono Trigger; Magic School)
6:00pm Opera House - George & Thirty Merc concert with Scotty & Pauly.
11:30pm Glebe - Hanna & Lena's house party

4:30am Lena's bed - passed out while Lena, Peter, Jesse & Jes still talking outside.
6:30am Sittting room - woke up & join the conversation again
9:00am Home - typing this blog
soon... Shower; Breakfast; Sleep; Get up and Ready for Allnighter~!

Too many things to mention, Im too tired to type the details right now, so maybe I talk about it later...

P.S. Scotty and DJ Danielsan are friends since kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S.S. Lena's all time fave. movie is Great Expectation...; Peter's is Forest Gump!!!!; mine is Akira. :)
P.S.S.S. Geroge was an orsum show~! shibby to the top!

To Kendra: I'm gonna miss you, please enjoy these few more days. good bye gorgeous, will see you later... And please please made me that German gal's CD if you can be very kind? "ninn mich mit~ ninn mich mit~"

To Scotty: I promise I will come to Kelly's for Karaoke next time, and will sing for you. (Maybe Geroge~) hee hee....and I'm looking forward to your call about chemical brothers... *grins*

To Pauly: The indian dinner next weekend is on! Really can't wait to see those indians dance again~~~! >w<

To Levins: SHIBBY~ I'm glad you like Dragon Ash. If you wanna burn me a CD, how about your own stuff? *winks* otherwise, gimme some nice indie/ funky hip hop then. :) Thank you Sunshine.


[[audio: Death Cab for Cutie - 405]]

I took the 405 and drilled a stake down into your center
and stated that it's never ever been better than this.
I hung my favorite shirt on the floorboard wrinkled up
from pulling pushing and tasting tasting...

You keep twisting the truth that keeps me thrown askew.

Misguided by the 405 'cause it lead me to an alcoholic summer.
I missed the exit to your parents' house hours ago.
Red wine and the cigarettes: hide your bad habits underneath the patio patio patio...

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