Sunday, May 30, 2004
Scribble on the sand...
sitting on a broken chair, i begin to ponder...
looking at the other side, someone is playing guitar.
melody goes up and down, rats are dancing in the corner.
i try to reach the player, but it's vanished when i touch the finger.
turn around, champagne falls from the sky, becomes a sparkling river.
dizzy my eyes as if i fell into the cosmos, silent, silver, shimmer.
walking on the milky way, found the piece of my heart that i lost last summer.
the sound of guitar tap my shoulder, fill me with nepenthe, comfort my anger.
when i look back, it's just an empty room with a broken chair.
[[audio: Love Psychedelico - Hello]]
sitting on a broken chair, i begin to ponder...
looking at the other side, someone is playing guitar.
melody goes up and down, rats are dancing in the corner.
i try to reach the player, but it's vanished when i touch the finger.
turn around, champagne falls from the sky, becomes a sparkling river.
dizzy my eyes as if i fell into the cosmos, silent, silver, shimmer.
walking on the milky way, found the piece of my heart that i lost last summer.
the sound of guitar tap my shoulder, fill me with nepenthe, comfort my anger.
when i look back, it's just an empty room with a broken chair.
[[audio: Love Psychedelico - Hello]]
Saturday, May 29, 2004
Jump off the cliff edge, embrace the diamond sky
Despite of the numerous amounts of work and assignments that really bug me to death, I’m kind of in a good mood in these several days. To whose still got craving to see my bitchy mode, unfortunately the show is over, come and piss me off if you want more… :p
Thursday I skipped my favourite prose writing tute coz I was stuck in my previous class, my stupid performance studies’ tutor made me wait almost an hour before she came and spoke to me… I decided to invade Irma’s apartment and nagged her around, which was an amusing thing to do indeed. After I fully messed up her place, she dragged me to see The Day After Tomorrow.
Well, most of you have known that I am not highly expecting that it would be a dazzling movie, story probably just talking about stupid people don’t notice/ believe the destructive power of nature and get killed or some shit like that, then the protagonist comes up a solution to save the world… BORING! But I’m still expecting to see this movie in certain level, just because the stunning computer effects that cost most of the money. It turned out pretty much the same as what I expected, but the computer effect in this movie is really amazing, seeing those people frozen to death or drown, in this point… me and Irma just wanna see more people die in this film. (c'mon! don't say we are evils, it's just a movie!)
Then we went back to uni and see my favourite Aussie hip hop group – THE HERD! Actually I was going on behalf of FBi, have to meet Dan I. and hand some postcards to the people. It was such an awesome night, we all stood in the first row and danced like crazy fans. They had Two-Up to play first, which was very good, we even have a chat to talk with them. Then… The Herd, oh my god! Me and Dan gone totally insane, unfortunately Irma left after a few songs they played, she missed a lot! At the end of the show, we kept shouting out “Scallops”, and yea! We got them coming back out to sing Scallops, which is a great song they rarely play in the gig, I was fully content. *big smile* I have to say, having Dan in the gig is the most wonderful thing, he’s so funny, he makes everyone happy and he can really dance!! (Dan now owe me a dinner for this… hee hee)
Friday! I worked my ass off from the morning til 5pm, then I walked a long way from Redfern to Circular Quay to meet Irma and Brittany for dinner. (don’t say “aww”, I enjoy walking) In a pure coincidence, I saw Jamie in Cheers (a bar in city), so we had a beer and chat a bit before I go on my long walk. Then another coincidence, I saw Sonic on the street waiting for a bus back home, so we sat in a café for a coffee. How kool is it that you meet so many friends in a day which is all in coincidence? Anyway, I finally met up with the gals and went to an Italian restaurant for dinner, we had seafood pasta and it was very delicious! These gals dressed up really nice as we planned to head to the salsa club afterward, my rock chick look (which how I wear to work) was totally out of place… oh well, who cares?
It was a wonderful night in the club, the gals had their first experience to dance salsa, got dip and back flip… We also had a chance to see a stripper show coz someone’s getting marry and having a hen’s night to celebrate. I always find it’s embarrassing to watch, so I have my two hands covering my face all the time. *blushes* Talking about embarrassing, I was also being forced to do body shot, jeez! Well, it’s all good… I did it on Emmie’s hand, an easy one to get over this freaking moment. Then, I was being forced to drink a lot of water (approximately 2 jars), since Emmie wanna kept refilling the jar for some reasons, and I seriously got seasick… Anyhow, we all had a great time before “the storm of uni”.
Time to do some essay now… tata.
[[audio: Third Eye Blind – Blinded]]
Despite of the numerous amounts of work and assignments that really bug me to death, I’m kind of in a good mood in these several days. To whose still got craving to see my bitchy mode, unfortunately the show is over, come and piss me off if you want more… :p
Thursday I skipped my favourite prose writing tute coz I was stuck in my previous class, my stupid performance studies’ tutor made me wait almost an hour before she came and spoke to me… I decided to invade Irma’s apartment and nagged her around, which was an amusing thing to do indeed. After I fully messed up her place, she dragged me to see The Day After Tomorrow.
Well, most of you have known that I am not highly expecting that it would be a dazzling movie, story probably just talking about stupid people don’t notice/ believe the destructive power of nature and get killed or some shit like that, then the protagonist comes up a solution to save the world… BORING! But I’m still expecting to see this movie in certain level, just because the stunning computer effects that cost most of the money. It turned out pretty much the same as what I expected, but the computer effect in this movie is really amazing, seeing those people frozen to death or drown, in this point… me and Irma just wanna see more people die in this film. (c'mon! don't say we are evils, it's just a movie!)
Then we went back to uni and see my favourite Aussie hip hop group – THE HERD! Actually I was going on behalf of FBi, have to meet Dan I. and hand some postcards to the people. It was such an awesome night, we all stood in the first row and danced like crazy fans. They had Two-Up to play first, which was very good, we even have a chat to talk with them. Then… The Herd, oh my god! Me and Dan gone totally insane, unfortunately Irma left after a few songs they played, she missed a lot! At the end of the show, we kept shouting out “Scallops”, and yea! We got them coming back out to sing Scallops, which is a great song they rarely play in the gig, I was fully content. *big smile* I have to say, having Dan in the gig is the most wonderful thing, he’s so funny, he makes everyone happy and he can really dance!! (Dan now owe me a dinner for this… hee hee)
Friday! I worked my ass off from the morning til 5pm, then I walked a long way from Redfern to Circular Quay to meet Irma and Brittany for dinner. (don’t say “aww”, I enjoy walking) In a pure coincidence, I saw Jamie in Cheers (a bar in city), so we had a beer and chat a bit before I go on my long walk. Then another coincidence, I saw Sonic on the street waiting for a bus back home, so we sat in a café for a coffee. How kool is it that you meet so many friends in a day which is all in coincidence? Anyway, I finally met up with the gals and went to an Italian restaurant for dinner, we had seafood pasta and it was very delicious! These gals dressed up really nice as we planned to head to the salsa club afterward, my rock chick look (which how I wear to work) was totally out of place… oh well, who cares?
It was a wonderful night in the club, the gals had their first experience to dance salsa, got dip and back flip… We also had a chance to see a stripper show coz someone’s getting marry and having a hen’s night to celebrate. I always find it’s embarrassing to watch, so I have my two hands covering my face all the time. *blushes* Talking about embarrassing, I was also being forced to do body shot, jeez! Well, it’s all good… I did it on Emmie’s hand, an easy one to get over this freaking moment. Then, I was being forced to drink a lot of water (approximately 2 jars), since Emmie wanna kept refilling the jar for some reasons, and I seriously got seasick… Anyhow, we all had a great time before “the storm of uni”.
Time to do some essay now… tata.
[[audio: Third Eye Blind – Blinded]]
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
jazz is what you talk when you talk about love
today i have a pretty good mood, coz i'm now going to fbi with a new identity "competition coordinator", but i wasn't carrying a big expectation for it. I believe what Italo Calvino says in his novel "If on a winter's night a traveler", that what we expect in our life is to receive as less disappointment as possible. oh well, i know it sounds... a bit too realistic, but i wasn't disappointed with this expectation.
i, indeed, did nothing that related to my new position at all, they dun have any competitions and giveaways for this week, so i just back to my old identity - music library coordinator and did my old job in the old room with the old procedure....
it was alright, coz i saw many workmates that i haven't seen a long time since i worked in weekends, also some new people. shifting back to weekdays is kool, but now im sorta missing my workmate in weekends. yea... dan h., dan i., jessica, nick and jack shit! i love you all~!
i went back to uni after work and get ready TO BE INTERVIEWED by some media students, it was very funny to be a reverse mode. i don't know these students at all, but somehow they know me... unbelievably well, they know who i hang out with and even where to find me in uni!! o_O;;; i was shocked when they called my name and ask for a time to interview me. anyhow i determined to accept this interview, for the love of my fans... hee hee! basically they asked me about my life in sydney and people that i hang out with, everything was going pretty, until they asked "as we know, you hang out with many western people, so do you have any asian friends?"
WHAT KINDA QUESTION IS THIS???? i started getting confused and abit pissed off for this stupid question... ok, to begin with, why do they think i dun/ can't have asian friends when i hang out with western people in the same time? make me sounds like a racist who like to suck up with the western is what it piss me off the most! i do have asian friends here, but i forced them to speak english with me, esp in uni and work. i respect the things that i'm doing - studying; i respect people who can't speak cantonese; and i respect the country that i'm living in - australia.
i make friends regardless their nationality, skin pigment, accent, and everything that related to race, so people who just hang out with their own race or not hang out with other race, they are the real racists. same logic to those losers who came up to me and said "moshi moshi~", which is not even a correct japanese greeting, always piss me off...
listen people!
wake up chumps!
dun worry, im still in a good mood, otherwise this message would be in a bitchy version again... *winks* oh i have to declare that i was kidding about those people who sent me bitchy message made me bitchy. actually i was already being bitchy way before reading their bitchy messages, so not fully their fault, i just blame on them to be a bitch... heh heh... so keep sending me bitchy messages, and you could become one of the lucky person who i'll put in my "assassinate before i die" list! more you send more chances you win! competition close before i die. *muhaha*
*note: 90% visitors agree im right about race issue but still not evil enough to do curses and killing, which is true.
[[audio: Jimmy Eat World - No Sensitivity]]
today i have a pretty good mood, coz i'm now going to fbi with a new identity "competition coordinator", but i wasn't carrying a big expectation for it. I believe what Italo Calvino says in his novel "If on a winter's night a traveler", that what we expect in our life is to receive as less disappointment as possible. oh well, i know it sounds... a bit too realistic, but i wasn't disappointed with this expectation.
i, indeed, did nothing that related to my new position at all, they dun have any competitions and giveaways for this week, so i just back to my old identity - music library coordinator and did my old job in the old room with the old procedure....
it was alright, coz i saw many workmates that i haven't seen a long time since i worked in weekends, also some new people. shifting back to weekdays is kool, but now im sorta missing my workmate in weekends. yea... dan h., dan i., jessica, nick and jack shit! i love you all~!
i went back to uni after work and get ready TO BE INTERVIEWED by some media students, it was very funny to be a reverse mode. i don't know these students at all, but somehow they know me... unbelievably well, they know who i hang out with and even where to find me in uni!! o_O;;; i was shocked when they called my name and ask for a time to interview me. anyhow i determined to accept this interview, for the love of my fans... hee hee! basically they asked me about my life in sydney and people that i hang out with, everything was going pretty, until they asked "as we know, you hang out with many western people, so do you have any asian friends?"
WHAT KINDA QUESTION IS THIS???? i started getting confused and abit pissed off for this stupid question... ok, to begin with, why do they think i dun/ can't have asian friends when i hang out with western people in the same time? make me sounds like a racist who like to suck up with the western is what it piss me off the most! i do have asian friends here, but i forced them to speak english with me, esp in uni and work. i respect the things that i'm doing - studying; i respect people who can't speak cantonese; and i respect the country that i'm living in - australia.
i make friends regardless their nationality, skin pigment, accent, and everything that related to race, so people who just hang out with their own race or not hang out with other race, they are the real racists. same logic to those losers who came up to me and said "moshi moshi~", which is not even a correct japanese greeting, always piss me off...
listen people!
wake up chumps!
dun worry, im still in a good mood, otherwise this message would be in a bitchy version again... *winks* oh i have to declare that i was kidding about those people who sent me bitchy message made me bitchy. actually i was already being bitchy way before reading their bitchy messages, so not fully their fault, i just blame on them to be a bitch... heh heh... so keep sending me bitchy messages, and you could become one of the lucky person who i'll put in my "assassinate before i die" list! more you send more chances you win! competition close before i die. *muhaha*
*note: 90% visitors agree im right about race issue but still not evil enough to do curses and killing, which is true.
[[audio: Jimmy Eat World - No Sensitivity]]
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
since the last supper...
hi all, i know i haven't update my blog for awhile, thanks for those people who keep reminding me by emails and bitchy sms. (people who have bitched me because of not updating the page made me bitchy as well, they deserve a punch in the face) indeed i do have a lot of things to say, but there's way too many things for me to do besides this, so please... allow me to summarize my weekend here...
friday: shoot my head coz i missed 1200 techniques
this was a day where i found glory and unfortunate simultaneously existed in my life. i had an interview in my radio station for a new position - competition co-ordinator, yes i have decided to do it, i mean... if i really got stress out, they said i can "ask the volunteers to help" (translate: i can order the slave to do my work, muhaha~), which i think it's shibby! ahemm... Ok, i'm just joking! i do have authority to ask the vols to help, but such an angel with ethicity like me, who would be devil enough to treat them like a slave? and i love my job in all perspectives, who would let them do it? so yea, i got the job, and now im not only a music co-ordinator and gig staff, im also a competition co-ordinator and volunteer's instructor. mann... i'm like a passionate worker now, no more time for my life, i've donated my soul to FBi... murmur.. f..b.....i...mur...
with respect to the title... yes i mean it, please shoot my cerebral with no mercy, use your pistol, drill, chainsaw, axe, chopstick or harquebus... i'm such a loser, how can i miss the 1200 techniques concert? i don't wanna dwell about the details of my stupidity, so let's drop it, and just shoot me to death. (torture me to death is optional, i deserve it.) mann... i hope i won't miss ugly duckling, i have to stick with nick and andrew this time!
saturday: work work work and more work...fbi slave day
get up in the morning is always the hardest thing to do in my life, after a long chat with yue and pez last nite made me extremely exhausted, this process has became unbearably harsh indeed. i made it in the last 15 minutes before i have to leave my apartment, and my hair was so messy as if i just bailed out from the refugee's camp, so i actually spend the entire 15 min to fix my hair with bunch of bobby pins and 15 more mins to brush my teeth, dress up and ran out to the station.
mission impossible, i was late. and seeing dan worked alone, i was deeply guilty about it. so i shared my breakfast with him as my apology, turkish bread and dip. yea i know it's not good enough, stop bitching me, i made myself to work one more extra hour instead, ok? well, a full box of cd, which approximates to about 100 cds, needed to be catalogued, labelling and writing bios. crazy work, coz it's just dan and me who working today and we were meant to finish them in one day...*pfff* you can tell how much work did we do...
there's some new volunteers came up for training and help us to do few of them, about 20 cds were done by this group of 5, which i really appreciate it. But one of the gal was being a moron, she came up to me and ask if she can use the computer that im using, so i let her to use it for my good intention, what she repay me is deleted all the research result that i've got on the internet and she actually invaded my spot, after i came back with a cup of coffee... what da? i asked what da hell is she doing, and she's like pretending innocent that she doesn't mean to delete it, and i should disturb her coz she looks super concentrated on her cd labelling~~ woo~~ cd labelling!!! im sorry but this is my desk! so f**k off! i opened another computer to settle her down with her "giant cd labelling work", mann... am i her maid or what? (this gal is being cursed by my inevitable voodoo that would be suffered in a permanent diarrheic problem)
anyway, i was not feeling my conscious with me while i was about to leave, saw another dan in the petrol station, he gave me a big hug but i almost fell to sleep on his shoulder... (did i tell you we have 5 dan in fbi? we also have 4 tim... jeez!) i told him about all those crazy work that ive done, and he just looked at me with a wacky face and said "fay, you are f**ked!" he looks ridiculously funny, this dude fills me energy as if a red bull, so thanks to him, i can back home safely.
i had a nap after i back home, i was too tired to realise that my phone's battery was dead, so i recharged it after i woke up. turn on the phone, 8 missed call and 6 messages, what da? yea, some messages were sincerely bitching me to update the web, anyhow i called back all those people and replied all those messages for christ's sake. got a call from emmie asking me to go salsa, apparently i was really tired and in a cranky mood, but i know why she wanna get there so bad, and if i aint going she's gonna hate me forever, so i go for a bit. got a message from fbi ask me to set the event at 11am in dendy quay, which was kool to me, but after awhile, they sent me one more message asked me to be there at 10:15am... oh man... that's mean i have to get up at 8am... again. somehow, emmie and mos want me to get drunk again, what an evil intention, i did have a couple glasses of alcohol, but i insisted to have water after. (*angel*) got another message from jess asking me to go to star bar, i haven't seen her since alex's b-day, so i was intended to go and catch up with her, but i was incapable to make it unfortunately, my body was like... collapsed, sorry babe.
sunday: i love genuine nerd!
surprisingly i can manage to get up on time today, and i even got up like an hour earlier, which is really bizarre. thus i can have a hour for a comfortable shower and relaxing breakfast. (after all it wasn't that bad to get up early, if i can manage it...)
i meet alice from fbi outside the dendy quay and a new dude that i have never seen in fbi. we started talking about writing a radio play (which is what i wanna do) and harvey pekar. later on, i realised that the guy isn't working for fbi, he's just a random stranger from england... ahemm, ok... don’t know how alice picked up this guy, but oh well, it's a good chance to promote our radio station anyway.
conversation were going pretty well, then when alice walked away to the dendy staff, things suddenly changed… that dude said to me that i have american accent and ask me why... i started feeling like an idiot. this is like the 38th times that people say i have american accent in these 2 years, why can't i tell? and the funny thing is i have never ever been to america before, and i learnt british english in hong kong, im not a us soapies addict. so where the heck this accent come from? i feel so awkward to answer this question... but since he asked me politely, i just said i dunno.
but this question does piss me off, i mean what is the point? does it really matter to distinct what accent that people carrying? don't be a smart ass trying to analyze my accent and predict my nationality or shit like that, i owe these people a hand chop on their throat, can't people just ask my directly about what i come from? if they did this are trying to be nice, they are some dumbasses who dunno how to pick a nice topic for a nice conversation. this is a dead end conversation, it meant to be dead no matter how you extend the conversation in the same topic.
anyway, back to the day. After alice back with the banner kit, i went to set up the fbi banner, postcard and stuff, which is just a piece of cake. That english dude just vanished after I set up the stuff, but i saw dan h. in the cinema, so i asked him to stick with me and alice. the whole movie is pretty funny, and full of interesting film settings, im very impressed by the multi-layer of the filming skill as well as the blend of comics & film and reality & fiction. shibby! and i seriously love harvey's friend - toby, he is a funniest nerd i have ever seen! and harvey pekar said his career is actually more successful than him, can you believe that?
american splendor
we got into another section of this event after the movie, the interview of harvey and his family. the entire conversation was pretty interesting, people asked about his enemy: david letterman, his marriage with his ex-wife and joyce, the film, his career and so on, this dude can come up with some hilarious answer that make you laugh your ass off. it's also funny to see joyce kept knitting while harvey answering the question, yea.. why waste the time while she's not answering the question? good one!
another funny story is not about harvey, but dan. some giant noise kept coming out of dan's tummy, i know it's very embarrassing to him if we laugh, so i bit my lip soooo hard to hold the laugh, but it was too funny to tolerant, the noise been last for about 5 mins, and it was pretty quiet during the interview section, which means the noise was actually very obvious and substantial. i looked at alice, she was biting her lips too, which implied she heard the noise from dan's tummy too... *pause*....*LOL* ( i guess he noticed that we all knew it)
ok... that's all, now go and fly some kites.
[[audio: de la soul - ring ring ring]]
hi all, i know i haven't update my blog for awhile, thanks for those people who keep reminding me by emails and bitchy sms. (people who have bitched me because of not updating the page made me bitchy as well, they deserve a punch in the face) indeed i do have a lot of things to say, but there's way too many things for me to do besides this, so please... allow me to summarize my weekend here...
friday: shoot my head coz i missed 1200 techniques
this was a day where i found glory and unfortunate simultaneously existed in my life. i had an interview in my radio station for a new position - competition co-ordinator, yes i have decided to do it, i mean... if i really got stress out, they said i can "ask the volunteers to help" (translate: i can order the slave to do my work, muhaha~), which i think it's shibby! ahemm... Ok, i'm just joking! i do have authority to ask the vols to help, but such an angel with ethicity like me, who would be devil enough to treat them like a slave? and i love my job in all perspectives, who would let them do it? so yea, i got the job, and now im not only a music co-ordinator and gig staff, im also a competition co-ordinator and volunteer's instructor. mann... i'm like a passionate worker now, no more time for my life, i've donated my soul to FBi... murmur.. f..b.....i...mur...
with respect to the title... yes i mean it, please shoot my cerebral with no mercy, use your pistol, drill, chainsaw, axe, chopstick or harquebus... i'm such a loser, how can i miss the 1200 techniques concert? i don't wanna dwell about the details of my stupidity, so let's drop it, and just shoot me to death. (torture me to death is optional, i deserve it.) mann... i hope i won't miss ugly duckling, i have to stick with nick and andrew this time!
saturday: work work work and more work...fbi slave day
get up in the morning is always the hardest thing to do in my life, after a long chat with yue and pez last nite made me extremely exhausted, this process has became unbearably harsh indeed. i made it in the last 15 minutes before i have to leave my apartment, and my hair was so messy as if i just bailed out from the refugee's camp, so i actually spend the entire 15 min to fix my hair with bunch of bobby pins and 15 more mins to brush my teeth, dress up and ran out to the station.
mission impossible, i was late. and seeing dan worked alone, i was deeply guilty about it. so i shared my breakfast with him as my apology, turkish bread and dip. yea i know it's not good enough, stop bitching me, i made myself to work one more extra hour instead, ok? well, a full box of cd, which approximates to about 100 cds, needed to be catalogued, labelling and writing bios. crazy work, coz it's just dan and me who working today and we were meant to finish them in one day...*pfff* you can tell how much work did we do...
there's some new volunteers came up for training and help us to do few of them, about 20 cds were done by this group of 5, which i really appreciate it. But one of the gal was being a moron, she came up to me and ask if she can use the computer that im using, so i let her to use it for my good intention, what she repay me is deleted all the research result that i've got on the internet and she actually invaded my spot, after i came back with a cup of coffee... what da? i asked what da hell is she doing, and she's like pretending innocent that she doesn't mean to delete it, and i should disturb her coz she looks super concentrated on her cd labelling~~ woo~~ cd labelling!!! im sorry but this is my desk! so f**k off! i opened another computer to settle her down with her "giant cd labelling work", mann... am i her maid or what? (this gal is being cursed by my inevitable voodoo that would be suffered in a permanent diarrheic problem)
anyway, i was not feeling my conscious with me while i was about to leave, saw another dan in the petrol station, he gave me a big hug but i almost fell to sleep on his shoulder... (did i tell you we have 5 dan in fbi? we also have 4 tim... jeez!) i told him about all those crazy work that ive done, and he just looked at me with a wacky face and said "fay, you are f**ked!" he looks ridiculously funny, this dude fills me energy as if a red bull, so thanks to him, i can back home safely.
i had a nap after i back home, i was too tired to realise that my phone's battery was dead, so i recharged it after i woke up. turn on the phone, 8 missed call and 6 messages, what da? yea, some messages were sincerely bitching me to update the web, anyhow i called back all those people and replied all those messages for christ's sake. got a call from emmie asking me to go salsa, apparently i was really tired and in a cranky mood, but i know why she wanna get there so bad, and if i aint going she's gonna hate me forever, so i go for a bit. got a message from fbi ask me to set the event at 11am in dendy quay, which was kool to me, but after awhile, they sent me one more message asked me to be there at 10:15am... oh man... that's mean i have to get up at 8am... again. somehow, emmie and mos want me to get drunk again, what an evil intention, i did have a couple glasses of alcohol, but i insisted to have water after. (*angel*) got another message from jess asking me to go to star bar, i haven't seen her since alex's b-day, so i was intended to go and catch up with her, but i was incapable to make it unfortunately, my body was like... collapsed, sorry babe.
sunday: i love genuine nerd!
surprisingly i can manage to get up on time today, and i even got up like an hour earlier, which is really bizarre. thus i can have a hour for a comfortable shower and relaxing breakfast. (after all it wasn't that bad to get up early, if i can manage it...)
i meet alice from fbi outside the dendy quay and a new dude that i have never seen in fbi. we started talking about writing a radio play (which is what i wanna do) and harvey pekar. later on, i realised that the guy isn't working for fbi, he's just a random stranger from england... ahemm, ok... don’t know how alice picked up this guy, but oh well, it's a good chance to promote our radio station anyway.
conversation were going pretty well, then when alice walked away to the dendy staff, things suddenly changed… that dude said to me that i have american accent and ask me why... i started feeling like an idiot. this is like the 38th times that people say i have american accent in these 2 years, why can't i tell? and the funny thing is i have never ever been to america before, and i learnt british english in hong kong, im not a us soapies addict. so where the heck this accent come from? i feel so awkward to answer this question... but since he asked me politely, i just said i dunno.
but this question does piss me off, i mean what is the point? does it really matter to distinct what accent that people carrying? don't be a smart ass trying to analyze my accent and predict my nationality or shit like that, i owe these people a hand chop on their throat, can't people just ask my directly about what i come from? if they did this are trying to be nice, they are some dumbasses who dunno how to pick a nice topic for a nice conversation. this is a dead end conversation, it meant to be dead no matter how you extend the conversation in the same topic.
anyway, back to the day. After alice back with the banner kit, i went to set up the fbi banner, postcard and stuff, which is just a piece of cake. That english dude just vanished after I set up the stuff, but i saw dan h. in the cinema, so i asked him to stick with me and alice. the whole movie is pretty funny, and full of interesting film settings, im very impressed by the multi-layer of the filming skill as well as the blend of comics & film and reality & fiction. shibby! and i seriously love harvey's friend - toby, he is a funniest nerd i have ever seen! and harvey pekar said his career is actually more successful than him, can you believe that?
american splendor

we got into another section of this event after the movie, the interview of harvey and his family. the entire conversation was pretty interesting, people asked about his enemy: david letterman, his marriage with his ex-wife and joyce, the film, his career and so on, this dude can come up with some hilarious answer that make you laugh your ass off. it's also funny to see joyce kept knitting while harvey answering the question, yea.. why waste the time while she's not answering the question? good one!
another funny story is not about harvey, but dan. some giant noise kept coming out of dan's tummy, i know it's very embarrassing to him if we laugh, so i bit my lip soooo hard to hold the laugh, but it was too funny to tolerant, the noise been last for about 5 mins, and it was pretty quiet during the interview section, which means the noise was actually very obvious and substantial. i looked at alice, she was biting her lips too, which implied she heard the noise from dan's tummy too... *pause*....*LOL* ( i guess he noticed that we all knew it)
ok... that's all, now go and fly some kites.
[[audio: de la soul - ring ring ring]]
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Where is the Escape Button?
Finally, I watched "King Lear" yesterday with Brittany, which was a very brilliant performance. Minimum resources come up with maximum effect, how can it be better? Compare with the Victory that I saw last month, full of fancy decorations, props, beautiful costumes and wigs... Low budget play "King Lear" definitely more impressive by the clever stage setting and the theatrical performance. Awesome! Awesome! Good one David Ritchie! (I just know that David my lecturer had performed in Home and Away as well as White collar blue... What da?)
It's was evening when the play finished, after I sent Brittany to her bus, I rushed to another big event of Wednesday~ Yes, to see "Super Size Me" with Sonic! OK, I seriously want my mum, Aunt Zoe and my brother to see this film, since my mum LOVES to take the kids to Mcdonald (Coz she thought kids love it, and yes they do...). On the other hand, my brother and Aunt Zoe were addicted to the Mcdonald in Hong Kong (coz it's cheap and more tasty than other countries, it's true). I'm not gonna tell you what's going in the movie, but it's a film that should be seen by whoever have/had eaten fastfood in their life!
OK, I can leak out some facts of fastfood here -
1)Eating fastfood is worse than smoking cigarette;
2)McNugget is manufactured by old hens that can't lay anymore (imagine eating some grandma or great grandma chicken) yuck~~~~! It also named as "McFrankinstein";
3)The man in this film got very very sick after the challenge of eating mcdonald for 30 days as his meals.
How's that? I could actually see some people were looking at their large coke and started thinking "should I throw it away?" and some people started checking their tummy fat and counting how many fastfood did they have last 2 weeks... Now get your ass to the cinema and watch it!
Back home around 10pm and finally have my proper dinner, since I resist to have fastfood now... I made myself a homemade-Mcburger, with premium orange juice, very healthy huh? Got two letters from FBi, WHAT? FREEBIES AGAIN?? OH Lord you love me mad! I got another Super Size Me "Buy One Get One Free" voucher and a Double Pass for "Facing Windows"! Is it my lucky day or what? OK! I'll giveaway the "SUPER SIZE ME" voucher, mail me if you want it or I'll give it to some random people then~ hee hee... Damn, I should've headed to casino last night... *poof*
Anyway, I started composing my prose again, i know the story goes very dark and depressive, but I was trying to think of something to add as a twist and save it. I wrote several endings in my draft, but none of them can work out a good ending, they are either too hopeless or too lame to end. I took this draft to the writing class this afternoon, and had a talk about it with my group. They all love the idea of my story, but no one can give suggestion to change the ending. I was very happy that they all think my story kick ass, but on the other hand, I'm still frustrated by the ending. arghhh... i need some inspirations, need to get out more! (what an lame excuse to party! loser!!)
Today I met many people who I haven't seen for ages, they just came up to me from somewhere somehow. Paula and Micaela were so kool to meet again, funny that they both thought I back to Hong Kong forever ,got married with a junkee and have 5 babies (OK, the last two I just make them up, they didn't say that...*smirks*) Anyway, they both look gorgeous as a sunshine, I was very happy to see the gals doing excellent! What a contrast to me, I look crappy today, actually everyday now... WHY????
My eyes started getting sore now, I should stop here and go home for a rest...
[[audio: TZU - L plate]]
Finally, I watched "King Lear" yesterday with Brittany, which was a very brilliant performance. Minimum resources come up with maximum effect, how can it be better? Compare with the Victory that I saw last month, full of fancy decorations, props, beautiful costumes and wigs... Low budget play "King Lear" definitely more impressive by the clever stage setting and the theatrical performance. Awesome! Awesome! Good one David Ritchie! (I just know that David my lecturer had performed in Home and Away as well as White collar blue... What da?)
It's was evening when the play finished, after I sent Brittany to her bus, I rushed to another big event of Wednesday~ Yes, to see "Super Size Me" with Sonic! OK, I seriously want my mum, Aunt Zoe and my brother to see this film, since my mum LOVES to take the kids to Mcdonald (Coz she thought kids love it, and yes they do...). On the other hand, my brother and Aunt Zoe were addicted to the Mcdonald in Hong Kong (coz it's cheap and more tasty than other countries, it's true). I'm not gonna tell you what's going in the movie, but it's a film that should be seen by whoever have/had eaten fastfood in their life!
OK, I can leak out some facts of fastfood here -
1)Eating fastfood is worse than smoking cigarette;
2)McNugget is manufactured by old hens that can't lay anymore (imagine eating some grandma or great grandma chicken) yuck~~~~! It also named as "McFrankinstein";
3)The man in this film got very very sick after the challenge of eating mcdonald for 30 days as his meals.
How's that? I could actually see some people were looking at their large coke and started thinking "should I throw it away?" and some people started checking their tummy fat and counting how many fastfood did they have last 2 weeks... Now get your ass to the cinema and watch it!
Back home around 10pm and finally have my proper dinner, since I resist to have fastfood now... I made myself a homemade-Mcburger, with premium orange juice, very healthy huh? Got two letters from FBi, WHAT? FREEBIES AGAIN?? OH Lord you love me mad! I got another Super Size Me "Buy One Get One Free" voucher and a Double Pass for "Facing Windows"! Is it my lucky day or what? OK! I'll giveaway the "SUPER SIZE ME" voucher, mail me if you want it or I'll give it to some random people then~ hee hee... Damn, I should've headed to casino last night... *poof*
Anyway, I started composing my prose again, i know the story goes very dark and depressive, but I was trying to think of something to add as a twist and save it. I wrote several endings in my draft, but none of them can work out a good ending, they are either too hopeless or too lame to end. I took this draft to the writing class this afternoon, and had a talk about it with my group. They all love the idea of my story, but no one can give suggestion to change the ending. I was very happy that they all think my story kick ass, but on the other hand, I'm still frustrated by the ending. arghhh... i need some inspirations, need to get out more! (what an lame excuse to party! loser!!)
Today I met many people who I haven't seen for ages, they just came up to me from somewhere somehow. Paula and Micaela were so kool to meet again, funny that they both thought I back to Hong Kong forever ,got married with a junkee and have 5 babies (OK, the last two I just make them up, they didn't say that...*smirks*) Anyway, they both look gorgeous as a sunshine, I was very happy to see the gals doing excellent! What a contrast to me, I look crappy today, actually everyday now... WHY????
My eyes started getting sore now, I should stop here and go home for a rest...
[[audio: TZU - L plate]]
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
I had a taste of the poison lolly, my nose is bleeding but I'm happy
Whassup FBi!!! This radio station been offering me a lot of stuff, not only freebies, but also happiness, surprises, as well as a bunch of funky people who constantly call me angel and love me as I really am, which is very nice. Recently, they threw me 2 big gifts - free movie "Super size me", Fbi new CD and a new position, Jeez... this is very unreal to me.
hilarious posters aren't they?
Last night when I was about to leave the computer lab, a message came up to the computer screen, it's Yue my little imoto. I was so happy to see her, while she was fully excited to see me on the icq. I have decided to stay til 10pm and have a long sista chat. We had talked about the clip that the US soldier's head got cut off alive by iraqi, it was very disturbing. I told her that it's the revenge message, and she just kept saying it's very scary and it made her wanna throw up. I feel sorry for that US soldier, but after what the US did to humiliate the iraqi, they should have expected this consequence. *sigh* As I said, civilization can make human being become the most ugly monster in the world, and we are gonna face the revenge one day.
After I left the uni around 10:30pm, I got a call from Wance, who I haven't talked to a very very long time... we had a long phone chat, and tried to help with her essay, hopefully she can make it before the due time. There are often many bad things happen on her, I can't even count how many times she been sicked during these years. I blamed it on the bad feng shun, bad days for her horoscope stuff like that... which is a pretty superstitious thing to say, but we somehow believe in it badly. Some people said it's actually about some ancient statistic and unconscious tendency. I had done some study about horoscope before, and there's theory "Analytical Psychology" by Jung saying that how planet related to human's unconscious mind, a very interesting way to see horoscope in the aspect of scientific.
Anyway, I have also told her my computer's problem, then she just came up to me "take my laptop, use it!", that is very very sweet of her. I was trying to say thanks, but somehow I acted so awkward... then she just went "now help me the essay, I give you the laptop tomorrow~" so I talked with her about the essay til 1:30am...
I haven't sleep yet after the call, coz I picked up my penny whistle again... told you I'm hooked! I kept playing it til 3am, indeed I didn't realise the time, I hope my flatmate slept well last nite... heh heh... -_-;;;
This morning I missed my writing lecture, which is not very nice. So I got to school early and do more readings and stuff, just to make myself feel better. I put on my KICK THE CAN CREW cd "good music", seriously chill me out a lot. And when I started reading a new play "Shopping and Fucking", which I need to preform this play for my final assessment, the content is pretty contradicting to my mood. Basically, it's all about Drug & sex abuse, homosexuality, micowave food, bullhole licking and shit. I'm really starting to hate this subject, it just teaches me everything is hopeless and pathetic! I can't imagine how I survive with the advance course for the next semester, I don't wanna suicide... it's horrible!!!
[[audio: KICK THE CAN CREW - Panku sunzen Funk (Punk before Funk)]]
Whassup FBi!!! This radio station been offering me a lot of stuff, not only freebies, but also happiness, surprises, as well as a bunch of funky people who constantly call me angel and love me as I really am, which is very nice. Recently, they threw me 2 big gifts - free movie "Super size me", Fbi new CD and a new position, Jeez... this is very unreal to me.

Last night when I was about to leave the computer lab, a message came up to the computer screen, it's Yue my little imoto. I was so happy to see her, while she was fully excited to see me on the icq. I have decided to stay til 10pm and have a long sista chat. We had talked about the clip that the US soldier's head got cut off alive by iraqi, it was very disturbing. I told her that it's the revenge message, and she just kept saying it's very scary and it made her wanna throw up. I feel sorry for that US soldier, but after what the US did to humiliate the iraqi, they should have expected this consequence. *sigh* As I said, civilization can make human being become the most ugly monster in the world, and we are gonna face the revenge one day.
After I left the uni around 10:30pm, I got a call from Wance, who I haven't talked to a very very long time... we had a long phone chat, and tried to help with her essay, hopefully she can make it before the due time. There are often many bad things happen on her, I can't even count how many times she been sicked during these years. I blamed it on the bad feng shun, bad days for her horoscope stuff like that... which is a pretty superstitious thing to say, but we somehow believe in it badly. Some people said it's actually about some ancient statistic and unconscious tendency. I had done some study about horoscope before, and there's theory "Analytical Psychology" by Jung saying that how planet related to human's unconscious mind, a very interesting way to see horoscope in the aspect of scientific.
Anyway, I have also told her my computer's problem, then she just came up to me "take my laptop, use it!", that is very very sweet of her. I was trying to say thanks, but somehow I acted so awkward... then she just went "now help me the essay, I give you the laptop tomorrow~" so I talked with her about the essay til 1:30am...
I haven't sleep yet after the call, coz I picked up my penny whistle again... told you I'm hooked! I kept playing it til 3am, indeed I didn't realise the time, I hope my flatmate slept well last nite... heh heh... -_-;;;
This morning I missed my writing lecture, which is not very nice. So I got to school early and do more readings and stuff, just to make myself feel better. I put on my KICK THE CAN CREW cd "good music", seriously chill me out a lot. And when I started reading a new play "Shopping and Fucking", which I need to preform this play for my final assessment, the content is pretty contradicting to my mood. Basically, it's all about Drug & sex abuse, homosexuality, micowave food, bullhole licking and shit. I'm really starting to hate this subject, it just teaches me everything is hopeless and pathetic! I can't imagine how I survive with the advance course for the next semester, I don't wanna suicide... it's horrible!!!

[[audio: KICK THE CAN CREW - Panku sunzen Funk (Punk before Funk)]]
Monday, May 17, 2004
Fall Apart and Start it again...
OK, A little summary about what I did in the weekend. After a few days of mourning for the death of my computer, I'd got a call from my friend who telling me that he can help me to fix my baby, which was like bringing me back to life. He told me that it's the motherboard problem, so I may able to get all the files back as long as the hard drive is fine. Jeezz... He is my saviour, I worship him from now on. Hahleluyah!
Friday: I picked up my penny whistle again, and started playing Love psychedelico, Laruku and Glay songs, it wasn't easy for the beginning, coz I haven't do this for a decade. Surprisingly, I played the whole "Hitomi no juunin" (iris of living man?) by L'arc-en-ciel that day, and I was hooked to play it again and again. Then I stood up and picked up my guitar, which I haven't play for a century, and tried to play the same song. I was totally addicted to this song and the imperfect melodies that came out from the instruments, then I began to play some more songs by Hyde, I found that "Evergreen" and "Shallow sleep" are wonderful to be interpreted by penny whistle.
"hitomi no juunin" single cover
My emotion was brought up to another level, and I started writing a draft for my new prose. I'm so excited about this piece, when I drew the general plot on the paper, my hand just keep adding new ideas on it as if they didn't run through my brain. Somehow I drove the chief character to death at the end, which I wasn't happy about it at all, I don't want him to die, but the story would be meaningless if he doesn't die. And my head started aching, I laid on my bed and tried to get into this super depressed character, to be him, to be in his situation, and I started getting depressive too. So I stopped, but it seems that the negative thought didn't stick back to the character, it invaded me.
At night, I went out to Vivaz with Emmie and Jamie. I wasn't in the mood at first, so me and Emmie decided to take some shots. Then Jamie arrived too, with a bunch of friends that I met in Leia's Farewell. It's good to see them all, and their craziness often cheer me up a lot. Those people had no idea what salsa is, but they all amazingly adore it, which reminds me the first time I came here... hehe. I tried not to dance that much, since I was quite tired, but how could I escape these crazy people once they put on their dancing shoes? *sigh* we ended up about 2 in the morning, and I was seriously exhausted, and I wasn't surprised that they intended to head to another club. Well, don't worry, I insisted to go home and I made it, but it was a great night. :)
Saturday: Basically I slept the whole day, I got up around 4pm when Jamie rang my phone. I had a shower and did some housekeeping, nothing much special... played my penny whistle again, and watched some TV. At night, SBS was playing one of the greatest Thai films - Jan Dara, which is based on a Thai literature. The film unfolds a man who fights his demons amidst an environment of obsession and comes to grips with three women in his life, each exerting control over him in their own unique ways. I think it's a fascinating story that no one should miss it.
Jan Dara
Sunday: I went to Newtown Dendy for a great movie "The Barbarian Invasion" with Mos, this Canadian film was highly recommended by Paul and his friends, and it is indeed a very outstanding movie with an unique way of interpretation. Brings the comedy into the path of death, brilliant way to reveal human traits, dreams and desires. I love this movie, see it if you have a chance, but remember get yourself some tissues before step into the cinema...
The Barbarian Invasion
Monday: I just had a lecture for the play "Cleansed" by Sarah Kane, this is a hyperreal play that is not possible to be performed on a theatre stage. OK, in this play... someone's tougue has to be cut off, eaten by rats, then hands got cut off, eaten by rats, fet got cut off, eaten by rats... a woman's breast got cut off, a penis is stitched roughly...etc. Yes very irritating and disturbing, I'd been murmured "what da f**k?" more than a hundred times while reading this crazy play.
This play written by Kane has been attacked by many critics saying this is a horribly sick play, dialogues and the images in this play is incredibly shocking, but actually the message behind the story was very strong and powerful. She is trying to break down the simplicity of gender, sexuality, subjectivity all these discourse, unlimit the definition to constitute the contradiction and its complexity. In other hand, she also brings up another philosopy - love cause pain, without love cause monster-liked. I think this is a brilliant statement, unfortunately this play is ALSO end up with a hopeless future.
Cleansed by Sarah Kane
*phew* Anyway... I just got a message from Irene about a GREAT music show in Hong Kong, damn! why the heck she send this to me while I'm in Australia???? Anyway, to all those underground band lovers in Hong Kong, a sunset rock concert 2004 will be held in HKAPA Drama Theatre on 18 June, HK$20, 19:30.
But a minute ago, I got another message from Jackson, telling me that Ugly Duckling is playing at Gaelic Club on 26 June, it's a hugh news to all those funky hip hop lover. I'm probably going if nothing crash with the time~ and hopefully will see some friends of mine going as well.
By the way, I finally got a new home phone, for the sake of my tight ass friends. But please don't call my home phone straight away, coz I'm sharing this phoneline with my flatmates, and we usually use it to get online. So message me to disconnect the internet and tell me your home phone, so I can call you back. love you all.
[[audio: L'arc-En-Ciel: Hitomi no Juunin]]
OK, A little summary about what I did in the weekend. After a few days of mourning for the death of my computer, I'd got a call from my friend who telling me that he can help me to fix my baby, which was like bringing me back to life. He told me that it's the motherboard problem, so I may able to get all the files back as long as the hard drive is fine. Jeezz... He is my saviour, I worship him from now on. Hahleluyah!
Friday: I picked up my penny whistle again, and started playing Love psychedelico, Laruku and Glay songs, it wasn't easy for the beginning, coz I haven't do this for a decade. Surprisingly, I played the whole "Hitomi no juunin" (iris of living man?) by L'arc-en-ciel that day, and I was hooked to play it again and again. Then I stood up and picked up my guitar, which I haven't play for a century, and tried to play the same song. I was totally addicted to this song and the imperfect melodies that came out from the instruments, then I began to play some more songs by Hyde, I found that "Evergreen" and "Shallow sleep" are wonderful to be interpreted by penny whistle.
"hitomi no juunin" single cover

My emotion was brought up to another level, and I started writing a draft for my new prose. I'm so excited about this piece, when I drew the general plot on the paper, my hand just keep adding new ideas on it as if they didn't run through my brain. Somehow I drove the chief character to death at the end, which I wasn't happy about it at all, I don't want him to die, but the story would be meaningless if he doesn't die. And my head started aching, I laid on my bed and tried to get into this super depressed character, to be him, to be in his situation, and I started getting depressive too. So I stopped, but it seems that the negative thought didn't stick back to the character, it invaded me.
At night, I went out to Vivaz with Emmie and Jamie. I wasn't in the mood at first, so me and Emmie decided to take some shots. Then Jamie arrived too, with a bunch of friends that I met in Leia's Farewell. It's good to see them all, and their craziness often cheer me up a lot. Those people had no idea what salsa is, but they all amazingly adore it, which reminds me the first time I came here... hehe. I tried not to dance that much, since I was quite tired, but how could I escape these crazy people once they put on their dancing shoes? *sigh* we ended up about 2 in the morning, and I was seriously exhausted, and I wasn't surprised that they intended to head to another club. Well, don't worry, I insisted to go home and I made it, but it was a great night. :)
Saturday: Basically I slept the whole day, I got up around 4pm when Jamie rang my phone. I had a shower and did some housekeeping, nothing much special... played my penny whistle again, and watched some TV. At night, SBS was playing one of the greatest Thai films - Jan Dara, which is based on a Thai literature. The film unfolds a man who fights his demons amidst an environment of obsession and comes to grips with three women in his life, each exerting control over him in their own unique ways. I think it's a fascinating story that no one should miss it.
Jan Dara

Sunday: I went to Newtown Dendy for a great movie "The Barbarian Invasion" with Mos, this Canadian film was highly recommended by Paul and his friends, and it is indeed a very outstanding movie with an unique way of interpretation. Brings the comedy into the path of death, brilliant way to reveal human traits, dreams and desires. I love this movie, see it if you have a chance, but remember get yourself some tissues before step into the cinema...
The Barbarian Invasion

Monday: I just had a lecture for the play "Cleansed" by Sarah Kane, this is a hyperreal play that is not possible to be performed on a theatre stage. OK, in this play... someone's tougue has to be cut off, eaten by rats, then hands got cut off, eaten by rats, fet got cut off, eaten by rats... a woman's breast got cut off, a penis is stitched roughly...etc. Yes very irritating and disturbing, I'd been murmured "what da f**k?" more than a hundred times while reading this crazy play.
This play written by Kane has been attacked by many critics saying this is a horribly sick play, dialogues and the images in this play is incredibly shocking, but actually the message behind the story was very strong and powerful. She is trying to break down the simplicity of gender, sexuality, subjectivity all these discourse, unlimit the definition to constitute the contradiction and its complexity. In other hand, she also brings up another philosopy - love cause pain, without love cause monster-liked. I think this is a brilliant statement, unfortunately this play is ALSO end up with a hopeless future.
Cleansed by Sarah Kane

*phew* Anyway... I just got a message from Irene about a GREAT music show in Hong Kong, damn! why the heck she send this to me while I'm in Australia???? Anyway, to all those underground band lovers in Hong Kong, a sunset rock concert 2004 will be held in HKAPA Drama Theatre on 18 June, HK$20, 19:30.
But a minute ago, I got another message from Jackson, telling me that Ugly Duckling is playing at Gaelic Club on 26 June, it's a hugh news to all those funky hip hop lover. I'm probably going if nothing crash with the time~ and hopefully will see some friends of mine going as well.
By the way, I finally got a new home phone, for the sake of my tight ass friends. But please don't call my home phone straight away, coz I'm sharing this phoneline with my flatmates, and we usually use it to get online. So message me to disconnect the internet and tell me your home phone, so I can call you back. love you all.
[[audio: L'arc-En-Ciel: Hitomi no Juunin]]
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
My computer is gone....
Thanks Dad, every single time, every cd that you burnt, they all kill my computer bit by bit, and now it's dead. Lesson is I should never ever use any CD that burnt by you, sigh... What I'm gonna do now? I hate this so much, no computer at home to do my assignment, all my researches and files in the hard drives are all vanished now. I'm so screwed, I've done half of my prose in it for tomorrow class, and now I have to recompose it whilst all the memory of the story is fading away.
Anyone here who can help me fix my computer? please????
Hmm... How come my heart is so empty? or is it my stomach?
Why people in fear of falling but still they are always the one who do the jump?
Are they too curious about the moment of feeling it touch the ground? or the fear?
Thanks Dad, every single time, every cd that you burnt, they all kill my computer bit by bit, and now it's dead. Lesson is I should never ever use any CD that burnt by you, sigh... What I'm gonna do now? I hate this so much, no computer at home to do my assignment, all my researches and files in the hard drives are all vanished now. I'm so screwed, I've done half of my prose in it for tomorrow class, and now I have to recompose it whilst all the memory of the story is fading away.
Anyone here who can help me fix my computer? please????
Hmm... How come my heart is so empty? or is it my stomach?
Why people in fear of falling but still they are always the one who do the jump?
Are they too curious about the moment of feeling it touch the ground? or the fear?
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Howdy people, I wanna thanks my friends who have posted comments here and sent me mail for the encouragement. So much love to you all! I'm also surprised that there's indeed quite a lot of people reading my stuff, including my brother! (love you Tommy)
I understand how people need to live with two faces, mother always say people have to be tactful, but I never put it in my mind. Failure to see is probably my problem, but if I have to choose cynical or naive, I rather pick naive... with caution. :) Brother's right, it's all about our point of view, and I have decided to choose to appreciate things I possessed and people that I live with. Kool, problem solved.
Yesterday, I had lecture for my performance study about "The Castle" by Howard barker. After I watched another play of his "Victory", I don't really like this dude's work. They are good (Castle is better), but it's just not the play I would enjoy. Languages are shocking and rude, actions are savage and ugly, story is terribly political... and this is all about the society of England in 18th century. For those who wanna be a politician, go and see his play.
Seriously, I really don't like this subject now, I'm fed up all those tragedy plays. I really don't understand why a comedy play like "Endgame", could be end up as a hopeless scene. My tutor said comedy is based on tragedy and humiliating people's live, which I hate to agree that it is so true, but the tragedy just went too deep for me to laugh, it just not funny anymore... I don't wanna hate comedy, don't make me hate comedy. *scream*
((watch some more Ren & Stimpy))
[[audio: Placebo - Special Needs]]
Howdy people, I wanna thanks my friends who have posted comments here and sent me mail for the encouragement. So much love to you all! I'm also surprised that there's indeed quite a lot of people reading my stuff, including my brother! (love you Tommy)
I understand how people need to live with two faces, mother always say people have to be tactful, but I never put it in my mind. Failure to see is probably my problem, but if I have to choose cynical or naive, I rather pick naive... with caution. :) Brother's right, it's all about our point of view, and I have decided to choose to appreciate things I possessed and people that I live with. Kool, problem solved.
Yesterday, I had lecture for my performance study about "The Castle" by Howard barker. After I watched another play of his "Victory", I don't really like this dude's work. They are good (Castle is better), but it's just not the play I would enjoy. Languages are shocking and rude, actions are savage and ugly, story is terribly political... and this is all about the society of England in 18th century. For those who wanna be a politician, go and see his play.
Seriously, I really don't like this subject now, I'm fed up all those tragedy plays. I really don't understand why a comedy play like "Endgame", could be end up as a hopeless scene. My tutor said comedy is based on tragedy and humiliating people's live, which I hate to agree that it is so true, but the tragedy just went too deep for me to laugh, it just not funny anymore... I don't wanna hate comedy, don't make me hate comedy. *scream*
((watch some more Ren & Stimpy))

[[audio: Placebo - Special Needs]]
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Yesterday I finally handed in the essay with 2 short literature that I wrote, which I finished them overnight, dead tired. But then I straight away to Kendra & Jesse's house party with my friends- Jamie, Erik & Maya. The party was awesome, we all had a lot of fun. I'm happy that my two groups of good friends get to know each other, and they all enjoyed the food, drinks, people and the beautiful candles around us.
I was indeed very exhausted, and when I was seriously tired, I don't usually talk much, in other words, I would become an anti-social geek. (don't laugh!!) However, it didn't happen in this party, I feel so comfortable with all those people sat around me, which is good. See? the power of friendship! which I experienced once again after I got looked after by friends when I was terribly sick during my easter holiday. Anyway, we left the party about 2:30am and caught a cab back home.
This morning I got up at 8am, which is soooo hard for me to do after two days insufficient sleeping. I can't believe that I was sleeping when I was having shower, and I almost miss redfern station as I fell to sleep on the train. It's a express train, if I really miss it, it would skip about 5-6 stations... and I'll be so screwed up. *phew*
I have to apologize that I wrote something pretty negative about myself this afternoon, I was very tired and abit depressive, since some bad memories appeared in my head... It's really hard to get over it, coz it just keep coming back to bring me down, especially when I'm tired. (I told most of my friends that I could have really bad temper or negative personality when I don't have enough sleeping, if you dunno... now you know me.)
The situation of depression were getting worse, coz I realize I lost my saving card. *scream* Thus I was so worried and anxious, and I tried really hard to remember when was the last time I used it. And I started having another negative thinking - why everything just come up and against me?? It was terrible. I ran back home and search everywhere in my room, but I can't find nothing, then suddenlly I grasped the memory... it was last thursday in uni's woolworth!! 3 goddamn days~ and I didn't even notice it...! unbelievable...!
So I rush out from my home and ran up to the bus to the supermarket, fortunately they have it and it's all good now. However, my timetable was getting more intensed since the unexpected trip to uni were inserted in between. I took a bus to city and have japanese food with Miyuki and her friends, half hour late...
Then I headed to meet up with Jamie and Peter to the salsa club, where I haven't been there more than 5 weeks... Can't believe I can still dance, but Salsa music is very magical, we just automatically move around and start salsa~ I have promised Leia to make her brother become a salsa dancer, well... Jamie apparently loves it, which is a very good beginning. Anyway, three of us started having some wacky conversations, which were very funny. We were talking about how Peter's brother obsesses karate, and we did some "finger salsa", talked about me have never seen a kangaroo yet... taught Jamie some cantonese and share experience about having disgusting wacky foods and the drunkiest time in our life. heh heh... really cheered me up, good one guys! Oh, and of course it's very nice to see Mos and Pat. *winks*
Yawn, Happy Mother's day! good nite mama. *passed out*
[[audio: Comic Action Girl - Colors Are Nice]]
I was indeed very exhausted, and when I was seriously tired, I don't usually talk much, in other words, I would become an anti-social geek. (don't laugh!!) However, it didn't happen in this party, I feel so comfortable with all those people sat around me, which is good. See? the power of friendship! which I experienced once again after I got looked after by friends when I was terribly sick during my easter holiday. Anyway, we left the party about 2:30am and caught a cab back home.
This morning I got up at 8am, which is soooo hard for me to do after two days insufficient sleeping. I can't believe that I was sleeping when I was having shower, and I almost miss redfern station as I fell to sleep on the train. It's a express train, if I really miss it, it would skip about 5-6 stations... and I'll be so screwed up. *phew*
I have to apologize that I wrote something pretty negative about myself this afternoon, I was very tired and abit depressive, since some bad memories appeared in my head... It's really hard to get over it, coz it just keep coming back to bring me down, especially when I'm tired. (I told most of my friends that I could have really bad temper or negative personality when I don't have enough sleeping, if you dunno... now you know me.)
The situation of depression were getting worse, coz I realize I lost my saving card. *scream* Thus I was so worried and anxious, and I tried really hard to remember when was the last time I used it. And I started having another negative thinking - why everything just come up and against me?? It was terrible. I ran back home and search everywhere in my room, but I can't find nothing, then suddenlly I grasped the memory... it was last thursday in uni's woolworth!! 3 goddamn days~ and I didn't even notice it...! unbelievable...!
So I rush out from my home and ran up to the bus to the supermarket, fortunately they have it and it's all good now. However, my timetable was getting more intensed since the unexpected trip to uni were inserted in between. I took a bus to city and have japanese food with Miyuki and her friends, half hour late...
Then I headed to meet up with Jamie and Peter to the salsa club, where I haven't been there more than 5 weeks... Can't believe I can still dance, but Salsa music is very magical, we just automatically move around and start salsa~ I have promised Leia to make her brother become a salsa dancer, well... Jamie apparently loves it, which is a very good beginning. Anyway, three of us started having some wacky conversations, which were very funny. We were talking about how Peter's brother obsesses karate, and we did some "finger salsa", talked about me have never seen a kangaroo yet... taught Jamie some cantonese and share experience about having disgusting wacky foods and the drunkiest time in our life. heh heh... really cheered me up, good one guys! Oh, and of course it's very nice to see Mos and Pat. *winks*
Yawn, Happy Mother's day! good nite mama. *passed out*
[[audio: Comic Action Girl - Colors Are Nice]]
Saturday, May 08, 2004
...Let out your unconscious...
Recently, my evil side is growing inevitably bigger and bigger inside of me, this evil is coming to against me. It trys to build up my ego and develop it to a super cynic, again. I hate it, I hate losing trust and belief in people, a subject that I hate and love simultanously. I be very nice to the people that I like, and I want to love someone who love me. But my inner evil always lead me to another world, it reveals people's ugly side to me, their dishonesty, conspiracy so and so... I am scared that I'll be totally brainwashed someday, coz my angel side doesn't really being helpful. My evil told me my angel side is just an illusion who made by me, convincing myself that the scene isn't that bad and hopeless, afterall it's just me self-convincing myself to fit in this society.
DO NOT GET ME WRONG, I'm not saying my friends are hypocrite, I seriously love them with all my heart. I never wanna judge people, not until I got betrayed and deceived. Then I just told myself, it's kool... maybe it's stupid, but at least I'm not the one who being a jackass...
I don't wanna become a cynic that detach myself from the world, and at the end i would probably be the one who hate myself. I can see this evil intention, but sometimes I wonder again... Is it the world or me who create this evil?
She said, "Regret is something I can never wipe away."
[[audio: Oris - Lost]]
Recently, my evil side is growing inevitably bigger and bigger inside of me, this evil is coming to against me. It trys to build up my ego and develop it to a super cynic, again. I hate it, I hate losing trust and belief in people, a subject that I hate and love simultanously. I be very nice to the people that I like, and I want to love someone who love me. But my inner evil always lead me to another world, it reveals people's ugly side to me, their dishonesty, conspiracy so and so... I am scared that I'll be totally brainwashed someday, coz my angel side doesn't really being helpful. My evil told me my angel side is just an illusion who made by me, convincing myself that the scene isn't that bad and hopeless, afterall it's just me self-convincing myself to fit in this society.
DO NOT GET ME WRONG, I'm not saying my friends are hypocrite, I seriously love them with all my heart. I never wanna judge people, not until I got betrayed and deceived. Then I just told myself, it's kool... maybe it's stupid, but at least I'm not the one who being a jackass...
I don't wanna become a cynic that detach myself from the world, and at the end i would probably be the one who hate myself. I can see this evil intention, but sometimes I wonder again... Is it the world or me who create this evil?
She said, "Regret is something I can never wipe away."
[[audio: Oris - Lost]]
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Love & Vertigo
I read the first few chapters of an auto-biographic novel last week, "Love & Vertigo" by Hsu-Ming Teo, apparently I just put the book down after I finished those chapters, go on my normal uni student life. I eat as usual, socialize with people as I should be... But my heart was mute, with a sense of grief. It's just a normal love and hate story in a family that trying to get through a mother lost, story isn't immensely dramatic, but my feelings was as vigorous as the first person. I'm not allow to tell the specific reason why, it's between me and myself, but Teo and I are connected strongly in certain level, and this is why her story is so influencial on my mind.
Today I had a guest lecture spoken by Teo for my political and creative writing, "Love and Vertigo wasn't hard to come out, and I enjoy writing it coz I discover myself, my family and how it connected with my home country and it's history. The purpose of this novel is not to make money, coz it couldn't make a lot as commercial fiction. I'm not a person who tend to put some profound philosophies or critical theories behind my story, I just want my audience experience the feeling of alienation and the emotions in my perspective."
Some of you may found it's cliche, but I love she said that.
Boy stuff, Gal stuff, Queer stuff
Had an interesting conversation with friends after my evening lecture of postmodernism. We watched some Buffy the vampire slayer in the class, and noticed that most of the guys are addicted to this show, they can name all the details about the show, characters, and so on, but none of the girls show their interest. I watch it at home sometimes, it's pretty kool but I'm not a big fan who chase the every single episode. My friend told me that, he found lots of gals in his another cultural tute, love watching shows like the secret life of us as well as sex and the city, which the boys think it's tedious and rather go out for a beer and chat about their own political philosophies or sport games. We tried to find out shows that both genders would be enjoyable to watch, which the result came up - The Simpsons, just like what I predicted.
When they asked my favourite TV show, I hesitated for awhile then I said "Queer as Folk". All the guys in the conversation group shown me a twisted face and some of them mocked me, "Fay, you just love watching man s*** d***." Well, it didn't embarrass me, and I was sorta calmed about those reactions, since I've seen so many guys act like that with their exaggerated sensitivity towards queer. Anyway, I said indifferently, "Guys, I think it's miserably shallow if you read it as a porno, it's just a STORY about how homosexual people deal with their lives. When you understand their intentions, it's beautiful to see them make love." Some guys was a bit convinced, but they still biting their lips and told me they just can't watch it; Others just insist it's a sick thing to watch. No offense, but their minds are contaminated by the negative homo stereotype and masculinity, which equals to homophobia.
[[audio: Things in Herd - Too Happy...]]
I read the first few chapters of an auto-biographic novel last week, "Love & Vertigo" by Hsu-Ming Teo, apparently I just put the book down after I finished those chapters, go on my normal uni student life. I eat as usual, socialize with people as I should be... But my heart was mute, with a sense of grief. It's just a normal love and hate story in a family that trying to get through a mother lost, story isn't immensely dramatic, but my feelings was as vigorous as the first person. I'm not allow to tell the specific reason why, it's between me and myself, but Teo and I are connected strongly in certain level, and this is why her story is so influencial on my mind.
Today I had a guest lecture spoken by Teo for my political and creative writing, "Love and Vertigo wasn't hard to come out, and I enjoy writing it coz I discover myself, my family and how it connected with my home country and it's history. The purpose of this novel is not to make money, coz it couldn't make a lot as commercial fiction. I'm not a person who tend to put some profound philosophies or critical theories behind my story, I just want my audience experience the feeling of alienation and the emotions in my perspective."
Some of you may found it's cliche, but I love she said that.
Boy stuff, Gal stuff, Queer stuff
Had an interesting conversation with friends after my evening lecture of postmodernism. We watched some Buffy the vampire slayer in the class, and noticed that most of the guys are addicted to this show, they can name all the details about the show, characters, and so on, but none of the girls show their interest. I watch it at home sometimes, it's pretty kool but I'm not a big fan who chase the every single episode. My friend told me that, he found lots of gals in his another cultural tute, love watching shows like the secret life of us as well as sex and the city, which the boys think it's tedious and rather go out for a beer and chat about their own political philosophies or sport games. We tried to find out shows that both genders would be enjoyable to watch, which the result came up - The Simpsons, just like what I predicted.
When they asked my favourite TV show, I hesitated for awhile then I said "Queer as Folk". All the guys in the conversation group shown me a twisted face and some of them mocked me, "Fay, you just love watching man s*** d***." Well, it didn't embarrass me, and I was sorta calmed about those reactions, since I've seen so many guys act like that with their exaggerated sensitivity towards queer. Anyway, I said indifferently, "Guys, I think it's miserably shallow if you read it as a porno, it's just a STORY about how homosexual people deal with their lives. When you understand their intentions, it's beautiful to see them make love." Some guys was a bit convinced, but they still biting their lips and told me they just can't watch it; Others just insist it's a sick thing to watch. No offense, but their minds are contaminated by the negative homo stereotype and masculinity, which equals to homophobia.
[[audio: Things in Herd - Too Happy...]]
Sunday, May 02, 2004
Do not be in fear!
I can't believe I spent a whole Sunday, just to open a stupid jar of OLD EL PASO. I tried to open it with my flatmate, try to heat the lid, we even tried to the spell "open sesame~!!", but none of them work. All in the sudden, a scene in Kill Bill vol.2 came up to my head - When The Bride went to Shaolin for the training, Pai Mei once said "you should not fear the wood, it should be the wood fears your fits". So I took a deep breath, with my plastic gloves on, then I concentrate all my strength on my hands to open the GOD DAMN JAR. Finally, it's opened... at 6:45pm. (and I started opening it at 1:30pm) Damn... my hands are fully red now. T^T *boohoo* "you should not fear the Jar, it should be the Jar fears your gloves."
Happy Tree Friends is for sickos whom yearn for entertainment badly, and I've watched every single episode since Joshua told me about this violent cartoon. Muahah... who want some bloody comedies??
Japanese wanna learn English?
OK, another crazy site that I wanna share with you all is Home English Home. It's a great site for Japanese to learn English and for us to have a good laugh. I put this up specially for Reiko, coz she is now a English Teacher in Osaka, I bet this site would definitely help her in teaching. Reiko chan, have fun in your Golden Holiday! *tenshi no hohoemi*
What I've been thinking today?
-Memorial day for the death of Hide, the legend of Jrock... God bless.
-When Budd shot to Uma, how come she didn't die? f(-_-;)
-Love psychedelico~~~ "All over love" - a song of bittersweet... beautiful!
-Argghhh! I miss Save the days & The Get up Kid concert! *sob*
-Cold...... *sniff*
I can't believe I spent a whole Sunday, just to open a stupid jar of OLD EL PASO. I tried to open it with my flatmate, try to heat the lid, we even tried to the spell "open sesame~!!", but none of them work. All in the sudden, a scene in Kill Bill vol.2 came up to my head - When The Bride went to Shaolin for the training, Pai Mei once said "you should not fear the wood, it should be the wood fears your fits". So I took a deep breath, with my plastic gloves on, then I concentrate all my strength on my hands to open the GOD DAMN JAR. Finally, it's opened... at 6:45pm. (and I started opening it at 1:30pm) Damn... my hands are fully red now. T^T *boohoo* "you should not fear the Jar, it should be the Jar fears your gloves."
Happy Tree Friends is for sickos whom yearn for entertainment badly, and I've watched every single episode since Joshua told me about this violent cartoon. Muahah... who want some bloody comedies??

Japanese wanna learn English?
OK, another crazy site that I wanna share with you all is Home English Home. It's a great site for Japanese to learn English and for us to have a good laugh. I put this up specially for Reiko, coz she is now a English Teacher in Osaka, I bet this site would definitely help her in teaching. Reiko chan, have fun in your Golden Holiday! *tenshi no hohoemi*
What I've been thinking today?
-Memorial day for the death of Hide, the legend of Jrock... God bless.
-When Budd shot to Uma, how come she didn't die? f(-_-;)
-Love psychedelico~~~ "All over love" - a song of bittersweet... beautiful!
-Argghhh! I miss Save the days & The Get up Kid concert! *sob*
-Cold...... *sniff*
Saturday, May 01, 2004
OH MY GOD... You won't believe what I had today!! I went out to meet up my lovely Reiko and her kawaii BF - Galvin today, we went to have a drink in "Max Brenner's Chocolate Bar: Made by the bald man" (what a bizzare name I have to say...), it's a very cozy cafe where full of chocolate aroma around, yumm~~! Anyway, they had a dark & white mocha and strawberries with melted chocolate dip, and I ordered a very special drink - Equador dark chocolate with ORCHID FLOWER OIL in hug, and a waffle with melted chocolate~ have a look of us:
Galvin & Reiko
Reiko & me
head to my photo site for a bigger view~ (it's in "Day in Sydney")
And we were talking how we have chocolate, Reiko love dipping frozen banana in melted chocolate, which actually reminded me the Swiss chocolate hotpot that I had in Hong Kong, we dipped like frozen ice-cream and fruit in it... What's more? many people think this is a strange way to have chocolate, but seriously... try this: chocolate with peanut butter!!!! Trust me, this is an ultimate indulgence in chocolate utopia! (warning: do not get addicted to it, or you'll gain heaps weight!) At this very moment, I am thinking the chocolate cake with custard cream that Jaime Oliver made in Pukka Tukka last week...!! *scream*
After some wandering in Chatswood and a few chat with Max and his "BF". we went for Korean seafood hotpot & Beef BBQ, which is always superb! Reiko showed off her korean as usual, just like me showing off my crappy japanese in front of her all the time... heh heh! *jiman tarashii~*
Anyway, we had a big conversation about Spicy food, Galvin has a big theory behind the indulgence of spicy food - that when our lips got burnt by spicy food, sensory nerve fibres would proliferate the sensitivity of tasting, and eventually, we would yearn for more spicy food to stimulate the nerves. *wakaru?* Talking about my experience of spicy food...I started taking spicy food since I had Cedric's homemade Indian curry, it was so damn hot but I can't resist eating it, so I've been training myself to have spicy noodle, chilli dishes, kimchi...etc. *karai karai~~!* Galv also recommended a great Indian restaurant to me which located in Newtown - my favorite suburb again~ In exchange of, I told them my favourite Thai restaurant in the same spot - Bank's Thai, Red Curry duck and the Beef Salad are the "MUST EAT" dishes... *mecha mecha oishii* so we've decided to go there for dinner before Reiko leave. Anyone wanna join? :)))
Yes Yes Yes! I been looked for people to see this with me, great to have some companies at last! T^T *kandou* I was told that Kill Bill vol1 is inspired by many HK & Jap movies, whereas Kill BIll vol2 is influenced by western films. Well, the second one actually still have lots of HK filming style in it, but yes... it's mainly interpreted in a western old movie style. The worst thing in the movie is the terrible translation of Pai Mei's Cantonese, and it's funny to have Uma speaking Mandarin and Pai Mei replied in Cantonese, how weird!! Oh well, it's directed by Tarantino, shouldn't be surprised.
Alrighty, the next film - ETERNAL SUNSHINE!
Anyone? pleaseeee? *puppy eyes*
OH MY GOD... You won't believe what I had today!! I went out to meet up my lovely Reiko and her kawaii BF - Galvin today, we went to have a drink in "Max Brenner's Chocolate Bar: Made by the bald man" (what a bizzare name I have to say...), it's a very cozy cafe where full of chocolate aroma around, yumm~~! Anyway, they had a dark & white mocha and strawberries with melted chocolate dip, and I ordered a very special drink - Equador dark chocolate with ORCHID FLOWER OIL in hug, and a waffle with melted chocolate~ have a look of us:

head to my photo site for a bigger view~ (it's in "Day in Sydney")
And we were talking how we have chocolate, Reiko love dipping frozen banana in melted chocolate, which actually reminded me the Swiss chocolate hotpot that I had in Hong Kong, we dipped like frozen ice-cream and fruit in it... What's more? many people think this is a strange way to have chocolate, but seriously... try this: chocolate with peanut butter!!!! Trust me, this is an ultimate indulgence in chocolate utopia! (warning: do not get addicted to it, or you'll gain heaps weight!) At this very moment, I am thinking the chocolate cake with custard cream that Jaime Oliver made in Pukka Tukka last week...!! *scream*
After some wandering in Chatswood and a few chat with Max and his "BF". we went for Korean seafood hotpot & Beef BBQ, which is always superb! Reiko showed off her korean as usual, just like me showing off my crappy japanese in front of her all the time... heh heh! *jiman tarashii~*
Anyway, we had a big conversation about Spicy food, Galvin has a big theory behind the indulgence of spicy food - that when our lips got burnt by spicy food, sensory nerve fibres would proliferate the sensitivity of tasting, and eventually, we would yearn for more spicy food to stimulate the nerves. *wakaru?* Talking about my experience of spicy food...I started taking spicy food since I had Cedric's homemade Indian curry, it was so damn hot but I can't resist eating it, so I've been training myself to have spicy noodle, chilli dishes, kimchi...etc. *karai karai~~!* Galv also recommended a great Indian restaurant to me which located in Newtown - my favorite suburb again~ In exchange of, I told them my favourite Thai restaurant in the same spot - Bank's Thai, Red Curry duck and the Beef Salad are the "MUST EAT" dishes... *mecha mecha oishii* so we've decided to go there for dinner before Reiko leave. Anyone wanna join? :)))
Yes Yes Yes! I been looked for people to see this with me, great to have some companies at last! T^T *kandou* I was told that Kill Bill vol1 is inspired by many HK & Jap movies, whereas Kill BIll vol2 is influenced by western films. Well, the second one actually still have lots of HK filming style in it, but yes... it's mainly interpreted in a western old movie style. The worst thing in the movie is the terrible translation of Pai Mei's Cantonese, and it's funny to have Uma speaking Mandarin and Pai Mei replied in Cantonese, how weird!! Oh well, it's directed by Tarantino, shouldn't be surprised.
Alrighty, the next film - ETERNAL SUNSHINE!
Anyone? pleaseeee? *puppy eyes*