Monday, May 17, 2004
Fall Apart and Start it again...
OK, A little summary about what I did in the weekend. After a few days of mourning for the death of my computer, I'd got a call from my friend who telling me that he can help me to fix my baby, which was like bringing me back to life. He told me that it's the motherboard problem, so I may able to get all the files back as long as the hard drive is fine. Jeezz... He is my saviour, I worship him from now on. Hahleluyah!
Friday: I picked up my penny whistle again, and started playing Love psychedelico, Laruku and Glay songs, it wasn't easy for the beginning, coz I haven't do this for a decade. Surprisingly, I played the whole "Hitomi no juunin" (iris of living man?) by L'arc-en-ciel that day, and I was hooked to play it again and again. Then I stood up and picked up my guitar, which I haven't play for a century, and tried to play the same song. I was totally addicted to this song and the imperfect melodies that came out from the instruments, then I began to play some more songs by Hyde, I found that "Evergreen" and "Shallow sleep" are wonderful to be interpreted by penny whistle.
"hitomi no juunin" single cover
My emotion was brought up to another level, and I started writing a draft for my new prose. I'm so excited about this piece, when I drew the general plot on the paper, my hand just keep adding new ideas on it as if they didn't run through my brain. Somehow I drove the chief character to death at the end, which I wasn't happy about it at all, I don't want him to die, but the story would be meaningless if he doesn't die. And my head started aching, I laid on my bed and tried to get into this super depressed character, to be him, to be in his situation, and I started getting depressive too. So I stopped, but it seems that the negative thought didn't stick back to the character, it invaded me.
At night, I went out to Vivaz with Emmie and Jamie. I wasn't in the mood at first, so me and Emmie decided to take some shots. Then Jamie arrived too, with a bunch of friends that I met in Leia's Farewell. It's good to see them all, and their craziness often cheer me up a lot. Those people had no idea what salsa is, but they all amazingly adore it, which reminds me the first time I came here... hehe. I tried not to dance that much, since I was quite tired, but how could I escape these crazy people once they put on their dancing shoes? *sigh* we ended up about 2 in the morning, and I was seriously exhausted, and I wasn't surprised that they intended to head to another club. Well, don't worry, I insisted to go home and I made it, but it was a great night. :)
Saturday: Basically I slept the whole day, I got up around 4pm when Jamie rang my phone. I had a shower and did some housekeeping, nothing much special... played my penny whistle again, and watched some TV. At night, SBS was playing one of the greatest Thai films - Jan Dara, which is based on a Thai literature. The film unfolds a man who fights his demons amidst an environment of obsession and comes to grips with three women in his life, each exerting control over him in their own unique ways. I think it's a fascinating story that no one should miss it.
Jan Dara
Sunday: I went to Newtown Dendy for a great movie "The Barbarian Invasion" with Mos, this Canadian film was highly recommended by Paul and his friends, and it is indeed a very outstanding movie with an unique way of interpretation. Brings the comedy into the path of death, brilliant way to reveal human traits, dreams and desires. I love this movie, see it if you have a chance, but remember get yourself some tissues before step into the cinema...
The Barbarian Invasion
Monday: I just had a lecture for the play "Cleansed" by Sarah Kane, this is a hyperreal play that is not possible to be performed on a theatre stage. OK, in this play... someone's tougue has to be cut off, eaten by rats, then hands got cut off, eaten by rats, fet got cut off, eaten by rats... a woman's breast got cut off, a penis is stitched roughly...etc. Yes very irritating and disturbing, I'd been murmured "what da f**k?" more than a hundred times while reading this crazy play.
This play written by Kane has been attacked by many critics saying this is a horribly sick play, dialogues and the images in this play is incredibly shocking, but actually the message behind the story was very strong and powerful. She is trying to break down the simplicity of gender, sexuality, subjectivity all these discourse, unlimit the definition to constitute the contradiction and its complexity. In other hand, she also brings up another philosopy - love cause pain, without love cause monster-liked. I think this is a brilliant statement, unfortunately this play is ALSO end up with a hopeless future.
Cleansed by Sarah Kane
*phew* Anyway... I just got a message from Irene about a GREAT music show in Hong Kong, damn! why the heck she send this to me while I'm in Australia???? Anyway, to all those underground band lovers in Hong Kong, a sunset rock concert 2004 will be held in HKAPA Drama Theatre on 18 June, HK$20, 19:30.
But a minute ago, I got another message from Jackson, telling me that Ugly Duckling is playing at Gaelic Club on 26 June, it's a hugh news to all those funky hip hop lover. I'm probably going if nothing crash with the time~ and hopefully will see some friends of mine going as well.
By the way, I finally got a new home phone, for the sake of my tight ass friends. But please don't call my home phone straight away, coz I'm sharing this phoneline with my flatmates, and we usually use it to get online. So message me to disconnect the internet and tell me your home phone, so I can call you back. love you all.
[[audio: L'arc-En-Ciel: Hitomi no Juunin]]
OK, A little summary about what I did in the weekend. After a few days of mourning for the death of my computer, I'd got a call from my friend who telling me that he can help me to fix my baby, which was like bringing me back to life. He told me that it's the motherboard problem, so I may able to get all the files back as long as the hard drive is fine. Jeezz... He is my saviour, I worship him from now on. Hahleluyah!
Friday: I picked up my penny whistle again, and started playing Love psychedelico, Laruku and Glay songs, it wasn't easy for the beginning, coz I haven't do this for a decade. Surprisingly, I played the whole "Hitomi no juunin" (iris of living man?) by L'arc-en-ciel that day, and I was hooked to play it again and again. Then I stood up and picked up my guitar, which I haven't play for a century, and tried to play the same song. I was totally addicted to this song and the imperfect melodies that came out from the instruments, then I began to play some more songs by Hyde, I found that "Evergreen" and "Shallow sleep" are wonderful to be interpreted by penny whistle.
"hitomi no juunin" single cover

My emotion was brought up to another level, and I started writing a draft for my new prose. I'm so excited about this piece, when I drew the general plot on the paper, my hand just keep adding new ideas on it as if they didn't run through my brain. Somehow I drove the chief character to death at the end, which I wasn't happy about it at all, I don't want him to die, but the story would be meaningless if he doesn't die. And my head started aching, I laid on my bed and tried to get into this super depressed character, to be him, to be in his situation, and I started getting depressive too. So I stopped, but it seems that the negative thought didn't stick back to the character, it invaded me.
At night, I went out to Vivaz with Emmie and Jamie. I wasn't in the mood at first, so me and Emmie decided to take some shots. Then Jamie arrived too, with a bunch of friends that I met in Leia's Farewell. It's good to see them all, and their craziness often cheer me up a lot. Those people had no idea what salsa is, but they all amazingly adore it, which reminds me the first time I came here... hehe. I tried not to dance that much, since I was quite tired, but how could I escape these crazy people once they put on their dancing shoes? *sigh* we ended up about 2 in the morning, and I was seriously exhausted, and I wasn't surprised that they intended to head to another club. Well, don't worry, I insisted to go home and I made it, but it was a great night. :)
Saturday: Basically I slept the whole day, I got up around 4pm when Jamie rang my phone. I had a shower and did some housekeeping, nothing much special... played my penny whistle again, and watched some TV. At night, SBS was playing one of the greatest Thai films - Jan Dara, which is based on a Thai literature. The film unfolds a man who fights his demons amidst an environment of obsession and comes to grips with three women in his life, each exerting control over him in their own unique ways. I think it's a fascinating story that no one should miss it.
Jan Dara

Sunday: I went to Newtown Dendy for a great movie "The Barbarian Invasion" with Mos, this Canadian film was highly recommended by Paul and his friends, and it is indeed a very outstanding movie with an unique way of interpretation. Brings the comedy into the path of death, brilliant way to reveal human traits, dreams and desires. I love this movie, see it if you have a chance, but remember get yourself some tissues before step into the cinema...
The Barbarian Invasion

Monday: I just had a lecture for the play "Cleansed" by Sarah Kane, this is a hyperreal play that is not possible to be performed on a theatre stage. OK, in this play... someone's tougue has to be cut off, eaten by rats, then hands got cut off, eaten by rats, fet got cut off, eaten by rats... a woman's breast got cut off, a penis is stitched roughly...etc. Yes very irritating and disturbing, I'd been murmured "what da f**k?" more than a hundred times while reading this crazy play.
This play written by Kane has been attacked by many critics saying this is a horribly sick play, dialogues and the images in this play is incredibly shocking, but actually the message behind the story was very strong and powerful. She is trying to break down the simplicity of gender, sexuality, subjectivity all these discourse, unlimit the definition to constitute the contradiction and its complexity. In other hand, she also brings up another philosopy - love cause pain, without love cause monster-liked. I think this is a brilliant statement, unfortunately this play is ALSO end up with a hopeless future.
Cleansed by Sarah Kane

*phew* Anyway... I just got a message from Irene about a GREAT music show in Hong Kong, damn! why the heck she send this to me while I'm in Australia???? Anyway, to all those underground band lovers in Hong Kong, a sunset rock concert 2004 will be held in HKAPA Drama Theatre on 18 June, HK$20, 19:30.
But a minute ago, I got another message from Jackson, telling me that Ugly Duckling is playing at Gaelic Club on 26 June, it's a hugh news to all those funky hip hop lover. I'm probably going if nothing crash with the time~ and hopefully will see some friends of mine going as well.
By the way, I finally got a new home phone, for the sake of my tight ass friends. But please don't call my home phone straight away, coz I'm sharing this phoneline with my flatmates, and we usually use it to get online. So message me to disconnect the internet and tell me your home phone, so I can call you back. love you all.
[[audio: L'arc-En-Ciel: Hitomi no Juunin]]