Sunday, November 28, 2004
Leave the Rhythm On and Free the Brazilians
When you realise there are too many things to digest in one day, you just have to slow down and pick one thing or two to do in a day, the rest of them... if they're gone, they 're gone, otherwise... you always have tomorrow. Procrastination isn't a bad thing sometimes.
I went to the Glebe Market with Sonic yesterday, cruised around the market was fun. We are good shopping partners, searching for bargains and good stuff are the rule in this place, and we both got nice things back... yeah! Shopping with boys ain't bad at all, as long as they have a good sense of fashion style.
So I missed ParkLife and I deserve to die, you can throw me shoes or whatever (just don't aim to my face). Hopefully I won't miss "We Love Sydney" in Luna Park. *staring at Christian* But then, I went to see Bebel Gilberto with Christian last night in Enmore Theatre, she is one hot brazilian mama and the crowd adore her. I have never heard anything from this sexy woman, so the concert actually gave out a lot of surprise to me. The music was very chill, very sensuous and sexy. The lighting is very nice as well, I was so impressed.
There're at least 30% Brazilian in the auditorium, seeing those Brazilian gals doing their own country dance in front of me was really pleasant. They love it, they praise Bebel, they even do those Brazilian cheering sound. I dunno how to describe it, but if you have seen Xena before, it's similiar to her rolling 'r' noise when she flies in from nowhere and beat the villain up for good. Guess Xena stole it from the Brazilian.
She is hot and amazing in live.
It was a good Saturday.
Next week is gonna be a mess.
[[audio: Bebel Gilberto - So Nice (Summer Samba)]]
When you realise there are too many things to digest in one day, you just have to slow down and pick one thing or two to do in a day, the rest of them... if they're gone, they 're gone, otherwise... you always have tomorrow. Procrastination isn't a bad thing sometimes.
I went to the Glebe Market with Sonic yesterday, cruised around the market was fun. We are good shopping partners, searching for bargains and good stuff are the rule in this place, and we both got nice things back... yeah! Shopping with boys ain't bad at all, as long as they have a good sense of fashion style.
So I missed ParkLife and I deserve to die, you can throw me shoes or whatever (just don't aim to my face). Hopefully I won't miss "We Love Sydney" in Luna Park. *staring at Christian* But then, I went to see Bebel Gilberto with Christian last night in Enmore Theatre, she is one hot brazilian mama and the crowd adore her. I have never heard anything from this sexy woman, so the concert actually gave out a lot of surprise to me. The music was very chill, very sensuous and sexy. The lighting is very nice as well, I was so impressed.
There're at least 30% Brazilian in the auditorium, seeing those Brazilian gals doing their own country dance in front of me was really pleasant. They love it, they praise Bebel, they even do those Brazilian cheering sound. I dunno how to describe it, but if you have seen Xena before, it's similiar to her rolling 'r' noise when she flies in from nowhere and beat the villain up for good. Guess Xena stole it from the Brazilian.

She is hot and amazing in live.
It was a good Saturday.
Next week is gonna be a mess.
[[audio: Bebel Gilberto - So Nice (Summer Samba)]]
Saturday, November 27, 2004
When the City Sleeps, I walk Alone with my Shadow
Have anyone ever have this feeling? Had a great fun in a big party, mingled with heaps friends and new people, walked out the party with few of your friends who go the same direction to home, grabbed food at mid-night, talked about funny people on the street, took the night ride bus with them.
And once you got off the bus, which is the point you separated with your friends, in other words, you are alone now. started walking home in the dark, well... most of the time you will think how cool the days you had; sometimes you think what you gonna do tomorrow; and there's always a time you think absolutely nothing.
The question is: When you think nothing, what are you thinking?
Feeling is horrible, horrible that you have nothing thinking in your head, I should put it this way, you are actually controlling yourself not to think certain things. This moment, when you thinking nothing, probably you have enough thinking about the good time you had, or maybe you are just too tired. (but I think you still think while you are tired) Thus, all you have left is the bad things, things that fuck you up and you have been trying not to think about it. ( I believe everyone must have one or two, you are super lucky if you have none, if you really have none.)
You had nothing to think, but all those bad things just flooded all over in your body. Is that a sign telling us maybe we shouldn't be too happy? If there's really have Karma that comes around goes around, perhaps we are damned. Thinking back all those shit, it was like tasting the vomit that you kept in the plastic bag. Sorry for being so graphical, but this is the point - it's digusting.
Sometimes you may think... "fuck! why do I have to suffer myself like this? Why can't I just fucking get over it? Life is short, I should take my time to enjoy instead of wasting fucking time to think about this..." then, you just pretend nothing really bothers you, your friends said you are so optimistic and strong whatsoever. You vomit the shit out and back to a happy(/busy) person and rejoined the happy hippy's group(/workslave union). In short, you think you are over it.
However, when you relapse into this "nothing to think" symdrome again and again, and again... and you eating the same bag of vomit... again, and again, and again... You started to realise that you have actually never ever got over it, something should be done to get rid of that stale crap in the plastic bag, and it's not just simply close your eyes and pretend everything is fine - futile and temporary recuperation of one self. But the matter is, what you should do to make sure you can really get away this circular trap?
"My shadows the only one that walks beside me. My shallow hearts the only thing that's beating. Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me. 'Till then I'll walk alone..."
P.S. when a computer die, what you can do... is reboot.
[[audio: Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams]]
Have anyone ever have this feeling? Had a great fun in a big party, mingled with heaps friends and new people, walked out the party with few of your friends who go the same direction to home, grabbed food at mid-night, talked about funny people on the street, took the night ride bus with them.
And once you got off the bus, which is the point you separated with your friends, in other words, you are alone now. started walking home in the dark, well... most of the time you will think how cool the days you had; sometimes you think what you gonna do tomorrow; and there's always a time you think absolutely nothing.
The question is: When you think nothing, what are you thinking?
Feeling is horrible, horrible that you have nothing thinking in your head, I should put it this way, you are actually controlling yourself not to think certain things. This moment, when you thinking nothing, probably you have enough thinking about the good time you had, or maybe you are just too tired. (but I think you still think while you are tired) Thus, all you have left is the bad things, things that fuck you up and you have been trying not to think about it. ( I believe everyone must have one or two, you are super lucky if you have none, if you really have none.)
You had nothing to think, but all those bad things just flooded all over in your body. Is that a sign telling us maybe we shouldn't be too happy? If there's really have Karma that comes around goes around, perhaps we are damned. Thinking back all those shit, it was like tasting the vomit that you kept in the plastic bag. Sorry for being so graphical, but this is the point - it's digusting.
Sometimes you may think... "fuck! why do I have to suffer myself like this? Why can't I just fucking get over it? Life is short, I should take my time to enjoy instead of wasting fucking time to think about this..." then, you just pretend nothing really bothers you, your friends said you are so optimistic and strong whatsoever. You vomit the shit out and back to a happy(/busy) person and rejoined the happy hippy's group(/workslave union). In short, you think you are over it.
However, when you relapse into this "nothing to think" symdrome again and again, and again... and you eating the same bag of vomit... again, and again, and again... You started to realise that you have actually never ever got over it, something should be done to get rid of that stale crap in the plastic bag, and it's not just simply close your eyes and pretend everything is fine - futile and temporary recuperation of one self. But the matter is, what you should do to make sure you can really get away this circular trap?
"My shadows the only one that walks beside me. My shallow hearts the only thing that's beating. Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me. 'Till then I'll walk alone..."
P.S. when a computer die, what you can do... is reboot.
[[audio: Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams]]
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Back to the Radio Family
It's been two weeks, and I'm back to FBi today, which was really delightful. Once I stepped in, the vols were so happy to see me back, so they can make fun out of me again. (especially Leo.)
There're like a stack of stuff waiting for me to finish, Clare said no one know how to do it except me. muhaha... I think I'm the giveaway bitch now, which is not just a name, I did show everyone that I finished all the things in one day (it's a two weeks work). guess I can be abit arrogant in this area. :p
Marley is such a sweetheart, she bought me a big box of chocolate for thanking me staying with her in the car few weeks ago. I mean, it should be me get her chocolate, since she was giving me a lift to Hannah's place. aww...
On the other hand, we have a new face on wednesday - Daniel. He is very cute and funny, somehow remind me phillip perez. Yea... haha! they have a very similar personality, will be very kool if they meet together one day.
What else? Free nudie juice, how about that? *grins*
[[audio: FiggKidd - I gotta Know]]
It's been two weeks, and I'm back to FBi today, which was really delightful. Once I stepped in, the vols were so happy to see me back, so they can make fun out of me again. (especially Leo.)
There're like a stack of stuff waiting for me to finish, Clare said no one know how to do it except me. muhaha... I think I'm the giveaway bitch now, which is not just a name, I did show everyone that I finished all the things in one day (it's a two weeks work). guess I can be abit arrogant in this area. :p
Marley is such a sweetheart, she bought me a big box of chocolate for thanking me staying with her in the car few weeks ago. I mean, it should be me get her chocolate, since she was giving me a lift to Hannah's place. aww...
On the other hand, we have a new face on wednesday - Daniel. He is very cute and funny, somehow remind me phillip perez. Yea... haha! they have a very similar personality, will be very kool if they meet together one day.
What else? Free nudie juice, how about that? *grins*
[[audio: FiggKidd - I gotta Know]]
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
War is Over
OK, I just typed a long post awhile ago, but the fucking internet erase it all. so I just give you all a brief, since im sick of typing in front of the screen.
yes, good news is I'm done finally, toughest time in uni has passed yesterday. and I went out have fun with Irma right away, watched Anchorman, have Japanese in Artarmon - very nice food, play pool in Great Nothern Hotel which just around my place. great fun.
bad news, I've been sick twice last week, sorry to those people I didn't reply any message or whatsoever. worse thing - I was arguing my age with my doctor and it ended up he won. the worst - I collapsed in my mother's birthday. these bad things were all derived from my stress and sickness, now i need parties.
that's it.
[[audio: Stylophonic - Way Of Life]]
OK, I just typed a long post awhile ago, but the fucking internet erase it all. so I just give you all a brief, since im sick of typing in front of the screen.
yes, good news is I'm done finally, toughest time in uni has passed yesterday. and I went out have fun with Irma right away, watched Anchorman, have Japanese in Artarmon - very nice food, play pool in Great Nothern Hotel which just around my place. great fun.
bad news, I've been sick twice last week, sorry to those people I didn't reply any message or whatsoever. worse thing - I was arguing my age with my doctor and it ended up he won. the worst - I collapsed in my mother's birthday. these bad things were all derived from my stress and sickness, now i need parties.
that's it.
[[audio: Stylophonic - Way Of Life]]
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
My Words for Destination Nowhere
Today I have my last performance class, we had to give comment to the show and this subject. The show is something everyone of us precious a lot, it is an unforgettable moment in our life. We enjoy the uncomfortable feeling and the unpredictable response, not even mention how much we love the opportunity to experiment and burst the mainstream middle-class theatre stereotype.
Most of the people really love our short plays, and some of them seriously did come back on the other night. But we know few of the audience did not like our play, which we have expected that already, and we don't give a shit. I still think our play is excellent, Sisse and Jordy did a very great job in playwriting and directing. The point is that, Australian theatre rarely put on compelling play to challenge their viewers. Do not take it as a grant that theatre play is supposed to be entertaining and comfortable to watch, it is supposed to make you think.
"Art is not a mirror held up to reflect reality, it is a hammer with which to smash the mirror which is reality."
Therefore, if you are shocked by the content and the context of our play, don't run away. Think! What is that in this play making you feel so uncomfortable to watch? Why did you rejecting/ in fear of those conventions? This is the successful dimension, in which people watching a play and how a play can explore people's mind. A rape scene is not a marketing strategy to attract people to watch us, please don't be so superficial. Every action and line in a theatre has its intention and reason behind, rather than to entertain you. This is art.
Overall, this is definitely my most favorite subject ever in these 3 years, which is just 1 inch over the advance radio production. Michael is a very intelligent performance production teacher, who always encourages experiments by giving us an enormous space to sketch our creativity. He is the director of King Lear that I watched last June, which I had mentioned in the blog before, it was an amazing production in the aspect of the context. On the other hand, I'm very lucky to be in this team, which is probably the best team in all the classes. We all like to try and give chance for everyone, of course a good friendship has also developed. Indeed, I feel like if now was just the beginning of the class, it would be awesome!
Emilia and all her lovely lines will be living inside of me, always, as a momentous memory - "One day you will be sitting in your lounge room on the other side of the world, the next finding yourself in the company of strangers, like old friends." ; "What is the worst thing you have ever done? Something completely fucked up?" ; "Kiss me, Touch me, Fuck me, Hold me, Love me, I am..." ; "Drink Anyone? To pleasure and pain, existence and death, may we all be released."; "We are all a bunch of liars, rotten to the core, rotten all."
Some people said my character is a victim (because of the rape probably...), but some of them think Emilia is the villain (because she's playing game and fucking up Jake's mind). My response is, every character in this play also has their innocent side, there's no hero or villain. If you really have to set this formula in, then everyone is hero, everyone is villain. See beyond the character, the intention of Emilia is definitely related to the scum, which is the picture that she tear off in the beginning of the scene. Trying to get away from the past, trying to forget by searching a new situation, trying to trust and begin. Sometimes I think... maybe that is not a rape. (if you know what I mean!) Emilia is absolutely a very interesting role to be performed.
OK, these are what I wanna say about my production.
Cowboys & Cowgals! Dance with me in Coles!
Today I was shopping food in the Coles. I put on the best Japanese HipHop/FunkRock band Dragon Ash in my CD player with maximum volume, and something really kool had happened. People around me, they danced! Well, not high energy dance-dance, but like subtle feet-tapping-dance.
I think this is very kool, especially my head flashed back with some vague deja vu visions. Ya'know there're quite a few of music videos in 90s, they have some people doing normal things on the street, and all in a sudden they dance crazily with the singer/ the band. Imagine me and those people dancing in the Coles... (in Har Mar Superstar style/ maybe Austin Power?) LOL. That's gonna be hilarious.
P.S. My bracelace is broken, it's my lucky charm. Does it mean the bracelace has blocked some bad luck for me?
[[audio: Dragon Ash - Deep Impact]]
Today I have my last performance class, we had to give comment to the show and this subject. The show is something everyone of us precious a lot, it is an unforgettable moment in our life. We enjoy the uncomfortable feeling and the unpredictable response, not even mention how much we love the opportunity to experiment and burst the mainstream middle-class theatre stereotype.
Most of the people really love our short plays, and some of them seriously did come back on the other night. But we know few of the audience did not like our play, which we have expected that already, and we don't give a shit. I still think our play is excellent, Sisse and Jordy did a very great job in playwriting and directing. The point is that, Australian theatre rarely put on compelling play to challenge their viewers. Do not take it as a grant that theatre play is supposed to be entertaining and comfortable to watch, it is supposed to make you think.
"Art is not a mirror held up to reflect reality, it is a hammer with which to smash the mirror which is reality."
Therefore, if you are shocked by the content and the context of our play, don't run away. Think! What is that in this play making you feel so uncomfortable to watch? Why did you rejecting/ in fear of those conventions? This is the successful dimension, in which people watching a play and how a play can explore people's mind. A rape scene is not a marketing strategy to attract people to watch us, please don't be so superficial. Every action and line in a theatre has its intention and reason behind, rather than to entertain you. This is art.
Overall, this is definitely my most favorite subject ever in these 3 years, which is just 1 inch over the advance radio production. Michael is a very intelligent performance production teacher, who always encourages experiments by giving us an enormous space to sketch our creativity. He is the director of King Lear that I watched last June, which I had mentioned in the blog before, it was an amazing production in the aspect of the context. On the other hand, I'm very lucky to be in this team, which is probably the best team in all the classes. We all like to try and give chance for everyone, of course a good friendship has also developed. Indeed, I feel like if now was just the beginning of the class, it would be awesome!
Emilia and all her lovely lines will be living inside of me, always, as a momentous memory - "One day you will be sitting in your lounge room on the other side of the world, the next finding yourself in the company of strangers, like old friends." ; "What is the worst thing you have ever done? Something completely fucked up?" ; "Kiss me, Touch me, Fuck me, Hold me, Love me, I am..." ; "Drink Anyone? To pleasure and pain, existence and death, may we all be released."; "We are all a bunch of liars, rotten to the core, rotten all."
Some people said my character is a victim (because of the rape probably...), but some of them think Emilia is the villain (because she's playing game and fucking up Jake's mind). My response is, every character in this play also has their innocent side, there's no hero or villain. If you really have to set this formula in, then everyone is hero, everyone is villain. See beyond the character, the intention of Emilia is definitely related to the scum, which is the picture that she tear off in the beginning of the scene. Trying to get away from the past, trying to forget by searching a new situation, trying to trust and begin. Sometimes I think... maybe that is not a rape. (if you know what I mean!) Emilia is absolutely a very interesting role to be performed.
OK, these are what I wanna say about my production.
Cowboys & Cowgals! Dance with me in Coles!
Today I was shopping food in the Coles. I put on the best Japanese HipHop/FunkRock band Dragon Ash in my CD player with maximum volume, and something really kool had happened. People around me, they danced! Well, not high energy dance-dance, but like subtle feet-tapping-dance.
I think this is very kool, especially my head flashed back with some vague deja vu visions. Ya'know there're quite a few of music videos in 90s, they have some people doing normal things on the street, and all in a sudden they dance crazily with the singer/ the band. Imagine me and those people dancing in the Coles... (in Har Mar Superstar style/ maybe Austin Power?) LOL. That's gonna be hilarious.
P.S. My bracelace is broken, it's my lucky charm. Does it mean the bracelace has blocked some bad luck for me?
[[audio: Dragon Ash - Deep Impact]]
Monday, November 08, 2004
Making Peace to Horror
Today I feel relatively better, in my twenty-first century, it requires self-recovery. Like Jake said 'Pain... feel it, swallow it...'. Anyway, I'm quite in a creative mood, and thank god I finally prepared my rotten brain to do my multimedia productions and assignments. I know I am sick, puked twice last nite, but it doesn't matter. Right now, nothing does matter to me. I'm pretty happy my physical body created such a sensational reaction while mentality is retarded.
Had a good talk with my lecturer in class, then I went to see FBi's 'Lost Things' la premiere with Sisse. Weird, the idea of escapism that we used in Sisse's play has moved to the movie, recreated as a psychological horror movie. It's another low budget movie, but the constraint of money didn't reduce the impact of the film. I really like the story, the filming techniques and the sound design. But some areas are sort of under-developed, and I don't really like the characters. On the other hand, Sisse thinks it has pre-ended the story. Q&A Session with the Director Marty was great, very inspiring. I gave this film 3 out of 5, Sisse offers 4 stars. Am I being too strict or she being too generous?
[[audio: GLAY - Way Of Difference]]
Today I feel relatively better, in my twenty-first century, it requires self-recovery. Like Jake said 'Pain... feel it, swallow it...'. Anyway, I'm quite in a creative mood, and thank god I finally prepared my rotten brain to do my multimedia productions and assignments. I know I am sick, puked twice last nite, but it doesn't matter. Right now, nothing does matter to me. I'm pretty happy my physical body created such a sensational reaction while mentality is retarded.
Had a good talk with my lecturer in class, then I went to see FBi's 'Lost Things' la premiere with Sisse. Weird, the idea of escapism that we used in Sisse's play has moved to the movie, recreated as a psychological horror movie. It's another low budget movie, but the constraint of money didn't reduce the impact of the film. I really like the story, the filming techniques and the sound design. But some areas are sort of under-developed, and I don't really like the characters. On the other hand, Sisse thinks it has pre-ended the story. Q&A Session with the Director Marty was great, very inspiring. I gave this film 3 out of 5, Sisse offers 4 stars. Am I being too strict or she being too generous?
[[audio: GLAY - Way Of Difference]]
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Snow has arrived in this Summer
Yesterday is quite an emotional nite, few things have happened that triggered my tears to come out today.
As most of you know, it was my the final day for my performance show. It was a very successful night, I'm glad to see many of my friends came for support. Lezel, Joanne, Irma and her friend, Sophie and Marley, I love you all. Also, thank you for the whole crew giving me this wonderful flower, card and the chocolates. Thanks for all those amazing people sending me cards, email and calling me to give support. They all means a lot a lot and a lot to me.
To be honest, this performance production is really a memorial project to me. I precious all the time I had with the team, all the challenges and the happy time. I enjoy doing Emilia, enjoy living in another person's life and create images to connect with the audience.Not even mention we made a lot of profit in this project, it'd be great if we could keep doing it.
My apology to the crew that I couldn't attend the final show's celebration gathering, because it's Hanna and Lena's farewell party as well. Oh, thanks Marley for driving me, though the car was broken down... I guess I just bring bad luck to people and myself. After I swallowed a bolt couple nights ago, this time I lost it in Marley's car.
Anyhow, I got to the German gals' home in mid-nite, heaps and heaps greeting hugs all the way to my way. Good to see Kendra, Anja, Greg, Peter and Grit again, and it's a pleasure to meet Freddy, she has a very charming personality that I really love. Of coz, it's a very emotional moment when I hug Hanna and Lena, it's somehow upset me when I know we have to be apart for a long while.
I was so tired, but there's no time for me to sleep. I utilize all the time I had to catch up with all the people that I love. Chat with Kendra til 2:30am, it was great coz I haven't see this beauty like ages. People went back home about 3am, the house has left me, Hanna and Freddy. We talked and cleared up the house until 5:30am, I went to sleep but Hanna and Freddy were still chatting in the sitting room up til 7am. I told you, German is the most energetic nationality.
I woke up at 12:30pm this afternoon, started feeling weird in my tummy. It's not food poisoning. It's the feeling when people that you love is going to leave you. I'm so scared that they will never come back like... and I started to have this claustrophobia. I sat in the balcony by myself, Hanna walked up and sitted next to me. We began to talk about emotional stuff, I think our friendship has really glue us together.
After a nice brunch, Hanna drove me home. Then it happened, I can't control my emotion anymore. After she left, I started to cry.
P.S. sorry this is a very emotional post, but I am fine now.
[[audio: Eason - Lonely Christmas]]
Yesterday is quite an emotional nite, few things have happened that triggered my tears to come out today.
As most of you know, it was my the final day for my performance show. It was a very successful night, I'm glad to see many of my friends came for support. Lezel, Joanne, Irma and her friend, Sophie and Marley, I love you all. Also, thank you for the whole crew giving me this wonderful flower, card and the chocolates. Thanks for all those amazing people sending me cards, email and calling me to give support. They all means a lot a lot and a lot to me.
To be honest, this performance production is really a memorial project to me. I precious all the time I had with the team, all the challenges and the happy time. I enjoy doing Emilia, enjoy living in another person's life and create images to connect with the audience.Not even mention we made a lot of profit in this project, it'd be great if we could keep doing it.
My apology to the crew that I couldn't attend the final show's celebration gathering, because it's Hanna and Lena's farewell party as well. Oh, thanks Marley for driving me, though the car was broken down... I guess I just bring bad luck to people and myself. After I swallowed a bolt couple nights ago, this time I lost it in Marley's car.
Anyhow, I got to the German gals' home in mid-nite, heaps and heaps greeting hugs all the way to my way. Good to see Kendra, Anja, Greg, Peter and Grit again, and it's a pleasure to meet Freddy, she has a very charming personality that I really love. Of coz, it's a very emotional moment when I hug Hanna and Lena, it's somehow upset me when I know we have to be apart for a long while.
I was so tired, but there's no time for me to sleep. I utilize all the time I had to catch up with all the people that I love. Chat with Kendra til 2:30am, it was great coz I haven't see this beauty like ages. People went back home about 3am, the house has left me, Hanna and Freddy. We talked and cleared up the house until 5:30am, I went to sleep but Hanna and Freddy were still chatting in the sitting room up til 7am. I told you, German is the most energetic nationality.
I woke up at 12:30pm this afternoon, started feeling weird in my tummy. It's not food poisoning. It's the feeling when people that you love is going to leave you. I'm so scared that they will never come back like... and I started to have this claustrophobia. I sat in the balcony by myself, Hanna walked up and sitted next to me. We began to talk about emotional stuff, I think our friendship has really glue us together.
After a nice brunch, Hanna drove me home. Then it happened, I can't control my emotion anymore. After she left, I started to cry.
P.S. sorry this is a very emotional post, but I am fine now.
[[audio: Eason - Lonely Christmas]]
Friday, November 05, 2004
Tonight is all about Accidents and Rescues
Second night is done, it is a big 'PHEW' to me.
I was nervous as usual, but I guess it was a little bit too much. I swallowed a piece of metal, well it's not a big deal indeed, it just freaked the hell out of me. My first time ever, I was told this happens to most of the human being who have a piece of metal in their mouth. Mann... I can feel the extra weight in my stomach. @_@;;;
Anyway, it was a good nite, another full house we had tonite, approximately 55 people. I have Jackson came for support, he isn't really a theatre person, but I guess he is hooked now.
This time, we had a few mistakes happened on the stage, and I was so scared that we would fuck up in front of everyone. I rescued some actions and lines that other actors have forgotten, then we all realised that staying alert is so important now. We started to act more intense in the second half, and it all came out very well.
Somehow, I have some cut and bruises on both of my wrists, you can tell how intense it was.
Tomorrow is the last nite, please don't miss it if you haven't come yet!
Macquarie University, theatre studio: F9C 140, 7:30pm (come earlier), $8 with a free drink.
See you all soon.
[[audio: Franz Ferdinand - This Fire]]
Second night is done, it is a big 'PHEW' to me.
I was nervous as usual, but I guess it was a little bit too much. I swallowed a piece of metal, well it's not a big deal indeed, it just freaked the hell out of me. My first time ever, I was told this happens to most of the human being who have a piece of metal in their mouth. Mann... I can feel the extra weight in my stomach. @_@;;;
Anyway, it was a good nite, another full house we had tonite, approximately 55 people. I have Jackson came for support, he isn't really a theatre person, but I guess he is hooked now.
This time, we had a few mistakes happened on the stage, and I was so scared that we would fuck up in front of everyone. I rescued some actions and lines that other actors have forgotten, then we all realised that staying alert is so important now. We started to act more intense in the second half, and it all came out very well.
Somehow, I have some cut and bruises on both of my wrists, you can tell how intense it was.
Tomorrow is the last nite, please don't miss it if you haven't come yet!
Macquarie University, theatre studio: F9C 140, 7:30pm (come earlier), $8 with a free drink.
See you all soon.
[[audio: Franz Ferdinand - This Fire]]
Thursday, November 04, 2004
The Moment of Happiness Frozen in Time
First night is finally done, it is a big relief.
You have no idea how painful I felt last nite.
Tuesday dressing rehearsal - I got stomache as no food in my tummy all day.
Wednesday preview show - I ate, but I threw up terribly once I back home.
I was very pissed by my fucking problem.
Thank god nothing bad happened tonight, just had a few burps... I was super nervous in the beginning of the show. It was totally out of everyone's expectation, 60 people showed up in the la premiere! We only have 40 seats for the audience, luckily no one complained about standing up.
I wanna give a big hug to all my generous friends who spare a night here for us. Hanna & her friends, Lena & her boyfriend, Micaela, Irene, Sonic and other people who came up introduced themselves to me. The audience love it, some of them even said will come back again, they all mean a lot to us. This moment can't be forgotten, I shared it with my dearest person, my mother. She was so happy after she got my call, I guess this is all I want - to make her happy.
This is the sweetest time ever, the glory is here, on the stage, everyone's hard work has not been wasted. Me, Erin, Matt and Jordy also became the unbreakable team now, we glued by love, caring, friendship and the spirit of art. Special thanks to Matt, he is the best gentleman and acting partner ever, he came up to me everytime after a series of 'violent' actions, just to see if I am alright or not. Also Gareth's caring was very warm as well, both guys are the best of the best. Go team! Two more night and we are done!
To celebrate the joyful night, I put up another cheesy picture of myself on the bus back home.(taken by Sonic) I'll take more photos in the coming two nights, if I have time.
[[audio: Dragon Ash - Attention]]
First night is finally done, it is a big relief.
You have no idea how painful I felt last nite.
Tuesday dressing rehearsal - I got stomache as no food in my tummy all day.
Wednesday preview show - I ate, but I threw up terribly once I back home.
I was very pissed by my fucking problem.
Thank god nothing bad happened tonight, just had a few burps... I was super nervous in the beginning of the show. It was totally out of everyone's expectation, 60 people showed up in the la premiere! We only have 40 seats for the audience, luckily no one complained about standing up.
I wanna give a big hug to all my generous friends who spare a night here for us. Hanna & her friends, Lena & her boyfriend, Micaela, Irene, Sonic and other people who came up introduced themselves to me. The audience love it, some of them even said will come back again, they all mean a lot to us. This moment can't be forgotten, I shared it with my dearest person, my mother. She was so happy after she got my call, I guess this is all I want - to make her happy.
This is the sweetest time ever, the glory is here, on the stage, everyone's hard work has not been wasted. Me, Erin, Matt and Jordy also became the unbreakable team now, we glued by love, caring, friendship and the spirit of art. Special thanks to Matt, he is the best gentleman and acting partner ever, he came up to me everytime after a series of 'violent' actions, just to see if I am alright or not. Also Gareth's caring was very warm as well, both guys are the best of the best. Go team! Two more night and we are done!
To celebrate the joyful night, I put up another cheesy picture of myself on the bus back home.(taken by Sonic) I'll take more photos in the coming two nights, if I have time.
[[audio: Dragon Ash - Attention]]
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Get Dirty, Get Nasty
I just back home from my show's dressing rehearsal, tired and got a very bad stomache (I didn't eat all day). I was quite happy for the rehearsal, it's all going pretty well. A bit chaotic in the lighting and music operating, but it's really amazing that they all ended up quite organized in only one day.
My play was in the end of the show, thanks for all those generous helpers and students staying for support. We were so nervous and worried that things wouldn't work. But most of the elements comes out a very nice impact to the play, we got many positive feedback which is really awesome.
Thank you so very much for Jordy our director, Sisse the playwriter, Matt & Erin my acting parnters, also Michael and Karl. I believe the show will be superb when it's showing to the public, and you guys shouldn't miss such a good chance seeing me get dirty and nasty, it ain't fantasy!
Remember! come to Distorted~
Macquarie Uni theatre studio (F9C 140), nov 4-6 (thur-sat), 7:30pm, 8 bucks.
Tomorrow is the preview nite, then it will be all for real. Go team! Swear the shit out!
P.S. Thank god! The new Queer as Folk is back, my life is back to a colorful world.
P.S.S. James is right, he's back, I am pissed.
[[audio: The Get Up Kids - Long Goodnight]]
I just back home from my show's dressing rehearsal, tired and got a very bad stomache (I didn't eat all day). I was quite happy for the rehearsal, it's all going pretty well. A bit chaotic in the lighting and music operating, but it's really amazing that they all ended up quite organized in only one day.
My play was in the end of the show, thanks for all those generous helpers and students staying for support. We were so nervous and worried that things wouldn't work. But most of the elements comes out a very nice impact to the play, we got many positive feedback which is really awesome.
Thank you so very much for Jordy our director, Sisse the playwriter, Matt & Erin my acting parnters, also Michael and Karl. I believe the show will be superb when it's showing to the public, and you guys shouldn't miss such a good chance seeing me get dirty and nasty, it ain't fantasy!
Remember! come to Distorted~
Macquarie Uni theatre studio (F9C 140), nov 4-6 (thur-sat), 7:30pm, 8 bucks.
Tomorrow is the preview nite, then it will be all for real. Go team! Swear the shit out!
P.S. Thank god! The new Queer as Folk is back, my life is back to a colorful world.
P.S.S. James is right, he's back, I am pissed.
[[audio: The Get Up Kids - Long Goodnight]]
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
New Puppy is Home!
Our new baby is now living in my parent's home! Look at him, how cute!? Mom gave him a name Jimmy for some reasons, dad wasn't very pleased at first, since his friend is also called Jimmy. But it's ok, coz mom said our puppy is good enough to have a human name (puppy mania...). After I got this picture from my dad, my hands were like uncontrollably scatching the screen, and I was just screaming "KAWAI~~~" all time, you can imagine. Jimmy is sooooo cute and I just wanna touch him. awww~~~ (now my screen is full of my fingerprints...)
[[audio: Velure - Walk Home]]
Our new baby is now living in my parent's home! Look at him, how cute!? Mom gave him a name Jimmy for some reasons, dad wasn't very pleased at first, since his friend is also called Jimmy. But it's ok, coz mom said our puppy is good enough to have a human name (puppy mania...). After I got this picture from my dad, my hands were like uncontrollably scatching the screen, and I was just screaming "KAWAI~~~" all time, you can imagine. Jimmy is sooooo cute and I just wanna touch him. awww~~~ (now my screen is full of my fingerprints...)
[[audio: Velure - Walk Home]]