Thursday, February 24, 2005
I Can't Stop My Hand!!!
OK, I'm a nerd right now. My left hand is grabing nacho corn chips with sour cream and putting them in my mouth, where my right hand is either holding a mouse or poking the keyboard. If this process keep on going, I will become a Obese Computer Nerd, and I don't think this is a nice title...
-Naked Tango-

I finished this one in about 30 minutes, the hardest part of this drawing is the fingers. Fucking difficult to use a mouse to draw something so delicate like that, they are still not perfect but at least I can tell they are fingers... that's good enough. I realised that I love drawing a female's back, it is a very beautiful area, perhaps I like their back bone.
Am I having too much fantasy on women? Well... To be honest, I really want to draw men, but I'm not good at observing their muscle + bone structure, that's why I need a model. You don't need to show me your penis, I'm not interested... I just want to see your back, you can take a picture of your back and send it to me, but I prefer real person.
To Arisan: Thanks for your comment, I posted this up for you! :) About that tattoo... haha... it is hijiri, but it is just a contrast with another tattoo. see?
[[audio: Shiina Ringo - Tsumi To Batsu]]
*Tsumi to batsu = Sin and Punishment
OK, I'm a nerd right now. My left hand is grabing nacho corn chips with sour cream and putting them in my mouth, where my right hand is either holding a mouse or poking the keyboard. If this process keep on going, I will become a Obese Computer Nerd, and I don't think this is a nice title...
-Naked Tango-

I finished this one in about 30 minutes, the hardest part of this drawing is the fingers. Fucking difficult to use a mouse to draw something so delicate like that, they are still not perfect but at least I can tell they are fingers... that's good enough. I realised that I love drawing a female's back, it is a very beautiful area, perhaps I like their back bone.
Am I having too much fantasy on women? Well... To be honest, I really want to draw men, but I'm not good at observing their muscle + bone structure, that's why I need a model. You don't need to show me your penis, I'm not interested... I just want to see your back, you can take a picture of your back and send it to me, but I prefer real person.
To Arisan: Thanks for your comment, I posted this up for you! :) About that tattoo... haha... it is hijiri, but it is just a contrast with another tattoo. see?
[[audio: Shiina Ringo - Tsumi To Batsu]]
*Tsumi to batsu = Sin and Punishment
Don't Take My Last Breathe Away
I was sketching all night yesterday up til 4:30am, it was very crazy but also fill me up with a great satisfaction. And for the first time ever, I tried to use computer to sketch (by using a mouse), it was quite difficult to get use to it at the beginning, but pretty easy to handle after one drawing. At first I was thinking to draw it on paper, but I can't figure out the body structure in certain poses, since I don't have any model here, which mean all the human body is based on my imagination, so I thought it might be great to start a draft on a computer, it's easier to undo.
Here are two of my draft drawing that I did last nite.

I finished this one on and off in about an hour, coz I was chatting with friends on MSN... I didn't put any blood there before, but I thought to try it wouldn't do any harm, and it come up with this result. After all, this is just a draft, the drawing is too messy to be serious.
OK, next:

This is just for fun, done in 20min!! I used to draw manga before I came to Sydney, so it would be nice to have this retrospective drawing. I'm glad to see my anime drawing skill hasn't totally gone yet, though I'm a tiny little bit over manga now. Unless I can drawing something like CLAMP's Veda RX, X or Yukito Kishiro's Gunnm (aka. Battle Angel Alita). Oh well... Nothing serious here neither.
I've been drawing quite many naked women last nite that was good enough to prove that I am a lesbian, indeed I want to draw men too, but... I need a model who's willing to get naked in front of me... haha! Anyone? Don't worry I won't bite~ :p
P.S. Feel Free to Give some comment...
[[audio: Spitz - Robinson]]
I was sketching all night yesterday up til 4:30am, it was very crazy but also fill me up with a great satisfaction. And for the first time ever, I tried to use computer to sketch (by using a mouse), it was quite difficult to get use to it at the beginning, but pretty easy to handle after one drawing. At first I was thinking to draw it on paper, but I can't figure out the body structure in certain poses, since I don't have any model here, which mean all the human body is based on my imagination, so I thought it might be great to start a draft on a computer, it's easier to undo.
Here are two of my draft drawing that I did last nite.

I finished this one on and off in about an hour, coz I was chatting with friends on MSN... I didn't put any blood there before, but I thought to try it wouldn't do any harm, and it come up with this result. After all, this is just a draft, the drawing is too messy to be serious.
OK, next:

This is just for fun, done in 20min!! I used to draw manga before I came to Sydney, so it would be nice to have this retrospective drawing. I'm glad to see my anime drawing skill hasn't totally gone yet, though I'm a tiny little bit over manga now. Unless I can drawing something like CLAMP's Veda RX, X or Yukito Kishiro's Gunnm (aka. Battle Angel Alita). Oh well... Nothing serious here neither.
I've been drawing quite many naked women last nite that was good enough to prove that I am a lesbian, indeed I want to draw men too, but... I need a model who's willing to get naked in front of me... haha! Anyone? Don't worry I won't bite~ :p
P.S. Feel Free to Give some comment...
[[audio: Spitz - Robinson]]
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
The Door In The Floor
by Tod William
(Based on John Irving's best selling novel A Widow For One Year.)
Commences on 03 March 2005
A very interesting story about emotional pain, mixed of comedy and tragedy that reveal a person's deepest and fearest secret. In the film, Jeff Bridges and Kim Basinger play a husband (Ted) and wife (Marion) who grieve the loss of their sons in different ways, each harboring secrets from the other. Some may say the movie is a bit melodramatic, but I quite like it, perhaps I love thinking about how mind work through when a person in a situation of hardship. There are some philosophies of life in this movie that I always agree with, and it is good to see them being displayed in the screen. [4.5 out of 5]
The children story that Ted talks about has pretty much pinpointed the main message, the mother went into the door in the floor and noticed there is a horrible ghost there, she ran out and lock the door. Later on when she has a child, she was struggling whether she should warn him or not about the secret door in the floor. She has chosen to warn him never ever open the door in the floor, but the more you warn a kid, the more tempting he want to know what it is. At last the child opened it...
Of course the story has developed this idea more complex - about how to hide a secret from others and oneself.
I guess many people, even the most extrovert person, have a door inside their heart, and most of the time, they want to open other's door. How self-protective are you? How much secret can you expose to others? More significantly, how much can you expose to yourself? How much pain can you take and can you afford? How do you deal with them?
Now go and see this movie! (not now, wait til 3rdMarch baby.)
[[audio: Feeder - Tumble And Fall]]

(Based on John Irving's best selling novel A Widow For One Year.)
Commences on 03 March 2005
A very interesting story about emotional pain, mixed of comedy and tragedy that reveal a person's deepest and fearest secret. In the film, Jeff Bridges and Kim Basinger play a husband (Ted) and wife (Marion) who grieve the loss of their sons in different ways, each harboring secrets from the other. Some may say the movie is a bit melodramatic, but I quite like it, perhaps I love thinking about how mind work through when a person in a situation of hardship. There are some philosophies of life in this movie that I always agree with, and it is good to see them being displayed in the screen. [4.5 out of 5]
The children story that Ted talks about has pretty much pinpointed the main message, the mother went into the door in the floor and noticed there is a horrible ghost there, she ran out and lock the door. Later on when she has a child, she was struggling whether she should warn him or not about the secret door in the floor. She has chosen to warn him never ever open the door in the floor, but the more you warn a kid, the more tempting he want to know what it is. At last the child opened it...
Of course the story has developed this idea more complex - about how to hide a secret from others and oneself.
Marion is a very split character with different attitude in different roles, that is the reason why she could be either spectacular or too melodramatic. Whereas Ted is more simple, well...a bit erratic, seems like nothing catch his concern but his wife's happiness and his female genital drawings... However, the door in the floor always there, it is all about Eddie (A 16 years old boy who did summer work there) to decide open it or not, but someone has already warn him it is not a pleasant thing to discover. To the extent, he may not the only one who tastes the bitter, and it can also flick a person's mind to the other side.
I guess many people, even the most extrovert person, have a door inside their heart, and most of the time, they want to open other's door. How self-protective are you? How much secret can you expose to others? More significantly, how much can you expose to yourself? How much pain can you take and can you afford? How do you deal with them?
Now go and see this movie! (not now, wait til 3rdMarch baby.)
[[audio: Feeder - Tumble And Fall]]
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
No Promises From Monday To Sunday
Sunday sunday.... What have I done on Sunday? God my memory is really aging, hope I still recognise this is my blog tomorrow. OK! Oh yeah, I remember now... I guess...
I went to Fair Day with Lezel and Kath, they've been there since 11am, and I met them up at 12:30pm with my bad hair. It was a great queer carnival in Victoria Park, I had Himalayan's food there. (*Warning: don't put too much imagination on the following sentence) Plus I got a new tongue bar since I swallowed a bolt again. Did I mention the dog show was excellent? If my Jimmy went with me, we would definitely absolutely win the competition!
We headed to Broadway for a drink, and went to buy a housewarming present for Pauly. There were so many ideas in my head, but they all got held back because I'm not sure if he had it yet or not. But the funny thing is, after I met him and I told him all my ideas, and he just went "They are all I need to get!!!!" >_<;; Arghhh! But he still love my bathroom set with that scented candle... :) Anyway, it's great to see him again, tho he looks a bit tired and weak, at least he is safe now from his bad ex-flatmate. *sigh*
Later on, I went to see Delgado at Gaelic with Kath and it was very great, regardless we were a little bit late... But we didn't miss Dappled Cities Fly, I took some pictures and I like it alot... (too self-confident? ^^;;) It's good to see Sophie and her friend Rose, they are gorgeous people that I love so much, but it's too bad that they leave before Delgado start. (yeah... you gals miss some good music!) I took heaps photos and will upload them soon... now is too late, I'm quite sleepy.
Today? Hmm... What have I done? I have extra bad memory today, coz I got a moron woke me up at 7am by banging my door! and then I got another... friend rang me at 9am, and she called me again at 10am. I was really having a bad sleep and waking up unwillingly was not nice at all... *bad temper!!!* But I guess I just meant to be get up early today, so unusually I woke up at 11am. (I can hear you said lazy byotch!) Wance came over to my place and did a very nice haircut on me, and I really really like it!! (too self-confident again?)
So in order to return her a favor, I roasted a chicken for her brunch, took her to see Door in the Floor, and have Thai with her in Newtown. Door in the Floor was incredibly orsum and I will do a review perhaps tomorrow or day after that. And it was good to see Sam again, he is always the best boss in Bank Thai (my favorite Thai restaurant in Newtown) and we talked so much... Dinner was never disappointing there, and service was just impeccable. If you consider to have Thai in Newtown, should try once in Bank Thai, it is right opposite to the Enmore Theatre! :) Bitch me if you don't like it, I doubt you would do it tho.
OK... I have to sleep now! Gotta go to uni tomorrow.... -_______-++++
To Pauly: Hey, walking in the rain was crazy but also absolutely fun. Btw, those are not goldfishes, they are carps.
To Oliver: Are you doing well in your Exam? :) Take care Olla!
To Soph & Rose, if you read this... Welcome and thanks for coming! Did you have a good time in Cha For Tea?
P.S. Can someone please explain to me why using a candle to light up another candle is bad luck? WHY????
[[audio: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Bang]]
Sunday sunday.... What have I done on Sunday? God my memory is really aging, hope I still recognise this is my blog tomorrow. OK! Oh yeah, I remember now... I guess...
I went to Fair Day with Lezel and Kath, they've been there since 11am, and I met them up at 12:30pm with my bad hair. It was a great queer carnival in Victoria Park, I had Himalayan's food there. (*Warning: don't put too much imagination on the following sentence) Plus I got a new tongue bar since I swallowed a bolt again. Did I mention the dog show was excellent? If my Jimmy went with me, we would definitely absolutely win the competition!
We headed to Broadway for a drink, and went to buy a housewarming present for Pauly. There were so many ideas in my head, but they all got held back because I'm not sure if he had it yet or not. But the funny thing is, after I met him and I told him all my ideas, and he just went "They are all I need to get!!!!" >_<;; Arghhh! But he still love my bathroom set with that scented candle... :) Anyway, it's great to see him again, tho he looks a bit tired and weak, at least he is safe now from his bad ex-flatmate. *sigh*
Later on, I went to see Delgado at Gaelic with Kath and it was very great, regardless we were a little bit late... But we didn't miss Dappled Cities Fly, I took some pictures and I like it alot... (too self-confident? ^^;;) It's good to see Sophie and her friend Rose, they are gorgeous people that I love so much, but it's too bad that they leave before Delgado start. (yeah... you gals miss some good music!) I took heaps photos and will upload them soon... now is too late, I'm quite sleepy.
Today? Hmm... What have I done? I have extra bad memory today, coz I got a moron woke me up at 7am by banging my door! and then I got another... friend rang me at 9am, and she called me again at 10am. I was really having a bad sleep and waking up unwillingly was not nice at all... *bad temper!!!* But I guess I just meant to be get up early today, so unusually I woke up at 11am. (I can hear you said lazy byotch!) Wance came over to my place and did a very nice haircut on me, and I really really like it!! (too self-confident again?)
So in order to return her a favor, I roasted a chicken for her brunch, took her to see Door in the Floor, and have Thai with her in Newtown. Door in the Floor was incredibly orsum and I will do a review perhaps tomorrow or day after that. And it was good to see Sam again, he is always the best boss in Bank Thai (my favorite Thai restaurant in Newtown) and we talked so much... Dinner was never disappointing there, and service was just impeccable. If you consider to have Thai in Newtown, should try once in Bank Thai, it is right opposite to the Enmore Theatre! :) Bitch me if you don't like it, I doubt you would do it tho.
OK... I have to sleep now! Gotta go to uni tomorrow.... -_______-++++
To Pauly: Hey, walking in the rain was crazy but also absolutely fun. Btw, those are not goldfishes, they are carps.
To Oliver: Are you doing well in your Exam? :) Take care Olla!
To Soph & Rose, if you read this... Welcome and thanks for coming! Did you have a good time in Cha For Tea?
P.S. Can someone please explain to me why using a candle to light up another candle is bad luck? WHY????
[[audio: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Bang]]
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Destroy The Pimping School, Handsome Boy Can Kiss My Arse
Hello fellows, how's Good Vibration Festival? I bet you guys all become a wet dog~ hee hee...
Thursday I met up with Jackson to see Mylo, we first have 6 bucks Steak and discounted cocktail at Chelsea Hotel in Chatswood. I'm fully addicted to this bargain steak, had three times in this week... *drooling* We tried most of the cocktails they have on the menu, in other words, we were entirely trashed.
Took the train to city and we met Anja, Linda, James and other FBi people. Me and Anja started to get our camera out and take photos everywhere. Mylo was impeccable, great music, great crowd, excellent beat! After a let down from Ugly Boy Modelling School, this is a show that relight my fire! Today I spent my noon to upload all the pictures to prove how much Mylo rule, well... I also uploaded other stuff in My Sydney Diaries III, go and check it out.
Can't do it yesterday, coz I been working all day, and went to Brooklyn Hotel with Kathryn. We... were so drunk... again, and we even started to wave to the strangers on the street. I have to say Kath is a crazy American and that is awesome, people always say I am crazy, but I think she is my triple up version.
And here is the big news, she is moving into my apartment in mid-March, you probably couldn't imagine how crazy this flat would become. We will have a housewarming party, which would happen around the St. Patrick day. People who read my blog is all invited to come, and please do! I will post up the details later.
To Pauly: I hope you doing fine with the moving today, we need to meet up tomorrow!! luv ya tons! xoxo
[[audio: Spitz - Cherry]]
Hello fellows, how's Good Vibration Festival? I bet you guys all become a wet dog~ hee hee...
Thursday I met up with Jackson to see Mylo, we first have 6 bucks Steak and discounted cocktail at Chelsea Hotel in Chatswood. I'm fully addicted to this bargain steak, had three times in this week... *drooling* We tried most of the cocktails they have on the menu, in other words, we were entirely trashed.
Took the train to city and we met Anja, Linda, James and other FBi people. Me and Anja started to get our camera out and take photos everywhere. Mylo was impeccable, great music, great crowd, excellent beat! After a let down from Ugly Boy Modelling School, this is a show that relight my fire! Today I spent my noon to upload all the pictures to prove how much Mylo rule, well... I also uploaded other stuff in My Sydney Diaries III, go and check it out.
Can't do it yesterday, coz I been working all day, and went to Brooklyn Hotel with Kathryn. We... were so drunk... again, and we even started to wave to the strangers on the street. I have to say Kath is a crazy American and that is awesome, people always say I am crazy, but I think she is my triple up version.
And here is the big news, she is moving into my apartment in mid-March, you probably couldn't imagine how crazy this flat would become. We will have a housewarming party, which would happen around the St. Patrick day. People who read my blog is all invited to come, and please do! I will post up the details later.
To Pauly: I hope you doing fine with the moving today, we need to meet up tomorrow!! luv ya tons! xoxo
[[audio: Spitz - Cherry]]
I See You, I Heard You, I Got You Baby
There are so many things required a lot of strength to handle, they are like a huge cart with a full-loaded of charcoal, slipping down to the stiffy downslope and you are trying to pushing it back to the top, then the top started to seem endlessly far, eventually you just wish that you have enough strength to stop the cart running over you.
At this moment, I can tell you, your life is not unfortunate.
[[audio: Sing Like Talking - The Love We Make]]
There are so many things required a lot of strength to handle, they are like a huge cart with a full-loaded of charcoal, slipping down to the stiffy downslope and you are trying to pushing it back to the top, then the top started to seem endlessly far, eventually you just wish that you have enough strength to stop the cart running over you.
At this moment, I can tell you, your life is not unfortunate.
[[audio: Sing Like Talking - The Love We Make]]
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Smile Again
I cannot believe after a week chasing up with the Optus about my phone's problem of the stupid unlock code, the conclusion is to ask me posting my phone to their technical office and return it back to me in at least 10 days! Then the Optus guy even told me that I can fix my phone within 15 minutes in a non-optus shop on next street for $40. I should have paid $40 earlier, stupid Optus totally wasting my time! So yes, I can use my retarded phone again, but all the contacts are gone, so please do me a favor, send me a message with your name or email me your number. (
By The Way, Lezel told me that she saw us at InTheMix, here is the link, guess where are we?
photos taken by 45rpm
Then I saw myself in the Krush too... Don't have to guess, somehow I'm like everywhere. *_*;;;;
(there's one that seems like I slapped on Simon's face, how funny!? haha...)
photos taken by mrsensitive
P.S. I lost most of the motivation to do serious things, hate this laziness.
P.P.S. Rip Slyme's album "Master Piece" is fun to listen, make me feel happier. :) [4 out of 5]
[[audio: Rip Slyme - Rock It]]
I cannot believe after a week chasing up with the Optus about my phone's problem of the stupid unlock code, the conclusion is to ask me posting my phone to their technical office and return it back to me in at least 10 days! Then the Optus guy even told me that I can fix my phone within 15 minutes in a non-optus shop on next street for $40. I should have paid $40 earlier, stupid Optus totally wasting my time! So yes, I can use my retarded phone again, but all the contacts are gone, so please do me a favor, send me a message with your name or email me your number. (
By The Way, Lezel told me that she saw us at InTheMix, here is the link, guess where are we?
photos taken by 45rpm
Then I saw myself in the Krush too... Don't have to guess, somehow I'm like everywhere. *_*;;;;
(there's one that seems like I slapped on Simon's face, how funny!? haha...)
photos taken by mrsensitive
P.S. I lost most of the motivation to do serious things, hate this laziness.
P.P.S. Rip Slyme's album "Master Piece" is fun to listen, make me feel happier. :) [4 out of 5]
[[audio: Rip Slyme - Rock It]]
Handsome Boy Modelling School sucks.
DJ Format was way much better!
This is the first time I ever think the supporting acts are better than the main cast.
I don't like the crowd, too many drunk guys.
They all turned to fucking jerks, what a bunch of cheesy bastards.
About me being forced to go up the stage and answer dirty quesiton, that's crap too.
Fuck that.
[[audio: GLAY - Come On!]]
Handsome Boy Modelling School sucks.
DJ Format was way much better!
This is the first time I ever think the supporting acts are better than the main cast.
I don't like the crowd, too many drunk guys.
They all turned to fucking jerks, what a bunch of cheesy bastards.
About me being forced to go up the stage and answer dirty quesiton, that's crap too.
Fuck that.
[[audio: GLAY - Come On!]]
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Perhaps I am just scribbling something about what we thinking
Perhaps you have nothing to say, perhaps I have nothing to say too.
Perhaps you want to say something, perhaps I want to say something too.
Perhaps you need to say something, perhaps I need to say something too.
Perhaps you should say something, perhaps I should say something too.
Perhaps you are waiting me to say something, perhaps I am waiting you to say something too.
Perhaps there's nothing we could say, perhaps there is no perhaps.
[[audio: Shiina Ringo - Marunouchi Sadistic]]
Perhaps you have nothing to say, perhaps I have nothing to say too.
Perhaps you want to say something, perhaps I want to say something too.
Perhaps you need to say something, perhaps I need to say something too.
Perhaps you should say something, perhaps I should say something too.
Perhaps you are waiting me to say something, perhaps I am waiting you to say something too.
Perhaps there's nothing we could say, perhaps there is no perhaps.
[[audio: Shiina Ringo - Marunouchi Sadistic]]
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Too Many Things, Too Little Words.
Arrested Development was a very great show.
Infernal Affairs I - III are excellent movies.
Do you know how much fun to make an Avatars? Lots.
Mocha and Vodka are so easy to mix up.
Days without a phone are great but also shit.
Should I stay or should I go?
Love and peace and chicken grease...
P.S. It's nothing anyway, really.
[[audio: Nakashima Mika - Venus In The Dark]]
Arrested Development was a very great show.
Infernal Affairs I - III are excellent movies.
Do you know how much fun to make an Avatars? Lots.
Mocha and Vodka are so easy to mix up.
Days without a phone are great but also shit.
Should I stay or should I go?
Love and peace and chicken grease...
P.S. It's nothing anyway, really.
[[audio: Nakashima Mika - Venus In The Dark]]
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Kissing The Gray Maple
Happy Chinese New Year! Yes, we have just stepped into the year of Rooster today, which means my life is going to be harsher and more unstable. But I just don't want to give a shit about those chinese horoscope prediction now, even if I am gonna die this year *touch wood*, I should enjoy what I have right now.
Anyway, A while ago I finally watched "Kung Fu Hustle" by Stephen Chow, this film is the hottest thing in Hong Kong right now, and IT IS VERY GOOD! Me and my whole family always a big fan of Stephen Chow, since he started doing a kid show til he became the master of comedy! There is no doubt that he IS my most favorite HK movie star, way much better than Jacky Chan. After his previous successful film "Shaolin Soccor", this movie has go beyond this successful line as well as reached the top selling movie record.

Stephen Chow in Kung Fu Hustle.
Comedy master Stephen Chow in charge of producing, directing and performing in this film, which floods with so many real chinese heritage and local culture, fully taste of Hong Kong. (which is the big reason here to prove that JC is not good enough to mention here, he is just a stuntman with a so-called "legendary" background and that's it - legendary like his father is a gangster and he learnt martial art...)
Elements like buddhism, local gangster, his past movies and kung fu story that written in many classic chinese readings, were used in this movie. Good use of postmodernism, crazy computer effect (I admit it was a bit exaggerated, but that's why so funny!), extremely funny with buddhism brain food, just like "Shaolin Soccor". Frankly, every movie that he made always fully control my emotion, it's way so good that I can laugh like hell and cry in just a second.
I'm not sure if westerns would understand the entire movie or not, no I'm not saying they are stupid, but there are so many local jokes and references that one might not comprehend without certain understanding of local cultures. But still, even you can't completely understand everything, it is a very good movie that can make people think and enjoy again again and again without getting sick, therefore I rate it with my sincere honesty. [5 out of 5] TOUCHDOWN!
Indeed, if you don't know Stephen Chow, shouldn't come to me and say you know Hong Kong movies, coz I will laugh at you and then just walk off. I have 70% of his movies at home (30% was in HK), you are more than welcome to come over and watch it!! (so I can explain to you if you don't understand, which is a precious offer for you to learn the real HK movies.)
P.S. I had a nightmare few days ago, I got pushed down from the top of tokyo tower, and he was...
P.P.S. Now I am totally in a discordant mood, and I have to work hard to develop harmony between my home and professional life, my conscious and unconscious personality, and my mind and feelings.
P.P.P.S. I'm in love with Kaede, a song that I didn't pay much attention several years ago but fully engaged with deep feelings now.
[[audio: Spitz - Kaede]]
*kaede = maple
Happy Chinese New Year! Yes, we have just stepped into the year of Rooster today, which means my life is going to be harsher and more unstable. But I just don't want to give a shit about those chinese horoscope prediction now, even if I am gonna die this year *touch wood*, I should enjoy what I have right now.
Anyway, A while ago I finally watched "Kung Fu Hustle" by Stephen Chow, this film is the hottest thing in Hong Kong right now, and IT IS VERY GOOD! Me and my whole family always a big fan of Stephen Chow, since he started doing a kid show til he became the master of comedy! There is no doubt that he IS my most favorite HK movie star, way much better than Jacky Chan. After his previous successful film "Shaolin Soccor", this movie has go beyond this successful line as well as reached the top selling movie record.

Stephen Chow in Kung Fu Hustle.
Comedy master Stephen Chow in charge of producing, directing and performing in this film, which floods with so many real chinese heritage and local culture, fully taste of Hong Kong. (which is the big reason here to prove that JC is not good enough to mention here, he is just a stuntman with a so-called "legendary" background and that's it - legendary like his father is a gangster and he learnt martial art...)
Elements like buddhism, local gangster, his past movies and kung fu story that written in many classic chinese readings, were used in this movie. Good use of postmodernism, crazy computer effect (I admit it was a bit exaggerated, but that's why so funny!), extremely funny with buddhism brain food, just like "Shaolin Soccor". Frankly, every movie that he made always fully control my emotion, it's way so good that I can laugh like hell and cry in just a second.
I'm not sure if westerns would understand the entire movie or not, no I'm not saying they are stupid, but there are so many local jokes and references that one might not comprehend without certain understanding of local cultures. But still, even you can't completely understand everything, it is a very good movie that can make people think and enjoy again again and again without getting sick, therefore I rate it with my sincere honesty. [5 out of 5] TOUCHDOWN!
Indeed, if you don't know Stephen Chow, shouldn't come to me and say you know Hong Kong movies, coz I will laugh at you and then just walk off. I have 70% of his movies at home (30% was in HK), you are more than welcome to come over and watch it!! (so I can explain to you if you don't understand, which is a precious offer for you to learn the real HK movies.)
P.S. I had a nightmare few days ago, I got pushed down from the top of tokyo tower, and he was...
P.P.S. Now I am totally in a discordant mood, and I have to work hard to develop harmony between my home and professional life, my conscious and unconscious personality, and my mind and feelings.
P.P.P.S. I'm in love with Kaede, a song that I didn't pay much attention several years ago but fully engaged with deep feelings now.
[[audio: Spitz - Kaede]]
*kaede = maple
Monday, February 07, 2005
Let Me Crush The Krush And Kiss The Spitz
It's a big satisfaction to see DJ Krush last Saturday, it's been 2 years since last time I saw his gig in the Metro, and it is just as excellent as always. Personally I prefer he does his gig in the Metro, at least the place is much bigger... But I'm glad that he played Meiso, dig this vibe and Kemurim, they are all my Krush favorite! :) Did I mention Hermitude was supporting and they are incredibly good?
I was standing in the front row to get some nice picture of him, and it always is a good chance to meet nice media people like 3D and in the mix, mingle mingle... Simon, Nichola and their friend Ian were with me all the time and we have the best time ever to dance! Anja also joined in in the middle of the show, sure we had a great time.
I've just uploaded my Krush pictures, so go and check it out! :) Lia the "SickBitch" will email me more of her professional 3DWorld KRUSH photos with better quality, I will let ya know when they arrived. (Thanks Ian for being a handy Camera stand, being tall is a good thing. *grins*)

click to see more
By the way...
How Good Is This Album!!? Spitz's latest album "Suubenia" with its high quality of pure soft rock element, poetic but powerful. If you like Mr.Children/ Sing Like Talking... Do not miss this one.

P.S. Deperately want Tokyojihen's album "kyouiku"!!! Shiina Ringo~~~~
*tokyojihen = tokyo incidence
*kyouiku = education
P.P.S. My phone's simcard is broken *sob* no mobile for 2 days, hopefully all my contacts are still there...
[[audio: Tokyojihen - Sounan]]
*sounan = die in accident
It's a big satisfaction to see DJ Krush last Saturday, it's been 2 years since last time I saw his gig in the Metro, and it is just as excellent as always. Personally I prefer he does his gig in the Metro, at least the place is much bigger... But I'm glad that he played Meiso, dig this vibe and Kemurim, they are all my Krush favorite! :) Did I mention Hermitude was supporting and they are incredibly good?
I was standing in the front row to get some nice picture of him, and it always is a good chance to meet nice media people like 3D and in the mix, mingle mingle... Simon, Nichola and their friend Ian were with me all the time and we have the best time ever to dance! Anja also joined in in the middle of the show, sure we had a great time.
I've just uploaded my Krush pictures, so go and check it out! :) Lia the "SickBitch" will email me more of her professional 3DWorld KRUSH photos with better quality, I will let ya know when they arrived. (Thanks Ian for being a handy Camera stand, being tall is a good thing. *grins*)

click to see more
By the way...
How Good Is This Album!!? Spitz's latest album "Suubenia" with its high quality of pure soft rock element, poetic but powerful. If you like Mr.Children/ Sing Like Talking... Do not miss this one.

P.S. Deperately want Tokyojihen's album "kyouiku"!!! Shiina Ringo~~~~
*tokyojihen = tokyo incidence
*kyouiku = education
P.P.S. My phone's simcard is broken *sob* no mobile for 2 days, hopefully all my contacts are still there...
[[audio: Tokyojihen - Sounan]]
*sounan = die in accident
Saturday, February 05, 2005
So Far And Yet So Close
Went to see Arc Solo and Starcharsm with Anja last Thursday in Spectrum, these two bands are like totally different, I have no idea they will play together, which was somehow pretty kewl. Starcharsm has invited a guest fiddler to play in one of their song, which was very nice. I was very inspired by that fiddler, he had a drag of his cigarette, closed his eyes and started to play his violin. It was stunning, every movement he did, there's no hold back, and yes he played very well. (oh! and he look 70% like Jude Law!) That totally remind me those fiddler in the street of France, and my hand began to get itchy for some sketching. Hence I asked Anja to take a picture of him and send it to me. (Danke Anja!!) I got it last nite, and sketched it up til 5 in the morning, I guess once I started something, it's hard to stop unless it is done.
click to see
Get back to Arc Solo, this was their debut show ever in sydney. I don't know if this is the reason or not, the singer seems like he has taken some drug or something, very self-confident. Anyhow, it is a very funky duo, a little bit like a "super spontaneous" Chemical Brother mix with 2% of Red Hot Chilli Pepper... Well, I like it! Although it was a very small concert, but everone in the show was really enjoying it, and did I mention how crazy when the crowd dance?
So! Yesterday I was thinking to head to Hyde Park for the Mardi Gras Festival Carnival after work, but ended up going to Thunderbird with Paul at Arq. It was like a DJ gig mixed with house, funk and breaks, pretty orsum indeed. FBi Sunset DJ Annabelle Gaspar was playing there as well, she is relly good!!! :) We sat in the "inner basketball" sofa and started to chat as well as checked out... the scene. And for the first time ever, we did some super energetic dance, probably under the influence of the amazing lazer show and pretty boys around us... hee hee... Back home at 3am and started drawing. (Actually, I drew few more things besides the French fiddler...)
Got the album 'White Road' by Gurei today, sounds like another version of 'Review' for new Gurei lover. Ya know, I got 'Review' already, they shouldn't blend something too old in there, new songs like White Road and tsuzure ori...etc are nice tho. [3.5 out of 5] Really want to cut my hair off and dye it half white, if you know what I mean... T^T ano kakkoii hea wa hontou ni hoshii ne~~
P.S. Me and Pauly had a secret trip before we went to Thunderbird, my first time ever and it was funny! (ask me if you wanna know, and I know you wanna know... heh heh) *grins*
P.P.S. Guys who can either play violin or speak Cantonese as second language (doesn't have to be fluent), are absolutely sexy.
P.P.P.S. Happy Bob Marley Day!
[[audio: Nakashima Mika - Seven]]
Went to see Arc Solo and Starcharsm with Anja last Thursday in Spectrum, these two bands are like totally different, I have no idea they will play together, which was somehow pretty kewl. Starcharsm has invited a guest fiddler to play in one of their song, which was very nice. I was very inspired by that fiddler, he had a drag of his cigarette, closed his eyes and started to play his violin. It was stunning, every movement he did, there's no hold back, and yes he played very well. (oh! and he look 70% like Jude Law!) That totally remind me those fiddler in the street of France, and my hand began to get itchy for some sketching. Hence I asked Anja to take a picture of him and send it to me. (Danke Anja!!) I got it last nite, and sketched it up til 5 in the morning, I guess once I started something, it's hard to stop unless it is done.

Get back to Arc Solo, this was their debut show ever in sydney. I don't know if this is the reason or not, the singer seems like he has taken some drug or something, very self-confident. Anyhow, it is a very funky duo, a little bit like a "super spontaneous" Chemical Brother mix with 2% of Red Hot Chilli Pepper... Well, I like it! Although it was a very small concert, but everone in the show was really enjoying it, and did I mention how crazy when the crowd dance?
So! Yesterday I was thinking to head to Hyde Park for the Mardi Gras Festival Carnival after work, but ended up going to Thunderbird with Paul at Arq. It was like a DJ gig mixed with house, funk and breaks, pretty orsum indeed. FBi Sunset DJ Annabelle Gaspar was playing there as well, she is relly good!!! :) We sat in the "inner basketball" sofa and started to chat as well as checked out... the scene. And for the first time ever, we did some super energetic dance, probably under the influence of the amazing lazer show and pretty boys around us... hee hee... Back home at 3am and started drawing. (Actually, I drew few more things besides the French fiddler...)
Got the album 'White Road' by Gurei today, sounds like another version of 'Review' for new Gurei lover. Ya know, I got 'Review' already, they shouldn't blend something too old in there, new songs like White Road and tsuzure ori...etc are nice tho. [3.5 out of 5] Really want to cut my hair off and dye it half white, if you know what I mean... T^T ano kakkoii hea wa hontou ni hoshii ne~~
P.S. Me and Pauly had a secret trip before we went to Thunderbird, my first time ever and it was funny! (ask me if you wanna know, and I know you wanna know... heh heh) *grins*
P.P.S. Guys who can either play violin or speak Cantonese as second language (doesn't have to be fluent), are absolutely sexy.
P.P.P.S. Happy Bob Marley Day!
[[audio: Nakashima Mika - Seven]]
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Are We Being Happy Or Just Compromising Our Lives?
I went to see Sideways with Peter last night, and this movie totally reminds me American Splendor, because it's the same type of depressive humour, not even mention both films are using the same protagonist - Paul Giamatti. Probably he has that bald + nervous-looking face, often plays a depressive character... I really like this comedy, because it is one of those humours with high quality brain food and nutritions in it. (Can't believe this independent film is directed by Alexander Payne, who's also the director of Jurassic Park III) Jokes about wine, women, men, inability and life, it's like a glass of wine with different nice flavor blended together for us to taste it, yummm......Something, the more you think about it, the more you like it. :) [4.5 out of 5]
I've been thinking something about life again, this time I am challenging the definition of happiness, and I have a bit of feeling that it may hit me down to a depressive mode again, well... who cares? But I was having a conversation with someone awhile ago, talking about if there's no down, there's no up; if there's no sadness, you would never appreciate happiness. I started my interest in the area of the changing point of it, do people really appreciate happiness because they had lost it? or... do people just compromising their life to take what it's not as what it is to claim their happiness?
For the moment you said "I am happy with that", what is this statement based on? what were you thinking? To me, this is more like a sentence that we say when nothing does a matter anymore, as long as we are happy. I used to buy that, but now I realised that certain things in our lives cannot use this statement to compromise. You can say that is because of selfishness at some point, but also about how fair you are treating yourself and others. you know, it's like you are eating an apple but desperately want an orange... It's not fair to you and the apple, and if there's any, someone else who is desperately want the apple. Am I asking too much for a better happiness?
A line always have two ends point to an opposite side, where we go is all depended on how much we approach our desires by doing certain things. The more you love and dream, the more madness you have inside yourself; The more you reconsider and plan, the more rational you are. Both side has its positive and negative perspective, how do we take the balance though? How much should we go for our desire? and how much should we hold back and have a second thought? I don't know what am I, but I can tell my rationality is having the tendency of supporting my madness... perhaps I have 200% thought of madness inside my brain cells.
Didn't get depression, I passed. Enough boring talks.
To Peter: Thanks for letting me stay over last night, or else I'll become a wet dog.
P.S. Why people have to sneak and peek? Why living in shadow? Let the fire burn and lighten up yourself.
P.P.S. Wayne Brady is sooooo funny. I should have stayed at home more on Monday... *grins*
[[audio: Love Psychedelico - Standing Bird]]
I went to see Sideways with Peter last night, and this movie totally reminds me American Splendor, because it's the same type of depressive humour, not even mention both films are using the same protagonist - Paul Giamatti. Probably he has that bald + nervous-looking face, often plays a depressive character... I really like this comedy, because it is one of those humours with high quality brain food and nutritions in it. (Can't believe this independent film is directed by Alexander Payne, who's also the director of Jurassic Park III) Jokes about wine, women, men, inability and life, it's like a glass of wine with different nice flavor blended together for us to taste it, yummm......Something, the more you think about it, the more you like it. :) [4.5 out of 5]
I've been thinking something about life again, this time I am challenging the definition of happiness, and I have a bit of feeling that it may hit me down to a depressive mode again, well... who cares? But I was having a conversation with someone awhile ago, talking about if there's no down, there's no up; if there's no sadness, you would never appreciate happiness. I started my interest in the area of the changing point of it, do people really appreciate happiness because they had lost it? or... do people just compromising their life to take what it's not as what it is to claim their happiness?
For the moment you said "I am happy with that", what is this statement based on? what were you thinking? To me, this is more like a sentence that we say when nothing does a matter anymore, as long as we are happy. I used to buy that, but now I realised that certain things in our lives cannot use this statement to compromise. You can say that is because of selfishness at some point, but also about how fair you are treating yourself and others. you know, it's like you are eating an apple but desperately want an orange... It's not fair to you and the apple, and if there's any, someone else who is desperately want the apple. Am I asking too much for a better happiness?
A line always have two ends point to an opposite side, where we go is all depended on how much we approach our desires by doing certain things. The more you love and dream, the more madness you have inside yourself; The more you reconsider and plan, the more rational you are. Both side has its positive and negative perspective, how do we take the balance though? How much should we go for our desire? and how much should we hold back and have a second thought? I don't know what am I, but I can tell my rationality is having the tendency of supporting my madness... perhaps I have 200% thought of madness inside my brain cells.
Didn't get depression, I passed. Enough boring talks.
To Peter: Thanks for letting me stay over last night, or else I'll become a wet dog.
P.S. Why people have to sneak and peek? Why living in shadow? Let the fire burn and lighten up yourself.
P.P.S. Wayne Brady is sooooo funny. I should have stayed at home more on Monday... *grins*
[[audio: Love Psychedelico - Standing Bird]]
atashi no daisuki no hito e...
Tanjyoubi Omedetou. :)
Ima kara mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu...
muah muah muah...
Hiji yori.
Tanjyoubi Omedetou. :)
Ima kara mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu...
muah muah muah...

Hiji yori.