Tuesday, September 28, 2004
This Day & Age - The Second Place Victory
[[ listen ]]
it's breathtaking to think of you and to learn that sometimes the only way out is through. it's mindnumbing to think of yesterday, i'd run to you now if i could but things have changed. (i heard you say) it's enlightening to think of the breeze, to believe in things that we cant see. (so here we go) let's show them how to live, accept the pain always forgive, watch the sun go down and learn the sound of following all that's complete. it's breathtaking to think of you and to learn without faith the sky isn't as blue. it's mindnumbing to think of yesterday, we'll look towards the stars and dream that we're airplanes. (i heard you say) it's enlightening to think of the breeze, when you watch the sunset think of me.
[[ listen ]]
it's breathtaking to think of you and to learn that sometimes the only way out is through. it's mindnumbing to think of yesterday, i'd run to you now if i could but things have changed. (i heard you say) it's enlightening to think of the breeze, to believe in things that we cant see. (so here we go) let's show them how to live, accept the pain always forgive, watch the sun go down and learn the sound of following all that's complete. it's breathtaking to think of you and to learn without faith the sky isn't as blue. it's mindnumbing to think of yesterday, we'll look towards the stars and dream that we're airplanes. (i heard you say) it's enlightening to think of the breeze, when you watch the sunset think of me.
Have a great Mid-autumn Festival.
It is Mid-Autumn Festival today, I know it doesn't make sense in Australia, coz we are in Spring-summer now. But this is a Chinese Festival, so think east, people, think east!
I love Mid-autumn festival when I was a kid, we used to have a family gathering on the outside the lawn at night, have those traditional chinese lanterns and candles lit up, we also have a very sweet festival food - moon cake (made with lotus seed).
Mid-Autumn Fest has so many tales behind, it's all related to the moon, the most typical one would be a girl who ate some mysterical medicine that made her body became very light and fled up to the moon. (In ancient time, medicine were discovered by testing on human.)
I bought myself some moon cake but I'm gonna have it by myself, since my family is not here. and I have an assignment to do, which means it's not very good to invite my friends come and celebrate this festival with me. But I think it's ok, maybe I just have my own mid-autumn fest with friends after I finished my essay...*poof*
Dodge me if you can! *Throw out Microphones*
Yesterday, I was thinking to have a quiet day, but I ended up doing all the things that I haven't done for decades, and it was great to have all these people hang out with me! :)
Finally watched dodgeball , it was a "back to good laugh quality" film of Ben Stiller. Athough quite a lot of scenes are quite cliche that you can tell it stole from old skool, baseketball and zoolander, it didn't kill the jokes. Making fun of Gym jocks is pretty kool, I had a big laugh when Chuck Norris show up. This flim has a lot of nutz, lots of nutz... I love.
Went to meet up with Jo after the movie, we had sushi in Makoto and it was very nice! It's not those crappy take away hand roll stuff, crispy seaweed and flesh fish are all the matter in this restaurant! It was still abit disappointed, coz most of the sushi are designate for Aussie (ya'know, they put avocade in salmon, which is not original at all), which means less varities for me who just stick with raw fish and seafood.
Anyway, we went to karaoke after dinner, yeah!!!! I haven't do karaoke like ages, I dun really like the aussie karaoke, coz I wanna sing cantonese and japanese too. Me and Jo just danced in the room and sing out loud, which always feels good! It's ashame that there's not many English song to sing, or I should put it this way - there's not many English song that I like available, they are way too mainstream...
Lezel was abit too crazy tho, she did karaoke then meet us up and sing with us again. I have never heard she sing, and I realised her voice is super amazing! I was so impressed when she sang "I Turn to you", it was totally stunning.
Of course I also have my show-off song, remind you I was a vocal too! I always dig A.Keys, so my Karaoke song is always "How come you don't call me?". This song is so fun to sing, you can play with your voice, which means everytime you sing this song, it could come out a different version. So remember! this is my song! you guys back off.
P.S. Aqua lung is having concert in HK!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH~ KILL ME...
[[audio: Keane - Somewhere Only We Know]]
It is Mid-Autumn Festival today, I know it doesn't make sense in Australia, coz we are in Spring-summer now. But this is a Chinese Festival, so think east, people, think east!
I love Mid-autumn festival when I was a kid, we used to have a family gathering on the outside the lawn at night, have those traditional chinese lanterns and candles lit up, we also have a very sweet festival food - moon cake (made with lotus seed).
Mid-Autumn Fest has so many tales behind, it's all related to the moon, the most typical one would be a girl who ate some mysterical medicine that made her body became very light and fled up to the moon. (In ancient time, medicine were discovered by testing on human.)
I bought myself some moon cake but I'm gonna have it by myself, since my family is not here. and I have an assignment to do, which means it's not very good to invite my friends come and celebrate this festival with me. But I think it's ok, maybe I just have my own mid-autumn fest with friends after I finished my essay...*poof*
Dodge me if you can! *Throw out Microphones*
Yesterday, I was thinking to have a quiet day, but I ended up doing all the things that I haven't done for decades, and it was great to have all these people hang out with me! :)
Finally watched dodgeball , it was a "back to good laugh quality" film of Ben Stiller. Athough quite a lot of scenes are quite cliche that you can tell it stole from old skool, baseketball and zoolander, it didn't kill the jokes. Making fun of Gym jocks is pretty kool, I had a big laugh when Chuck Norris show up. This flim has a lot of nutz, lots of nutz... I love.
Went to meet up with Jo after the movie, we had sushi in Makoto and it was very nice! It's not those crappy take away hand roll stuff, crispy seaweed and flesh fish are all the matter in this restaurant! It was still abit disappointed, coz most of the sushi are designate for Aussie (ya'know, they put avocade in salmon, which is not original at all), which means less varities for me who just stick with raw fish and seafood.
Anyway, we went to karaoke after dinner, yeah!!!! I haven't do karaoke like ages, I dun really like the aussie karaoke, coz I wanna sing cantonese and japanese too. Me and Jo just danced in the room and sing out loud, which always feels good! It's ashame that there's not many English song to sing, or I should put it this way - there's not many English song that I like available, they are way too mainstream...
Lezel was abit too crazy tho, she did karaoke then meet us up and sing with us again. I have never heard she sing, and I realised her voice is super amazing! I was so impressed when she sang "I Turn to you", it was totally stunning.
Of course I also have my show-off song, remind you I was a vocal too! I always dig A.Keys, so my Karaoke song is always "How come you don't call me?". This song is so fun to sing, you can play with your voice, which means everytime you sing this song, it could come out a different version. So remember! this is my song! you guys back off.
P.S. Aqua lung is having concert in HK!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH~ KILL ME...
[[audio: Keane - Somewhere Only We Know]]
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Disturbing or Liberating - Nature of Human.
Howdy, I just got back from the Naked Music Circus and tonite is the nite I have seen so many dicks ever in my life. It's kinda weird, coz some people on the stage, I actually know them. hmm... imagine you seeing your friends get naked in front of your face, you'll see what I mean.
I really enjoy the music there, national pornographic is very very funky as usual. Elephant Mojo was pretty kool too, but I dunn really like the vocal for some reasons (well... nothing to do with his penis). but everytime when their stripe and show us their mighty dick, I just either cover my face or stare at Hanna and Lena. Was surprised that Miles was there too, didn't know he is interested in this sorta naked show, well... maybe he like it, why should I care? but it's really funny seeing him dancing, he was bouncing up and down, so cute.
I caught most of the freebies that they threw from the stage, such as CD, clown's nose, condoms, jig ball and I got rose from one of the guys there too, I've never ever got flower from people, isn't this weird? maybe I'm just not pretty enough for a bunch of flower. but a rose really top up my day, I'm very happy gal now.
well, just wanna say I wasn't enjoy seeing people's penis, but I stay there til the end of the show is all for the music and free CDs. So don't say I'm nasty~ :-p
OK, I really have to sleep now. *kiss the rose*
[[audio: Daft Punk- Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger]]
Howdy, I just got back from the Naked Music Circus and tonite is the nite I have seen so many dicks ever in my life. It's kinda weird, coz some people on the stage, I actually know them. hmm... imagine you seeing your friends get naked in front of your face, you'll see what I mean.
I really enjoy the music there, national pornographic is very very funky as usual. Elephant Mojo was pretty kool too, but I dunn really like the vocal for some reasons (well... nothing to do with his penis). but everytime when their stripe and show us their mighty dick, I just either cover my face or stare at Hanna and Lena. Was surprised that Miles was there too, didn't know he is interested in this sorta naked show, well... maybe he like it, why should I care? but it's really funny seeing him dancing, he was bouncing up and down, so cute.
I caught most of the freebies that they threw from the stage, such as CD, clown's nose, condoms, jig ball and I got rose from one of the guys there too, I've never ever got flower from people, isn't this weird? maybe I'm just not pretty enough for a bunch of flower. but a rose really top up my day, I'm very happy gal now.
well, just wanna say I wasn't enjoy seeing people's penis, but I stay there til the end of the show is all for the music and free CDs. So don't say I'm nasty~ :-p
OK, I really have to sleep now. *kiss the rose*
[[audio: Daft Punk- Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger]]
Friday, September 24, 2004
Fragmentation of images, love in aural pleasurement.
Very tired, finished my mid break assignment today, 2 hours late to FBi because I caught a wrong bus. surprised that I wasn't too pissed off, but im too tired to write stuff now, so bare me that all the sentences are broken and don't bitch me if i got any mistypo or my lines do not make sense...
guess i deserved this, coz i went out to a dj competition with corynne last nite! yea, u didn't get this wrong corynne is back!!!!!!! sam lim is back too!!! im so glad we have some fbi people back to Aus. see i got this double VIP passes from my beloved Stuart, the show was free to entry actually, so why is this vip passes so special? heh heh.... the answer is FREE BOOZE!!
FREE BOOZE in Sydney uni manningbar included house wine (meh~), house beer (meh~), soft drink (umm...) and V!!!! (now we are talking!!!) we were being so greedy, just kept asking for free V and put them in our bag, well I really need them for my overnite boost, so I just have to take this advantages to get free boost!
DJ was very good, tho I was late and missed many DJs playing. but indeed, free booze is what i head up for, and i didn't miss out the best dj who won this competition, he is really good, i was impressed... tho I still think DJ Danielsan is the best. heh heh...
Now look...
I been listening to these band recently, and I seriously have my tears out again, I dun think I'm this emotional, but they are really good. And I have to admit that I'm so in love with Aqualung now, first time i heard about them is introduced by Shai, "Brighter than Sunshine" is a very touching song, whoever able to sing this song to me, I guess I would melt down right away. their old song "strange and beautiful (I'll put a spell on you)" in 2002 is another amazing song that can really make me stop moving and look up to the sky with my mouth open, I wish someone out there would know this song too and sing it to/ with me, I'll melt right away too.
Third Eye Blind's "The Background" was my teenage default love song, coz it does the same effect to me. this song is meaningful to me, tho it's very sad. I still love this song, but I think Aqualung is more positive to me and I should consider this as my new default love song. ok look, I won't let this song go out of my best love song list, but aqualung definitely has run up to a ver top of my list.
The Get Up Kid's "New Found Mass" is a song I constantly listen to when I first get to Australia. at that moment I was living in rosville, and I love laid down on the lawn in the middle of the night, watching the star alone with this song playing in my CD player. This song can really bring me up to a very next level.
Audio Traffic (ex-Cry)'s "save me from the world" is the first HK local band song I seriously felt in love with. this is another teenage love song of mine, and I been listening to it for more than 8 years, and I'm still loving it.
Another song that always make me cry is Belle and Sebastian's "I fought in a war", obviously, by looking at the title, it is not a love song. But B&S has some magical melody that I really can feel like something tender snuggling my heart and soul.
OK, these are all mellow stuff, they are like songs that give me a moment to breath. more like Pete murray stuff to you guys. (I'm not interest in his songs tho) of course i got more nice song that can melt me too, but im just too tired to type it there. i had my play rehearsal few days ago, and i hurt my right leg, now there's a big bruise there, just like a map. so i lost my mood to make this post look interesting. :(
in order to cheer me up, im going to see naked music circus tonite, national pornographic is playing, how can i miss it? but im told that apparently they will all get naked on the stage, so I'm not sure how long can i stay there with Hanna and Lena. I may just head to see Kurtis' gig with Corynne later on. we'll see. i know, i said im tired, but i still going out. but i just have to, coz i just finished my assignment, and it's my holiday, and later on i will have another assignment to do, so no time to get rest.
okie doki, my message is crap enough to make me feel to sleep, so i should go now. see u all fellows.
[[audio: Aqualung - Strange and Beautiful (I'll put a spell on you)]]
Very tired, finished my mid break assignment today, 2 hours late to FBi because I caught a wrong bus. surprised that I wasn't too pissed off, but im too tired to write stuff now, so bare me that all the sentences are broken and don't bitch me if i got any mistypo or my lines do not make sense...
guess i deserved this, coz i went out to a dj competition with corynne last nite! yea, u didn't get this wrong corynne is back!!!!!!! sam lim is back too!!! im so glad we have some fbi people back to Aus. see i got this double VIP passes from my beloved Stuart, the show was free to entry actually, so why is this vip passes so special? heh heh.... the answer is FREE BOOZE!!
FREE BOOZE in Sydney uni manningbar included house wine (meh~), house beer (meh~), soft drink (umm...) and V!!!! (now we are talking!!!) we were being so greedy, just kept asking for free V and put them in our bag, well I really need them for my overnite boost, so I just have to take this advantages to get free boost!
DJ was very good, tho I was late and missed many DJs playing. but indeed, free booze is what i head up for, and i didn't miss out the best dj who won this competition, he is really good, i was impressed... tho I still think DJ Danielsan is the best. heh heh...
Now look...
I been listening to these band recently, and I seriously have my tears out again, I dun think I'm this emotional, but they are really good. And I have to admit that I'm so in love with Aqualung now, first time i heard about them is introduced by Shai, "Brighter than Sunshine" is a very touching song, whoever able to sing this song to me, I guess I would melt down right away. their old song "strange and beautiful (I'll put a spell on you)" in 2002 is another amazing song that can really make me stop moving and look up to the sky with my mouth open, I wish someone out there would know this song too and sing it to/ with me, I'll melt right away too.
Third Eye Blind's "The Background" was my teenage default love song, coz it does the same effect to me. this song is meaningful to me, tho it's very sad. I still love this song, but I think Aqualung is more positive to me and I should consider this as my new default love song. ok look, I won't let this song go out of my best love song list, but aqualung definitely has run up to a ver top of my list.
The Get Up Kid's "New Found Mass" is a song I constantly listen to when I first get to Australia. at that moment I was living in rosville, and I love laid down on the lawn in the middle of the night, watching the star alone with this song playing in my CD player. This song can really bring me up to a very next level.
Audio Traffic (ex-Cry)'s "save me from the world" is the first HK local band song I seriously felt in love with. this is another teenage love song of mine, and I been listening to it for more than 8 years, and I'm still loving it.
Another song that always make me cry is Belle and Sebastian's "I fought in a war", obviously, by looking at the title, it is not a love song. But B&S has some magical melody that I really can feel like something tender snuggling my heart and soul.
OK, these are all mellow stuff, they are like songs that give me a moment to breath. more like Pete murray stuff to you guys. (I'm not interest in his songs tho) of course i got more nice song that can melt me too, but im just too tired to type it there. i had my play rehearsal few days ago, and i hurt my right leg, now there's a big bruise there, just like a map. so i lost my mood to make this post look interesting. :(
in order to cheer me up, im going to see naked music circus tonite, national pornographic is playing, how can i miss it? but im told that apparently they will all get naked on the stage, so I'm not sure how long can i stay there with Hanna and Lena. I may just head to see Kurtis' gig with Corynne later on. we'll see. i know, i said im tired, but i still going out. but i just have to, coz i just finished my assignment, and it's my holiday, and later on i will have another assignment to do, so no time to get rest.
okie doki, my message is crap enough to make me feel to sleep, so i should go now. see u all fellows.
[[audio: Aqualung - Strange and Beautiful (I'll put a spell on you)]]
Monday, September 20, 2004
They don't love me very much, but I got the money...
Finally, I'm in my 2 weeks spring break, should be happy for it but quite sad indeed. It's a holiday that is actually not a holiday, why do they put assignment's due date in the middle of my break? That's so not fair… I also have to devote my break to the rehearsal of my final performance production assessment. Feel free to shout out, "Suck in Fayske!" *sob*
Friday morning I had a very crazy rehearsal in my performance class, and this is just the beginning. I can't tell you what exactly I had done in the class, for the sake of the play production, you can come and watch when we officially play to the public. Yet, I can say that there are many intense and intimate actions between me and my male partner.
Everyone was so enjoy watching us rehearsing, but I was extremely freaked out, and all I could do was laugh, laugh to conceal my embarrassment. My director then has designed a series of activities to relieve my nerves and get comfortable with my partner.
Yet, it was still really hard, don't get me wrong, he is a very nice and good-looking person, but I just think it's so weird to do it with someone I don't have feeling to (especially without any alcohol helping!!). I think being a good performer, I need to have control in emotions and able to defeat the consciousness and unconsciousness of myself in real life, in order to reach the unreachable.
I realized that self-hypnotizing really works in dealing with all these confrontations, since mental resistance is the best to be solved by mentally control. In the nutshell, I visualized images on actual objects, and I successfully triggered my role's actions.
After the rehearsal, they all headed to uni bar for some fun, but I straight up to Fbi as usual. Then another freaky thing had happened, I got followed by a stranger, and that was really scary.
Story started on the bus from City to Redfern, I was sitting on one of the seats and that man was on the same row of the other side of the bus. He was coughing then apologized to me, but then he started staring at me throughout the whole trip as if someone has put a spell on him.
I tried not to have any eye contacts with him, but I could sense his stare was very steady and frightening. Luckily there were many people on the bus, so he didn't do anything to me.
I got off the bus right opposite to Fbi station, thought would be safe and was about to head for some lunch around the station. However, the dangerous 'chi' didn't vanish, that man actually got off the bus and just a meter right behind me!!
This freako totally freaked the shit out of me, I ran across the 3-lane traffic road regardless how many cars moving there, got into Fbi and hide behind Lena who's behind the kitchen. Yes, I have to hide in the kitchen, coz that man was standing outside the radio station and peeping in for me. Although he has gone in a few minutes, all the staffs were still worried that he may hide somewhere and wait for me.
Fortunately, I have Clara came and visit me, so I left with her about 7ish. She walked me up to Broadway, and I went to Hanna and Lena's place for dinner. Lena is such a good cook, I really enjoy meals that she made (lecker!!).
Ricardo is a very funny German soldier, he shown me a fluffy bottle opener, I was holding it and… it was very fluffy…then I started wondering what that fluffy thing is. He said "ho ho ho... That fluffy area is actually a real kangaroo testicles and I bought it for my family's present!" I threw it back to him immediately and my hand started shaking, and everyone laughed… eww~!
German is the most energetic nationality I have ever seen! We supposed to go to my friend's glam rock party - plantation in Kings Cross, they could take me to WALK ALL THE WAY there from Glebe, and I can't believe I walked with them. Because I'm not German, so my left thigh was seriously sore (Mann, what was I thinking???).
We danced up til 5 in the next morning, music was really 80s rock. Unfortunately I'm not a fan of hard rock/ metal rock, so I spent most of my time on the second floor (hip hop).
Indeed, I like rock, but my definition of rock is very different from the mass. If you know: Placebo, Muse, Jimmy Eat World, Third Eye Blind, Snow Patrol, Killers; or back to old days: The Cure, Duran Duran, Radiohead…etc. We are talking.
Anyway, they were thinking to WALK back home, which I wouldn't bare to let it happen as I was already limping. Thus I convinced them to get their arses on a cab, saving me from the risk of becoming a cripple. *Phew*
We woke up 10 in the morning, coz it was Ricardo's last day in Sydney. We went to the Glebe Market after breakfast, and the first time ever, I bought myself a decent dress. Well, at least I have something to wear if I was invited to some formal parties, I feel so retarded the past years that I just wore like a punk to those formal parties. I do like this punk style, but I know it's quite inappropriate when I stand next to a lady with her posh dress, who tried to give me some lame compliment like "Cool Fay, you look so... YOU!" (you my arse)
We were happy, but they were thinking to walk to Kings Cross for a coffee. Again?? Of course Fayske has learnt her lesson, not even mention my thigh was still f**king hurt. So I let them go and I just limped to the station and back home for some rest. (I still love my German friends!)
Back home for more sleep, then got an invite from Emmie asked me to go to Vivaz with her and Paul's message bugging me to go to Soup plus. Both I also wanna see, and I haven't been these places like ages, so... you can figure it out, yes I went for both.
Vivaz wasn't as good as it used to be, music was too pop/ cliche, too many people, and I was too tired to dance. Although I had a great time with Emmie, I was more looking forward to Soup Plus, Swing Jazz is something I prefer at that moment.
Paul is always amazing to hang out with, it's his first time been in Soup Plus (we been planning to come for a year, finally we made it on this Saturday nite~). Music was funky but chill, just what I expected, superb! :)
Sunday what I want is just some more energy to meet up my friend Sonic, went to this boy's home and watch some videos after lunch. He is a very interesting dude, did a lot of tricks to kept me awake, such as threw ice to me, command his dog to lick my mouth, force me to play video games with him and bake me funny shape cookies (sorry, quite nasty to mention).
Monday, I didn't nothing but writing this post and reply friends' email. So there you go, post me comment if you miss me.
P.S. I'm glad Jeffery Wright won the Emmy for Angels in America, this guy is kool and this show is mighty orsum!
P.S.S. I'm sorry if you have difficulty in reading my post or email, coz I typed in the stupid office word and the internet just can't encode it.
[[audio: This day and Age - Second Place Victory]]
Finally, I'm in my 2 weeks spring break, should be happy for it but quite sad indeed. It's a holiday that is actually not a holiday, why do they put assignment's due date in the middle of my break? That's so not fair… I also have to devote my break to the rehearsal of my final performance production assessment. Feel free to shout out, "Suck in Fayske!" *sob*
Friday morning I had a very crazy rehearsal in my performance class, and this is just the beginning. I can't tell you what exactly I had done in the class, for the sake of the play production, you can come and watch when we officially play to the public. Yet, I can say that there are many intense and intimate actions between me and my male partner.
Everyone was so enjoy watching us rehearsing, but I was extremely freaked out, and all I could do was laugh, laugh to conceal my embarrassment. My director then has designed a series of activities to relieve my nerves and get comfortable with my partner.
Yet, it was still really hard, don't get me wrong, he is a very nice and good-looking person, but I just think it's so weird to do it with someone I don't have feeling to (especially without any alcohol helping!!). I think being a good performer, I need to have control in emotions and able to defeat the consciousness and unconsciousness of myself in real life, in order to reach the unreachable.
I realized that self-hypnotizing really works in dealing with all these confrontations, since mental resistance is the best to be solved by mentally control. In the nutshell, I visualized images on actual objects, and I successfully triggered my role's actions.
After the rehearsal, they all headed to uni bar for some fun, but I straight up to Fbi as usual. Then another freaky thing had happened, I got followed by a stranger, and that was really scary.
Story started on the bus from City to Redfern, I was sitting on one of the seats and that man was on the same row of the other side of the bus. He was coughing then apologized to me, but then he started staring at me throughout the whole trip as if someone has put a spell on him.
I tried not to have any eye contacts with him, but I could sense his stare was very steady and frightening. Luckily there were many people on the bus, so he didn't do anything to me.
I got off the bus right opposite to Fbi station, thought would be safe and was about to head for some lunch around the station. However, the dangerous 'chi' didn't vanish, that man actually got off the bus and just a meter right behind me!!
This freako totally freaked the shit out of me, I ran across the 3-lane traffic road regardless how many cars moving there, got into Fbi and hide behind Lena who's behind the kitchen. Yes, I have to hide in the kitchen, coz that man was standing outside the radio station and peeping in for me. Although he has gone in a few minutes, all the staffs were still worried that he may hide somewhere and wait for me.
Fortunately, I have Clara came and visit me, so I left with her about 7ish. She walked me up to Broadway, and I went to Hanna and Lena's place for dinner. Lena is such a good cook, I really enjoy meals that she made (lecker!!).
Ricardo is a very funny German soldier, he shown me a fluffy bottle opener, I was holding it and… it was very fluffy…then I started wondering what that fluffy thing is. He said "ho ho ho... That fluffy area is actually a real kangaroo testicles and I bought it for my family's present!" I threw it back to him immediately and my hand started shaking, and everyone laughed… eww~!
German is the most energetic nationality I have ever seen! We supposed to go to my friend's glam rock party - plantation in Kings Cross, they could take me to WALK ALL THE WAY there from Glebe, and I can't believe I walked with them. Because I'm not German, so my left thigh was seriously sore (Mann, what was I thinking???).
We danced up til 5 in the next morning, music was really 80s rock. Unfortunately I'm not a fan of hard rock/ metal rock, so I spent most of my time on the second floor (hip hop).
Indeed, I like rock, but my definition of rock is very different from the mass. If you know: Placebo, Muse, Jimmy Eat World, Third Eye Blind, Snow Patrol, Killers; or back to old days: The Cure, Duran Duran, Radiohead…etc. We are talking.
Anyway, they were thinking to WALK back home, which I wouldn't bare to let it happen as I was already limping. Thus I convinced them to get their arses on a cab, saving me from the risk of becoming a cripple. *Phew*
We woke up 10 in the morning, coz it was Ricardo's last day in Sydney. We went to the Glebe Market after breakfast, and the first time ever, I bought myself a decent dress. Well, at least I have something to wear if I was invited to some formal parties, I feel so retarded the past years that I just wore like a punk to those formal parties. I do like this punk style, but I know it's quite inappropriate when I stand next to a lady with her posh dress, who tried to give me some lame compliment like "Cool Fay, you look so... YOU!" (you my arse)
We were happy, but they were thinking to walk to Kings Cross for a coffee. Again?? Of course Fayske has learnt her lesson, not even mention my thigh was still f**king hurt. So I let them go and I just limped to the station and back home for some rest. (I still love my German friends!)
Back home for more sleep, then got an invite from Emmie asked me to go to Vivaz with her and Paul's message bugging me to go to Soup plus. Both I also wanna see, and I haven't been these places like ages, so... you can figure it out, yes I went for both.
Vivaz wasn't as good as it used to be, music was too pop/ cliche, too many people, and I was too tired to dance. Although I had a great time with Emmie, I was more looking forward to Soup Plus, Swing Jazz is something I prefer at that moment.
Paul is always amazing to hang out with, it's his first time been in Soup Plus (we been planning to come for a year, finally we made it on this Saturday nite~). Music was funky but chill, just what I expected, superb! :)
Sunday what I want is just some more energy to meet up my friend Sonic, went to this boy's home and watch some videos after lunch. He is a very interesting dude, did a lot of tricks to kept me awake, such as threw ice to me, command his dog to lick my mouth, force me to play video games with him and bake me funny shape cookies (sorry, quite nasty to mention).
Monday, I didn't nothing but writing this post and reply friends' email. So there you go, post me comment if you miss me.
P.S. I'm glad Jeffery Wright won the Emmy for Angels in America, this guy is kool and this show is mighty orsum!
P.S.S. I'm sorry if you have difficulty in reading my post or email, coz I typed in the stupid office word and the internet just can't encode it.
[[audio: This day and Age - Second Place Victory]]
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Cocaine is good for you and your kids.
FBi is relatively quiet today, but incalculable workloads has driven me to extremely busy and even hardly remember my own name. Dan Rowntree has finally back to the station, and we had a short chat but it's all worth to stop 10 mins for that! Welcome back you sexy lad! Thank you Stu the man for the dodgeball double passes! I love you and totally under your command from now on, I have started worshipping you at home now. m(_ _)m
I didn't sleep well recently, even the day allows me for more sleep, I just woke up like 8 in the morning and I hate it. I lost my mood to do housework, no mood for cooking, not even for my assignments. This is really bad since I have heaps and heaps assignments due in these coming couple of weeks, but my motivation is just diminishing to zero for some reasons...
Have you even wanna do something that could take you away for awhile? I started doing chinese calligraphy, it gives me a moment of silence. You may think it's so nerdy, but yea... I bought myself some ink and a chinese writing brush, and started writing. I still remember that when I was in highschool, my teacher used to force me to do calligraphy and it's so annoying, my hand couldn't stop shaking and there's ink everywhere on my pinky finger. But who knows I'm doing this again, and the good thing is that I can fully concentrate on it without thinking some silly shit. Calligraphy rocks, I should hold a class, who's interested?
I am drinking my third can of RedBull at FBi and I'm still sleepy, this thing is not working on me anymore. Mann... there's a tute paper is still waiting for me at home, I should go now.
P.S. Heaps photos have been uploaded to my photo website! Including FBi birthday bash party, Dan Illic & Shai's dinner, My 23rd Birthday, Old days in sydney and more!!! Go and check it out!!!!
[[audio: GLAY - Runaway Runaway]]
FBi is relatively quiet today, but incalculable workloads has driven me to extremely busy and even hardly remember my own name. Dan Rowntree has finally back to the station, and we had a short chat but it's all worth to stop 10 mins for that! Welcome back you sexy lad! Thank you Stu the man for the dodgeball double passes! I love you and totally under your command from now on, I have started worshipping you at home now. m(_ _)m
I didn't sleep well recently, even the day allows me for more sleep, I just woke up like 8 in the morning and I hate it. I lost my mood to do housework, no mood for cooking, not even for my assignments. This is really bad since I have heaps and heaps assignments due in these coming couple of weeks, but my motivation is just diminishing to zero for some reasons...
Have you even wanna do something that could take you away for awhile? I started doing chinese calligraphy, it gives me a moment of silence. You may think it's so nerdy, but yea... I bought myself some ink and a chinese writing brush, and started writing. I still remember that when I was in highschool, my teacher used to force me to do calligraphy and it's so annoying, my hand couldn't stop shaking and there's ink everywhere on my pinky finger. But who knows I'm doing this again, and the good thing is that I can fully concentrate on it without thinking some silly shit. Calligraphy rocks, I should hold a class, who's interested?
I am drinking my third can of RedBull at FBi and I'm still sleepy, this thing is not working on me anymore. Mann... there's a tute paper is still waiting for me at home, I should go now.
P.S. Heaps photos have been uploaded to my photo website! Including FBi birthday bash party, Dan Illic & Shai's dinner, My 23rd Birthday, Old days in sydney and more!!! Go and check it out!!!!

[[audio: GLAY - Runaway Runaway]]
Monday, September 13, 2004
Vous pouvez regarder mais ne pouvez pas toucher.
So many kids wanna be older, so many adult wanna stay younger. Of course I had thought about this too, even I'm 23 only. But now I really think it is such a immature and silly thing to think about, if you were a kid and you think like that, I don't think you should be blamed, yet why an adult has to think like this?
You may come up with a lot of reasons - hate seeing wrinkles on your face, hate to be teased that you are not attractive or whatsoever...etc. But I guess I found out the ultimate reason of most of the hate-being-old-adults: Hate dealing with responsibility.
I'm not saying that you need to get a job and take care of your family. I never think this is a responsibility, you get a job cause you need money for stuff; you take care of your family is because you love them. dealing with responsibility is more like, you decided to do something or you made a promise and you have to fulfill it, that is your responsibility.
Indeed, I think even a kid should know how to take responsibility, if they don't, they have parent and school to guide them. But when you become an adult, you have no excuse to escape what you have promised and there's noone who you can hide from. This is a very big change cause your life is no longer a practice but a real life. If you can't afford to take responsibility, don't be bother to be so cool saying you're grown up and just talk the talk.
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
Went to the WILD party in Arthouse last Saturday, it was very kool, well good enough to drive a sick person show off her amateur break dancing skill and be caught by the cameraman! DJs were very impressing (especially Scott's friend), bathroom with a very nice design and no doggy people (perhaps I wasn't sexy enough to meet one) proliferated my happiness. Je veux faire la fete!! Introducing Hanna & Lena to Kendra was abit weird, coz German meet German always love talking German, which was totally fine to me, since I got Scott and Jesse to mess with... :p Of course, you have to pay if you wanna have more fun, which mean my flu has been extended it's visa to stay in my body... DOH!
A good news for all the cyber citizens, my home modern is fixed, which mean you will see me mucking around in the internet again!! but I won't (and shouldn't) hang out too late, heaps assignments due on this week. well, a positive side for you would be a two weeks semester break will arrive 7 days after, so looking forward to that! *grins* And I will upload all the photos that stuck in my camera as soon as possible... I promise.
[[audio: Chara - Break these chains]]
So many kids wanna be older, so many adult wanna stay younger. Of course I had thought about this too, even I'm 23 only. But now I really think it is such a immature and silly thing to think about, if you were a kid and you think like that, I don't think you should be blamed, yet why an adult has to think like this?
You may come up with a lot of reasons - hate seeing wrinkles on your face, hate to be teased that you are not attractive or whatsoever...etc. But I guess I found out the ultimate reason of most of the hate-being-old-adults: Hate dealing with responsibility.
I'm not saying that you need to get a job and take care of your family. I never think this is a responsibility, you get a job cause you need money for stuff; you take care of your family is because you love them. dealing with responsibility is more like, you decided to do something or you made a promise and you have to fulfill it, that is your responsibility.
Indeed, I think even a kid should know how to take responsibility, if they don't, they have parent and school to guide them. But when you become an adult, you have no excuse to escape what you have promised and there's noone who you can hide from. This is a very big change cause your life is no longer a practice but a real life. If you can't afford to take responsibility, don't be bother to be so cool saying you're grown up and just talk the talk.
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
Went to the WILD party in Arthouse last Saturday, it was very kool, well good enough to drive a sick person show off her amateur break dancing skill and be caught by the cameraman! DJs were very impressing (especially Scott's friend), bathroom with a very nice design and no doggy people (perhaps I wasn't sexy enough to meet one) proliferated my happiness. Je veux faire la fete!! Introducing Hanna & Lena to Kendra was abit weird, coz German meet German always love talking German, which was totally fine to me, since I got Scott and Jesse to mess with... :p Of course, you have to pay if you wanna have more fun, which mean my flu has been extended it's visa to stay in my body... DOH!
A good news for all the cyber citizens, my home modern is fixed, which mean you will see me mucking around in the internet again!! but I won't (and shouldn't) hang out too late, heaps assignments due on this week. well, a positive side for you would be a two weeks semester break will arrive 7 days after, so looking forward to that! *grins* And I will upload all the photos that stuck in my camera as soon as possible... I promise.
[[audio: Chara - Break these chains]]
Friday, September 10, 2004
Detach everything does not kill the pain, let me bleed.
Bigs Up to Phillip Perez!! dude, 24yo isn't old at all unless you gonna die next year.
Got a bad flu recently, it really affect my performance. My presentation was chaotic, my head is still heavy, and there are heaps paper waiting for me to do. Yet I insisted going out last nite, for the sake of fbi's birthday day. The Fbi birthday bash party was super awesome, every step I took, there would have at least one people I saw and wanna say hi with. Unfortunately, I have a very early night, since this stupid flu really annoyed me.
Back home about 1:30am, and straight to sleep. This morning I got up at 8:00am for uni, and I have to rehearse the play. Searching character's feelings was what we aim for today, so we did a lot of thinking and experiment. Very tired. but not yet, I straight up to FBi after uni, almost missed the stop because I fell to sleep on the bus.
Then on my way to FBi, I saw Hanna, Lena and Ricado tried to grab me to the zoo, really really wanna go, but I end up devoting myself to FBi. Have I mentioned that I've never ever been to the zoo in Australia before? never seen a kangaroo nor a koala. Does it mean I'm a rustic? someone please take me there!!!!
Anyway, having flu isn't fun at all. But I may keep going out as a protest!! urthboy in marquee is really tempting, probably will see you there~
FACT 1: I know how to hypnotize people.
FACT 2: I lied.
P.S. Head On is a very nice Australian film that everyone should watch it.
P.S.S. Who wanna see Dodgeball with me???
[[audio: Syrup 16g - My Song]]
Bigs Up to Phillip Perez!! dude, 24yo isn't old at all unless you gonna die next year.
Got a bad flu recently, it really affect my performance. My presentation was chaotic, my head is still heavy, and there are heaps paper waiting for me to do. Yet I insisted going out last nite, for the sake of fbi's birthday day. The Fbi birthday bash party was super awesome, every step I took, there would have at least one people I saw and wanna say hi with. Unfortunately, I have a very early night, since this stupid flu really annoyed me.
Back home about 1:30am, and straight to sleep. This morning I got up at 8:00am for uni, and I have to rehearse the play. Searching character's feelings was what we aim for today, so we did a lot of thinking and experiment. Very tired. but not yet, I straight up to FBi after uni, almost missed the stop because I fell to sleep on the bus.
Then on my way to FBi, I saw Hanna, Lena and Ricado tried to grab me to the zoo, really really wanna go, but I end up devoting myself to FBi. Have I mentioned that I've never ever been to the zoo in Australia before? never seen a kangaroo nor a koala. Does it mean I'm a rustic? someone please take me there!!!!
Anyway, having flu isn't fun at all. But I may keep going out as a protest!! urthboy in marquee is really tempting, probably will see you there~
FACT 1: I know how to hypnotize people.
FACT 2: I lied.
P.S. Head On is a very nice Australian film that everyone should watch it.
P.S.S. Who wanna see Dodgeball with me???
[[audio: Syrup 16g - My Song]]
Monday, September 06, 2004
I can eat STEAK!!! I can eat STEAK!!!
Bigs up for Jess 21st birthday! heaps and heaps love to this amazing gal...
BBQ party is something I been dreaming of, I had one last saturday. I broke all the rules that day, and I was quite enjoy breaking them. and Lucky enough, my tongue didn't get infected or shit. you know... if you are meant to be infected, you will. I'm just not, so I'm not. Power to my Mighty tongue!!!!! By the way, Tarrant's homemade Spinach Dip was absolutely unreal, well done Jamie.
It was pretty crazy experiencing hail storm, especially when I have no brolly and jacket with me. Fortunately, I managed getting to Jess' b-day party in the city. Getting trashed was what I been looking forward, but some random fights in the club was too kool to miss. It was right in front of my face, which is so much better than watch Kill Bill!!! I got broken glasses cut on my arm, but guess I was too excited to feel the pain, it was superb.
Glebe is now another favourite suburb of mine other than Newtown. I fully enjoy talking around the weekend Glebe market, a place where you can find cheap good stuff, second hand treasures, gypsy band, african percussion jamming and so on. If they had henna tattoo, cowboy ride and eye toys there would be perfect, oh well... I'm so gonna be there again anyhow!
Something I really wanna mention here... I miss harassing that squirrel, I really do... does it mean that I'm a bad person? Can someone dress up as a squirrel and let me spank the arse? errrr..... *drool* (if you really think I'm a sicko, you finally get to know me...)
[[audio: Motion - Work up]]
Bigs up for Jess 21st birthday! heaps and heaps love to this amazing gal...
BBQ party is something I been dreaming of, I had one last saturday. I broke all the rules that day, and I was quite enjoy breaking them. and Lucky enough, my tongue didn't get infected or shit. you know... if you are meant to be infected, you will. I'm just not, so I'm not. Power to my Mighty tongue!!!!! By the way, Tarrant's homemade Spinach Dip was absolutely unreal, well done Jamie.
It was pretty crazy experiencing hail storm, especially when I have no brolly and jacket with me. Fortunately, I managed getting to Jess' b-day party in the city. Getting trashed was what I been looking forward, but some random fights in the club was too kool to miss. It was right in front of my face, which is so much better than watch Kill Bill!!! I got broken glasses cut on my arm, but guess I was too excited to feel the pain, it was superb.
Glebe is now another favourite suburb of mine other than Newtown. I fully enjoy talking around the weekend Glebe market, a place where you can find cheap good stuff, second hand treasures, gypsy band, african percussion jamming and so on. If they had henna tattoo, cowboy ride and eye toys there would be perfect, oh well... I'm so gonna be there again anyhow!
Something I really wanna mention here... I miss harassing that squirrel, I really do... does it mean that I'm a bad person? Can someone dress up as a squirrel and let me spank the arse? errrr..... *drool* (if you really think I'm a sicko, you finally get to know me...)
[[audio: Motion - Work up]]
Thursday, September 02, 2004
LustWaxed Spring Sessions
Fay supporting Dan Rowntree's Deep House Session. Go for it all you boogies!
Waxed and Lust productions present "the spring
This Saturday 4th September
The Vault
122 Pitt st CBD
$10 before 10.30 and $15 after
DJ: Paul Hilliard, Dan Rowntree and Brothers of Sound.
Suck it all up and release, it's never too late...
Last night, I was planning to go home and do my assignment after work, but ya' know... sometimes it's just a day that you meant to go out, and you don't have much choices... I got 2 MCA exhibition ticket from Clare, but I thought "ok... I have assignment to do, maybe I should give it to someone else." so I gave it to one of the FBi vols Shelly, who been looked at my ticket desparately, yet was fully excited once the tickets have landed on her hands...
Johanna came to me, "hey Fay you know what? Chris Coco gave me these free tickets to see a Swing band at Candy's Apartment, would you like to come???" I thought "Again? Hmm... but my assignment due on Friday, I shouldn't go.." So I refused it...
Then I got a phone call from one of the FBi support, he told me that he won a double passes to see Sarah Kane's 4.48 Psychosis in Stables, but apparently he got a flu and couldn't make it, so he would like to give it back to us. I told Christina and she just went "Oh, you can have it! I know you like Sarah Kane's play..." and I thought "this is the 3rd time I got free tickets today, I would be punished if I don't accept it..." so... I decided to go for the play... >w<;;;
Since Hanna wanna hang out, I went to see this play with her. It was such an AMAZING play, and almost like the idea of my own play production. (which is not good, means I need to come up some new ideas damnit!) We walked out the Stables and realised Candy's Apartment was just up to the corner, so we used Chris Coco's double passes as well. Swing band was magnificent, I was totally immersed into the guest vocal, they were excellent! Based on this logic, you could figure it out that I stayed up til the end of the show, which was midnight.
And pushed this logic furthermore, you can also figure out I didn't do anything after back home but sleep... Anyhow, it was a fantastic evening, and I'll absolutely go to Candy's for the swing again next Wed for sure!!!!
Today, I have another free show to see Coqi showcase in The Basement, I really wanna go but seems like I'll be really punished if I waste one more nite. Therefore, if anyone of you got never to do and no money to spend out for a good nite. Go to Basement and use my name to get in for some fun. Mind you, it's a double passes! *sob*
Peace out.
[[audio: Saves The Day - This is not the Exit]]
Last night, I was planning to go home and do my assignment after work, but ya' know... sometimes it's just a day that you meant to go out, and you don't have much choices... I got 2 MCA exhibition ticket from Clare, but I thought "ok... I have assignment to do, maybe I should give it to someone else." so I gave it to one of the FBi vols Shelly, who been looked at my ticket desparately, yet was fully excited once the tickets have landed on her hands...
Johanna came to me, "hey Fay you know what? Chris Coco gave me these free tickets to see a Swing band at Candy's Apartment, would you like to come???" I thought "Again? Hmm... but my assignment due on Friday, I shouldn't go.." So I refused it...
Then I got a phone call from one of the FBi support, he told me that he won a double passes to see Sarah Kane's 4.48 Psychosis in Stables, but apparently he got a flu and couldn't make it, so he would like to give it back to us. I told Christina and she just went "Oh, you can have it! I know you like Sarah Kane's play..." and I thought "this is the 3rd time I got free tickets today, I would be punished if I don't accept it..." so... I decided to go for the play... >w<;;;
Since Hanna wanna hang out, I went to see this play with her. It was such an AMAZING play, and almost like the idea of my own play production. (which is not good, means I need to come up some new ideas damnit!) We walked out the Stables and realised Candy's Apartment was just up to the corner, so we used Chris Coco's double passes as well. Swing band was magnificent, I was totally immersed into the guest vocal, they were excellent! Based on this logic, you could figure it out that I stayed up til the end of the show, which was midnight.
And pushed this logic furthermore, you can also figure out I didn't do anything after back home but sleep... Anyhow, it was a fantastic evening, and I'll absolutely go to Candy's for the swing again next Wed for sure!!!!
Today, I have another free show to see Coqi showcase in The Basement, I really wanna go but seems like I'll be really punished if I waste one more nite. Therefore, if anyone of you got never to do and no money to spend out for a good nite. Go to Basement and use my name to get in for some fun. Mind you, it's a double passes! *sob*
Peace out.
[[audio: Saves The Day - This is not the Exit]]
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Keep eatng ice-cream til you die.
I realised I been being too talkative that I'm not suppose to, and this make my tongue sooooo sore. Today is supporter drive day again, and I tried to avoid the phone calls, but once I picked up the phone, I just can't stop talking, regardless how retarded my tongue is now... God, I should shut the hell up.
Bringing Anti-infection spray and Listerine with me is absolutely a weird thing to me, but it does help me relief all the piercing side-effect that i'm dealing with. On the other hand, I've been eating heaps and heaps ice-cream, ice cube, ice-blend smoothies and so on, and I'm about chilling to death... Imagine that, I was wearing a huge and thick jacket on, with my beanie and scarf, whilst eating fat free ice-cream the whole day. If you wanna catagorize me, I'll put myself as part of insanity, and I'm proud of it.
Thank god that I'm doing All-nighter show at FBi in October. Hopefully, i'll be fine before next week, since there's a stupid presentation waiting for me!
Your name has been shouted out!
LEVINS LEVINS! He's the bomb! One thing he didn't know - I listen to his Arvos show all the time and laughed at him everytime he screwed up on-air... but well, he been doing well. so keep it rolling dude! He went to me "Fay, how come you never mention me in your blog?" but actually I did... (tsk tsk tsk... not paying attention to my blog!!!) check out couple months ago, I have highlighted your comics section in fbi site here... so stop whining! (And why don't you mention my name on your blog??? should at least post me comment!)
We have the man - Ryan O'neill in Fbi today!!! He is the big man behind the band - Botanics www.botanics.com.au, it's a hip hop band based on Sydney. He brought us free beers and orsum Botanics T-shirt, so sign up as a supporter now!!!!! and he also promise me to give me a T-shirt, Yoohoo!!!!
[[audio: Placebo - Where is My Mind]]
I realised I been being too talkative that I'm not suppose to, and this make my tongue sooooo sore. Today is supporter drive day again, and I tried to avoid the phone calls, but once I picked up the phone, I just can't stop talking, regardless how retarded my tongue is now... God, I should shut the hell up.
Bringing Anti-infection spray and Listerine with me is absolutely a weird thing to me, but it does help me relief all the piercing side-effect that i'm dealing with. On the other hand, I've been eating heaps and heaps ice-cream, ice cube, ice-blend smoothies and so on, and I'm about chilling to death... Imagine that, I was wearing a huge and thick jacket on, with my beanie and scarf, whilst eating fat free ice-cream the whole day. If you wanna catagorize me, I'll put myself as part of insanity, and I'm proud of it.
Thank god that I'm doing All-nighter show at FBi in October. Hopefully, i'll be fine before next week, since there's a stupid presentation waiting for me!
Your name has been shouted out!
LEVINS LEVINS! He's the bomb! One thing he didn't know - I listen to his Arvos show all the time and laughed at him everytime he screwed up on-air... but well, he been doing well. so keep it rolling dude! He went to me "Fay, how come you never mention me in your blog?" but actually I did... (tsk tsk tsk... not paying attention to my blog!!!) check out couple months ago, I have highlighted your comics section in fbi site here... so stop whining! (And why don't you mention my name on your blog??? should at least post me comment!)
We have the man - Ryan O'neill in Fbi today!!! He is the big man behind the band - Botanics www.botanics.com.au, it's a hip hop band based on Sydney. He brought us free beers and orsum Botanics T-shirt, so sign up as a supporter now!!!!! and he also promise me to give me a T-shirt, Yoohoo!!!!
[[audio: Placebo - Where is My Mind]]