Monday, August 30, 2004
Friday's confession: I spanked the squirrel's arse in the prom...
Pop frenzy's prom was a fun party, seeing everyone dressed up like 80s 'Grease' teen was really amusing. Unfortunately, I didn't dress up glam at all, since I straight up here from uni and fbi, wouldn't give a shit about what I wear, once people get drunk, everyone looks the same.
It's very kool that they have mirrors outside the ball room with red lipstick for the gals to write their flirty messages, also lockers with porn gal poster which was obviously for boys leaving their nasty words. what else? Pashing chair, drag queen, nerds and dancing squirrel...
Yup, I spanked that squirrel's arse really hard, and it was a very nice butt. Then I just pretended talking with my friends, who thought I was murmuring. I subtly looked back, noticed that he was rubbing his sore butt (His squirrel face is still happy tho) and kept turning around tried to find out who did it. My plan was incredibly successful, I harassed a squirrel. muhahaha... (LESSON FOR YOU: NEVER DRESS UP A SQUIRREL, RABBIT OR WHATEVER TO PARTY, YOU WOULD DEFINITELY ENCOUNTER HARRASSMENT)
by the way,
Re-enter the house of pain
Saturday is another crazy day to me. I did another one, can give you a hint where did I pierced... "No one understand me after I did it." Jamie went there with me this time, and we were so nervous. Wasn't painful indeed, but it's funny that Jamie was holding my hand so tight as if he's the one who doing this. And I can't believe now he wanna get one too! I'm such a bad influence...
Don't worry, I won't do any pierce for now. To be frankly, challenging 2 piercing experiences in 4 days was pretty intense. Hmm... how about a tattoo? ;p
Computer is back! Dare or trust?
Sunday I have Jamie visited with my fixed computer, millions thanks for him! After I screwed up so many computers, I really think technologies should never be trusted. I was over depending my computer to store my documents, my work and my memories. Once it got retarded, nothing is safe.
Think about Australia in 80's, a brilliant man killed the whole stock market by using his axe, chopped off the fibre wires under the ground of Martin Place. It took a week to recover all the system of the stock market, and the entire economy of Aus could barely sustained. Who need planes crashing to towers to kill a country?
Capitalists highly persuade society to depend on technologies. Convenience, fast, easy... so many benefits indeed, and I do also enjoy it. But every time when the power is out, the computer is fucked, the internet is not working. We'll blame all the things to technologies, whereas we still use it heavily, and put our trust on it again. Things just circulate like this.
I miss my manual camera.
P.S. Happy Birthday to Derek! Wish you got what you want! good luck to your studio & your music!
P.S. So long to Dan B. & Shai, have a nice trip in Europe. Miss you both! xoxo
[[audio: Chara - Time Machine]]
Pop frenzy's prom was a fun party, seeing everyone dressed up like 80s 'Grease' teen was really amusing. Unfortunately, I didn't dress up glam at all, since I straight up here from uni and fbi, wouldn't give a shit about what I wear, once people get drunk, everyone looks the same.
It's very kool that they have mirrors outside the ball room with red lipstick for the gals to write their flirty messages, also lockers with porn gal poster which was obviously for boys leaving their nasty words. what else? Pashing chair, drag queen, nerds and dancing squirrel...
Yup, I spanked that squirrel's arse really hard, and it was a very nice butt. Then I just pretended talking with my friends, who thought I was murmuring. I subtly looked back, noticed that he was rubbing his sore butt (His squirrel face is still happy tho) and kept turning around tried to find out who did it. My plan was incredibly successful, I harassed a squirrel. muhahaha... (LESSON FOR YOU: NEVER DRESS UP A SQUIRREL, RABBIT OR WHATEVER TO PARTY, YOU WOULD DEFINITELY ENCOUNTER HARRASSMENT)
by the way,

Re-enter the house of pain
Saturday is another crazy day to me. I did another one, can give you a hint where did I pierced... "No one understand me after I did it." Jamie went there with me this time, and we were so nervous. Wasn't painful indeed, but it's funny that Jamie was holding my hand so tight as if he's the one who doing this. And I can't believe now he wanna get one too! I'm such a bad influence...
Don't worry, I won't do any pierce for now. To be frankly, challenging 2 piercing experiences in 4 days was pretty intense. Hmm... how about a tattoo? ;p
Computer is back! Dare or trust?
Sunday I have Jamie visited with my fixed computer, millions thanks for him! After I screwed up so many computers, I really think technologies should never be trusted. I was over depending my computer to store my documents, my work and my memories. Once it got retarded, nothing is safe.
Think about Australia in 80's, a brilliant man killed the whole stock market by using his axe, chopped off the fibre wires under the ground of Martin Place. It took a week to recover all the system of the stock market, and the entire economy of Aus could barely sustained. Who need planes crashing to towers to kill a country?
Capitalists highly persuade society to depend on technologies. Convenience, fast, easy... so many benefits indeed, and I do also enjoy it. But every time when the power is out, the computer is fucked, the internet is not working. We'll blame all the things to technologies, whereas we still use it heavily, and put our trust on it again. Things just circulate like this.
I miss my manual camera.
P.S. Happy Birthday to Derek! Wish you got what you want! good luck to your studio & your music!
P.S. So long to Dan B. & Shai, have a nice trip in Europe. Miss you both! xoxo
[[audio: Chara - Time Machine]]
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Entered the House of Pain
Big ups to Hanna's 22nd! muah muah muah!!!!
"Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! " (is it how you say happy birthday in German?)
I know I promise to message happy bday to you again at 4pm (it's her bday in German time)
but I left my stupid phone at home, forgive me baby... *sob*
Yesterday I finally got my first piercing done, the whole process was like scary but fast. Thank god she is a good piercing artist, coz I been threaten by many friends' stories that how those people screwed up the process. I'm glad they let Hanna to come with me, I was holding her hand very tight the whole time. When the needle pierced through me, it just so overwhelming and I was totally speechless.
After all this crazy experience, I'm now like a pregnant woman, can't bend down... nutz! I still have my pop frenzy on this friday and 2 farewells on the weekend! (Don't be surprise if you saw me didn't move much and not talking to you, I'm not trying to be rude, or maybe I am)
OK, I'll have my second one on this coming saturday, I'm so not ready for this one yet. My hands are already sweating, I hope I know what am I doing now. Hanna and Drinie are more excited than me... and mom is so gonna kill me.
Uni is busy, but it's been quite good so far. But I should start doing my assignment...
1 Days left for FBi Birthday!!!! >w<)/
[[audio: Chara - Swallowtail Butterfly ~ai no uta~ (love song) feat.YEN TOWN BAND ]]
Big ups to Hanna's 22nd! muah muah muah!!!!
"Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! " (is it how you say happy birthday in German?)
I know I promise to message happy bday to you again at 4pm (it's her bday in German time)
but I left my stupid phone at home, forgive me baby... *sob*
Yesterday I finally got my first piercing done, the whole process was like scary but fast. Thank god she is a good piercing artist, coz I been threaten by many friends' stories that how those people screwed up the process. I'm glad they let Hanna to come with me, I was holding her hand very tight the whole time. When the needle pierced through me, it just so overwhelming and I was totally speechless.
After all this crazy experience, I'm now like a pregnant woman, can't bend down... nutz! I still have my pop frenzy on this friday and 2 farewells on the weekend! (Don't be surprise if you saw me didn't move much and not talking to you, I'm not trying to be rude, or maybe I am)
OK, I'll have my second one on this coming saturday, I'm so not ready for this one yet. My hands are already sweating, I hope I know what am I doing now. Hanna and Drinie are more excited than me... and mom is so gonna kill me.
Uni is busy, but it's been quite good so far. But I should start doing my assignment...
1 Days left for FBi Birthday!!!! >w<)/
[[audio: Chara - Swallowtail Butterfly ~ai no uta~ (love song) feat.YEN TOWN BAND ]]
Saturday, August 21, 2004
If I could turn back time...
Just finished Supporter Drive Training in FBi.
Very tired today after the big Friday nite, it was too intensed and dramatic to me. But the Funk & Soul Festival was definitely a bomb, though I was too exhausted to enjoy it and dealing with some other issues.
I do realise that this blog has been abandoned for a whole week, but I don't have much to say, even there're so many things happened... (Don't get me wrong, it's a good week, I'm just not in the mood to embrace all the things here)
Heaps people convincing me to do some piercing, and now I'm seriously considering it.
Maybe I talk more later.
I just wanna make everyone away now.
P.S. "White Chicks" is very funny, way to go Wayan bothers!
P.S.S. I'm missing someone who living alone under the ground...
[[audio: Little Birdy - Beautiful To Me]]
Just finished Supporter Drive Training in FBi.
Very tired today after the big Friday nite, it was too intensed and dramatic to me. But the Funk & Soul Festival was definitely a bomb, though I was too exhausted to enjoy it and dealing with some other issues.
I do realise that this blog has been abandoned for a whole week, but I don't have much to say, even there're so many things happened... (Don't get me wrong, it's a good week, I'm just not in the mood to embrace all the things here)
Heaps people convincing me to do some piercing, and now I'm seriously considering it.
Maybe I talk more later.
I just wanna make everyone away now.
P.S. "White Chicks" is very funny, way to go Wayan bothers!
P.S.S. I'm missing someone who living alone under the ground...
[[audio: Little Birdy - Beautiful To Me]]
Monday, August 16, 2004
Unleash your drinking spirit to the maximum
Friday was superdupa crazy to me. I had my performance writing class in the morning which was great fun, this lecture is so interesting and adorable, he inspires me heaps in getting my ideas out of my head. After the class, I rushed to the bus and got my arse to fbi, I had a virtual tour to Germany with Lena, and mocking how dumb was that vacuum ball thing which actually an experiment influenced lots of invention. (now who is stupid here?) Anyway, I met up with Emmie and Kasey at Pancake once I finished work. Nachos and Bananarama are so yumm... Then we went up to Vivaz, to be honest, I was quite tired... So I had a super early nite, thought it's a good thing. But you never know you could be the dumbest shithead again, and yes... that happened on me... again. I got locked out at 11:30pm and bad things began. Called Jo for my spare key since this has been happening on me sooooo many times, but she didn't answer the phone at all. Weather started getting worse and worse, it began to rain and blow the fucking chill to me. Finally I rang Max again, who saved me last time when I got locked out, and crashed in his place for a nite. Thank god Max is such a good bro, lots of respect to you dude!
Went to National Pornographic last Saturday with Shai, Hanna & Lena and it was literally fantastic! Nope, it's not something dirty or nasty, sorry if that disappoint you. (it's a 5 piece superfunk band in sydney) The gig was totally sold out and apparently there're 100 fans who was waiting outside but couldn't get in at last, you can tell how stunning the live was! (FACT: we all got in free, special thanks to Linda my lovely fbi kitten, you are kool!) Up to the venue we met some more fbi kids - Brett & Chris, and we danced crazily til 2 in the morning, good fun.
I have to declare that Hanna is the cutest girl I have ever met, it comes from my heart seriously though she thinks I saying this to tease her. fashizzle my nizzle! This girl arouses my itch to pierce my tongue, and I really wanna do it... now I'm just struggling with my gut unfortunately. I love all the piercing that she have done to her body, they are all incredibly kool... itching itching itching....
Today, Drinie sent me a message inviting me to do skydiving... mann... I have seen this gal like ages and the first thing she said was asking me to do skydiving with her this weekend, I wonder how extreme could she be? Then I encountered her in person in uni bathroom, and we started getting very loud. Lezel came out randomly and said "you gals are so loud and I can recognised your voice Fay, so don't deny it". How scary is that someone come up to you and said s/he can recognised your voice? sounds like you are so unescapable...
By the way, I found a thing that is quite terrible to see, it's the highschool kids here. Not their face, but the gigantic bag that they carry to school every single day. It's sooo huge that it could be possibly heavier and even bigger than themselves. Why people seem to have no problem with that? Australian school shouldn't be a tightarse, give them a locker! otherwise they should provide textbooks for the kids in the class, so they can use their own book at home too. geez, I really feel for the innocent kids...
P.S. Shai and Dan.b farewell party coming soon... T_T
P.S.S. Sam is gone already, miss her. *sob*
[[audio: national pornographic - hot wax]]
Friday was superdupa crazy to me. I had my performance writing class in the morning which was great fun, this lecture is so interesting and adorable, he inspires me heaps in getting my ideas out of my head. After the class, I rushed to the bus and got my arse to fbi, I had a virtual tour to Germany with Lena, and mocking how dumb was that vacuum ball thing which actually an experiment influenced lots of invention. (now who is stupid here?) Anyway, I met up with Emmie and Kasey at Pancake once I finished work. Nachos and Bananarama are so yumm... Then we went up to Vivaz, to be honest, I was quite tired... So I had a super early nite, thought it's a good thing. But you never know you could be the dumbest shithead again, and yes... that happened on me... again. I got locked out at 11:30pm and bad things began. Called Jo for my spare key since this has been happening on me sooooo many times, but she didn't answer the phone at all. Weather started getting worse and worse, it began to rain and blow the fucking chill to me. Finally I rang Max again, who saved me last time when I got locked out, and crashed in his place for a nite. Thank god Max is such a good bro, lots of respect to you dude!
Went to National Pornographic last Saturday with Shai, Hanna & Lena and it was literally fantastic! Nope, it's not something dirty or nasty, sorry if that disappoint you. (it's a 5 piece superfunk band in sydney) The gig was totally sold out and apparently there're 100 fans who was waiting outside but couldn't get in at last, you can tell how stunning the live was! (FACT: we all got in free, special thanks to Linda my lovely fbi kitten, you are kool!) Up to the venue we met some more fbi kids - Brett & Chris, and we danced crazily til 2 in the morning, good fun.
I have to declare that Hanna is the cutest girl I have ever met, it comes from my heart seriously though she thinks I saying this to tease her. fashizzle my nizzle! This girl arouses my itch to pierce my tongue, and I really wanna do it... now I'm just struggling with my gut unfortunately. I love all the piercing that she have done to her body, they are all incredibly kool... itching itching itching....
Today, Drinie sent me a message inviting me to do skydiving... mann... I have seen this gal like ages and the first thing she said was asking me to do skydiving with her this weekend, I wonder how extreme could she be? Then I encountered her in person in uni bathroom, and we started getting very loud. Lezel came out randomly and said "you gals are so loud and I can recognised your voice Fay, so don't deny it". How scary is that someone come up to you and said s/he can recognised your voice? sounds like you are so unescapable...
By the way, I found a thing that is quite terrible to see, it's the highschool kids here. Not their face, but the gigantic bag that they carry to school every single day. It's sooo huge that it could be possibly heavier and even bigger than themselves. Why people seem to have no problem with that? Australian school shouldn't be a tightarse, give them a locker! otherwise they should provide textbooks for the kids in the class, so they can use their own book at home too. geez, I really feel for the innocent kids...
P.S. Shai and Dan.b farewell party coming soon... T_T
P.S.S. Sam is gone already, miss her. *sob*
[[audio: national pornographic - hot wax]]
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Espresso Cocktail! Can I have a Vertigo?
Yesterday was a quite relaxing day among the whole week, basically I just socialised with the people in fbi, sneak to the garage and chatting with a cup of English tea on my hand. Working with Sophie, Anna, Lisa and Robin is always a pleasant, now we have two more gorgeous German gals - Lena and Hanna, get crazy with me, my life in fbi is just incredibly amazing. Of coz I did spend 2 hours speedy finishing all the work I supposed to be done today, thank god giving me a pair of turbo hands.
What scared me a bit was that, I have this person who claimed as a member but didn't show up in the database, and I have to do all the follow up and stuff... After a whole day chatting with this person and asking help for Stu and Clare, Christina finally show up and said he is actually the foundation sponsor of this radio station, and I finally realised I been talking to a very very big person that if I upset him would be equaled to killing this adorable radio station. Everyone in the office came and patted my shoulder and said "Fay, you are doing a good job...", but my hands were still sweating and I could hardly speak. I'm so glad that I wasn't bitchy yesterday, which means he received heaps and heaps polite messages from me, he's lucky, I'm lucky, everyone's happy. *phew*
Met up for dinner with Joanne and Lezel in Market City after work, Japanese Ramen was what we have planned to have. Here are the food we had: Me - Gomoku Nabeyaki (mixed hotpot with noodle), Jo - Miso Ramen (noodle with soy bean soupbase), Lez - Yakisoba (stir fry noodle). Food was fantastic there, but I particular fancy that Handmade Japanese Teapot. If I couldn't find it outside within a week, I will go back to that restaurant and steal it for sure!! >3<)q
We headed to Sydney Uni for the National Student Film and Video Festival after that, there we met Jacinta who organized this whole thing, many respect to her! Lena, Hanna, Shalini and Matt were also there, which I was quite surprised, especially Matt who disappeared one day in Fbi for unknown reason, assumed that he hates me (too bad, he doesn't). Anyway, we had some interesting conversation and some wine, then some more interesting conversation and more alcohol...
Of course I didn't forget the film screenings!! OK, they have 4 catogories in this festival, namely Narrative Video, Animation, Documentary and Narrative Film. They were all mageficient except that stupid animation, I was sooooo disappointed that it sucks tremedrously. Australian students who are interested in Animation should definitely have a look of the animation in Japan, Korea and US, then you'd know why I hate looking at your face while you showing me your work...
Anyway, I was very impressed by the following films that I couldn't believe they were made by students, very very good:
*WARNING: those are the materials that could laugh your arse off.
Narrative Video:
I suppose I had it Coming
(Wriiten and Directed by Declan Mortimer Eipper)
comment: A Sado-Masochism comedy, stuff that made me laugh so hard always win!
Think Big
(Written & Directed by Dan Nicholas)
comment: 2 body-builders competing for a Musclemania crown, ill! but wow! and hahahah~
Narrative Film:
Marco Solo
(Written & Directed by Adrian Bosich)
comment: Italian boy in Australia who have a simple desire and a funny conspiracy behind!
Wonderful evening...
[[audio: Rjd2 - Final Frontier feat. Blueprint]]
Yesterday was a quite relaxing day among the whole week, basically I just socialised with the people in fbi, sneak to the garage and chatting with a cup of English tea on my hand. Working with Sophie, Anna, Lisa and Robin is always a pleasant, now we have two more gorgeous German gals - Lena and Hanna, get crazy with me, my life in fbi is just incredibly amazing. Of coz I did spend 2 hours speedy finishing all the work I supposed to be done today, thank god giving me a pair of turbo hands.
What scared me a bit was that, I have this person who claimed as a member but didn't show up in the database, and I have to do all the follow up and stuff... After a whole day chatting with this person and asking help for Stu and Clare, Christina finally show up and said he is actually the foundation sponsor of this radio station, and I finally realised I been talking to a very very big person that if I upset him would be equaled to killing this adorable radio station. Everyone in the office came and patted my shoulder and said "Fay, you are doing a good job...", but my hands were still sweating and I could hardly speak. I'm so glad that I wasn't bitchy yesterday, which means he received heaps and heaps polite messages from me, he's lucky, I'm lucky, everyone's happy. *phew*
Met up for dinner with Joanne and Lezel in Market City after work, Japanese Ramen was what we have planned to have. Here are the food we had: Me - Gomoku Nabeyaki (mixed hotpot with noodle), Jo - Miso Ramen (noodle with soy bean soupbase), Lez - Yakisoba (stir fry noodle). Food was fantastic there, but I particular fancy that Handmade Japanese Teapot. If I couldn't find it outside within a week, I will go back to that restaurant and steal it for sure!! >3<)q
We headed to Sydney Uni for the National Student Film and Video Festival after that, there we met Jacinta who organized this whole thing, many respect to her! Lena, Hanna, Shalini and Matt were also there, which I was quite surprised, especially Matt who disappeared one day in Fbi for unknown reason, assumed that he hates me (too bad, he doesn't). Anyway, we had some interesting conversation and some wine, then some more interesting conversation and more alcohol...
Of course I didn't forget the film screenings!! OK, they have 4 catogories in this festival, namely Narrative Video, Animation, Documentary and Narrative Film. They were all mageficient except that stupid animation, I was sooooo disappointed that it sucks tremedrously. Australian students who are interested in Animation should definitely have a look of the animation in Japan, Korea and US, then you'd know why I hate looking at your face while you showing me your work...
Anyway, I was very impressed by the following films that I couldn't believe they were made by students, very very good:
*WARNING: those are the materials that could laugh your arse off.
Narrative Video:
I suppose I had it Coming
(Wriiten and Directed by Declan Mortimer Eipper)
comment: A Sado-Masochism comedy, stuff that made me laugh so hard always win!
Think Big
(Written & Directed by Dan Nicholas)
comment: 2 body-builders competing for a Musclemania crown, ill! but wow! and hahahah~
Narrative Film:
Marco Solo
(Written & Directed by Adrian Bosich)
comment: Italian boy in Australia who have a simple desire and a funny conspiracy behind!
Wonderful evening...
[[audio: Rjd2 - Final Frontier feat. Blueprint]]
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Be proud when you still could be
I guess the biggest thing that I have changed after I came to Australia is my patience, which I have experienced heaps today. Went to university this morning to change my subject, since the bloody student online enrollment can't be bother to serve the uni student one more week, stupid crap! Anyway, I got there at 10:30am and the student office already has a longgggggggg queue that started frustrating me.
Well... I thought it would be kool to see a doctor first, and it may have less people waiting there. Hopped to the medical centre, then I realised I'm just another stupid idiot who got into a longer queue.. Doh! What made me look more stupid was that I trusted the nurse who said "don't worry, it just take you about 45 mins to wait" It was 12:15pm and I got my doctor checking my arse at 2pm... *pffff*
Got back to the student office, and the queue was actually... slightly shorter, took me another hour to wait, which I could spent 15 min to finish it if the online enrollment still available. This is seriously worse than lining up for a ride in wonderland or whatever, fortunately it's all done.
Move to another dumb news.
Yesterday I went to one of my tute talking about culture and technology, there's a guy spent like half hour to praise his ipod. "Oh ipod is such a big kool thing in the world, this new technology is so convenient that everyone should have one"...Dipshit like this should be slapped sooo many times without mercy. ipod is not a new technology, I have got a panasonic mp3 player 5 years ago, and it actually out ipod is just the same thing in a nicer case. (Mind you! I was a Tech nerd! and I know mp3 players have already been out since 1999, that's why ipod doesn't excite me at all...) I don't know why mp3 player came up in Australia so late, those dumbasses who thought it's just invented recently, should go and read some newspaper mann...!
[[audio: Urthboy - Count Bounce feat. TZU]]
I guess the biggest thing that I have changed after I came to Australia is my patience, which I have experienced heaps today. Went to university this morning to change my subject, since the bloody student online enrollment can't be bother to serve the uni student one more week, stupid crap! Anyway, I got there at 10:30am and the student office already has a longgggggggg queue that started frustrating me.
Well... I thought it would be kool to see a doctor first, and it may have less people waiting there. Hopped to the medical centre, then I realised I'm just another stupid idiot who got into a longer queue.. Doh! What made me look more stupid was that I trusted the nurse who said "don't worry, it just take you about 45 mins to wait" It was 12:15pm and I got my doctor checking my arse at 2pm... *pffff*
Got back to the student office, and the queue was actually... slightly shorter, took me another hour to wait, which I could spent 15 min to finish it if the online enrollment still available. This is seriously worse than lining up for a ride in wonderland or whatever, fortunately it's all done.
Move to another dumb news.
Yesterday I went to one of my tute talking about culture and technology, there's a guy spent like half hour to praise his ipod. "Oh ipod is such a big kool thing in the world, this new technology is so convenient that everyone should have one"...Dipshit like this should be slapped sooo many times without mercy. ipod is not a new technology, I have got a panasonic mp3 player 5 years ago, and it actually out ipod is just the same thing in a nicer case. (Mind you! I was a Tech nerd! and I know mp3 players have already been out since 1999, that's why ipod doesn't excite me at all...) I don't know why mp3 player came up in Australia so late, those dumbasses who thought it's just invented recently, should go and read some newspaper mann...!
[[audio: Urthboy - Count Bounce feat. TZU]]
Monday, August 09, 2004
I hate buying books!
How stupid is that a 120 pages text book cost you AU$50? and you can't sell it out coz they have a new edition out every year by changing tiny little things like few more fancy pictures, stylish fonts design, and add few more bullshits in the latest version... So the new student thinks it's better to buy a new one, on the other hand, poor students like me would not be able to sell my book out for some cash. If this is how a publisher want me to pay more, it'll be my honour to do something illegal against it. I took half hour for a speedy illegal photocopying, which cost me 10 bucks for the whole book, how amazing! I save 40bucks, which I can spend it on something else... Copyright? who cares about this sorta ethic issue if they don't care about my situation!?Now who's ripping who's off? *poof*
Went to a Mexican restaurant for Shai's belated birthday dinner last nite. They have an offer that each of us just need to pay 20 bucks with unlimited supplies of Tacos and Fajitas, which was orsum! I'm not a Taco fan, since it always makes me look damn messy, therefore my main target was Fajitas!!! We also drank heaps and heaps Sangrita, so you can imagine everyone was bloody drunk there, and we started mucking around in the restaurant, playing with the Mexican hats that suppose to be hanging on the wall. We also caught the Cuba waiter to be our camera model, seemed like he was very happy with his own figure by showing different kinda sexy post...!!
P.S. Mos & Illic ::: Have fun in your trip! xoxo!
P.S.S. White Chicks; Connie & Carla. Here I come!
P.S.S.S. Milla Jovovich!!!! She is the only woman in the world could possibly turn me to a les. Resident Evil: Apocalypse coming soon... *drooling*
[[audio: Aspect - Impact]]
How stupid is that a 120 pages text book cost you AU$50? and you can't sell it out coz they have a new edition out every year by changing tiny little things like few more fancy pictures, stylish fonts design, and add few more bullshits in the latest version... So the new student thinks it's better to buy a new one, on the other hand, poor students like me would not be able to sell my book out for some cash. If this is how a publisher want me to pay more, it'll be my honour to do something illegal against it. I took half hour for a speedy illegal photocopying, which cost me 10 bucks for the whole book, how amazing! I save 40bucks, which I can spend it on something else... Copyright? who cares about this sorta ethic issue if they don't care about my situation!?Now who's ripping who's off? *poof*
Went to a Mexican restaurant for Shai's belated birthday dinner last nite. They have an offer that each of us just need to pay 20 bucks with unlimited supplies of Tacos and Fajitas, which was orsum! I'm not a Taco fan, since it always makes me look damn messy, therefore my main target was Fajitas!!! We also drank heaps and heaps Sangrita, so you can imagine everyone was bloody drunk there, and we started mucking around in the restaurant, playing with the Mexican hats that suppose to be hanging on the wall. We also caught the Cuba waiter to be our camera model, seemed like he was very happy with his own figure by showing different kinda sexy post...!!
P.S. Mos & Illic ::: Have fun in your trip! xoxo!
P.S.S. White Chicks; Connie & Carla. Here I come!
P.S.S.S. Milla Jovovich!!!! She is the only woman in the world could possibly turn me to a les. Resident Evil: Apocalypse coming soon... *drooling*
[[audio: Aspect - Impact]]
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
All the stars are gone into your eyes...
This one month holiday has finally finished, and it's been entirely utilized by my beloved fbi, friends' farewell, birthday, reunion and my birthday. Good fun and wonderful memories... Next thing to do? of coz uni, but this is gonna be the the last semester of my degree, if I can pass them all... And the next next thing to do? ahemm... join the jelly bean eating world championship?
I screwed up a computer again, and it's Wance notebook... Shit me! I tried to get her a new HDD, but it's all at least 40GB, which I expected to get her something under 10GB only. (I'm actually very generous, mind you, her old HDD is just 6 GB.) I hate using notebook, it's so easy to fuck up, swear to god, I have done nothing and it just gone like suicide. When it need to be fixed, the cost of it is like trying to suck the blood out of me. Fuck notebook!!!!! No computer at home, no joy... any Acer 10GB HDD for sell? :(
Last Sunday Paul invited me to see Krafty Kutz in Metro, I haven't see him like ages. It's very sweet of him took me there for free, but we did something terrible that would make all the Breaks lovers curse us to death. Krafy Kutz is a very famous UK Breaks group, ticket $40 and ALL SOLD OUT. Well, apparently there's a background jazz band "Straight Back Fellows" playing in the Transit lounge, and we just sat there for the whole night, did not even put a single step into the main room for Krafty Kutz... heh heh... bite us! It was a good nite anyway.
Today when I was on my way to the radio station after uni, there's a black guy came up and ask if I have any ciggies. When he tried to walk close to me, a big lady shouted out from his back, "He is a motherfucker!" and he ran away. *phew* It was so close that I could show off my kung fu, and kick some arses... yeeeeehaaaaaaaaa!
A good friend is in the hospital now, I so wish I could visit him, unfortunately he's in Japan. hope he'll be fine, get well soon Pez.
[[audio: The Get up Kids - New Found Mass]]
This one month holiday has finally finished, and it's been entirely utilized by my beloved fbi, friends' farewell, birthday, reunion and my birthday. Good fun and wonderful memories... Next thing to do? of coz uni, but this is gonna be the the last semester of my degree, if I can pass them all... And the next next thing to do? ahemm... join the jelly bean eating world championship?
I screwed up a computer again, and it's Wance notebook... Shit me! I tried to get her a new HDD, but it's all at least 40GB, which I expected to get her something under 10GB only. (I'm actually very generous, mind you, her old HDD is just 6 GB.) I hate using notebook, it's so easy to fuck up, swear to god, I have done nothing and it just gone like suicide. When it need to be fixed, the cost of it is like trying to suck the blood out of me. Fuck notebook!!!!! No computer at home, no joy... any Acer 10GB HDD for sell? :(
Last Sunday Paul invited me to see Krafty Kutz in Metro, I haven't see him like ages. It's very sweet of him took me there for free, but we did something terrible that would make all the Breaks lovers curse us to death. Krafy Kutz is a very famous UK Breaks group, ticket $40 and ALL SOLD OUT. Well, apparently there's a background jazz band "Straight Back Fellows" playing in the Transit lounge, and we just sat there for the whole night, did not even put a single step into the main room for Krafty Kutz... heh heh... bite us! It was a good nite anyway.
Today when I was on my way to the radio station after uni, there's a black guy came up and ask if I have any ciggies. When he tried to walk close to me, a big lady shouted out from his back, "He is a motherfucker!" and he ran away. *phew* It was so close that I could show off my kung fu, and kick some arses... yeeeeehaaaaaaaaa!
A good friend is in the hospital now, I so wish I could visit him, unfortunately he's in Japan. hope he'll be fine, get well soon Pez.
[[audio: The Get up Kids - New Found Mass]]