Monday, August 30, 2004
Friday's confession: I spanked the squirrel's arse in the prom...
Pop frenzy's prom was a fun party, seeing everyone dressed up like 80s 'Grease' teen was really amusing. Unfortunately, I didn't dress up glam at all, since I straight up here from uni and fbi, wouldn't give a shit about what I wear, once people get drunk, everyone looks the same.
It's very kool that they have mirrors outside the ball room with red lipstick for the gals to write their flirty messages, also lockers with porn gal poster which was obviously for boys leaving their nasty words. what else? Pashing chair, drag queen, nerds and dancing squirrel...
Yup, I spanked that squirrel's arse really hard, and it was a very nice butt. Then I just pretended talking with my friends, who thought I was murmuring. I subtly looked back, noticed that he was rubbing his sore butt (His squirrel face is still happy tho) and kept turning around tried to find out who did it. My plan was incredibly successful, I harassed a squirrel. muhahaha... (LESSON FOR YOU: NEVER DRESS UP A SQUIRREL, RABBIT OR WHATEVER TO PARTY, YOU WOULD DEFINITELY ENCOUNTER HARRASSMENT)
by the way,
Re-enter the house of pain
Saturday is another crazy day to me. I did another one, can give you a hint where did I pierced... "No one understand me after I did it." Jamie went there with me this time, and we were so nervous. Wasn't painful indeed, but it's funny that Jamie was holding my hand so tight as if he's the one who doing this. And I can't believe now he wanna get one too! I'm such a bad influence...
Don't worry, I won't do any pierce for now. To be frankly, challenging 2 piercing experiences in 4 days was pretty intense. Hmm... how about a tattoo? ;p
Computer is back! Dare or trust?
Sunday I have Jamie visited with my fixed computer, millions thanks for him! After I screwed up so many computers, I really think technologies should never be trusted. I was over depending my computer to store my documents, my work and my memories. Once it got retarded, nothing is safe.
Think about Australia in 80's, a brilliant man killed the whole stock market by using his axe, chopped off the fibre wires under the ground of Martin Place. It took a week to recover all the system of the stock market, and the entire economy of Aus could barely sustained. Who need planes crashing to towers to kill a country?
Capitalists highly persuade society to depend on technologies. Convenience, fast, easy... so many benefits indeed, and I do also enjoy it. But every time when the power is out, the computer is fucked, the internet is not working. We'll blame all the things to technologies, whereas we still use it heavily, and put our trust on it again. Things just circulate like this.
I miss my manual camera.
P.S. Happy Birthday to Derek! Wish you got what you want! good luck to your studio & your music!
P.S. So long to Dan B. & Shai, have a nice trip in Europe. Miss you both! xoxo
[[audio: Chara - Time Machine]]
Pop frenzy's prom was a fun party, seeing everyone dressed up like 80s 'Grease' teen was really amusing. Unfortunately, I didn't dress up glam at all, since I straight up here from uni and fbi, wouldn't give a shit about what I wear, once people get drunk, everyone looks the same.
It's very kool that they have mirrors outside the ball room with red lipstick for the gals to write their flirty messages, also lockers with porn gal poster which was obviously for boys leaving their nasty words. what else? Pashing chair, drag queen, nerds and dancing squirrel...
Yup, I spanked that squirrel's arse really hard, and it was a very nice butt. Then I just pretended talking with my friends, who thought I was murmuring. I subtly looked back, noticed that he was rubbing his sore butt (His squirrel face is still happy tho) and kept turning around tried to find out who did it. My plan was incredibly successful, I harassed a squirrel. muhahaha... (LESSON FOR YOU: NEVER DRESS UP A SQUIRREL, RABBIT OR WHATEVER TO PARTY, YOU WOULD DEFINITELY ENCOUNTER HARRASSMENT)
by the way,

Re-enter the house of pain
Saturday is another crazy day to me. I did another one, can give you a hint where did I pierced... "No one understand me after I did it." Jamie went there with me this time, and we were so nervous. Wasn't painful indeed, but it's funny that Jamie was holding my hand so tight as if he's the one who doing this. And I can't believe now he wanna get one too! I'm such a bad influence...
Don't worry, I won't do any pierce for now. To be frankly, challenging 2 piercing experiences in 4 days was pretty intense. Hmm... how about a tattoo? ;p
Computer is back! Dare or trust?
Sunday I have Jamie visited with my fixed computer, millions thanks for him! After I screwed up so many computers, I really think technologies should never be trusted. I was over depending my computer to store my documents, my work and my memories. Once it got retarded, nothing is safe.
Think about Australia in 80's, a brilliant man killed the whole stock market by using his axe, chopped off the fibre wires under the ground of Martin Place. It took a week to recover all the system of the stock market, and the entire economy of Aus could barely sustained. Who need planes crashing to towers to kill a country?
Capitalists highly persuade society to depend on technologies. Convenience, fast, easy... so many benefits indeed, and I do also enjoy it. But every time when the power is out, the computer is fucked, the internet is not working. We'll blame all the things to technologies, whereas we still use it heavily, and put our trust on it again. Things just circulate like this.
I miss my manual camera.
P.S. Happy Birthday to Derek! Wish you got what you want! good luck to your studio & your music!
P.S. So long to Dan B. & Shai, have a nice trip in Europe. Miss you both! xoxo
[[audio: Chara - Time Machine]]