Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Big ups to Shortie, the spanish sexy PunkGoth gal is getting hotter and hotter now!
Glay power to you shortie chan, danjyoubi omedetou! *hug and kiss*
Go and dye your hair to "HIDE Pink" again! I love it! KAKOII NE!!! DOKU ROKU!

Today is only for chill out, I'm happy that I did nothing, got up at 12:30pm.
Put on Ugly Duckling's latest CD "the leftovers", hell good.
This band is really something, heaps better than all those stupid meanstream stuff.
Had a nice shower, a nice brunch, holiday is sweeet...!
By the way, what did Jesus do today?
FRIDAY 2ND JULY @ Chinese Laundry, Sussex Street from 11pm
SALT SHAKER - FBi LIVE BROADCAST & FREE MEMBERS PARTY - two rooms of house & breaks with Declan Lee, Andy Burge, Julian Jason & Salt Shaker resident Frenzie (Broadcast from Midnight)
FBi MEMBERS: Free entry all night (Standard $10)
UNTIL 3RD JULY @ Darlinghurst Theatre, 7pm & 9pm
[TWO PLAYS EACH NIGHT] THE FLATS by Georgia Keighery peers through the cracks of an inner-city apartment block, inhaling the darkly magnetic atmosphere surrounding its eight inhabitants. VAMPIRELLA by Angela Carter is a play about a British bicyclist, a vampiress hungry for love, a carnivorous housekeeper and a castle full of ghosts.
FBi MEMBERS: $21 per play (Standard $27). Call 8356 9987.
UNTIL 17th JULY @ The Stables Theatre, Kings Cross
[TWO ONE-MAN SHOWS EACH NIGHT] CHOCOLATE MONKEY @ 8pm Written & performed by John-Paul Hussey. After seasons in Melbourne and at the Dublin Fringe Festival, John-Paul Hussey tells the highs and lows of his life over the last four years. From his days working for Melbourne rail, his Saturn Return, and the power of a pair of oddly prophetic Kinder Surprises, Hussey uses his story-telling skills to prove that truth really is stranger than fiction. FBi MEMBERS: $22 (Standard $29). HOMAGE @ 9:30pm A journey of self discovery beginning with a man in a 8ft penis suit, and ending with the knowledge that Buddhists really do have better sex. From its success at Newtown’s Short & Sweet Play Festival, Homage aims to give you a new appreciation for the porn industry, electricians, and spiritual awareness. FBi MEMBERS: $16 (Standard $23). Call 9250 7799
[[audio: Ugly Duckling - a little samba (the forbidden mix)]]
Monday, June 28, 2004
I'm about to get into a dormancy right now, delibitated and abit unconscious. A tiny little move can cause me tons of pain and sore everywhere, anything seems too much for me, except sleeping, some comedies or a nice massage would do me better. hmmm... so relieve, it's all done.
I'm happy to hear some good feedback from the people who read my poem and the prose, tho I know it's still not good enough. Next semester will do more writing in different genre, hopefully will have some sweet stuff out. Time to grap something for inspiration, maybe I should start helping my friend write some lyric.
"Fresh and blood perish in time, spirit and soul transcend the time of life. How long can freedom and love last? For the moment I bleed, there's only you and me..."
Ouch, I think too much, I finish it later... *passed out*
Irma - Take care and have fun in Malaysia.
Dawn - All the best to your new restaurant, I'm coming for sure.
Gaelic Club Event:
Little Birdy [10Jul]
2004 DMC Technics World Championships NSW Finals [15Jul]
Horden Pavilion Event:
Jurassic 5 [24Jul]
Dun miss out!
[[audio: Lamb - This could be Heaven]]
Sunday, June 27, 2004
Saturday should never go to see a doctor, it's a very very wrong decision.
got there at 1pm, they asked me come back 2 hours later, went to uni library.
3pm, they said there're 10 patients in front of me, come back 1 hours later, library.
ok 4pm, 9 patients still waiting, 1 hour for 1 patient? arghh!! nuts... library again.
Finally it's my turn at 530pm, been walked to uni and clinic 4 times, good work out tho.
Went up to Irma's at 6pm, she's going back to Malaysia on this coming Tuesday,
so I took her out to see Ugly Duckling and do whatever she wanna do.
First stop: Italian Restaurant.
We parked in the Rocks and have Mexicana Pizza in the Italian Restaurant,
food and service are always fantastic there, and we talked alot about soccer.
By the way, this afternoon I saw the great match that we talked about in SBS,
Real Maddrid Vs Real Zaragoza, surprisingly Zaragoza won, it was amazing!
(Carlos is so KOOL and thumbs up to David Villa! but that Guti dude sucks.)
Second stop: Vivaz. Irma special request.
Irma got hooked with Salsa and I took a picture when she got dip as she wished.
Pat mucked around as usual, since he can't get me, Irma became the victim.
Good to see Mos too, but I got jealous when he told me he finished uni. :p
Usually it's me the first one who finish uni, but WHY??? anyway, happy for him.
All done, we had one drink then headed to another destination.
Next stop: Gaelic Club. UGLY DUCKLING!!! YEEHAHHHH!
I've been waiting for this gig ages ago, I'm glad Irma wanna come with me.
The show was damn ORSUM! Pigeon John heat up the crowd spectacularly, but he's a psycho.
Everyone got crazy when UD came up with their wicked performance...splendid!!
Far out! Andy looks 95% like Jack Black mann... Dizzy & yooung Einstein are so cute.
Funny seeing Andy imitated Justin Timberlake, and hey! love his pick up line!
It was very good, I also got Dizzy signed my UD album!! Yahooo!
Unfortunately, didn't see Nick and Levins, it was so damn pack...
Extra stop: Meagan's party. Saw Dan(illic), Levins & Shantan outside da venue.
Dan was over excited when he hugged me and jump around, hurt my jaw, lol.
Then he told me Meagan was having a bday party in Gaelic Club bar.
Irma and I were so tired after jumpping up and down in the show,
so we just dropped by abit. Saw heaps FBi fellows... and even my ex-tutor!!!
Stupid Nick, didn't show up at all. *poof*
Last stop: The Pancakes. Humm... Craving for food again...
Requested by Irma, I took her to the Pancake that she never been before.
She had Savory Mexicana pancake, and I had Seafood Crepes, Yummm...
Satisfied, we drove home with a content smile. back to study for exam...
P.S. AHHH!!!! I wanna get rid of this Monday as soon as possible!!!!!
P.P.S. To all my friends who's sick - get well soon.
[[audio: Ugly Duckling - Celebrities]]
Friday, June 25, 2004
Today I worked my arse off again, and the stupid printer gave me attitude... again! baka! Fortunately, I have an enthuasitic vol came up and help me to fix it up, with his help, things finished up with putting half effort, how sweet...! Friday vols are so adorable!
I had a very great day at work indeed, people are all quite close to me now. They all came up and chatted with me before heading off. To indicate my appreciation, I shared my favourite black and white m&m with them. These new m&m are so shibby! they seems more crispy than the normal one, and I love the color! Don't give them back the stupid color!
Funny thing today would be calling up a dude to sign up his membership form.
He is totally a stoner, half of the conversation that he made were all non-sense crap, and part of the time he was murmuring as well, but he also occasionally threw out jokes to cheer me up, like "Oh you have to wait me to get my student card, I got locked out from my room..." and "Can you play the choo choo ... murmur murmur... *pause* yea, I really love this song..." Mann... this dude is soooo funny, power to him!
Saw Jackson in Chatswood, surprisingly he told me he hasn't seen Harry Porter yet, he been waiting to see it with me, such a good bro, REZPACKT! Oh shit, I need to see Shrek 2 as well, PUSS IN BOOTZ!! love the cat. Talking about Shrek, they merch sucks! the shrek doll in Target looks disgusting. then the stupid "Jelly belly" Shrek toy in Greater Union is so crappy, Irma said there's a bug inside his belly.... right. The best Merch would be the PS2 game, my favourite game that next to Simpson. *HOMER RULES!*
[[audio: GLAY - Fatsound]]
I just got a mail today talking about this funny watermelon...

Actually I have seen a kinky watermelon in Japan before,
those are cube-sized watermelons, very expensive tho.
And this big-fat-thick skin watermelon is something worse,
imagine that you bought it back and ready to make watermelon juice,
and you cut it in half and see this stupid shit, you'll probably gone insane.
heh heh.... hilarious.
[[audio: Koolism - Koolism]]
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Walking to uni with Irma, and saw a gigantic duck shit next to a small duckie, so amusing
Irma was pissed off coz her student card ain’t working on the recharge machine, so amused me
Today was the first time I realised that photocopy machines in uni can do double size copy, and watching the paper came out and drew back in is the most amusing thing for today
Irma was annoyed by my silly joyfulness, which amused me too... heh heh.
We headed to see “Dawn of the dead” after messing around in the library.
It’s a pure zombie action film, which is orsum, since I’m sick of those film wasting half of the time to talk about how zombie come out and still haven’t seen one stupid zombie show up yet. This film totally let the beginning and the ending open so it can cut off heaps bullshit and keep it kool, which works. Zombies in this film are resembled those in Resident Evil, which is so much better than the pussy zombies in 28 days later that starve to dead at last. The most amusing scene is the zombie shooting competition, and apparently they target Jay Leno to shoot, which is so funny. The most stupid thing in this film is that retarded girl puts too much sentimentality, and it pisses me off that she didn’t die. Well, it’s still worth to watch, seeing Jay Leno got shot is seriously funny, I laughed so hard, but I think if they change Leno to Bush, this film would definitely won an oscar.
Give it up to the wicked zombie group! *applaud*

Did some shopping in woolies, I met a rude and shameless cashier there, what a lazy old bit*h! (Apparently she is around 50-60) she commanded me to put the stuff out from the tray, I didn’t mind her rude tone since I have a good mood. I was holding other shopping bags, so I tried to put down on the floor first. All in the sudden, she THREW all the stuff from the tray on the cashier table (basically she upside down the tray), which is f**king loud and rolled everywhere. I was shocked, and she gimme a face explicitly implies “bite me”. I told her “I was about to take them out after I put down my bags coz I have no hands”, then she showed me a friendly face and said “well me too, so I help you threw them out.” I mean… what da fuck? Now who’s the customer here? She gave me a hand and went “that’s 19.78 luv~” I took out a 20 dollars note and smacked it on the table, and I stood there wait her to gimme back that 20 cents, I took it and gave her a “shame on you” eye then walked away. Those people behind all moved to another lane. Don’t let see this bitch again, else I will give her a 3 point kick right away! HAI YAHHHH!!!
By the way…
If you like photography and art, you so have to check out NOISE, they have heaps excellent work by bunch of enthusiastic young artist. REZPACKT!
[[audio: Scribe – Not Many]]
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Today I worked my ass off.
Printing membership card letter sounds like an easy thing to do, but I was wrong…there are so many annoying things in the process that can screw you up sensationally, I’ve to finish 140 letters in one day, usually people do 20 letters, imagine that. You would even pity me if you know how many times the printer been grumbled at me by jamming the paper and smirking behind my back… argghhh damn you!
HEYYY big ups to Meagan!! we surprised her while she was on air, it was fun! We had turkish breads with cheeses and dips as well as champagne to celebrate. Then I get my ass back to work, but it’s a cheerful break. Hmm… talking about aliens with workmates was entertaining too. :)
Went to uni to prepare exam materials, why performance studies has so many things to do? Not happy, 2 essays, a presentation, practical assessment, and a stupid exam. It’s just a 200level, my postmodern is 300level, and all I have to do is a presentation and a 3000words essay, @#$%&*#…
I really wanna drop the rest of the advance performance shitty course for next semester, I rather graduate later, pfff!
REELIFE – short film festival
If you are under 25 years old and have a crazy idea to make a film, don’t miss this chance.
Submit you clip before 13th Aug, for details: http://www.vibewire.net/reelife.
Films will be launched on 26th Sep at Valhalla Cinema, Glebe.
Don’t miss it!

[[audio: Beastie Boy – Ch-Check it out]]
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
i killed all the essay last week,
it cost me an incalculable amount of cells life in my body,
exhausted and sick, very sick, sick enough to keep me awake all night long.
it cost me all the precious chances to see my friends,
damn, one of them is a farewell, cant believe i refused to go.
exam, one more week... then i will be all done.
but im not happy, coz friends are going away...
afterall im not that strong and independent.
useless schizoid lion.
more farewells are coming, hate it.
by the way, i miss you all.
what did you do today?
[[audio: Kelis - Trick Me]]
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Last Friday I finally did the group performance – the final ending of Mother Courage. Although I almost screwed up the last scene, the audiences seem really impressed by our compelling performances and all the effects that we came up in a few days. I wasn’t happy for my imperfect performance at first, changing from a soldier to Mother Courage is the hardest part indeed, it was entirely dark in the backstage, and my dress was somehow flipped inside out that waste me heaps time to put it on. You can imagine how tense everyone was in the backstage, this unexpected delay totally dragged me up to the nerves. Other mistakes like missing 2 lines in the song, forgot to unlock the scaffold, and dropped the money on the floor accidentally, were pretty upset me.
However once I walked out the theatre, friends and strangers started coming up to me and told me how awesome the performance was. Let me quote the first person who talked to me, she said “oh my god, you guys are f**king awesome!” with her two thumbs up. Yet I wasn’t happy for the stupid faults I made, I went out and told Irma about that, and Pete suddenly came up and acclaimed our performance was amazingly solid, which made me realise it wasn’t so bad after all. More people told me that they were surprised by the “blood effect” that we used on the gunshot, dramatic background music that we chose couple nights ago, and the lighting effect that we never had a chance to try in the rehearsal at all.
My emotion was rekindled by the audiences’ supports, and how successful we been through the harsh chaotic rehearsal time, to be honest, our group has the least time for the practice because of our tutor’s lazy manner. All the people in my group were very discontent of her dumb behaviour that led to the insufficient time for rehearsal, but this also proves that we can do something impressive without her useless tutorial and sucking up her ass.
I am literally pissed off by the disorganised manner of my tutor and her snobby attitude that she frequently needs her students to kiss her kinky arse. Other classes have been started this performance project since the beginning of this semester, and our class started in two weeks ago. What’s more? This b*tch had never ever seen my group’s practice until the day before the performance, and she just got time to see it once, hile other groups have already been seen by her a week ago. The funniest thing is how she tried to outstand her so-called theatrical cognition, she said we should use actual props like a real axe to chop some real wood else it’s a joke to the audience, how ridiculous is that? So does it mean that we should have a real gun to shot Dawn? Make a real cart? Throw Dawn a real stone? Ever heard about symbolisation before? stupid slacker...
Anyway, I really enjoy working with my group, these girls are seriously kick butt, I certainly miss these days we been together. Thanks Irma and Brittany for sparing out the apartment for rehearsal, thanks whoever brought the food, thanks Dawn for the props, thanks Christine for the lift… though I got freaked out while she got hit by another car! Last but not least, thanks for the dog who sang “Hot Stuff” to entertain me. We have promised to come out for celebration after all the assignments, which is gonna fun!
Back to last week, I can’t remember which day, but there was a note informed me to claim an unknown parcel. It was pretty odd, as there’s only one person would send me parcel, who is my mum, and she always let me know before she send stuff to me… and it’s not my birthday yet… Anyhow, I went to claim the parcel, and it’s from my dear friend Mami! (I met her in the surfing course at Manly last summer, she’s very elegant but also a very energetic cheerleader in Japan!!) I was so excited to see such a big parcel, and there’s a “Chasen” – a bamboo brush that Japanese use to make traditional green tea in their tea ceremony. What a lovely present, arigatou gozaimasu! OK, I can have a tea ceremony in my place, anyone wanna join for some nice green tea?
Yesterday, I went to supermarket for some food, and when I was picking some peas, I heard the lady talking to her daughter about people behaviour. Apparently, she said people who have good manner are because they have higher level of education, which I think she’s terribly misleading her innocent daughter. Excuse me madam, there’s so many jackasses out there who got a degree or even graduated as a master, and many criminals has higher education level than those dump cops. I found that such a misleading theory always preached by the patriarch, and they are the real jerks who judge people by their educational level, and believe that it is in proportion to their deportment. If you still too dump to get my point, allow me to tell you loud and clear here – WRONG! Deportment is nothing related to educational level, but it’s mainly influenced by one’s parent. Yes, you, and you are screwing up your daughter’s brain, boner! I really hate people who know nothing about respect, what a disgrace.
Argggh… My skin problem is getting worse due to the dry cold weather, though it happens every time when the season change. The allergy usually lasts for about week or two, but this time it’s been irritating me for more than 3 weeks. My mum said the reason of that is because of the stress and lack of sleeping. I also notice another problem of my health, it’s indicated by my nails. There are some tiny pits and white spots on my crappy nails that I never had before, Christine told me I’m in lack of Vitamin B, so I ran to Chemist yesterday and bought a big bottle of Vitamin B pills, hopefully it would improve my nails… arghhh, and I constantly space out, what's wrong with me? My head is blocked, how frustrated!! *shriek*
Well, I am going to stop posting diary for awhile, since I have to concentrate on my essays and an examination. I will be back in mid-June, so stay tuned! I still check my emails, but probably will reply you after my semester if it’s not urgent, so take care koolism, ciao!
[[audio: Tom Jones – You can leave your hat on]]