Thursday, June 24, 2004
Popcorn meets Zombie
Walking to uni with Irma, and saw a gigantic duck shit next to a small duckie, so amusing
Irma was pissed off coz her student card ain’t working on the recharge machine, so amused me
Today was the first time I realised that photocopy machines in uni can do double size copy, and watching the paper came out and drew back in is the most amusing thing for today
Irma was annoyed by my silly joyfulness, which amused me too... heh heh.
We headed to see “Dawn of the dead” after messing around in the library.
It’s a pure zombie action film, which is orsum, since I’m sick of those film wasting half of the time to talk about how zombie come out and still haven’t seen one stupid zombie show up yet. This film totally let the beginning and the ending open so it can cut off heaps bullshit and keep it kool, which works. Zombies in this film are resembled those in Resident Evil, which is so much better than the pussy zombies in 28 days later that starve to dead at last. The most amusing scene is the zombie shooting competition, and apparently they target Jay Leno to shoot, which is so funny. The most stupid thing in this film is that retarded girl puts too much sentimentality, and it pisses me off that she didn’t die. Well, it’s still worth to watch, seeing Jay Leno got shot is seriously funny, I laughed so hard, but I think if they change Leno to Bush, this film would definitely won an oscar.
Give it up to the wicked zombie group! *applaud*
Did some shopping in woolies, I met a rude and shameless cashier there, what a lazy old bit*h! (Apparently she is around 50-60) she commanded me to put the stuff out from the tray, I didn’t mind her rude tone since I have a good mood. I was holding other shopping bags, so I tried to put down on the floor first. All in the sudden, she THREW all the stuff from the tray on the cashier table (basically she upside down the tray), which is f**king loud and rolled everywhere. I was shocked, and she gimme a face explicitly implies “bite me”. I told her “I was about to take them out after I put down my bags coz I have no hands”, then she showed me a friendly face and said “well me too, so I help you threw them out.” I mean… what da fuck? Now who’s the customer here? She gave me a hand and went “that’s 19.78 luv~” I took out a 20 dollars note and smacked it on the table, and I stood there wait her to gimme back that 20 cents, I took it and gave her a “shame on you” eye then walked away. Those people behind all moved to another lane. Don’t let see this bitch again, else I will give her a 3 point kick right away! HAI YAHHHH!!!
By the way…
If you like photography and art, you so have to check out NOISE, they have heaps excellent work by bunch of enthusiastic young artist. REZPACKT!
[[audio: Scribe – Not Many]]
Walking to uni with Irma, and saw a gigantic duck shit next to a small duckie, so amusing
Irma was pissed off coz her student card ain’t working on the recharge machine, so amused me
Today was the first time I realised that photocopy machines in uni can do double size copy, and watching the paper came out and drew back in is the most amusing thing for today
Irma was annoyed by my silly joyfulness, which amused me too... heh heh.
We headed to see “Dawn of the dead” after messing around in the library.
It’s a pure zombie action film, which is orsum, since I’m sick of those film wasting half of the time to talk about how zombie come out and still haven’t seen one stupid zombie show up yet. This film totally let the beginning and the ending open so it can cut off heaps bullshit and keep it kool, which works. Zombies in this film are resembled those in Resident Evil, which is so much better than the pussy zombies in 28 days later that starve to dead at last. The most amusing scene is the zombie shooting competition, and apparently they target Jay Leno to shoot, which is so funny. The most stupid thing in this film is that retarded girl puts too much sentimentality, and it pisses me off that she didn’t die. Well, it’s still worth to watch, seeing Jay Leno got shot is seriously funny, I laughed so hard, but I think if they change Leno to Bush, this film would definitely won an oscar.
Give it up to the wicked zombie group! *applaud*

Did some shopping in woolies, I met a rude and shameless cashier there, what a lazy old bit*h! (Apparently she is around 50-60) she commanded me to put the stuff out from the tray, I didn’t mind her rude tone since I have a good mood. I was holding other shopping bags, so I tried to put down on the floor first. All in the sudden, she THREW all the stuff from the tray on the cashier table (basically she upside down the tray), which is f**king loud and rolled everywhere. I was shocked, and she gimme a face explicitly implies “bite me”. I told her “I was about to take them out after I put down my bags coz I have no hands”, then she showed me a friendly face and said “well me too, so I help you threw them out.” I mean… what da fuck? Now who’s the customer here? She gave me a hand and went “that’s 19.78 luv~” I took out a 20 dollars note and smacked it on the table, and I stood there wait her to gimme back that 20 cents, I took it and gave her a “shame on you” eye then walked away. Those people behind all moved to another lane. Don’t let see this bitch again, else I will give her a 3 point kick right away! HAI YAHHHH!!!
By the way…
If you like photography and art, you so have to check out NOISE, they have heaps excellent work by bunch of enthusiastic young artist. REZPACKT!
[[audio: Scribe – Not Many]]