Thursday, May 25, 2006
I Am Coming Back Finland
I've been suffered from some irritating calls by an Indian diamond company, they kept asking me to do audio typing for them in a very low salary. Well, it wasn't that low, but compare with the one they offer at first, is relatively too low!
You may wonder why I'm working there instead of flying, coz as a flight attendant, I'm allowed to do ad hoc/ temporary work! Plus my agency can help me grab heaps job, which includes the exhibition promoter I previously work and this high pay stupid work.
I mean, why the hell people need an audio typer? when they can tell you what to write, can't they just write/type it by themselves? I think this is kind of like showing off how rich they are to pay someone to write/type for them!!! To be honest, I don't really mind doing this job since they pay very well, but I really hate the boss's attitude. He always call me to work randomly (he asked me to work on saturday nite and sunday before too), and he also constantly need me to be there immediately, but the thing is, everytime when I got there, they just want me to wait for like 2 hours before doing something!
I spent like 60% of my time waiting there. I thought it would be good since I got pay anyway, but ya know, you just feel so meaningless just to sit there and do nothing. Why did he ask me to be there immediately at the first place then? I mean, it just make me feel that they don't respect people's time, and they think money can buy people's time.
Not really. Because I quited.
But then, they called my phone and ask me to work again! This time is more ridiculous, they want me to work for them personally in a low salary, but in cash. I mean why I wanna work for you while you are cutting my salary and I think you stink?
So I call the agency to deal with those bastards, they can kiss my arse. Problem solved.
I'm flying very soon this morning, everything is ready, except me~ *nervous*
P.S. Happy birthday Shane my Biggie the pimp, you sexy mature man~ ha! have a good craic! xo
[[audio: Human Television - Saw You Walking By]]
I've been suffered from some irritating calls by an Indian diamond company, they kept asking me to do audio typing for them in a very low salary. Well, it wasn't that low, but compare with the one they offer at first, is relatively too low!
You may wonder why I'm working there instead of flying, coz as a flight attendant, I'm allowed to do ad hoc/ temporary work! Plus my agency can help me grab heaps job, which includes the exhibition promoter I previously work and this high pay stupid work.
I mean, why the hell people need an audio typer? when they can tell you what to write, can't they just write/type it by themselves? I think this is kind of like showing off how rich they are to pay someone to write/type for them!!! To be honest, I don't really mind doing this job since they pay very well, but I really hate the boss's attitude. He always call me to work randomly (he asked me to work on saturday nite and sunday before too), and he also constantly need me to be there immediately, but the thing is, everytime when I got there, they just want me to wait for like 2 hours before doing something!
I spent like 60% of my time waiting there. I thought it would be good since I got pay anyway, but ya know, you just feel so meaningless just to sit there and do nothing. Why did he ask me to be there immediately at the first place then? I mean, it just make me feel that they don't respect people's time, and they think money can buy people's time.
Not really. Because I quited.
But then, they called my phone and ask me to work again! This time is more ridiculous, they want me to work for them personally in a low salary, but in cash. I mean why I wanna work for you while you are cutting my salary and I think you stink?
So I call the agency to deal with those bastards, they can kiss my arse. Problem solved.
I'm flying very soon this morning, everything is ready, except me~ *nervous*
P.S. Happy birthday Shane my Biggie the pimp, you sexy mature man~ ha! have a good craic! xo
[[audio: Human Television - Saw You Walking By]]
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
We All Have Been Waiting
New Zealand 2nd album Is Finally Done! Gimme a Heyhoo! "HEYHOO!"
In this album, I have uploaded the second part of the Milford Sound (The best part of this place), Queenstown, Glenorchy Paradise, Cardona & Wanaka, Franz Josef Glacier and Okarito. They are all very beautiful places in the Southern Island, and you should definitely not miss it!

Check them out on the side bar, or simply click this link:
I will start working on other photos in New Zealand includes Punakaiki Pancake rocks, Wellington, Taupo, Auckland and more. CRAZY!
[[audio: Sunset Rubdown - Three Colours]]
New Zealand 2nd album Is Finally Done! Gimme a Heyhoo! "HEYHOO!"
In this album, I have uploaded the second part of the Milford Sound (The best part of this place), Queenstown, Glenorchy Paradise, Cardona & Wanaka, Franz Josef Glacier and Okarito. They are all very beautiful places in the Southern Island, and you should definitely not miss it!

Check them out on the side bar, or simply click this link:
I will start working on other photos in New Zealand includes Punakaiki Pancake rocks, Wellington, Taupo, Auckland and more. CRAZY!
[[audio: Sunset Rubdown - Three Colours]]
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I Don't Like People Who Do Cute Or Depress
Guys and girls, seriously, what is your problem? I don't get it, why people have to act what they are not? What is the point?
CUTE: not everyone is cute, but why they have to act like that? This tendency is most likely to happen on female, expecially when they are in front of a good looking male or in a group of friends. All I can think of is, they want to catch attention, they want to be taken care like a cute baby or cute puppy. Look girls, if you need attention, go streaking; if you want to be taken care of, go back to your parent! Cute is just for kids and people who are being sweet deep from their heart. You are not giving sweet, you are giving pain!
DEPRESS: I understand people who need time to get over something bad, and they have all the rights to be depressed. But what I hate is people who like to indulge in their depressive world, they asked you to help while you can tell they just want something else (probably they need some sportlight!) - They didn't make an effort to change or take your help, though they said they had. If you really want to make a change, I'm more than happy to help, but if you just want someone to be your sad film's supporting act, fuck off! You are not emo enough to write a song, so why don't you stop wasting time? People's attention can be attracted in so many ways, perhaps you can get it in a less miserable way?
In short, do something constructive and positive!
[[audio: Kaiser Chief - The Modern Way ]]
Guys and girls, seriously, what is your problem? I don't get it, why people have to act what they are not? What is the point?
CUTE: not everyone is cute, but why they have to act like that? This tendency is most likely to happen on female, expecially when they are in front of a good looking male or in a group of friends. All I can think of is, they want to catch attention, they want to be taken care like a cute baby or cute puppy. Look girls, if you need attention, go streaking; if you want to be taken care of, go back to your parent! Cute is just for kids and people who are being sweet deep from their heart. You are not giving sweet, you are giving pain!
DEPRESS: I understand people who need time to get over something bad, and they have all the rights to be depressed. But what I hate is people who like to indulge in their depressive world, they asked you to help while you can tell they just want something else (probably they need some sportlight!) - They didn't make an effort to change or take your help, though they said they had. If you really want to make a change, I'm more than happy to help, but if you just want someone to be your sad film's supporting act, fuck off! You are not emo enough to write a song, so why don't you stop wasting time? People's attention can be attracted in so many ways, perhaps you can get it in a less miserable way?
In short, do something constructive and positive!
[[audio: Kaiser Chief - The Modern Way ]]
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Behind The Red Dress And High Heels
These few days I've been worked for a Germany Company promoting wine glasses in a very big exhibition show for all the restaurants and bars in Hong Kong, I had a fabulous time but also painful feet!
My boss was expecting me to wear a pair of high heels not less than 2inches, it might be nothing to other girls, but I've never really standing on a pair of high heels for 6 hours without a break! My weight was all supported by my poor toes, they were all like squashed together.
Moreover, I have to be very cautious while walking around the booth, since my working area was right next to a huge expensive wine glasses display. Every step I took, I went to myself "Be careful... Be very careful....!" Other than that, everything was wonderful.
The craziest time would be the couple of days before I start working, as the company wants me to get a red dress. Plain, fire engine red, tight, not loud, high class... etc, those are all the description they gave me. And I can only conclude that they are looking for a bloody Flamingo!
Even though they sponsor me the dress, it is just so difficult to find a specific red dress in Hong Kong in only two days, not even mention RED is absolutely not popular here! But thank god I found one and the only when I was about to give up, this dress issue really drove me mental!
anyway, that's my working clothes:

Great fun! I even got a pile of namecards, didn't expect that at all, I'm just a temporary promoter anyway. You won't believe how many things I could get, someone wanna give me a whole Alaska Salmon, another booth wanna give me a whole chocolate mud cake (4 pounds!). I didn't take any though, don't think it would make me look good in a celebration party that I intended to go.
I believe there's bad people everywhere, there's one man really pissed me off though. I don't know where he's from but would be somewhere tropical since he got dark skin. He's not chinese but speak fluent cantonese, as he told me he has been living in Hong Kong for 20 years. A very arrogant man who claimed he secretly work in some underground gang, he was convincing me to work for him and was being very touchy. I don't like to mess with this kinda over the top asshole, so I just find a chance to sneak off. Fucking hate gangster-wannabe.
[[audio: Shouts Out Loud - Please Please Please]]
These few days I've been worked for a Germany Company promoting wine glasses in a very big exhibition show for all the restaurants and bars in Hong Kong, I had a fabulous time but also painful feet!
My boss was expecting me to wear a pair of high heels not less than 2inches, it might be nothing to other girls, but I've never really standing on a pair of high heels for 6 hours without a break! My weight was all supported by my poor toes, they were all like squashed together.
Moreover, I have to be very cautious while walking around the booth, since my working area was right next to a huge expensive wine glasses display. Every step I took, I went to myself "Be careful... Be very careful....!" Other than that, everything was wonderful.
The craziest time would be the couple of days before I start working, as the company wants me to get a red dress. Plain, fire engine red, tight, not loud, high class... etc, those are all the description they gave me. And I can only conclude that they are looking for a bloody Flamingo!
Even though they sponsor me the dress, it is just so difficult to find a specific red dress in Hong Kong in only two days, not even mention RED is absolutely not popular here! But thank god I found one and the only when I was about to give up, this dress issue really drove me mental!

Great fun! I even got a pile of namecards, didn't expect that at all, I'm just a temporary promoter anyway. You won't believe how many things I could get, someone wanna give me a whole Alaska Salmon, another booth wanna give me a whole chocolate mud cake (4 pounds!). I didn't take any though, don't think it would make me look good in a celebration party that I intended to go.
I believe there's bad people everywhere, there's one man really pissed me off though. I don't know where he's from but would be somewhere tropical since he got dark skin. He's not chinese but speak fluent cantonese, as he told me he has been living in Hong Kong for 20 years. A very arrogant man who claimed he secretly work in some underground gang, he was convincing me to work for him and was being very touchy. I don't like to mess with this kinda over the top asshole, so I just find a chance to sneak off. Fucking hate gangster-wannabe.
[[audio: Shouts Out Loud - Please Please Please]]
Friday, May 05, 2006
People Like To Do What Is Stupid
Today I was very irritated by a couple of things in this time of my life, because I couldn't think it straight about something. There's so many complicated formulas in a human mind, just trying get one that works to solve a stupid problem. That's why we whinge so much, I'm just not as optimistic as you thought. I agree what one says that whinging is what we can count for sure as truth.
The only reason we whinge is probably because we found out errors in the world, in people or in ourselves. Just like the Chinese say, "Ignorance is a bliss." It's so true, wisdom is what we discover the contradictions between our life and the society, what a tease to all the philosophers! Sometimes you just don't know who is the real smart and who is being stupid here.
Anyway, I made some actions to sort my problems out, don't know whether it works or not, but at least I did something.
Then, I read this very nice dialogue from an email, I like it a lot, it cheers me up:
Fish tells the Lake, "You cannot see my tears, because I live in the water." then, the Lake replies, "I can feel your tears, because you live in my heart."
with some Télépopmusik, bad mood's gone.
I Love Electronica.
[[audio: Télépopmusik - Just Breathe]]
Today I was very irritated by a couple of things in this time of my life, because I couldn't think it straight about something. There's so many complicated formulas in a human mind, just trying get one that works to solve a stupid problem. That's why we whinge so much, I'm just not as optimistic as you thought. I agree what one says that whinging is what we can count for sure as truth.
The only reason we whinge is probably because we found out errors in the world, in people or in ourselves. Just like the Chinese say, "Ignorance is a bliss." It's so true, wisdom is what we discover the contradictions between our life and the society, what a tease to all the philosophers! Sometimes you just don't know who is the real smart and who is being stupid here.
Anyway, I made some actions to sort my problems out, don't know whether it works or not, but at least I did something.
Then, I read this very nice dialogue from an email, I like it a lot, it cheers me up:
Fish tells the Lake, "You cannot see my tears, because I live in the water." then, the Lake replies, "I can feel your tears, because you live in my heart."
with some Télépopmusik, bad mood's gone.
I Love Electronica.
[[audio: Télépopmusik - Just Breathe]]