
Sunday, May 14, 2006

I Don't Like People Who Do Cute Or Depress

Guys and girls, seriously, what is your problem? I don't get it, why people have to act what they are not? What is the point?

CUTE: not everyone is cute, but why they have to act like that? This tendency is most likely to happen on female, expecially when they are in front of a good looking male or in a group of friends. All I can think of is, they want to catch attention, they want to be taken care like a cute baby or cute puppy. Look girls, if you need attention, go streaking; if you want to be taken care of, go back to your parent! Cute is just for kids and people who are being sweet deep from their heart. You are not giving sweet, you are giving pain!

DEPRESS: I understand people who need time to get over something bad, and they have all the rights to be depressed. But what I hate is people who like to indulge in their depressive world, they asked you to help while you can tell they just want something else (probably they need some sportlight!) - They didn't make an effort to change or take your help, though they said they had. If you really want to make a change, I'm more than happy to help, but if you just want someone to be your sad film's supporting act, fuck off! You are not emo enough to write a song, so why don't you stop wasting time? People's attention can be attracted in so many ways, perhaps you can get it in a less miserable way?

In short, do something constructive and positive!

[[audio: Kaiser Chief - The Modern Way ]]

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