Saturday, January 28, 2006
My Resolution For This Year
Alright, why am I saying this now? Because I wanna wait for the Chinese New Year as well for my declaration of my new year resolution. Well, This sunday is gonna be the Lunar Chinese New Year, and the Rooster is going to pass the year to the Dog. Well, if you are interested in The Chinese horoscope, you might like to check this Chinese horoscope site out or the astrology for more details.
So yea, I've been very busy celebrating another new year here, so many gatherings, banquets, drinking parties and red pockets (they have money in it!!). To be honest, I am kind of numb about all this, and even want this pass sooner, not that I don't like the fest, but it slows me down in job hunting. Both new years and the fecking xmas are like... sooooo wasting my time! Damn. (Yea I hear you Shane! I'm doing it!)
I'm so tired really, but I managed to watch some films, like "The Aristocrats" and "Me and you and everything we knows", I'm about to watch "The Primer" when I have time later. Sure I won't forget the reviews, but I desperately need some rest now, so I'm gonna keep this post short, and I will reply your email very soon. Bye.
Oh yea, my resolution for the new year is ...become an Aristocrat. HAHA! That will be dirty, but I'm just kidding!.... or am I?
P.S. "Sung Nin Fai Lok" (Happy New Year in Cantonese) xo
[[audio: Kanye West - Never Let Me Down feat. Jay-Z]]
Alright, why am I saying this now? Because I wanna wait for the Chinese New Year as well for my declaration of my new year resolution. Well, This sunday is gonna be the Lunar Chinese New Year, and the Rooster is going to pass the year to the Dog. Well, if you are interested in The Chinese horoscope, you might like to check this Chinese horoscope site out or the astrology for more details.
So yea, I've been very busy celebrating another new year here, so many gatherings, banquets, drinking parties and red pockets (they have money in it!!). To be honest, I am kind of numb about all this, and even want this pass sooner, not that I don't like the fest, but it slows me down in job hunting. Both new years and the fecking xmas are like... sooooo wasting my time! Damn. (Yea I hear you Shane! I'm doing it!)
I'm so tired really, but I managed to watch some films, like "The Aristocrats" and "Me and you and everything we knows", I'm about to watch "The Primer" when I have time later. Sure I won't forget the reviews, but I desperately need some rest now, so I'm gonna keep this post short, and I will reply your email very soon. Bye.
Oh yea, my resolution for the new year is ...become an Aristocrat. HAHA! That will be dirty, but I'm just kidding!.... or am I?
P.S. "Sung Nin Fai Lok" (Happy New Year in Cantonese) xo
[[audio: Kanye West - Never Let Me Down feat. Jay-Z]]
Monday, January 23, 2006
A Day Cannot Go Longer Than Twenty Four Hours
So I have finally met this guy, who I've been expecting for a while. It's been very cool, even though we had just hung out for a day. Yea we didn't have much time to do stuff, since he needed to study for his exam (which was his main purpose to come here), and the crappiness of telecommunication. Funny how I've planned heaps things to do, and just ended up hanging out in the train (MTR) and a pub. Oh well, I'm sure there'll have more people come and visit me soon, and I hope you (yeah! you!) will be the next! Aiiii~

p.s. thanks for the Indian incense box(es)! totally love it!
[[audio: Modeskeletor - Hasir]]
So I have finally met this guy, who I've been expecting for a while. It's been very cool, even though we had just hung out for a day. Yea we didn't have much time to do stuff, since he needed to study for his exam (which was his main purpose to come here), and the crappiness of telecommunication. Funny how I've planned heaps things to do, and just ended up hanging out in the train (MTR) and a pub. Oh well, I'm sure there'll have more people come and visit me soon, and I hope you (yeah! you!) will be the next! Aiiii~

p.s. thanks for the Indian incense box(es)! totally love it!
[[audio: Modeskeletor - Hasir]]
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Save Your Money For Something Better
I am confused, very confused. Can someone help me? Can you? I just don't understand why did Hollywood ruin such a good movie. Why?
Memoirs of a Geisha
It's just a bunch of ignorant brats making a romance out of an absurdity, dreadfully non-sense. Look, I love Gong Li, Ziyi Zhang and Michelle Yang, but everyone knows that they are bloody Chinese for God sake! It's like telling people that British invents Flamenco.
Sure sure! What a beautiful story it is, I agree... but why all the Geisha and all the Japanese are speaking English? It's like I'm Japanese, but don't you know that our mother tongue is English? American English to be more accurate.
This is all crazy Hollywood commericalised shite, making what they think can earn the most, but the fact is that, this is not selling and the audience are not idiot. Indeed, the more you know about Japanese and film making, the less you like this film. That's why this film is not getting any award, I can't even bother to give this piece of crap a score.
Better save your money for something worthy.
[[audio: Modeskeletor - Die Clubnummer]]
I am confused, very confused. Can someone help me? Can you? I just don't understand why did Hollywood ruin such a good movie. Why?

It's just a bunch of ignorant brats making a romance out of an absurdity, dreadfully non-sense. Look, I love Gong Li, Ziyi Zhang and Michelle Yang, but everyone knows that they are bloody Chinese for God sake! It's like telling people that British invents Flamenco.
Sure sure! What a beautiful story it is, I agree... but why all the Geisha and all the Japanese are speaking English? It's like I'm Japanese, but don't you know that our mother tongue is English? American English to be more accurate.
This is all crazy Hollywood commericalised shite, making what they think can earn the most, but the fact is that, this is not selling and the audience are not idiot. Indeed, the more you know about Japanese and film making, the less you like this film. That's why this film is not getting any award, I can't even bother to give this piece of crap a score.
Better save your money for something worthy.
[[audio: Modeskeletor - Die Clubnummer]]
Monday, January 16, 2006
Nostalgic Canned Salmon
I'm very excited for my first visitor from OZ, even though I don't really know him. No, this is not a blind date or internet meet up shite. This guy is my friend's buddy, and I was asked to be a tourguide. He is coming very soon, and I know this is gonna be a great week.
Recently, I came across a email from my friend, telling me this new conception of instant food in Finland, very innovative indeed. You don't even need a microwave, I think it would be great for a bonfire party.

P.S. my dad rushed into my room and saw me in bikini, ended up he was the one who taste the embarrassment. I just don't understand why can't parent learn to knock.
[[audio: Saul Williams - Grippo]]
I'm very excited for my first visitor from OZ, even though I don't really know him. No, this is not a blind date or internet meet up shite. This guy is my friend's buddy, and I was asked to be a tourguide. He is coming very soon, and I know this is gonna be a great week.
Recently, I came across a email from my friend, telling me this new conception of instant food in Finland, very innovative indeed. You don't even need a microwave, I think it would be great for a bonfire party.

P.S. my dad rushed into my room and saw me in bikini, ended up he was the one who taste the embarrassment. I just don't understand why can't parent learn to knock.
[[audio: Saul Williams - Grippo]]
Monday, January 09, 2006
No Limit For The Rize
RIZE - Dave LaChapelle (2005)
I knew Rize is gonna be an excellent documentary since I had read about it from the brochure of Dunedin international film festival when I was in New Zealand. Ached myself never had a chance to watch it, but tonite I finally tasted the good! Dave LaChapelle found an amazing topic for a docu, using krump & clowns to explore the "American culture" (nah, it's not black culture... not anymore). I always have a great enthusiam for dancing (you will know if you had read my blog, or had simply clubbed with me), and hip hop dancing is always inspiring to me. yes, I had watched all the crappy hip hop battle dancing films and i love it! It's like how others love watch the cgi of King Kong even they knew where the story goes.
Generally I really enjoy the movie, and it's been very cool about all the history of LA clowns & krump, the interwoven reference of hip hop dancing and african tribal dancing, and how can you not love the battle? Until the film has moved its direction to "krump for Jesus", yes, very spiritual but not very interesting to me. I mean, I'm not religious at all, so there's no luck to push. But ya know? I often have this wonder in my mind, and this is a very good moment to put it here.
Why most of the black people are so christian? Most of the films that involves black people stories, they are always very christ-loving (seems like more passionate than other American ethnic). I believe this represents many black people in America, based on what I know from the media, and I had a black preached to me when I was on the ferry. Prove me wrong, but I reckon it's not a black thing, since sense told me their African ancestors ain't dancing for Jesus Christ in the ancient time. (or were they??) So what make them so in love with the Christ? I guess I have the answer in mind, yes, the American Culture, but it's just so shallow and lame to say it out. I mean, are you sure all the black people believe in Jesus is because they live in America? and it's all affected by the American Culture? I dun know, but it'd be absolutely ridiculous if it really is.
Great music, great move, fair intepretation. [4.5 out of 5]
Big up to Dave Chapelle and Tommy The Clown!
P.S. James, can I see Anthony and The Johnsons with you? Arrgh!!!! I have to come back for that~ gimme that spare ticket!!!!!
[[audio: Flii Stylz - Make You Dance]]

RIZE - Dave LaChapelle (2005)
I knew Rize is gonna be an excellent documentary since I had read about it from the brochure of Dunedin international film festival when I was in New Zealand. Ached myself never had a chance to watch it, but tonite I finally tasted the good! Dave LaChapelle found an amazing topic for a docu, using krump & clowns to explore the "American culture" (nah, it's not black culture... not anymore). I always have a great enthusiam for dancing (you will know if you had read my blog, or had simply clubbed with me), and hip hop dancing is always inspiring to me. yes, I had watched all the crappy hip hop battle dancing films and i love it! It's like how others love watch the cgi of King Kong even they knew where the story goes.
Generally I really enjoy the movie, and it's been very cool about all the history of LA clowns & krump, the interwoven reference of hip hop dancing and african tribal dancing, and how can you not love the battle? Until the film has moved its direction to "krump for Jesus", yes, very spiritual but not very interesting to me. I mean, I'm not religious at all, so there's no luck to push. But ya know? I often have this wonder in my mind, and this is a very good moment to put it here.
Why most of the black people are so christian? Most of the films that involves black people stories, they are always very christ-loving (seems like more passionate than other American ethnic). I believe this represents many black people in America, based on what I know from the media, and I had a black preached to me when I was on the ferry. Prove me wrong, but I reckon it's not a black thing, since sense told me their African ancestors ain't dancing for Jesus Christ in the ancient time. (or were they??) So what make them so in love with the Christ? I guess I have the answer in mind, yes, the American Culture, but it's just so shallow and lame to say it out. I mean, are you sure all the black people believe in Jesus is because they live in America? and it's all affected by the American Culture? I dun know, but it'd be absolutely ridiculous if it really is.
Great music, great move, fair intepretation. [4.5 out of 5]
Big up to Dave Chapelle and Tommy The Clown!
P.S. James, can I see Anthony and The Johnsons with you? Arrgh!!!! I have to come back for that~ gimme that spare ticket!!!!!
[[audio: Flii Stylz - Make You Dance]]
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Watch Out The Backpackers!
Wow, Happy new year people! I'm sure you were so trashed as I am, even though in a different location. God I had a fabulous time here, I believe it's the best one I have ever had to celebrate nye in Honk. I just grabbed two of my high school chicks and have dinner til late in Lan Kwai Fong (where I spent my last halloween at). Same Irish pub I went, but the atmosphere was so much better this time. Sorry, have forgotten my camera, but my friend Joe took a couple, hopefully she'll send it to me soon.
I get to know the DJ there, and only found out he owns this pub before I left.To be honest, he plays crap music, they are all like Billboard hits (e.g. Kelly Clarkson, Black Eye Peas...) and classic Brit-idol-pop (e.g. Robbie Williams, U2, Sugar-fuckin'-babes...), some actually reminded me of North Point, yea, imagine that. I requested a few good tunes to save the dance floor, can't believe he doesn't know who is Ladytron, shame on him.
I also met some American blokes, apparently they were all drunk and shite. Guess they were trying so hard to dance and maybe just wanna get some chicks' attention. On the other hand, the british dude stood next to me alone, who's just staring at the TV for the goal of Liverpool, was a bit pathetic. Hey, no offence to all the soccor lover, but I mean, c'mon! it's nye! in a crazy pub! and you are watching soccor game here by yourself! why dun you just go home and watch it???
So why was it fun? Well, perhaps it's the north point-liked tacty atmosphere, or maybe I've never had a random dance party here in Honk. Yet I think it has to do with the people, I mean, I have never seen my high school friends dance like that before, they told me no one had ever taken them to a dance party like this before. Man, I ought to take them to Sydney and experience the nightlife scene! Oh no, Fayske is EXPLORING THE SCENE!
Back to this morning, I dunno how's it supposed to feel when a TV company asked you for an interview... in NYE. It just so weird to do it in a public holiday, but afterall, I did it. Took me like 3 hours to finish all the tests and verbal interview, they'd better hire me or I'll cut them in pieces. *finger cross again...*
It's great, I've got a bread machine as a xmas present, even I'm not a christian, isn't it great ay? My mom bought it for me, partly because she's sick of me asking her to buy me bread every 3-4 days (I consume my bread real quick), the rest of the reason? well, she definitely knows that I wanna be good at baking but I'm just suck at it. Thank god! All I have to do is put all the ingredients in the machine and let it do the job, quite easy. Everyone's mind was interwoven with suspicion and curiosity, we all like checking the dough in every 2 minute, it was like a kid first time ever waiting an egg to be hatched in the incubator. It makes good bread, i suppose, I had only a couple slices of it after my family ate them all. I started to think if my mom bought it for me or for their own benefits, hehe.
OK, I better hit the hay now, I had 5 cocktails and currently feeling a bit tipsy. It's quite a miracle if my post makes any sense. ciao and have a great 2006~! xo
[[audio: Final Fantasy - The CN Tower Belongs To The Dead]]
Wow, Happy new year people! I'm sure you were so trashed as I am, even though in a different location. God I had a fabulous time here, I believe it's the best one I have ever had to celebrate nye in Honk. I just grabbed two of my high school chicks and have dinner til late in Lan Kwai Fong (where I spent my last halloween at). Same Irish pub I went, but the atmosphere was so much better this time. Sorry, have forgotten my camera, but my friend Joe took a couple, hopefully she'll send it to me soon.
I get to know the DJ there, and only found out he owns this pub before I left.To be honest, he plays crap music, they are all like Billboard hits (e.g. Kelly Clarkson, Black Eye Peas...) and classic Brit-idol-pop (e.g. Robbie Williams, U2, Sugar-fuckin'-babes...), some actually reminded me of North Point, yea, imagine that. I requested a few good tunes to save the dance floor, can't believe he doesn't know who is Ladytron, shame on him.
I also met some American blokes, apparently they were all drunk and shite. Guess they were trying so hard to dance and maybe just wanna get some chicks' attention. On the other hand, the british dude stood next to me alone, who's just staring at the TV for the goal of Liverpool, was a bit pathetic. Hey, no offence to all the soccor lover, but I mean, c'mon! it's nye! in a crazy pub! and you are watching soccor game here by yourself! why dun you just go home and watch it???
So why was it fun? Well, perhaps it's the north point-liked tacty atmosphere, or maybe I've never had a random dance party here in Honk. Yet I think it has to do with the people, I mean, I have never seen my high school friends dance like that before, they told me no one had ever taken them to a dance party like this before. Man, I ought to take them to Sydney and experience the nightlife scene! Oh no, Fayske is EXPLORING THE SCENE!
Back to this morning, I dunno how's it supposed to feel when a TV company asked you for an interview... in NYE. It just so weird to do it in a public holiday, but afterall, I did it. Took me like 3 hours to finish all the tests and verbal interview, they'd better hire me or I'll cut them in pieces. *finger cross again...*
It's great, I've got a bread machine as a xmas present, even I'm not a christian, isn't it great ay? My mom bought it for me, partly because she's sick of me asking her to buy me bread every 3-4 days (I consume my bread real quick), the rest of the reason? well, she definitely knows that I wanna be good at baking but I'm just suck at it. Thank god! All I have to do is put all the ingredients in the machine and let it do the job, quite easy. Everyone's mind was interwoven with suspicion and curiosity, we all like checking the dough in every 2 minute, it was like a kid first time ever waiting an egg to be hatched in the incubator. It makes good bread, i suppose, I had only a couple slices of it after my family ate them all. I started to think if my mom bought it for me or for their own benefits, hehe.
OK, I better hit the hay now, I had 5 cocktails and currently feeling a bit tipsy. It's quite a miracle if my post makes any sense. ciao and have a great 2006~! xo
[[audio: Final Fantasy - The CN Tower Belongs To The Dead]]