Wednesday, November 30, 2005
When Bird Cries
I was watching a local TV program about barn swallows today, and a flash of shot caught my eyes, that moment I was stunned with a mix of touching feeling inside. It's a picture about a barn swallow grieving for its kind which died in a car accident, taken by a Taiwanese Photographer.

My tears have overflowed when these shots are seen...Feelings is not just for human beings, perhaps birds have a stronger attachment with its own kind.
P.S. I'm so in love with Jens Lekman and The Rosebuds, damn awesome.
[[audio: Jens Lekman - I Saw Her In The Anti-War Demonstration]]
I was watching a local TV program about barn swallows today, and a flash of shot caught my eyes, that moment I was stunned with a mix of touching feeling inside. It's a picture about a barn swallow grieving for its kind which died in a car accident, taken by a Taiwanese Photographer.

My tears have overflowed when these shots are seen...Feelings is not just for human beings, perhaps birds have a stronger attachment with its own kind.
P.S. I'm so in love with Jens Lekman and The Rosebuds, damn awesome.
[[audio: Jens Lekman - I Saw Her In The Anti-War Demonstration]]
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Clap Your Hands And I'll Come Again

It's true that when you like something, you will eventually lose the abililty to think rationally. Whether you really like it or not, everything that involves feelings are moody.
One may says there's no point to think of silly questions, you possessed the happiness and that's all. I'm a stubborn person who want to possess a rational mind, this is always a good question to revolve and reaffirm - DO I REALLY LIKE IT?
Lots of questons here with only one way to find out - Try to leave it. Being apart is like a slap on your face, wake yourself up and let you see how much you like it, and how much it likes you.
Of course no one likes the feeling of separating oneself from something that gives us happiness. But this challenge allow us to find out - is it really something I can't live without? is it something I still care after I had it? is it or not?
(extend to another question: Do you like something more when you don't have a chance to have it? are they more precious because of the missed opportunities? but this is a bit irrelevant to discuss in this post.)
There's another way to get through it though - Work like a whore, take all your energy away to think. Once you got time to think, it means you have enough money to go back there, of course sometimes you need to race with time.
We are aging, what will last?
[[audio: Bloc Party - Two More Years]]

It's true that when you like something, you will eventually lose the abililty to think rationally. Whether you really like it or not, everything that involves feelings are moody.
One may says there's no point to think of silly questions, you possessed the happiness and that's all. I'm a stubborn person who want to possess a rational mind, this is always a good question to revolve and reaffirm - DO I REALLY LIKE IT?
Lots of questons here with only one way to find out - Try to leave it. Being apart is like a slap on your face, wake yourself up and let you see how much you like it, and how much it likes you.
Of course no one likes the feeling of separating oneself from something that gives us happiness. But this challenge allow us to find out - is it really something I can't live without? is it something I still care after I had it? is it or not?
(extend to another question: Do you like something more when you don't have a chance to have it? are they more precious because of the missed opportunities? but this is a bit irrelevant to discuss in this post.)
There's another way to get through it though - Work like a whore, take all your energy away to think. Once you got time to think, it means you have enough money to go back there, of course sometimes you need to race with time.
We are aging, what will last?
[[audio: Bloc Party - Two More Years]]
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Hey I Saw You On TV!
Howdy everyone, I've been pretty quiet recently, but unfortunately that doesn't mean I'm dead. Well, I've been very very sick in the past couple of weeks, dare to say that I'm nearly die, at least I thought so. At first it was a flu, then it got worse, worse like shit, started to puke, diarrhoea and a fever. A question popped up in my head "Am I having the shitty Bird Flu?" Living in the fear of Avian flu, my parent took me to the hospital for a check. Diagnoses: Digest system infected by flu virus... AGAIN. Thank god I'm fine now. But it's my brother's turn, he is suffering from nasosinusitis and enjoying the big bed in the hospital. I told him it's a curse of watching too much Miss World 2005 'vote for me'. (It's been advertised in TV a lot, and my bro was so into it, he even wanna vote, Poor fuck.)
Today I have a new interview as a TV news reporter, last about 4 crazy hours. who can imagine a trashbag like me wearing serious suit like those anchor nerd? I couldn't until the moment I sat down in the news studio, with a professional make-up artist doing my face and my hair. A moment of Celebriteeeeees~! hehe. I don't care if they hire me or not, I had a fun time that's for sure. Tomorrow morning I have another interview for something more...boring, like some crappy clerk or shit. Well, we'll see how I mess this interview up.
I just read this news in Milk Magazine today, Australian band 'Town Hall Step' is playing in Hong Kong's World Battle Of The Bands 2005 soon! I'm so ignorance, who are they??? But Hey~~ so Aussie band finally!!! According to my research, they like to wet theie feet in Power Pop - influenced by Jimmy Eat World, The Cure, U2, Crowded House and Blink 182. (I dun think the first three bands are power pop, aye?) Anyhoo, it's a good news! check this out!
OK, I'm out of here, back to my dark dark world. Send me a x'mas card!
P.S. haha... that dude in Japan is so funny! you are so dope, keep going!
[[audio: The Joggers - Back To The Future]]
Howdy everyone, I've been pretty quiet recently, but unfortunately that doesn't mean I'm dead. Well, I've been very very sick in the past couple of weeks, dare to say that I'm nearly die, at least I thought so. At first it was a flu, then it got worse, worse like shit, started to puke, diarrhoea and a fever. A question popped up in my head "Am I having the shitty Bird Flu?" Living in the fear of Avian flu, my parent took me to the hospital for a check. Diagnoses: Digest system infected by flu virus... AGAIN. Thank god I'm fine now. But it's my brother's turn, he is suffering from nasosinusitis and enjoying the big bed in the hospital. I told him it's a curse of watching too much Miss World 2005 'vote for me'. (It's been advertised in TV a lot, and my bro was so into it, he even wanna vote, Poor fuck.)
Today I have a new interview as a TV news reporter, last about 4 crazy hours. who can imagine a trashbag like me wearing serious suit like those anchor nerd? I couldn't until the moment I sat down in the news studio, with a professional make-up artist doing my face and my hair. A moment of Celebriteeeeees~! hehe. I don't care if they hire me or not, I had a fun time that's for sure. Tomorrow morning I have another interview for something more...boring, like some crappy clerk or shit. Well, we'll see how I mess this interview up.
I just read this news in Milk Magazine today, Australian band 'Town Hall Step' is playing in Hong Kong's World Battle Of The Bands 2005 soon! I'm so ignorance, who are they??? But Hey~~ so Aussie band finally!!! According to my research, they like to wet theie feet in Power Pop - influenced by Jimmy Eat World, The Cure, U2, Crowded House and Blink 182. (I dun think the first three bands are power pop, aye?) Anyhoo, it's a good news! check this out!
OK, I'm out of here, back to my dark dark world. Send me a x'mas card!
P.S. haha... that dude in Japan is so funny! you are so dope, keep going!
[[audio: The Joggers - Back To The Future]]
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Get Back On The Flight
Finally~ all the Halloween's pictures are done, check it out!!! fun fun fun~~~
Someone told me Halloween is came from Ireland, is that true? I thought it's n American thing, coz all the anti-American Aussies said they don't like Halloween as it's American thing.
I've been spending lots of time to look for a job, and I got my first interview in no time (this coming morning!!!!). This job isn't actually what I really wanna do, but my mum asked me to give it a try and that's why I did so. Cathay Pacific flight attendant, haha! How funny!? I just said how much I hate Cathay Pacific... But hey! If I got this job, I might see you all again in no time, no matter where since I can fly everywhere~ *grins*
However, my ideal job is still working in Hong Kong radio station, so I sent my CV and an unsolicited letter to all the radio stations (3 in total...pfff~). If they take me to be a presenter/producer/ whatever, I will quit this flight maid job immediately. What a bastard I am... :p
I don't know, am I doing a right thing?...:-/
Tomorrow is hiking day, YEAH~
[[audio: Faker - Hurricane]]
Finally~ all the Halloween's pictures are done, check it out!!! fun fun fun~~~
Someone told me Halloween is came from Ireland, is that true? I thought it's n American thing, coz all the anti-American Aussies said they don't like Halloween as it's American thing.
I've been spending lots of time to look for a job, and I got my first interview in no time (this coming morning!!!!). This job isn't actually what I really wanna do, but my mum asked me to give it a try and that's why I did so. Cathay Pacific flight attendant, haha! How funny!? I just said how much I hate Cathay Pacific... But hey! If I got this job, I might see you all again in no time, no matter where since I can fly everywhere~ *grins*
However, my ideal job is still working in Hong Kong radio station, so I sent my CV and an unsolicited letter to all the radio stations (3 in total...pfff~). If they take me to be a presenter/producer/ whatever, I will quit this flight maid job immediately. What a bastard I am... :p
I don't know, am I doing a right thing?...:-/
Tomorrow is hiking day, YEAH~
[[audio: Faker - Hurricane]]
Thursday, November 03, 2005
On The Flight
Hey there! yea I had great fun in Halloween, call me pagan, I don't care. But the photos are still uploading to my photo album, you can't miss them, I wil announce them here again, so stay tune! So what the hell am I doing here? Well, I'm just bored... :) And mainly wanna share some cool photos, so you will be reminded how great I am. LOL! Alright, let's cut the crap, check it out:
My Breakfast Before Landing

I hate Cathay Pacific coz they don't let my extra luggages go up to the flight, but look at this picnic box, how decent! One little secret to you - everything was delicious, but that sausage was disgusting.
Heading To H of the K

They gave me seat H, but seat K is empty... so basically I seized H and K. Now who is the queen of the HK? :p
Does size important to you?

Good question, I think further elaboration is no need. hehe... I found it when I was randomly walking on the street, that is actually a gate of a jewelery shop, nice....
Trust me, You will see how much fun I had in Halloween soon. muhahahah....
P.S. Jacko's email make me laugh sooooooo bad! you funny bastard, love your style.
[[audio: Action Action - Don't Cut Your Fabric]]
Hey there! yea I had great fun in Halloween, call me pagan, I don't care. But the photos are still uploading to my photo album, you can't miss them, I wil announce them here again, so stay tune! So what the hell am I doing here? Well, I'm just bored... :) And mainly wanna share some cool photos, so you will be reminded how great I am. LOL! Alright, let's cut the crap, check it out:
My Breakfast Before Landing

I hate Cathay Pacific coz they don't let my extra luggages go up to the flight, but look at this picnic box, how decent! One little secret to you - everything was delicious, but that sausage was disgusting.
Heading To H of the K

They gave me seat H, but seat K is empty... so basically I seized H and K. Now who is the queen of the HK? :p
Does size important to you?

Good question, I think further elaboration is no need. hehe... I found it when I was randomly walking on the street, that is actually a gate of a jewelery shop, nice....
Trust me, You will see how much fun I had in Halloween soon. muhahahah....
P.S. Jacko's email make me laugh sooooooo bad! you funny bastard, love your style.
[[audio: Action Action - Don't Cut Your Fabric]]