
Sunday, December 24, 2006

Interesting Present For Christmas

Merry Christmas you all good kids, Santa is gonna land you some pressies! He just gave me a niece, my first niece ever in my life! I'm very excited but a bit uncomfortable too as I will be called "aunt", aunty fay! *shiver*

It's been a while to write here, coz I've been really busy working. It's a good thing coz I feel more useful to do something constructive rather than sitting all day and do silly thinking. Problem haven't completely solved yet, but it seems giving me more and more light, so I'll be fine. I make so much money everyday and I'm happy that I'm good at that, coz I've never thought I'm a business type of person. However, my heart is still devoted to music. :)

Does anyone know anything about Yemen? I might go there in Feb.

I hope you all are doing all good and sound. Have a great celebration.

[[audio: Sufjan Steven - Sister Winter]]

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