Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Mercy Mercy ME!
So finally I have finished my contract with Finnair, and I am gonna have 6 months rest. I am actually pretty happy to stop, my body get unbelievable weak since I started. My skin is in bad condition, I was lack of sleeping way too much, I get sick almost once a week and they all take a lot of time to heal. After 6 months? We'll see.
I am taking the whole November off just to recover myself, sleep and sleep and more sleep... But a week and a half after I quit, the company that I worked for temporary in early May had called up, and they were asking me to work for them. I was like "WOW! I have never found a job without giving much effort like this, it's amazing!" So we have arranged to meet up and talk about it, I think we are having a deal for me to work as a part-time first, which will be consider as a probation period, and permenant contract will come after that. Pretty good, ay?
So what company is that? It's a company that sell ceramics and glassware, and they want me to handle all the wine glasses from a German company - Spiegelau. I will be help promoting them, marketing them and also hosting functions like wine tasting and wine dinner. you drink in your job, that sounds great, isn't it? ha. I think it will start in Dec, so it's good I still have time to rest.
I think I really need to catch up with some people, what a bad friend I am, damn me!
(watch out your mail box, I might drop you a one soon!)
[[audio: Hello Saferide - The Quiz]]
So finally I have finished my contract with Finnair, and I am gonna have 6 months rest. I am actually pretty happy to stop, my body get unbelievable weak since I started. My skin is in bad condition, I was lack of sleeping way too much, I get sick almost once a week and they all take a lot of time to heal. After 6 months? We'll see.
I am taking the whole November off just to recover myself, sleep and sleep and more sleep... But a week and a half after I quit, the company that I worked for temporary in early May had called up, and they were asking me to work for them. I was like "WOW! I have never found a job without giving much effort like this, it's amazing!" So we have arranged to meet up and talk about it, I think we are having a deal for me to work as a part-time first, which will be consider as a probation period, and permenant contract will come after that. Pretty good, ay?
So what company is that? It's a company that sell ceramics and glassware, and they want me to handle all the wine glasses from a German company - Spiegelau. I will be help promoting them, marketing them and also hosting functions like wine tasting and wine dinner. you drink in your job, that sounds great, isn't it? ha. I think it will start in Dec, so it's good I still have time to rest.
I think I really need to catch up with some people, what a bad friend I am, damn me!
(watch out your mail box, I might drop you a one soon!)
[[audio: Hello Saferide - The Quiz]]