Thursday, April 27, 2006
Ready To Fly
Ello, me again.
As I promised, the story continues here, the Closing ceremony.

Well, I've been studying hard and playing hard in Finland during these 7 weeks, I'm sure everyone can kinda sense that. ha! Now I know how to save you when the plane crash, I know how to save you when you have a heart attack, I know how to save you when a drunk russian harassing you from the back, I know how to beat your arse if you are not behaving well. Of course I know how to open a champagne bottle for you, and make your mom a cup of coffee. Therefore, me and my colleagues deserve a ceremony to celebrate the beginning of our cabin crew life.
Katriina, who's been look after us during the course, has given out a very touching speech. Kiris, who's the chief of crew training, was there giving out each of us a flight attendent certificant. In the meanwhile, we have offered a secret present (a photo album with some pictures of us) to Kati, she was very surpirised and touch. Other instructors also received a present (a picture of the whole crew) from us, everyone was very delighted and emotional.
After we headed back to the hotel, our neighbour, Finnair Nagoya crew, has organised a surprise party for us. They are the most lovely Japanese people I've met, making us sushi, salmon salad, okonomiyaki and much much more. However, we also offered them some white wine and champagne as a thank you. It was such a great party, I get to talk to many of them, awesome people they are. My Nagoya gang, if anyone of you are reading this, good luck to all your exams, and I will see you all very soon! Keep it real.
The next day, I was trying to find my Finnish friend Heini to say goodbye before I leave Helsinki, but she went to a friend's funeral, which was quite sad. It was a shame that I couldn't see her, but she calls me to say good bye, it was very sweet. I didn't mention Heini much here, coz we didn't spend much time together, mostly meeting each other in the smoking room when the break is on. However, she is one of the people makes me believe that Finns can have so much fun, a sweetheart with good wits. Way you go girlfriend!
The trip coming back was incredibly terrible though! Since there's no direct flight back to Hong Kong, we have to fly ourselves to Guangzhou(9hr) and get the bus back down to Hong Kong(5hr).Was trying to get some sleep, but there's a very annoying flight attendent kept chatting with the couple who were sitting in front of me, they were loud and it was dreadfully irritating. To all the cabin crew, talking in a cabin while everyone wants to sleep is a big no-no! It was bad since I was not allowed to give any comment as a ID passenger, but thank god the man who sat across the aisle was making a big "SHHHHH....", well done mister!
The most horrible part of this trip is to get through the custom from Guangzhou to Hong Kong, because there's no trolleys or whatsoever. Each of us were carrying at least 3 lugguages which weight not less than 60kg in total, plus it was a saturday and the place was fully crowded. Now imagine that! harsh, huh? Now imagine that again! coz while we thought it's over, the driver said we have to do it again while getting into hong kong custom! F*cking Hell! I was completely wrecked after all this, and I do appreciate that it's really over!
So this is the end of it, but hang on, I do wanna talk about the music scene there.
Finland is a dreamland for all the gothic punkers, famous gothic rock bands like H.I.M., Lovex and Kwan (this group got a bit of hip hop there!) are all Helsinki based.

The first time I listen to HIM and Lovex, there's a sense of familiarity, I started to ask myself "doesn't it sounds like Japanese visual rock (aka. Jrock)?" Yes it really does, very much! It's just that the Finns aren't tend to do any over-the-top feminine make up. Whereas Kwan is a very interesting case here, goth with a bit of rap in there, and the video is very goth cool too. (I saw their latest MTV "Diamond") So yea, you can easily see bunch of lolita goth walking around the street, and personally I think they looks heaps better than Japan and HK, sorry.
Some local Finnish bands like Egotripp and PMMP are very nice to listen to as well. The former is a soft rock band, they got some very good tunes, and I like them quite a lot. The latter one is a 4 piece rock band, sounds pretty much like tegan and sara with a youth spirit in it, I really like their latest song "Matkalaulu".
Well, I didn't really have any chance to dig into the Finnish Hip hop scene, but I heard of this Helsinki Hip Hop dude "Redrama", who apparently won some music awards. So I went to check out his CD in a record shop, goodness he looks like a Finnish Eminem! He sounds a bit like him too, let me guess, he must has won the cheesy poppy eminem clone award. Since I didn't have much research in this area, based on only Redrama, I'd like to hold my comment here.
"Yo, I'm like soooooo Eminem right now."
Besides Finnish, I listen to Swedish bands most of the time, and I'm lovin' it! The knife, Royksopp, Jens Lekman, The Cardigans, The Hives and so on. Now I've found another band called "The Sounds", I totally dig it! I haven't get a chance to listen to their debut "Living In America", but their latest release "Dying to say this to you" is really good. Old skool 80's rock with a bit of blondie attitude, muah muah mamma mia!
They are gonna be the NEXT BIG THING! TREMENDOUS!
[[audio: H.I.M - Killing Loneliness]]
Ello, me again.
As I promised, the story continues here, the Closing ceremony.

Well, I've been studying hard and playing hard in Finland during these 7 weeks, I'm sure everyone can kinda sense that. ha! Now I know how to save you when the plane crash, I know how to save you when you have a heart attack, I know how to save you when a drunk russian harassing you from the back, I know how to beat your arse if you are not behaving well. Of course I know how to open a champagne bottle for you, and make your mom a cup of coffee. Therefore, me and my colleagues deserve a ceremony to celebrate the beginning of our cabin crew life.
Katriina, who's been look after us during the course, has given out a very touching speech. Kiris, who's the chief of crew training, was there giving out each of us a flight attendent certificant. In the meanwhile, we have offered a secret present (a photo album with some pictures of us) to Kati, she was very surpirised and touch. Other instructors also received a present (a picture of the whole crew) from us, everyone was very delighted and emotional.
After we headed back to the hotel, our neighbour, Finnair Nagoya crew, has organised a surprise party for us. They are the most lovely Japanese people I've met, making us sushi, salmon salad, okonomiyaki and much much more. However, we also offered them some white wine and champagne as a thank you. It was such a great party, I get to talk to many of them, awesome people they are. My Nagoya gang, if anyone of you are reading this, good luck to all your exams, and I will see you all very soon! Keep it real.
The next day, I was trying to find my Finnish friend Heini to say goodbye before I leave Helsinki, but she went to a friend's funeral, which was quite sad. It was a shame that I couldn't see her, but she calls me to say good bye, it was very sweet. I didn't mention Heini much here, coz we didn't spend much time together, mostly meeting each other in the smoking room when the break is on. However, she is one of the people makes me believe that Finns can have so much fun, a sweetheart with good wits. Way you go girlfriend!
The trip coming back was incredibly terrible though! Since there's no direct flight back to Hong Kong, we have to fly ourselves to Guangzhou(9hr) and get the bus back down to Hong Kong(5hr).Was trying to get some sleep, but there's a very annoying flight attendent kept chatting with the couple who were sitting in front of me, they were loud and it was dreadfully irritating. To all the cabin crew, talking in a cabin while everyone wants to sleep is a big no-no! It was bad since I was not allowed to give any comment as a ID passenger, but thank god the man who sat across the aisle was making a big "SHHHHH....", well done mister!
The most horrible part of this trip is to get through the custom from Guangzhou to Hong Kong, because there's no trolleys or whatsoever. Each of us were carrying at least 3 lugguages which weight not less than 60kg in total, plus it was a saturday and the place was fully crowded. Now imagine that! harsh, huh? Now imagine that again! coz while we thought it's over, the driver said we have to do it again while getting into hong kong custom! F*cking Hell! I was completely wrecked after all this, and I do appreciate that it's really over!
So this is the end of it, but hang on, I do wanna talk about the music scene there.
Finland is a dreamland for all the gothic punkers, famous gothic rock bands like H.I.M., Lovex and Kwan (this group got a bit of hip hop there!) are all Helsinki based.

The first time I listen to HIM and Lovex, there's a sense of familiarity, I started to ask myself "doesn't it sounds like Japanese visual rock (aka. Jrock)?" Yes it really does, very much! It's just that the Finns aren't tend to do any over-the-top feminine make up. Whereas Kwan is a very interesting case here, goth with a bit of rap in there, and the video is very goth cool too. (I saw their latest MTV "Diamond") So yea, you can easily see bunch of lolita goth walking around the street, and personally I think they looks heaps better than Japan and HK, sorry.
Some local Finnish bands like Egotripp and PMMP are very nice to listen to as well. The former is a soft rock band, they got some very good tunes, and I like them quite a lot. The latter one is a 4 piece rock band, sounds pretty much like tegan and sara with a youth spirit in it, I really like their latest song "Matkalaulu".
Well, I didn't really have any chance to dig into the Finnish Hip hop scene, but I heard of this Helsinki Hip Hop dude "Redrama", who apparently won some music awards. So I went to check out his CD in a record shop, goodness he looks like a Finnish Eminem! He sounds a bit like him too, let me guess, he must has won the cheesy poppy eminem clone award. Since I didn't have much research in this area, based on only Redrama, I'd like to hold my comment here.

Besides Finnish, I listen to Swedish bands most of the time, and I'm lovin' it! The knife, Royksopp, Jens Lekman, The Cardigans, The Hives and so on. Now I've found another band called "The Sounds", I totally dig it! I haven't get a chance to listen to their debut "Living In America", but their latest release "Dying to say this to you" is really good. Old skool 80's rock with a bit of blondie attitude, muah muah mamma mia!

[[audio: H.I.M - Killing Loneliness]]