Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Indie Trashbag Is So Hot Right Now!
OK, for those who came up after you've read the Cat Magazine and wanna know how trashbag I am. Me, Fay with the Chan, is very proud to be misunderstood as a girl who have 'minor social standing but more importantly several public displays of overtly mashy behavior. Ten-hour drinking binges, dancefloor malfunctions and snorting copious amounts of blow.' (Cat) Thank you.
Now, it's about god damn time to stuff you all up with all the movies and gigs and shit that I have seen and done. Last post I said 3 movies and a gig, but now it has already been expanded to 5 flicks and 2 gigs.
Movie 1: Madagascar
Oh it's funny. I'm really entertained by this wacky animation, all the characters are very interesting, but my favorite character is the penguin crew for sure. What's interesting about this movie is how it can be conceived in different way. Kids can have fun watching it, grown-up have a further understanding of the jokes with different references. Well done! This is probably the best animation I have ever seen so far, Nemo can go home. [5 out of 5] touchdown!
Movie 2: Bukowski - Born Into This
This is a documentary about the life of Charles Bukowski, the famous novelist in 70's but also is a serious alcoholic. He writes really good stuff, but also a very self-centred person, living in poverty, violence and yea, alcohol again. Sometimes I do believe that only being self-centred can really write something original.
I really like one of the poem that it mentioned, as follows:
Oh Yes
there are worse things than
being alone
but it often takes decades
to realize this
and most often
when you do
it's too late
and there's nothing worse
too late.
Charles Bukowski
Bukowski really reminds me what I have been struggling last month (it's gonna be in my whole life actually) - receptivity vs creativity. Can't they just be fucking co-existed? Anyway, back to the movie, it does depict another side of the world of what Bukowski really is. [4 out of 5]
Movie 3: Batman Begins
I finally understand why Levins was so excited about batman when he saw me after the movie. It is the best batman serie for sure, kick away the bulky love romantic crap shit poo. No homo Robin, no sluty Catwoman, nothing too gimmick. I do have to admit that the ninja scene was a bit annoyed me, since I hate hot western people try to worship the ninjaism and samuraism when they don't know shit about it. (fucking hate last samurai) But I can see the reason why they want to relate ninja with batman. (in case you are too dumb to get it, hiding in the dark, dah!)
Christian Bale is a good actor, but doesn't look good in the batman suit. Sorry, you are not then you are not. I prefer seeing him in machinist and american psycho. But I'm very very happy to see Gary Oldman, he is the legend. [4 out of 5]
Movie 4: Oyster Farmer
This is a very charming Australianish film with a touch of good humor, though some part of the story seems a bit strange. (like robbing a fish market by using a frozen lobster and cover up with fruit roll-ups wrap) Really love the scenery, very beautiful and poetic. But what is going on with that background music? Since when Australia sounds so Irish? I wonder if that is part of the humor as well... [4.5 out of 5]
Movie 5: Tarnation
I was absolutely stunned by this movie. Jonathan is definitely incredible, since he started filming himself at 4 and using film to sketch out his life in this broken family. Interesting fact is that this film cost $217, a very low budget film with a very good message in a person. This is one of my favourite indie movie.
“I’ve loved films since age four, but it was never just for fun. Filming things had a critical life-and-death purpose. It was always a defence mechanism and a way to have a sense of control over my life. Filming was also a way to control and defend myself against my environment and disassociate myself from the horrors around me. I’ve wanted to be a filmmaker since I can remember, and filmmaking definitely saved my life.” (Jonathan Caouette)
This film makes me think of my ex-best friend and my grandmother. [5 out of 5] touchdown!
Gig 1: The Mess Hall with Whirlwind Heat at Gaelic Club
If you are not familiar with Whirlwind Heat, listen to Four Track, they use one of their song "uptight" as they show's theme song! Anyway, this band has a lot of action on the stage, from crazy dancing to torn off a Tshirt. you name it.
The Mess hall was really good that nite, good drum, good guitar. I really enjoy it, except some songs that sounds too typical Oz pop-rock. (sounds a bit too spiderbait, sorry not a big fan)
Gig 2: End Of Fashion with The Spark at @Newtown
Far out, it was a very good show! I really enjoy seeing The Spark and End Of Fashion, except this band Tanbalame or something like that. It is formed by a ex-silverchair member who I don't really care, coz it sounds so boring and trying too hard to impress me. The Spark was absolutely grat tho, I'm very amazed that they have just been out for like a month and two, yet is already supporting bands like End of Fashion, Faker and Bravery. KOOL!
To Shane: Love the email, keep coming and kiss chrisse for me! Enjoy Santiago!
P.S. Allnighter tonite 2-6am, feed me up with request!
Ph: 83322999/ email:
[[audio: 4 Hero - 9 By 9 (M.I.S.T mix)]]
OK, for those who came up after you've read the Cat Magazine and wanna know how trashbag I am. Me, Fay with the Chan, is very proud to be misunderstood as a girl who have 'minor social standing but more importantly several public displays of overtly mashy behavior. Ten-hour drinking binges, dancefloor malfunctions and snorting copious amounts of blow.' (Cat) Thank you.
Now, it's about god damn time to stuff you all up with all the movies and gigs and shit that I have seen and done. Last post I said 3 movies and a gig, but now it has already been expanded to 5 flicks and 2 gigs.

Oh it's funny. I'm really entertained by this wacky animation, all the characters are very interesting, but my favorite character is the penguin crew for sure. What's interesting about this movie is how it can be conceived in different way. Kids can have fun watching it, grown-up have a further understanding of the jokes with different references. Well done! This is probably the best animation I have ever seen so far, Nemo can go home. [5 out of 5] touchdown!

This is a documentary about the life of Charles Bukowski, the famous novelist in 70's but also is a serious alcoholic. He writes really good stuff, but also a very self-centred person, living in poverty, violence and yea, alcohol again. Sometimes I do believe that only being self-centred can really write something original.
I really like one of the poem that it mentioned, as follows:
Oh Yes
there are worse things than
being alone
but it often takes decades
to realize this
and most often
when you do
it's too late
and there's nothing worse
too late.
Charles Bukowski
Bukowski really reminds me what I have been struggling last month (it's gonna be in my whole life actually) - receptivity vs creativity. Can't they just be fucking co-existed? Anyway, back to the movie, it does depict another side of the world of what Bukowski really is. [4 out of 5]

I finally understand why Levins was so excited about batman when he saw me after the movie. It is the best batman serie for sure, kick away the bulky love romantic crap shit poo. No homo Robin, no sluty Catwoman, nothing too gimmick. I do have to admit that the ninja scene was a bit annoyed me, since I hate hot western people try to worship the ninjaism and samuraism when they don't know shit about it. (fucking hate last samurai) But I can see the reason why they want to relate ninja with batman. (in case you are too dumb to get it, hiding in the dark, dah!)
Christian Bale is a good actor, but doesn't look good in the batman suit. Sorry, you are not then you are not. I prefer seeing him in machinist and american psycho. But I'm very very happy to see Gary Oldman, he is the legend. [4 out of 5]

This is a very charming Australianish film with a touch of good humor, though some part of the story seems a bit strange. (like robbing a fish market by using a frozen lobster and cover up with fruit roll-ups wrap) Really love the scenery, very beautiful and poetic. But what is going on with that background music? Since when Australia sounds so Irish? I wonder if that is part of the humor as well... [4.5 out of 5]

I was absolutely stunned by this movie. Jonathan is definitely incredible, since he started filming himself at 4 and using film to sketch out his life in this broken family. Interesting fact is that this film cost $217, a very low budget film with a very good message in a person. This is one of my favourite indie movie.
“I’ve loved films since age four, but it was never just for fun. Filming things had a critical life-and-death purpose. It was always a defence mechanism and a way to have a sense of control over my life. Filming was also a way to control and defend myself against my environment and disassociate myself from the horrors around me. I’ve wanted to be a filmmaker since I can remember, and filmmaking definitely saved my life.” (Jonathan Caouette)
This film makes me think of my ex-best friend and my grandmother. [5 out of 5] touchdown!
Gig 1: The Mess Hall with Whirlwind Heat at Gaelic Club
If you are not familiar with Whirlwind Heat, listen to Four Track, they use one of their song "uptight" as they show's theme song! Anyway, this band has a lot of action on the stage, from crazy dancing to torn off a Tshirt. you name it.
The Mess hall was really good that nite, good drum, good guitar. I really enjoy it, except some songs that sounds too typical Oz pop-rock. (sounds a bit too spiderbait, sorry not a big fan)
Gig 2: End Of Fashion with The Spark at @Newtown
Far out, it was a very good show! I really enjoy seeing The Spark and End Of Fashion, except this band Tanbalame or something like that. It is formed by a ex-silverchair member who I don't really care, coz it sounds so boring and trying too hard to impress me. The Spark was absolutely grat tho, I'm very amazed that they have just been out for like a month and two, yet is already supporting bands like End of Fashion, Faker and Bravery. KOOL!
To Shane: Love the email, keep coming and kiss chrisse for me! Enjoy Santiago!
P.S. Allnighter tonite 2-6am, feed me up with request!
Ph: 83322999/ email:
[[audio: 4 Hero - 9 By 9 (M.I.S.T mix)]]