Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Many Movies With Many Thoughts
If this is others' blog, you wouldn't give a shit, but what's going on with that Fayske Asian byotch who used to blog shit every single day? Get your arse here and blog! So... here I am again, to report my daily report to you ladies and gentlemen. *pants down, ready to be spanked* YOU WISH! *pull the pants back up*
Anyhoo... what happen was, I've been going out the whole week every night and working for supporter drive almost everyday. Good news is supporter drive has already finished with very good number of people who pledged their support, here FBi thanks you, merci merci. And don't forget to come and claim your reward, a free 'Love Pashin" party for all FBi member in Mandarin Club this Friday.
My night time activities have been very colorful, thanks to Hanna, Lena, Rob, Shane, Chrissie and all the other crazy midnight cowboys and cowgals... These monsters drained all my energy away and let me rest right before my last breath (which's about 6am everyday), then drain my energy again the next day afternoon. OK, well I have to admit that I had great fun with these people, amazing memories I have thanks to them. :)
Besides drinking with them, I also managed to see some great movies, so I'd like to spend some time here, talk about it. please bare with me. (and stay with me...)
Downfall by Oliver Hirschbiegel (viewed last Friday night.)
One thing I really like about this movie is to see this war under the introspective leader point of view, but it's weird to see the soft side of Hilter. This movie gives me an impression that they want to reveal the virtue of Hilter, the humanity to his own people. I don't totally doubt about it, what surprises me is how people (even kids) can sacrificed their lives for a downfall leader. Not even mention the genocidal madness they have to show respect Hilter, now that's shocking!
I can't give it a full score. In the aspect of filming production, it did an excellent job in portraying the war event, but I think Hilter isn't really well-depicted in the movie. Look, he deserves to die by killing so many people, this movie, in certain level, seems to provoke the sympathy from the audience, and I can tell not many of them will be convinced. [4.5 out of 5]

Jabe Babe: A Heighten Life by Janet Merewether (viewed last sat night)
This is an Australian documentary that is going to be shown in Sydney Film Festival at State Theatre on June 20. It is about a life of 31 year old Jabe Babe. Jabe Babe works as a dominatrix and has a life threatening genetic condition called Marfan Syndrome (connective tissue disorder). Jabe works and lives on the margins, defying society's expectations of the 'normal' feminine body and sexuality.
The film experiments in interweaving fiction and non-fiction forms, which create a very interesting effect in the whole film. Jabe became both an interviewee and a performer, and she did a very well in performing, but what I like about her is how she be so bold to tell us her life. And I also very much love the message that I got from this film that many people are more unfortunate than us, but they can also be happier than us. That's why I always like people have gratitude and of course I very much enjoy my life in whatever situation. :) [5 out of 5] touchdown!
Coach Carter by Thomas Carter (viewed tonite)
I believe this is the best MTV movie I have ever seen so far, though there are so many familiar cheesy moves in it that you would probably laugh at it. There are some points behind the story that is very inspiring. I really love the following ideas that the movie brings in: the real sportmanship, the problematic education system and the African-American issue.
This is not just for sport player, I think everyone should learn to see beyond winning and losing; everyone should learn to respect themselves and others; and everyone should just forget about the fucking race issue, whether you are in the high power position (stop discriminating!!) or low power position (get over your ancestor past or you can never rest in peace!!). I really really like this movie, and I'm not annoyed by the cheesy action. [5 out of 5] touchdown!
OK OK! No more movie by now, but I'm gonna see Edukators tomorrow or soon, and sure I'll have a lot to say about this great film, as I've heard many good reputation of it!!!
I have some more to write, keep reading if you like.
Recently, Ben gave me this personality test call 'Enneagram', I know some of you have heard of it. It divides people to 9 different catergories, I think it is the best test I have ever done so far.
Talk about personality test, I'm not a very big fan of it, some of you may have experienced how I whine about those stupid test. They are never accurate, since people like to choose the answer of who they wannabe rather than who they are. This bullshit is just some sorta fantasy of one's ideal self. Moreover, if you didn't know about who you are during all these years of living, that's sad.
But what special about this test is, it explores your unconscious features and behaviours by logically predicting your personal traits in this typology, and it has a personal growth section which is reall valuable to improve yourself.
I turned out as a mix of enthusiast and investigator, both of these characters have problem in expressing feelings, can you believe it? Funny how everyone says I'm god damn extroverted, but I can tell you... I do have problem of it. :) Haha... I've never admited it until now, and no one realises it! suckers! (fuck, I'm pathetic...)
In fact, it is a chain of reaction that creates this magnificent hallucination!!!
P.S. Kid Confucius' live was soooo good. Looking forward to Little Barrie now. *grins*
P.P.S. Hell~ I need it. Let's do Chakra and Mudra!!!
[[audio: Anthony And The Johnsons - Hope there's Someone]]
If this is others' blog, you wouldn't give a shit, but what's going on with that Fayske Asian byotch who used to blog shit every single day? Get your arse here and blog! So... here I am again, to report my daily report to you ladies and gentlemen. *pants down, ready to be spanked* YOU WISH! *pull the pants back up*
Anyhoo... what happen was, I've been going out the whole week every night and working for supporter drive almost everyday. Good news is supporter drive has already finished with very good number of people who pledged their support, here FBi thanks you, merci merci. And don't forget to come and claim your reward, a free 'Love Pashin" party for all FBi member in Mandarin Club this Friday.
My night time activities have been very colorful, thanks to Hanna, Lena, Rob, Shane, Chrissie and all the other crazy midnight cowboys and cowgals... These monsters drained all my energy away and let me rest right before my last breath (which's about 6am everyday), then drain my energy again the next day afternoon. OK, well I have to admit that I had great fun with these people, amazing memories I have thanks to them. :)
Besides drinking with them, I also managed to see some great movies, so I'd like to spend some time here, talk about it. please bare with me. (and stay with me...)

One thing I really like about this movie is to see this war under the introspective leader point of view, but it's weird to see the soft side of Hilter. This movie gives me an impression that they want to reveal the virtue of Hilter, the humanity to his own people. I don't totally doubt about it, what surprises me is how people (even kids) can sacrificed their lives for a downfall leader. Not even mention the genocidal madness they have to show respect Hilter, now that's shocking!
I can't give it a full score. In the aspect of filming production, it did an excellent job in portraying the war event, but I think Hilter isn't really well-depicted in the movie. Look, he deserves to die by killing so many people, this movie, in certain level, seems to provoke the sympathy from the audience, and I can tell not many of them will be convinced. [4.5 out of 5]

Jabe Babe: A Heighten Life by Janet Merewether (viewed last sat night)
This is an Australian documentary that is going to be shown in Sydney Film Festival at State Theatre on June 20. It is about a life of 31 year old Jabe Babe. Jabe Babe works as a dominatrix and has a life threatening genetic condition called Marfan Syndrome (connective tissue disorder). Jabe works and lives on the margins, defying society's expectations of the 'normal' feminine body and sexuality.
The film experiments in interweaving fiction and non-fiction forms, which create a very interesting effect in the whole film. Jabe became both an interviewee and a performer, and she did a very well in performing, but what I like about her is how she be so bold to tell us her life. And I also very much love the message that I got from this film that many people are more unfortunate than us, but they can also be happier than us. That's why I always like people have gratitude and of course I very much enjoy my life in whatever situation. :) [5 out of 5] touchdown!

I believe this is the best MTV movie I have ever seen so far, though there are so many familiar cheesy moves in it that you would probably laugh at it. There are some points behind the story that is very inspiring. I really love the following ideas that the movie brings in: the real sportmanship, the problematic education system and the African-American issue.
This is not just for sport player, I think everyone should learn to see beyond winning and losing; everyone should learn to respect themselves and others; and everyone should just forget about the fucking race issue, whether you are in the high power position (stop discriminating!!) or low power position (get over your ancestor past or you can never rest in peace!!). I really really like this movie, and I'm not annoyed by the cheesy action. [5 out of 5] touchdown!
OK OK! No more movie by now, but I'm gonna see Edukators tomorrow or soon, and sure I'll have a lot to say about this great film, as I've heard many good reputation of it!!!
I have some more to write, keep reading if you like.
Recently, Ben gave me this personality test call 'Enneagram', I know some of you have heard of it. It divides people to 9 different catergories, I think it is the best test I have ever done so far.
Talk about personality test, I'm not a very big fan of it, some of you may have experienced how I whine about those stupid test. They are never accurate, since people like to choose the answer of who they wannabe rather than who they are. This bullshit is just some sorta fantasy of one's ideal self. Moreover, if you didn't know about who you are during all these years of living, that's sad.
But what special about this test is, it explores your unconscious features and behaviours by logically predicting your personal traits in this typology, and it has a personal growth section which is reall valuable to improve yourself.
I turned out as a mix of enthusiast and investigator, both of these characters have problem in expressing feelings, can you believe it? Funny how everyone says I'm god damn extroverted, but I can tell you... I do have problem of it. :) Haha... I've never admited it until now, and no one realises it! suckers! (fuck, I'm pathetic...)
In fact, it is a chain of reaction that creates this magnificent hallucination!!!
P.S. Kid Confucius' live was soooo good. Looking forward to Little Barrie now. *grins*
P.P.S. Hell~ I need it. Let's do Chakra and Mudra!!!
[[audio: Anthony And The Johnsons - Hope there's Someone]]