Wednesday, June 01, 2005
The Craic Was Nineties
Besides Shapelle Corby found guilty, Liverpool beat AC Milan, and Gianna got evicted, there's so much more things happened in my life. Two big news: Paul and Aoife's leaving... and FBi Supporter Drive. Thank god I cleared 95% of my flu before all these happen. *phew*
Last Sunday we had a farewell drink with Paul G and Aoife, it was a very good time whereas emotional. We all tried to convince ourselves that alcohol can wipe away the sadness, but underneath we were all grieving...
Hanna made them a wishbox out of a cigarette pack, and asked Paul to whisper the wish in it, then she sealed the box with the heat. It's a German thing, I think it is very cute!
I burnt them a CD, with all my recently favourite hits! They saw Kaiser Chiefs in it, both of them were screaming loud for the joy and bouncing around for the excitement. I'm happy that they love it. :) Kaiser Chiefs rules!
I was very touch when they told me what they think about me. To be honest, there are only few people, who had honestly tell me how I make them feel and how I change them. These people's comments made me believe that it is literally deliberated before it came out from their mouth.
Not saying that other friends of mine ain't being honest or did not think through, but they just either don't tend to tell me that much or tend to flatter a bit (try to be nice I believe). I think it's really amazing to have a person who really THOUGHT about how one's friends make a different in one's life and liberally TELL them without any embellishment. Yes, we exchanged quite a lot of thoughts that nite.
Really appreciate that. Best wishes to them in Ireland. :)
Oh, and I have uploaded the pictures already.
On the other hand, FBi supporter drive has already began. Although I have extra work on the top of my arse, it's been all good and very very exciting. One phone rings, everyone cheers! The spirit of FBi LOVE is not only energetic, but also warm and fuzzy.
It's freakin' scary what FBI peeps will do to show their love for 94.5. This morning 10 weird-arsed listeners pledged their love of the station and became FBI supporters - so that they could make the mighty Dan Ilic strip down to his light-grey Bonds undies and run around the block.
As you'll see.. it was a chilly morning! Good job Illic!!!

Click here for young adult ultra soft porn video.
Actually, I had a call today, a guy said he heard that Dan was doing this crazy thing, and he asked me to do it. I was like "well, if you grab 20 people to sign up as a passionate supporter before the Arvos show end, I'll do it" How sad that he have failed me. :p
By the way, last night Lena, James and I went to Hanna bar work for a drink after FBi, that was a bar where all the dude will come up to you and talk to you like you are their new neighbour or something. It was very funny, and they even asked us to play the trivia with them. So we stayed for it, our team "Vaymes" (pronounce as "famous") won the second place with a voucher prize that's good enough to buy myself a dinner! Me and James also won 2 free jugs of beer by touching our own arse! hee hee... fun but drunk.
bloody crazy.
P.S. I got heaps shocking feedbacks from the previous post, please note that it was a joke you all idiot.
ha ha!!
[[audio: Bright Eyes - Let's Not Shit Ourselves (To Love And To Be Loved)]]
Besides Shapelle Corby found guilty, Liverpool beat AC Milan, and Gianna got evicted, there's so much more things happened in my life. Two big news: Paul and Aoife's leaving... and FBi Supporter Drive. Thank god I cleared 95% of my flu before all these happen. *phew*
Last Sunday we had a farewell drink with Paul G and Aoife, it was a very good time whereas emotional. We all tried to convince ourselves that alcohol can wipe away the sadness, but underneath we were all grieving...
Hanna made them a wishbox out of a cigarette pack, and asked Paul to whisper the wish in it, then she sealed the box with the heat. It's a German thing, I think it is very cute!
I burnt them a CD, with all my recently favourite hits! They saw Kaiser Chiefs in it, both of them were screaming loud for the joy and bouncing around for the excitement. I'm happy that they love it. :) Kaiser Chiefs rules!
I was very touch when they told me what they think about me. To be honest, there are only few people, who had honestly tell me how I make them feel and how I change them. These people's comments made me believe that it is literally deliberated before it came out from their mouth.
Not saying that other friends of mine ain't being honest or did not think through, but they just either don't tend to tell me that much or tend to flatter a bit (try to be nice I believe). I think it's really amazing to have a person who really THOUGHT about how one's friends make a different in one's life and liberally TELL them without any embellishment. Yes, we exchanged quite a lot of thoughts that nite.
Really appreciate that. Best wishes to them in Ireland. :)
Oh, and I have uploaded the pictures already.
On the other hand, FBi supporter drive has already began. Although I have extra work on the top of my arse, it's been all good and very very exciting. One phone rings, everyone cheers! The spirit of FBi LOVE is not only energetic, but also warm and fuzzy.
It's freakin' scary what FBI peeps will do to show their love for 94.5. This morning 10 weird-arsed listeners pledged their love of the station and became FBI supporters - so that they could make the mighty Dan Ilic strip down to his light-grey Bonds undies and run around the block.
As you'll see.. it was a chilly morning! Good job Illic!!!

Click here for young adult ultra soft porn video.
Actually, I had a call today, a guy said he heard that Dan was doing this crazy thing, and he asked me to do it. I was like "well, if you grab 20 people to sign up as a passionate supporter before the Arvos show end, I'll do it" How sad that he have failed me. :p
By the way, last night Lena, James and I went to Hanna bar work for a drink after FBi, that was a bar where all the dude will come up to you and talk to you like you are their new neighbour or something. It was very funny, and they even asked us to play the trivia with them. So we stayed for it, our team "Vaymes" (pronounce as "famous") won the second place with a voucher prize that's good enough to buy myself a dinner! Me and James also won 2 free jugs of beer by touching our own arse! hee hee... fun but drunk.
bloody crazy.
P.S. I got heaps shocking feedbacks from the previous post, please note that it was a joke you all idiot.
ha ha!!

[[audio: Bright Eyes - Let's Not Shit Ourselves (To Love And To Be Loved)]]