Tuesday, December 14, 2004
A Second of Thought Leads An Eternal Aspiration
Here is my thought after watching The Motorcycle Diaries.
Been living for twenty three years, but feel like just been in the world for a year. Lots of excitment, lots of disappointment, lots of things have left out and unseen. Sometimes just wonder how big we could be in this huge world, then how big we could be again in this gigantic galaxy, and even further, how insignificant we actually are if there are something else outside and the galaxy is just a tiny part of it.
People always want to make a difference to the world, You realised you are just not as mighty as Jesus Christ, not as smart as Albert Einstein, not as rich as Bill Gate... Then what can you really do? Wanna make a revolution? It always involves guns, war, innocent life, destruction. The worst? Inequality and discrimination are still existing, so what is the purpose of revolution? fighting for equality or fighting for power and authority?
Step back abit from the extreme, help the child in the third world by sending money and food there. Sitting at the couch, calling the world vision. How many can you help? Does it really help by taking them into the civilization? No matter how many children you sponsor, still there is a intangible boundary between you and them.
I began to hate being preached since I was teenager, family said I am ignorant and rebellious, just because I have my own opinion of the world. But why I have to be driven by patriarachism, it's just another version of Nazism. I want to get away this civilisation and back to the land again. I always enjoy feeling the earth on the ground, the sand on the shore, the water in the ocean, the moss on the rock, the skin of the tree and so on. I believe to change the world, firstly we have to change ourselves first. To change ourselves, we have to go out and experience the world all by ourselves.
My best friend Pauly and me are now thinking to pack our bags and travel around before settle down. This is a very spontaneous thought, but the will is unbelievably strong. If this is really gonna happen, it would definitely make a difference to each of our life. We both are dying to go to Peru, so South America may be the land of consideration; Next choice would be Europe since I always want to go to Scotland and feel the Skye of Isle, which we are thinking to start the trip from Hong Kong, then China, follow the train and all the way to Europe.
Who want to join?
P.S. Wednesday night, I'll go and watch Exils in Chauvel Cinema.
[[audio: Jimmy Eat World - Night Drive]]

Been living for twenty three years, but feel like just been in the world for a year. Lots of excitment, lots of disappointment, lots of things have left out and unseen. Sometimes just wonder how big we could be in this huge world, then how big we could be again in this gigantic galaxy, and even further, how insignificant we actually are if there are something else outside and the galaxy is just a tiny part of it.
People always want to make a difference to the world, You realised you are just not as mighty as Jesus Christ, not as smart as Albert Einstein, not as rich as Bill Gate... Then what can you really do? Wanna make a revolution? It always involves guns, war, innocent life, destruction. The worst? Inequality and discrimination are still existing, so what is the purpose of revolution? fighting for equality or fighting for power and authority?
Step back abit from the extreme, help the child in the third world by sending money and food there. Sitting at the couch, calling the world vision. How many can you help? Does it really help by taking them into the civilization? No matter how many children you sponsor, still there is a intangible boundary between you and them.
I began to hate being preached since I was teenager, family said I am ignorant and rebellious, just because I have my own opinion of the world. But why I have to be driven by patriarachism, it's just another version of Nazism. I want to get away this civilisation and back to the land again. I always enjoy feeling the earth on the ground, the sand on the shore, the water in the ocean, the moss on the rock, the skin of the tree and so on. I believe to change the world, firstly we have to change ourselves first. To change ourselves, we have to go out and experience the world all by ourselves.
My best friend Pauly and me are now thinking to pack our bags and travel around before settle down. This is a very spontaneous thought, but the will is unbelievably strong. If this is really gonna happen, it would definitely make a difference to each of our life. We both are dying to go to Peru, so South America may be the land of consideration; Next choice would be Europe since I always want to go to Scotland and feel the Skye of Isle, which we are thinking to start the trip from Hong Kong, then China, follow the train and all the way to Europe.
Who want to join?
P.S. Wednesday night, I'll go and watch Exils in Chauvel Cinema.
[[audio: Jimmy Eat World - Night Drive]]