Wednesday, December 22, 2004
No Matter How High It Goes, All Leaves Always Fall Back Down To The Root
Living my life with no Jimmy's Future is quite unbearable, so I use other great bands to calm me down. You probably have heard about ACDC, but do you know about DCFC? Death Cab For Cutie, I discovered this band couple years ago in the Internet and just love it, heard FBi played that several times on air was joyful. This week I put their album back on my CD player, Transatlanticism is one of their amazing CDs, ya know... it's like something you don't have to skip any track, just lay back, let the music play itself, and relax your heart. Actually, all their CDs totally show you how good music could push their limit beyond the term 'excellent'.
To whose have heard about DCFC and require something fresh, go for their inheritor The Postal Service! (We don't even have their album in FBi yet...) Their 2003 album Give Up is one of my precious treasure at home, in other word, if my home caught a fire, this CD would be in the first round of my packing. It's very similar to DCFC indeed, they are both electronic indie band, but I think The Postal Service is more upbeating. You have probably heard of a band called Iron and Wine, they sing Such Great Height in Garden State, the fact: this is a cover song of The Postal Service.
So who will be next heir of this electronic indie family tree? As I know, there are two bands who are qualified to put on the title of DCFC III, namely Immoor and The Most Serene Republic. Both bands are very new to me during to the scarcity of information, but with a few sample tracks from them and my own research, I'm 90% sure they are part of the family.
Besides The Postal Service, Immoor is a band with influences from Boards Of Canada and The Go Find. They have just released their debut EP The Concrete Boots. It has opened for or appreciates bands like the killers, boards of canada, or dj shadow. Whereas The Most Serene Republic is a gorgeous band which blend of DCFC, Flaming Lips and Broken Social Scene, abit more poppy but would not disappoint you for the bouncing beats. As I know, they also released a LP not long ago - Underwater Cinematographer, unfortunately... I don't have one. *Putting it in my xmas wishing list*
P.S. Chris Coco, it's not funny, do not scare me anymore, I started seeing illusions already...
P.S.S. Have you ever did something very pointless, which make you hate yourself as an idiot? I did one today.
[[audio: The Most Serene Republic - When Cedar Nouns and Abverbs Walk]]
Living my life with no Jimmy's Future is quite unbearable, so I use other great bands to calm me down. You probably have heard about ACDC, but do you know about DCFC? Death Cab For Cutie, I discovered this band couple years ago in the Internet and just love it, heard FBi played that several times on air was joyful. This week I put their album back on my CD player, Transatlanticism is one of their amazing CDs, ya know... it's like something you don't have to skip any track, just lay back, let the music play itself, and relax your heart. Actually, all their CDs totally show you how good music could push their limit beyond the term 'excellent'.

To whose have heard about DCFC and require something fresh, go for their inheritor The Postal Service! (We don't even have their album in FBi yet...) Their 2003 album Give Up is one of my precious treasure at home, in other word, if my home caught a fire, this CD would be in the first round of my packing. It's very similar to DCFC indeed, they are both electronic indie band, but I think The Postal Service is more upbeating. You have probably heard of a band called Iron and Wine, they sing Such Great Height in Garden State, the fact: this is a cover song of The Postal Service.

So who will be next heir of this electronic indie family tree? As I know, there are two bands who are qualified to put on the title of DCFC III, namely Immoor and The Most Serene Republic. Both bands are very new to me during to the scarcity of information, but with a few sample tracks from them and my own research, I'm 90% sure they are part of the family.
Besides The Postal Service, Immoor is a band with influences from Boards Of Canada and The Go Find. They have just released their debut EP The Concrete Boots. It has opened for or appreciates bands like the killers, boards of canada, or dj shadow. Whereas The Most Serene Republic is a gorgeous band which blend of DCFC, Flaming Lips and Broken Social Scene, abit more poppy but would not disappoint you for the bouncing beats. As I know, they also released a LP not long ago - Underwater Cinematographer, unfortunately... I don't have one. *Putting it in my xmas wishing list*

P.S. Chris Coco, it's not funny, do not scare me anymore, I started seeing illusions already...
P.S.S. Have you ever did something very pointless, which make you hate yourself as an idiot? I did one today.
[[audio: The Most Serene Republic - When Cedar Nouns and Abverbs Walk]]