Tea? Coffee? or Peach Schnapps?
A big farewell hug to Corynne, this is the most lovely girl I have ever seen. The farewell in Lowenbrau was fantastic, and so glad to see you once more before you go. Enjoy your time in Europe, Me and Shai miss you tons.
Thanks Rowntree for letting Me and Shai to crash in your place, it was way too cold to back home, and we would probably became popsicle without you. Waxed 3 - The Funk Train was such a wicked party, well done! Cheers mann, looking forward to seeing you play in my party. :)
Shalailah my retro dear, I had the greatest time last nite, you are incredible. Thanks for keeping me warm and your party tricks, I had heaps fun hanging out with you! I really appreciated having you as my friend, it's nice to have a similar Leo with me. Remember to call me when your mom making butter chicken... yummm... love you Shai!
I been worrying a lot of things recently, I know dreams and realities are really hard to compromise but at least I tried and still trying. I hate being stuck in a situation, I will find many ways to pull myself out. I don't wanna be a slave of the society, I just wanna be an actual human, me and myself. Life is to find your way out from one labyrinth to other.
Shit!! How could I be so dumb??? I just realised the person who spoke behind me is that person! and that night this person was actually implying... *scream!!!!* |  |
[[audio: L'arc~en~ciel - Heaven's Drive]]