
Saturday, July 03, 2004

Break dancing in the Laundry

Zup cyberists, Ya know what funny is that you can never have a break in your break? coz you have so many things to do in your break that you couldn't do when you're not in the break? and there're so many party that you cant escape in your break because it's a break and if you end up not going people will break your neck? jeez... It indeed happens every single break I have in my life, somehow i enjoy that, so don't conceive this as a negative message.

Thursday nite I stayed up til 3 in the morning just for the wimbledon Williams vs Mauresmo, it was the best match i have ever seen for this year women championship. Shame on me that didn't stay up til the end of the game, and i was late to work this morning as well...

(FRIDAY)Big news from FBi, today is Dan Conway's last day in Fbi; we also have a new manager Clare; Jacinta will leave soon as well, Dan Buhagiar will go to Spain soon; Dan illic will go to Greece soon... A lot of big changes here, and so am I. I just applied to get involved as an "All Nighter" presenter, I know there's man people trying to get in, Karol also applied it, hopefully we can get in, that will be a big step for us.

I worked in FBi til 5pm, and Conway grabbed me and other staff to Alexandria hotel for his farewell party. They got a gigantic TV screen in the backyard, and playing the Wimbledon game that I watched last nite, so I could catch up the last bit of the match! YEAH! OK, why is this such a great match? Coz Mauresmo rocks and she totally get on Williams! Apparently Williams smack the racket on the ground and broke it, you can tell how piss off she was! Plus the whole game was so fast and intense, it was so amazing! Well, Williams still won at last, but it was so close that Mauresmo almost win. After that, they put on Euro 2004! I so wanna watch but Conway went "stop watching the f**king telly Fay, you are here for my farewell!!" LOL... so I back to the party.

Party wasnt super big, it's all big staff in the station. There, I met Conway's friend - Linda and Rico. We were talking about lots of radio stuff, travelling experiences and personal stuff. Conway was trashed, and we saw his drag queen picture in his drama production, which was damn hilarious (and he has no idea I got that picture).

We drank up til 10pm, Rico drove me to Nick's house party that I promised to go. Party was great, but we just went to say hi to Nick then leave after 10 minutes. Well, it is because we need to head up for the third party, which was the FBi live in Chinese Laundry. The live was soooo wicked, funky breaks and deep house. we danced til 1am, then back home, it was good fun.

3 parties in one day aint easy. Conway the man, we all gonna miss you, rock on.

[[audio: Jet - Look what have you done]]

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